Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3)

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Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3) Page 5

by M. Katherine Clark

  “Do you forgive him?” Tristan turned to Weylyn and stared deeply into his dark eyes. Weylyn raised his chin and took a deep breath.

  “There is much between your father and I that I will have to work through. But if he were to ask, and he is genuine, then I would consider it,” Weylyn said.

  “Only consider it?”

  “Lad, if I were to ask you the same would you wish to tell me everything in your heart when it comes to your father?”

  Tristan looked down and shook his head. “Forgive me, I…”

  “Nae need for that,” Weylyn framed his face forcing him to look up at him and smiled.

  “May I ask,” Aedan stepped forward. “What is it you speak of?”

  “They say that when a wolf dies, he wakes in a room where all those he wronged enter one at a time and he must beg their forgiveness,” Weylyn said. “Once they have all forgiven him, he is welcome to join his ancestors.”

  “And if they donnae forgive?” Aedan asked.

  “Then the wolf is forced to remain in the room for eternity,” Weylyn said.

  “I doubt my father would gain forgiveness from everyone he harmed in his lifetime,” Tristan answered.

  “We donnae ken the gods will,” Weylyn said. “Let us think on happier things. If you had been listening during my teachings, you would ken we lost the battle of Stirling Fields because the shape shifting demo...” his eyes trailed to Isla and Eithne and cleared his throat. “Druids set a field of wolf’s bane alight. The smoke from the flames was poison. Several hundreds of wolves died that day,” Weylyn explained. Tristan went quiet and serious.

  “You are asking me to become my father,” Tristan said after a time.

  “Nay, I am saying being our Alpha, the choice is yours,” Weylyn answered.

  “What choice is that, Weylyn? Kill countless wolves, my kin, or sacrifice my family? That is nae a choice. My family is everything to me but I cannae kill or condone killing my own kind,” Tristan said.

  “I will do it,” Aedan offered. “I will set the field alight. That way you will nae have to live with the pain of murdering your own kind.”

  “You could handle it?” Tristan asked.

  “I mean nae disrespect, Alpha,” Aedan said. “But of the two of us, I have seen battle. I have killed men before.”

  “I appreciate your offer, Aedan,” Tristan began. “And you are right, I have nae seen battle. But this is a choice and an action I alone must do.”



  Tristan gazed across the fields and down at the decaying decapitated body of Maelogan at their feet. He never wanted to take life for granted like his father had done.

  For a moment, he remembered what his father was like when his mother was alive. Marrock was Alpha and he was still stern but with his Queen by his side, he was kinder, more understanding, and a great leader. He used to play with Tristan teaching him how to wrestle and hunt. Some of his fondest memories were with his father at gloaming when they would spar in the training arena. Marrock was a father then. But it was Tristan’s fault his mother was killed; his fault his father hated him.

  Marrock’s grief turned into anger and that anger drove him to war and death. It was only in that moment Tristan understood why Marrock had distanced himself from his son, not because he blamed him, but because he reminded him of his mate and the fact he could not save her. A wolf’s true nature was to protect his family and Marrock failed in the worst way.

  The mantle of Alpha was not something to covet, it was a heavy burden and without his mate by his side, Marrock had allowed that burden to overcome him.

  Feeling a familiar hand on his arm, Tristan turned back to see his wife looking up at him. He did not know how long he had been outside, or when she had followed him out, all he knew was that after the conversation they had, he needed to clear his head in order to make the tough decision.

  “What is it, my love?” she asked gazing into his eyes.

  “I needed a moment,” he replied. “There is much to think on.”

  “You have been out here for a long time. I wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest. He held her tightly.

  “I have missed your touch,” she sighed.

  “I have missed yours as well,” he answered. “The memory of it is what kept me alive during the worst of my torture.”

  “I love you, Tristan,” she said. His grip on her increased and he buried his face into her hair.

  “Oh, my love,” he sighed. “If I could open my heart for you to see inside, you would see your name branded over it for it is nae longer mine. My heart belongs to you.”

  After a moment, he finally spoke. “I was remembering my mother and her effect on my father,” Alexina looked up at him. “She was a beautiful woman, his Alpha Queen so his orders would nae affect her and she never had any qualms of telling him so. Father was a different male when she was alive. He loved her so very much and she helped him through every tough decision he ever had to make. I think he lost himself when she died. He did nae ken what to do. I did nae understand that until this moment. Tough decisions must be made and the toll it takes on the heart and mind is great. I wish I could tell my father I understand. I understand and I forgive him.”

  Alexina held him tighter. “He was going to kill you, Tristan,” she said. “He was going to take Isla. He was no’ a good man.”

  “That is what he became. He was good when Mother was alive,” he said. “She was so beautiful, kind, loving, and I thank the gods every day I have a mate just like her.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I wish you had been able to meet her. She would have loved you and wee Giorsal.” After a pause, he nodded. “This decision rests on my shoulders, my love but it is weighty to be sure and I donnae ken what to do.”

  Alexina looked up at him and intertwined her fingers with his.

  “You are no’ alone,” she said. “I am here to share your burdens, my love. Let me.”

  His eyes locked with hers and he dipped his head to kiss her with all the pent-up passion from the months without her. She threw her arms around his neck and let him pull her tighter to him. When she finally broke the kiss, she looked up into his glassy dark brown eyes, leaned in and whispered into his ear, “come to bed with me, husband.”


  Eithne found Weylyn near the fire in the back room holding Giorsal close to his chest. He spoke to the baby in a low voice.

  “I have missed you, my Princess,” Weylyn said kissing the baby’s forehead. Giorsal squealed and grabbed a fistful of his hair. He grinned. “Aye, aye you remember me, I ken. You like my hair.” He chuckled when she squealed and held on tighter. Rocking her back and forth, he continued. “I have you, wee one. Your mother and father needed to talk, but they will return,” Giorsal let out a sigh and her eyes closed halfway. “You should rest, Princess. Sleep. I am here. I have you, me wee lassie.” Yawning, she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

  “You are very good with her,” Eithne said, working around him to place a pot of water over the fire.

  “I have been her protector since before she was born,” he replied not looking away from the sleeping baby’s face.

  “You have a natural ability with children,” she smiled.

  “I am a teacher,” he shrugged and looked up. “I suppose I have always wanted some of my own. That is why Aedan is such a blessing.”

  “You did nae ken him as a bairn,” she replied.

  “Nay, but he will have pups of his own and that is something to look forward to,” he said. Eithne was quiet for a moment before she offered him some tea.

  Thanking her, Weylyn shifted the baby. Eithne smiled and set their drinks down. Offering to take Giorsal for a short time, she indicated the makeshift bed Alexina had created. Reluctantly, Weylyn handed the baby over and watched as Eithne took her gently in her arms. Giorsal did not wake but somet
hing about Eithne’s smile as she looked down at the baby caused Weylyn to stare at her. Shifting on the bench to have Eithne sit with him once she had settled Giorsal in the bed, he spoke.

  “You are very good with her as well,” he said. “Do you have any children of your own?”

  She shook her head. “Nay.”

  “Eithne,” he started. “Why did you stay with me?” When she looked up at him confused, he continued. “When I was in transition, why did you stay by my side? Aedan told me you would nae allow anyone to take over for you.”

  “I stayed because I wanted to,” she replied.

  “Thank you,” he said simply. “I thought you were a dream. When I first heard your voice, it was soothing.”

  “Weylyn,” she sighed. “I was selfish. I wanted to understand the feelings you evoked within me.”

  “Eithne,” Weylyn breathed. “I donnae think I can reject you any longer. No’ after what nearly happened to you with the wolf and learning we were meant to meet. I love Brietta. I feel like I am dishonoring her by what I am feeling for you. But I believe she would understand. I feel a strong pull to you, lass. I dream about you when I am awake. I dream about being able to frame your face,” his hands rose and he took her face in his palms. “I dream of lowering my lips to yours and of kissing you.”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, they became an action. Weylyn placed a gentle kiss on her lips. But when he tried to pull away after only a moment, Eithne gripped the back of his head and pulled him back, crashing their lips together in a heated kiss. His resolve broke and he tugged her closer to him. The innocence of her movements ignited a fire within him. The kiss deepened and Weylyn felt her confidence begin as she kissed him fully and held nothing back. She was clumsy in her movements as their teeth clashed together but gently he showed her what to do. She was his if he wanted her and he very nearly claimed her then and there. But respect for his dead mate and her innocence made him pull away.

  “Eithne,” he breathed.

  “Aye,” her voice was strained but heavy.

  Gently pushing a piece of stray hair behind her ear, he continued. “I cannae promise you any more than this right now. A wolf is in mourning until he dies but since I have died and live again, I ask that you give me some time to mourn my mate before I can fully claim you. But during this time, I will protect you and be there for you should you desire it.”

  “Aye, and I love you for it. Take whatever time you need. It is enough to ken you desire to have me at all.”

  “More than you ken lass, I promise that,” he said.

  “You need never fear to mourn your mate with me, Weylyn. She was a good woman, I can tell by the way you love her and what a strong man Aedan is. I feel privileged to ken you. Take the time you need.”

  “Being with you… I pray she is not betrayed due to the haste.”

  “She married another, da’,” Aedan’s voice came from the door. Weylyn’s and Eithne’s eyes snapped to him. “She would never want you to be alone.”

  “Aedan,” Weylyn breathed. “Listening to a private conversation is nae polite.”

  “’Tis when it concerns my family,” he answered. He stood at the door of the room, his arms crossed over his massive chest. “Mother loved Gowan. Truly loved him. I witnessed their love when I was lying there during the transition. She would want you to be happy. And if Eithne makes you happy then you would have her full blessing. You have no’ mated since you were reborn. Take the time you need to mourn her and get on with life. Forgive me, Eithne for interrupting and listening to such a personal conversation, but my father can be stubborn.” Weylyn opened his mouth to speak but Aedan went on with a sheepish grin. “If you are free at the moment, Tristan has made his decision and asks us to meet him outside.”



  “Are you sure about this?” Aedan asked looking at Tristan who held a torch in his hand. Tristan took a deep breath and looked back at his wife who nodded then to Weylyn who was standing at his right. Weylyn bowed his head to his Alpha.

  “As sure as I will ever be,” Tristan said.

  It was gloaming, the moon hung in the sky just at the horizon.

  “What we do tonight,” Tristan started. “We do in an act of war and self-preservation. It may be the extinction of us, but we three here will never forget and we will teach our descendants what it means to be a wolf. May our pups forgive us.”

  Tristan lowered the torch to Maelogan’s body, his clothes immediately catching and the oil Isla had poured on and around the body fed the flames. Within moments, the whole of Wolf’s Bane Field was alight. The wolves at the edge howled and began their run through the field toward them. Tristan closed his eyes when he heard their yelps as they felt the poison in their lungs.

  The fire was hot and quick. As they stood there, his wife holding his daughter close to her, they watched as hundreds of wolves choked on the poisonous fumes.

  When the screams of the dying had ceased, Tristan turned to Isla. The druid sisters raised their hands outward toward the flame and spoke low.

  The fire went out immediately and Tristan surveyed the damage. Hundreds of wolves lay twitching and dying from the fumes; his kin, his father’s pack. Each wolf he saw was someone he once knew. Closing his eyes as tears slid down his cheeks, he begged the gods to forgive him. When he opened his eyes he turned to see Weylyn and Aedan standing beside him.

  “We have stood by you as you made the toughest decision imaginable, Tristan,” Weylyn began. “We stand by you, nae matter what. You are our Alpha.” Weylyn and Aedan knelt and bowed their heads. “If you will have us, we pledge our life, loyalty and friendship to you. I speak for myself and my son when I say you are who we want to follow for the rest of time.”

  Tristan raised himself up to his full height and placed a hand first on Weylyn’s shoulder, recognizing him as his Lieutenant and second in command, and then on Aedan’s shoulder. Giorsal squealed in her mother’s arms and Tristan smiled as he silently accepted her into his pack as well. She would go through the same ceremony after her first phase.

  Weylyn and Aedan looked up at him when he touched their shoulders and he spoke low, “And with an earnest heart, I accept,” Tristan said. “Weylyn, my friend and mentor, the father I never had, I ask that you accept your rightful place by my right as my lieutenant.” Weylyn bowed and placed his hand over his heart. “Aedan, my new friend and brother, I ask that you accept your rightful position to my left and counsel me as my War Chief.” Aedan bowed and placed his hand over his heart. Then following his father’s guidance, they both turned to Alexina and knelt in a bow.

  “Our Queen,” Weylyn began. “We are your protectors and warriors in your pack. Before the others here, we pledge to love and honor you. You have our unending protection. I would lay down my life for you, Alexina, my Queen.”

  “And I as well,” Aedan replied. Alexina curtsied accepting their pledge. But before she could answer them, someone shouted from the edge of the woods.

  “Tristan!” In one quick move, Weylyn and Aedan stood and flanked their alpha in a half phase.

  Peering through the smoke towards the voice, a handful of wolves in human form stood a good distance away from the field, one holding something white in their hand, waving. “Tristan!” The male voice called again. “May we speak with you?”

  “It could be a trap,” Aedan said.

  “Easily,” Weylyn agreed. “Tristan, let one of us go first.”

  “I am still the same male you kenned over twelve moon cycles ago, Weylyn,” Tristan said. “You donnae need to change simply because you pledged your loyalty to me.”

  “Even if you were still just my pupil,” Weylyn turned to him. “I would say this. Let me go first.”

  Tristan breathed a laugh. “I ken I will nae be able to stop you.”

  “There is one way,” he answered.

  “Nay,” Tristan said. “Never again. I will never take your free will from you.”

yn placed a hand on his arm and repeated; “let me go first.”

  “Aye,” Tristan answered. “But hear me, Weylyn just because I am Alpha does nae mean I cannae still pin you down in wrestling.”

  “I ken that well,” he replied. “But I still can outrun you.”

  Tristan rolled his eyes as Weylyn winked and stepped onto the field.

  “Be careful,” Eithne called.

  “Always,” he answered.


  Weylyn stepped around the corpses of his brothers and sisters, closing his eyes at the carnage and the burden Tristan would bear for the rest of eternity. Seeing the group of wolves in human form before him, Weylyn half-phased and walked on. He reached the edge of the woods and took a deep breath smelling their scents. Immediately, he phased into human form and reached for them. Seven wolves, a mixture of male and female, ran into his arms and held him tightly.

  “Uncle Weylyn,” some of them sobbed.

  The eldest male spoke to him. “We are so sorry. We wanted to come find you but Father would nae let us… He killed Faolán.”

  “I ken. I am so sorry, Eion. I am sorry I could nae come for you all. But is it true Marrock is dead?” Weylyn asked looking deep into the young male’s eyes.

  He nodded. “That druid scum killed him,” Eion said. “But we wanted to talk to you. We heard what you said. Is that half-breed really your son?”

  “Aye, he is, and that druid you spoke of is his wife. Tristan is our Alpha now,” Weylyn said.

  “I am sorry. I did nae mean to insult your son’s wife,” he replied looking down. Weylyn cupped the boy’s cheek.

  “How are you unaffected by the wolf’s bane, Uncle Weylyn?” one of the younger lasses asked.

  “Your scent is different too, Uncle,” another one said.

  “I am different, my dears,” he answered.

  “Could we speak to Tristan?” Eion asked. “We… hoped he would forgive us for no’ doing anything while he was being tortured.”


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