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Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3)

Page 6

by M. Katherine Clark

  “You are all children, Eion,” Weylyn replied. “He will understand. Now give me a moment.”

  They nodded and Weylyn turned. Half-phased, he spoke to Tristan and Aedan.

  Is everything all right? Tristan asked.

  Everything is fine, Weylyn said.

  Who are they? Aedan asked.

  Your cousins, Weylyn told his son. And your brothers and sisters, Tristan.

  Heledd’s pups? Tristan asked surprised.

  Aye, Weylyn answered. They wanted to speak with you. Will you?

  Of course, Tristan said.

  Brothers and sisters? Aedan questioned.

  Marrock is their father as well, Tristan explained. He took another female and had several pups by her.

  What do you mean they are my cousins, da’? Aedan asked.

  As you ken, Marrock was my father’s nephew. My first cousin. Heledd was my mother’s niece. My grandfather and Marrock’s grandfather was the same wolf. Alpha blood flows in our veins, son. Weylyn explained.

  We have family? Aedan asked.

  Aye, Weylyn answered.

  ‘Tis glad I am. Mother’s sister died in childbirth and Fath — Gowan, he corrected. Had nae siblings. I look forward to meeting my kin.

  Tell them I am on my way, Tristan said. Aedan, stay here with the females?

  Aedan nodded as Tristan hurried towards Weylyn. As soon as he was close enough, Tristan phased back to his human form.

  “Eion, Loeiza,” Tristan addressed the eldest male and female. Sensing their fear, he reached out to them. They rushed into his arms and held him tightly. “What are you doing here?”

  “We hoped if we joined the hunting party we would be able to find you and join your pack,” Eion said.

  “What about Father’s pack?” Tristan asked.

  Eion nodded towards the field. “They all went after you,” he answered. “We are the last.”

  “Please, Tristan,” Loeiza begged her brother. “May we join you?”

  “Of course, but are you sure?” he started. “I could release you and you could live your lives as you want. You could be with humans, live a good life.”

  “What sort of life?” Eion demanded. “We belong with our own kind… Faolán taught us that.”

  “I caused his death, are you sure you desire to join my pack?” Tristan asked.

  “He made his own choices as Mother did,” Eion said. “We were never loved by Marrock only by you, Faolán and Uncle Weylyn. We want to join our kin, our brother and uncle, will you have us?”

  Tristan looked at each of them in turn. They had grown up with the knowledge he was to be their Alpha when Marrock died. They always went to him when they needed comfort. Tristan placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder. Eion looked up at him.

  “Gratefully, I accept, brother,” Tristan said. Eion grinned. As second born pup but first born male to Heledd, Eion had yet to reach maturity and was still merely a lad. “Now, you must be hungry,” Tristan spoke. “Weylyn, would you get some of the pack together to hunt?”

  “My pleasure,” Weylyn replied. “How will they get through the field?”

  Tristan turned back to Aedan and phased.

  Does Isla have any more moon flower? Tristan asked.

  I will ask, Aedan replied. She says she could make some, but they should be fine. The smoke has cleared and there are no more flowers. Have the younger ones hold their breath.

  I am asking Weylyn to get a group together to go hunt.

  Can they be trusted? Aedan asked.

  Aye, Weylyn and I made sure. They are sincere, Tristan assured.

  Good, Aedan answered.

  As they walked through the ashes of Wolf’s Bane Field and towards the rest of their pack, the eldest; Loeiza looked over at her uncle walking beside her.

  “Uncle Weylyn,” she questioned softly. “They are druids?”

  “Aye, my dear,” he answered. “But they are our family too. Your cousin is married to one and the other is very dear to mine. They will nae harm you.”

  She studied him with her intelligent light brown eyes. “You look so much like your mother,” Weylyn smiled softly.

  “I miss her,” she answered.

  “Aye I am sure you do, lass,” he said.

  “And you, I have missed you too,” she replied. Weylyn placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to his side.

  “Och, I ken, lass, I am sorry to have left you.”

  “Donnae be, Uncle Weylyn. Father was going to kill you for helping Tristan. You needed to flee. We never thought we would see you again,” she admitted. “Faolán’s death hurt us deeply. We begged our father no’ to do it but he would nae listen. He was so cruel.”

  “He was nae always like that,” Weylyn said surprising himself by jumping to his former Alpha’s defense.

  “I ken,” she answered. “Mother used to tell us. But the things he did and the things he did to her… I donnae understand how he could never have loved her, she was such a beautiful woman.”

  “I am so very sorry you lost her, especially at such a young age, my dear.”

  “Let us think on more positive thoughts. I find these thoughts make me want to cry and I donnae want that. I am with my kin and starting a new adventure,” she confessed. “You seem happy.”

  “I am,” he replied. “I have my family, a son who I never kenned existed and someone I care deeply for. What more could a wolf ask for?”

  “I was surprised when I saw your son, he looks just like you,” she said. “He is married to the druid who killed Father?”

  “Aye,” he answered. “And they are expecting their first pup.”

  “Perhaps I could be of some assistance to her, then,” she replied. “I did train with you as a healer.”

  “Aye and a fine one ye are,” Weylyn replied. “But now let me introduce you properly. As first born, you have that right.”


  After introductions, Weylyn, Aedan and Eion hunted and caught a stag nearby. It was late when they finished their dinner and conversation steered clear of the immortals’ new life.

  Eion, the eldest male regaled everyone with the tales of sparring with older more fierce warriors but he had come out on top, although the competition had come to a halt when Tristan was captured. Weylyn saw Tristan tense for a moment but then release when Alexina slid her hand over his arm.

  “We did nae ken what to do,” Eion said looking at his brother. “Faolán and I were angry at Father for what he was doing but I was too scared to do anything. I am sorry, Tristan, I wanted to help.”

  “Nae need to apologize, Eion, I understand and hold you nae ill will,” Tristan stated.

  “Thank you,” he replied.

  “But now, if you will excuse me,” Tristan stood. “I am very tired and need to rest.” Alexina stood as well and went to his side. “Goodnight,” Tristan called as he and his wife walked to the small room where their daughter slept.



  “Alexina!” Tristan’s piercing cry breached the soundless peace of the night. “Alexina!” Sitting straight up in bed, half-phased, heaving, his chest covered in sweat, Tristan frantically looked around the room.

  “’Tis all right,” he heard his wife say as she sat up and gently touched his back. He almost flinched but did not turn to look at her. His breathing was ragged as he tried to focus on his wife’s soothing voice.

  There was a small commotion around them and soon Weylyn and Aedan rushed into the small room.

  “Is everything all right?” Weylyn demanded. Alexina nodded and turned back to her husband.

  “What is it, my love?” She asked soothing his hair out of his face. He was shaking but his breathing slowed.

  “I am sorry,” he said. “Did I harm you?” His eyes turned to his wife. Alexina shook her head and he fell into her embrace. She wrapped her arm around his upper back and neck as her hand tangled in his hair. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him.

  Alexina looked over at Weylyn and Aedan as Eion joined him.

  “He is well,” she said.

  They nodded and Weylyn shooed them out of the room leaving Tristan and Alexina alone.

  “What happened, my dearest love?” she asked calmly, stroking his hair. She could feel his body shaking against hers and the sweat on his neck made his hair damp.

  He did not answer for a long time. He held her tightly to him, crushing her body in his strong arms. She felt his silent tears fall on her shoulder. Her body slowly tiring as she sat upright without any support for her back, they gently tilted back without breaking their embrace. Lying on their sides facing each other, Alexina stroked his face and kissed his forehead. “Did you have a night terror?” She whispered.

  “A memory,” he said his voice so soft she barely heard him.

  “A memory?” She repeated. He nodded. “Of what, my darling?”

  He shook his head and closed his eyes. She waited for him to speak again. “Of when I was tortured.”

  Alexina’s heart constricted. He had never spoken of the time they were separated. He had never told her what had happened to him. All of his wounds had healed during his transition but she had seen the carnage his father’s torture had done and even though his body carried no scar, Alexina saw the haunting pain in his eyes.

  “Tell me,” she finally whispered.

  His eyes flew to hers and he shook his head adamantly. She untangled herself from him, took his head in her hands and held his gaze for a long time. Finally, he sighed and began.

  “That first day, I was dragged through the entrance and up to the base of my father’s throne. He said nothing to me… that was the worst part. He nodded to one of his lieutenants and they took the rope that was around my neck and tied the end of it to a post. My arms and legs were free. He called to his champion and forced us to fight. I was nae match for him after my initial injuries with the hunting pack and tied to the post. After he defeated me leaving me bloodied and battered, my father had my arms and legs tied to the stake. He gave the order for his champion to beat me breaking my bones so badly I could barely breathe.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as he continued. The things he described to her were inhuman and she wept for his pain.

  “How did you survive?” she whispered.

  “It was my memories and thoughts of you and my need to see and hold our pup that got me through,” he said. “When they were ripping me open, I would close my eyes and picture your face. Remember the feel of you in my arms, your kiss, your love. Hold on to the absolute surrender I felt every time we would make love. When Weylyn showed me Giorsal, I held on to my desire to hold our daughter and to be a better father to her than mine had been to me.”

  “You are a wonderful father, Tristan,” she said looking deep into his dark brown eyes. “Our children will love you. We have eternity together, my love, I would nae want to be with anyone else.” She leaned in and kissed him gently. “I love you. I always have, ever since that first moment I saw you in the woods killing the wolf that attacked me. I always will love you nae matter what.”

  “I love you, Alex,” he replied. She grinned at his pet name for her. “Always and forever.”


  That next morning, with the threat eliminated, Tristan announced they would travel north to Sutherland lands. The clan chief was known to be sympathetic to wolves and druids alike.

  As Weylyn knelt in the small room gathering his belongings and rolling up his son’s plaid he used as a blanket, he did not turn when Eithne’s scent reached him.

  “Where will you go?” her voice was small.

  “I travel with my pack,” he replied. “My Alpha has decreed that we leave, so I follow.”

  He stood, took a deep breath and turned around. As usual, the sight of her took his breath away. She leaned against the doorjamb; her wee arms crossed in front of her, her hair, braided at the temples, hung loose to her back, her brown eyes shown with sadness and fear.

  “If you go,” she began, her voice soft. “I will never see you again.”

  Weylyn’s hand travelled up to his chest of its own volition and rubbed as his heart throbbed at her words.

  “That is no’ true. We are masters of our fates, Eithne,” he said.

  “Except time and others,” she replied.

  “Others?” he asked.

  “Those who would try and prevent us from seeing each other again,” she answered.

  “Who?” he asked.

  “I donnae ken,” she answered. “The face and name has been blocked from me, but it is someone close.”

  Weylyn did not answer as his eyes drifted down to the bundle tied in his hands.

  “Come with me then,” he waited for the feeling of guilt to wash over him, when it did not come, he spoke again. “I told you I cannae leave you. I explained how I feel about you, Eithne. Come with us… with me.”

  “Do you truly desire it?” she asked.

  “I do,” he replied.

  They were quiet for a moment then Eithne’s whispered voice said. “I want to go with you.”

  The pain in Weylyn’s chest subsided and he let out a deep breath.

  “I will tell Tristan,” he said and started for the door. Pausing just beside her, he continued. “Twill be cold, pack something warm.”

  “I will have you,” she replied so softly he was uncertain he had heard her correctly, but gods how he hoped it was true. The journey was going to be long but she had given him time to mourn his lost mate. He did not want to wait much longer before claiming her as his.



  “Weylyn,” Tristan started as they hunted that evening. “I must speak with you.”

  “Aye?” Weylyn asked. “Regarding what, Alpha?”

  “To begin, you can stop calling me that,” Tristan said.

  “’Tis who you are,” Weylyn replied.

  “Aye, I suppose, but,” he sighed. “I cannae bring myself to accept it, ’tis too soon.”

  “You have always been a leader, Tristan,” Weylyn said. “You but have the title now.”

  “I donnae desire nor deserve it,” Tristan shook his head.

  “That is what makes you a strong alpha,” Weylyn stated.

  Tristan looked over at his friend and watched him. Weylyn stared out across the wooded area waiting for a deer or goat to pass. His dark brown hair and closely trimmed beard were greying and his hooded dark eyes were sad but shrewd. He had always been a friend and mentor to him but in that moment, Tristan wished with all his might he had been his father.

  “Aedan is a fortunate male indeed,” Tristan said.

  “Why do you say that?” Weylyn asked looking over at him.

  “To share your blood and to be able to call you da’,” Tristan explained. “My greatest wish is for you to be my father.”

  “Tristan, it would be an honor to be your sire, but donnae take that away from your father. Marrock loved you when he was capable of such an emotion. ’Tis no’ well kenned what happens to a wolf when they lose their mate, but I can say you lose half of yourself. Marrock lost Mabh and he was helpless to save her. I believe when he held her body to him something in him broke. He wanted to be alone in his grief, it was no’ because of you. You look so much like her, I fear his heart could nae handle it.”

  “I miss the way he was,” Tristan said softly. “I miss Mother. I wish I could introduce her to my daughter.”

  “Mabh was a great Queen, but she was an even better friend,” Weylyn replied. “There was always darkness in Marrock. His mother had it and he carried it. I must confess I worried for you. I did nae wish you to carry the darkness that has so haunted your line. I pray that Mabh’s goodness in you broke the curse.”

  “Marrock had other children.” Tristan let the thought drop and changed the subject. “Do you think I am ready to take over a pack?”

  “The fact that you ask is what makes me certain ye are,” Weylyn replied. After a comfortabl
e silence lengthened between them, Weylyn spoke again. “Was there something else you desired to speak to me about?”

  “Aye,” Tristan answered. “You and Eithne.”

  “What about us?” Weylyn asked.

  “You seem very close,” Tristan replied.

  “Aye, she is lonely and in need my help,” Weylyn answered.

  “So was Alexina once,” Tristan said. “And I donnae see you looking at her the same way you look at Eithne.”

  “Alexina is your mate, Tristan. My Queen,” Weylyn replied. “I care for her, of course, but no’ in any way inappropriate.”

  “But you do think of Eithne that way?” Tristan asked.

  “Why do you ask? Has she mentioned something to you?”

  “Nay,” Tristan answered. “I merely thought it would be a good thing for you to have a mate.”

  “I already had my mate,” Weylyn replied.

  “Aye, but Brietta is dead,” Tristan said. “And you are immortal. You do yourself nae favors by ignoring Eithne’s affection.”

  “I am no’ ignoring her,” Weylyn stated.

  “Then what do you call it?” Tristan asked.

  “We have discussed this. I have asked her to give me time to mourn my mate properly and then… if she is willing, I will approach my alpha and asked to be joined with her.”

  “Truly?” Tristan’s eyes sparkled.

  “Aye, but there is nae timeframe on it,” Weylyn pointed out. “I lost Brietta only four moon cycles ago, ’tis far too soon. Eithne understands and is agreeable.”

  “Do you truly think I would nae accept her? By the gods, Weylyn you are my dearest friend! Of course I would accept her as your mate and thank the gods they gave you someone else. I cannae see you lonely. It would destroy me.”


  Tristan looked away from him and towards the sound of a baying goat.

  “Because I blame myself every day since for the death of your mate,” he admitted.

  “Brietta’s death was nae your fault,” Weylyn stated.

  “Nay?” he sounded unconvinced.

  “No’ at all,” Weylyn said.


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