Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3)

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Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3) Page 4

by M. Katherine Clark

  “Where will you go?” Labhaoise asked.

  “North, I think,” Tristan said. “There is a clan I have heard of that looks well upon wolf men. We will start there and slowly rebuild our pack.”

  “You cannae!” All eyes turned to Eithne. She was staring at him with wide and glazed eyes.

  “Pardon?” Tristan asked. She shook her head as if clearing her vision.

  “What I mean is… that is,” she started, her eyes drifting to Weylyn. “Ehm…”

  “Speak your mind, child,” Geileis encouraged her. When Tristan looked at Geileis she continued. “She has the gift of second sight. We always encourage her to speak openly about her visions.” Tristan nodded once and looked expectantly at Eithne.

  Eithne looked from one to the other then back to Geileis. “I am sorry,” she said. “I spoke out of turn.”

  “Nay,” Tristan replied with a kind smile. “Say what is on your mind, lass. You are among friends.”

  Her gaze traveled to Tristan, then to Weylyn as she began again. “I merely thought with Marrock’s pack still guarding the edge of the field, you will be badly hurt.”

  “Then we fight,” Aedan replied.

  “Isla,” Tristan turned to her. “Can you tell us what is beyond this field? Where exactly are we?”

  “You are on the eastern most border of Dervorgilla land. Our land,” Isla clarified looking at her sisters. “We are the Druids of Dervorgilla. You are between Ben Nevis and only a league from the southernmost tip of the great Loch the humans have named Ness.”

  “Aye, then we are about five leagues from the edge of your father’s land,” Weylyn explained to Tristan. “But we are locked. The wolves have surrounded the field. If we try for the mountain…”

  “There are human villages between us,” Labhaoise replied. “The wolves would destroy them.”

  “Somehow, we need to leave here without letting the wolves destroy innocent people all while trying no’ to be harmed,” Tristan said his eyes going to his daughter.

  Eithne could not breathe, her vision stifling her. Without another word, she headed outside.


  ““What are you no’ telling us?” She heard Weylyn’s voice behind her. The sky was lightening as predawn rays streaked across the land but she kept her eyes forward. “Why do you no’ want us to leave?”

  “I should never have said anything,” she said. “It was nae my place.”

  “Eithne,” he whispered, causing a shiver to race up her spine. He was so close, all she would have to do is step back and she would be flush against his chest. “Say what is on your mind, lass.”

  “I cannae,” she breathed.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because you are no’ unattached,” she said.

  “And if I was?” he asked. She turned around and looked up at him.

  “If you were what?” she asked. “Unattached? If you were nae Aedan’s father? If you had nae had your mate? What? What are you asking me?”

  “I am asking you to speak what is on your mind,” Weylyn said.

  “Is that all?” she asked.

  “Aye, ‘tis,” he replied.

  “Then what is on my mind is if you travel north, I will never see you again and that thought hurts my heart more than you could possibly ken,” she said. “If you journey north we will never be as close as my heart and mind are telling me we should be. If you journey north then… oh gods, you will be hurt and I donnae believe I could handle that.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Oh gods, do I need to say it?”

  “Aye,” Weylyn said.

  “You will laugh at me,” she said turning away from him again.

  “Nay, I could nae,” Weylyn answered stepping closing to her.

  “My heart is singing to you,” she finally whispered.

  He did not answer but she felt his hands come up to her shoulders.

  “Is that what it is called when I cannae stop thinking about you? When all I want to do is hold you close to me? Is that what you call the feeling of fluttering in my chest when I felt your kiss last night?” He asked. Turning to him, she looked up at him, her eyes wide. “Aye, I was awake and since then I have been warring with myself wanting to show you what a true kiss is like.”

  She licked her lips and her breathing was shallow.

  “You have?” she asked.

  “Aye, I have,” he answered. “But you are right. I have had my mate. Aedan’s mother was mine. But she is dead and gone now. I cannae move on. And you are young, beautiful and have so much love to give, what kind of monster would I be if I denied you the love of your mate… someone I am no’ and cannae be?”

  “I am no’ asking to be anyone’s mate,” she stated. “Merely to understand these feelings inside me.”

  “Aye, I understand that predicament,” he said. “But I cannae give you what you want.”

  “Then why follow me outside?” she asked.

  “I donnae ken,” he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “All I ken is my soul cried to be with you.”

  “As mine does with you,” she said.

  “I will always be here for you,” he replied. “But I cannae give you what you desire. I will help you find the male you are meant to be with.”

  “And if he was already taken?” she asked gazing up into his brown eyes.

  “He cannae be,” Weylyn replied. “There is only one mate for every being on this earth.”

  “That is what you believe,” she stated turning around again.

  “You donnae?” he asked surprised.

  “Druids feel there is a person out there for everyone, aye, but sometimes they have to share that one with someone else. Some look at it as their mate, the one they are to be with did nae follow the right path. I look at it like every step they have taken has brought them closer to the person they were supposed to be with.”

  “Such as?” He asked.

  “Some of our order would say somewhere in that person’s past they did nae follow the right steps to find their mate at the appropriate time,” she explained. “Then that person’s mate, someone they are given if they have missed their soulmate, appears and they can live the rest of their lives none the wiser. But if that mate passes our realm then they could find their original mate, their soulmate.” After a long pause, she continued, “I can tell you loved Aedan’s mother very much.”

  “I did… I still do,” he answered softly.

  “Of course,” she replied. “Forgive me for my outburst earlier. I should never have said anything.”

  “Nay, I understand why you did,” he answered, his eyes lowered on her mouth and his brows furrowed.

  “Do you?” she breathed.

  He nodded slowly and when he raised his eyes to hers, his burning gaze looked into her soul. Without words, he slowly leaned down to her. She tilted her head up to him feeling his breath on her lips. Closing her eyes, Weylyn’s hand cupped her face. Her stomach was in knots and her cheeks burned as his breath grew closer to her lips. She felt his hair fall into his face tickling her cheeks. He was so close but he had not kissed her yet. She opened her eyes and gazed into his. He was hesitant. She tilted her head up even more telling him it would be all right.

  “I do,” he replied. She did not remember why he had said that, all she wanted was to feel his lips on hers. “But I cannae do this. I am sorry.”

  Without another word, Weylyn dropped his hand, turned and walked back into the cave. Eithne sucked in a breath and cried out at the pain assaulting her chest. He did not want her. She was alone. Her eyes misted and she wrapped her arms around herself, crouching down so if she fainted she would not fall far.

  “Eithne?” Isla spoke from the doorway. “Are you well?”

  Trying to clear the mist before her eyes, Eithne took several deep measured breaths and shook her head. Isla took a step closer to her and knelt before her.

  “What is wrong, my dear?” she asked. Shaking her head, she did not answer. �
��Talk to me, love.” Again, she did not answer. “What did he do to you?” Anger began to rise in her voice, but Eithne could not speak, the murky blackness was increasing and her head felt light. “Aedan!” Isla yelled and that was the last thing Eithne heard.


  Aedan raced out of the cave to see his wife holding Eithne’s still form. “What in the name of the gods happened?”

  “Where is your father?” Isla’s tone was dangerous. She was angry.

  “Inside with Tristan,” he said.

  “Carry her inside, please,” she asked. Aedan nodded but did not like the fire lighting his wife’s eyes. Lifting Eithne in his arms, he walked behind his wife and watched in surprise when she stormed over to his father.

  Weylyn turned to look at her, his eyes shot up to Eithne in Aedan’s arms and he took a step toward her. Before he could walk over to her, Isla stopped him with a firm hand on his chest.

  “How dare you hurt her like that,” Isla’s tone was low and cold. “She is in love with you. You caused this,” she pointed to Eithne, still unconscious. “How can the man I have grown to care for as my husband’s father, the man I saw weep over his mate’s body, and the man who is so gentle and loving with his Alpha’s child, be so unfeeling and uncaring when it comes to a young woman who cares for him so very deeply?” Tears streamed down her cheeks as Aedan walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “She loves him, Aedan and he shattered her.”

  “He has had his mate, love,” Aedan said. “He does nae want to give the lass false hope.”

  “I speak for myself, Aedan,” Weylyn, recovered from her reproach, stepped forward. “Isla, if I have injured Eithne I am truly sorry. It was never my intention to hurt the lass. She is kind and beautiful but she is also young. Aedan is right, I have had my mate and if you kenned me as well as you claim, you would then see that I, as a wolf, could never have another. I will nae be as Marrock and take an innocent from the opportunities before her. Eithne will find her mate, but it is nae me. It cannae be me.”

  “Then why did you go after her? Why did you give her false hope?” Isla demanded, though now tears raced down her cheeks.

  Sighing, Weylyn thrust a hand through his hair. “I ken no’,” he said. “I thought… It was selfish. I feel something for her, Isla. But I cannae give either of us hope. I would nae do that to her.”

  “But you will be alone,” she hiccupped.

  “Better that, than condemn her to a life without her mate,” he answered. Isla let out a cry and rushed to him. Throwing her arms around him, she buried her head into his chest and cried.

  “I am sorry,” she said. “I care for you both. I want you to be happy.”

  “I am, lass,” he answered. “But I could never hurt her.”

  Isla pulled back and look up at him. “You care for her.”

  “Aye, greatly,” he replied. “It was her voice that pulled me through the transition. I lived because I wanted to see who it was I fell in love with.”

  “Give her a chance,” Isla begged.

  “I cannae. I am wolf kind,” he answered.

  “Weylyn?” Eithne’s voice broke the conversation. They turned to her as she slowly stood. Looking around the room she raised her head and spoke again. “May we have a moment?”

  Aedan ushered everyone out of the room and to the back near the portal. When they were alone, Weylyn spoke low.

  “How much of the conversation did you hear?” he asked.

  “Enough of it,” she answered.

  “I am sorry, lass,” he huffed. “I cannae give you what you want.”

  “I want nothing more than to be by your side. No’ as a mate, but as your helpmate. Someone who will take care of you. I ken you have had your mate and I ken you want nae other. But forever is an awfully long time to be alone. Aedan has Isla, Tristan has Alexina, you have nae one. I want to be that someone for you. No’ for you to take me as your wife but as someone you can come to when you need to talk or someone you can sit with, laugh with, and cry with. That is all.”

  “Eithne,” he breathed. “I never desired to hurt you.”

  “I ken that,” she answered.

  “I donnae want you to regret your decision,” he said.

  “I never will,” she swore.

  “And if you find the one you are to be with, you go, nae regrets and nae thought of me,” he replied. When she hesitated, he continued. “Swear it to me, lass or I will nae agree.”

  Swallowing, she nodded. “I swear so long as you donnae push me away or force me to feel something for someone that I donnae care for, even if you think it best for me.”

  “Aye, I will ne’er force you to care for someone.”

  “Good, then I promise if I find someone I want to call mate, he will be the first in my mind.”

  “Then,” he paused. “I can agree.”



  Later that day, Tristan called meeting to discuss their options. Pressing Isla for any information about why Alexina and Giorsal would not be able to journey through the portal, Tristan’s frustration spilled over. Alexina laid a hand on her husband’s shoulder attempting to calm him and Giorsal squirmed in her mother’s arms as if sensing her father’s irritation.

  “If we fight,” Weylyn began and turned to look at Eithne. “What will happen?”

  “You cannae die,” she explained. “You can be hurt,” she went on when Aedan’s eyes sparkled with the idea. “You will heal but any scar you would have would remain.” She locked eyes with Weylyn.

  “Show them, love,” Labhaoise said.

  Eithne swallowed and slowly slipped her dress off one shoulder and revealed a large scar that ran from the back of her shoulder up around and to the front. Weylyn stood and stepped forward protectively, reaching for her.

  “Who did this to you?” He demanded when she stepped into his embrace.

  Her eyes drifted to Tristan.

  “Marrock,” she answered quickly pulling her dress sleeve back up.

  “When?” Weylyn demanded.

  “It does nae matter,” she said.

  “It matters,” he nearly yelled.

  “Weylyn, please,” Alexina said. “Go on, Eithne.”

  “All that matters is if you are injured you will be scarred,” she said.

  Weylyn straightened and in one swift movement pulled his tunic off to reveal his back. When there was no reaction, he looked over his shoulder at them.

  “What are we supposed to see?” Geileis asked.

  “My back,” Weylyn said.

  “Da’ your scars are no’ there anymore,” Aedan replied stunned.

  “What?” Weylyn asked.

  “When you go through the transition all scars and injuries are healed,” Isla explained.

  “I am no’ scarred?”

  “Nay,” Isla replied. “But if you scar after the transition it will be permanent. Only the highest priest could heal scars after the transition.”

  Weylyn shook his head. “I have lived with those scars every day. I left Marrock’s guard because they had no’ healed correctly.”

  “What happened?” Eithne asked.

  “Marrock’s punishment because of my love of a human.”

  “When?” Eithne asked.

  “You first,” he said pulling the tunic over his head.

  “It was over seventy years ago,” she replied. “Our father Gabhran, Isla, and I went to Marrock’s land with the sole purpose of scouting his fortress. We did nae ken he would be outside the walls. Father fought with him after I was injured.”

  “I remember that night,” Weylyn said, then his eyes widened. “You were there? On the outskirts?”

  “Aye, we were,” Isla answered.

  “I was on patrol that night,” Weylyn did not stop looking at Eithne. “Marrock denied my offer to join him. I would have seen you.”

  “We should have met?” she questioned.

  He slowly nodded as realization came over him. They would have me
t that night but something happened and they missed their encounter. It was twenty years later he met Brietta.

  “As interesting as it is watching you two realize you care for each other and are meant to be,” Aedan said. “Can we move on from here? Kiss her already, da’, and after that we can figure out what we are going to do about the thirty wolves currently preventing us from leaving this field.”

  Weylyn cleared his throat uncomfortable by the turn of the conversation. Eithne looked down, a blush staining her cheeks. Stepping back, they parted and Weylyn sat down beside his son as Eithne went to the fireplace.

  “’Tis a pity we cannae burn the whole field,” Alexina said.

  All eyes turned to her as she held Giorsal in her arms allowing the baby to play with her hair. It was a moment before anyone spoke and Alexina looked up at them.

  “What?” She asked.

  “Burn it,” Weylyn breathed. Tristan turned to him.

  “Do you think it would work?” Tristan asked.

  “You remember how we lost the battle of Sterling Fields?” Weylyn said.

  “That was over three hundred years ago,” Tristan replied.

  “Were you no’ paying attention during my history lessons?” Weylyn asked exasperated.

  “I was twenty-three,” Tristan said.

  “That is nae excuse,” Weylyn scoffed. “Besides just because you were a lad, nae older than the human age of ten does nae mean I was lax in your training. You were the alpha’s son.”

  “Aye, I ken, Weylyn and ye were never lax in my training, but I had just lost my mother…” Tristan let the sentence die and everyone was quiet for a long time allowing Tristan to work through the pain evident in his eyes. He stood and walked away from everyone. Alexina attempted to follow him, but Weylyn put up a hand, stopping her. He walked over to Tristan and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “I did nae bring it up to cause you pain, lad,” Weylyn stated.

  “I ken,” Tristan replied gruffly. “It was nae you. I was thinking of my mother and father. I hope they are well and together.”

  “Mabh loved him,” Weylyn comforted. “They are together.”

  “And will they forgive him?”

  “That is something only Marrock and those he wounded can decide.”


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