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Midnight Sky (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 3)

Page 13

by M. Katherine Clark

  “Aye, rest, lad,” he replied. “We will wake you when ’tis time to go.”

  “I thank you,” he set his cup down and passed his grandfather’s chair.

  “Caylean,” Weylyn called. He stopped but did not turn. “Donnae lose faith. All will be well.”

  Weylyn knew the struggle Caylean was facing but he also knew the complete joy that came with being with his soulmate. Thinking of her, he caught Eithne’s scent as she entered the room.

  “A storm approaches,” Weylyn said. Her arms slipped around him leaning over the back of his chair.

  “A passionate one,” she whispered and kissed the shell of his ear. He chuckled.

  “Aye,” he answered. “One I am happy to be swept away in.”

  Hearing her squeal when he pulled her over the back and into his lap made him grin. Kissing her neck, he reveled in her passionate response to him.

  “I love you,” she panted. “Gods, how I love you!”

  “Every day is like the first day with you, my love,” he answered pulling away from her to gaze deeply in her eyes. “Every day I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to take you as mine that very first day in the cave in Wolf’s Bane Field.”

  “We would have had a few more moon cycles together, but truthfully husband, I would rather you had the time to mourn Brietta properly as you did then come to me in your own time,” she said kissing him gently. “The time apart is forgotten in the complete joy of being together.”

  He did not answer only kissed her deeper. She buried her fingers into his hair and pulled him tighter to her. Not a breath separated their bodies and as they moved away from each other to breath, Weylyn spoke low. “I need you.”

  “I am yours,” she replied.

  Lifting her in his arms, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he headed towards the stair. Someone cleared their throat. Looking over, Eion stood by the door.

  “Have you forgotten the bet we made, Uncle?” he asked.

  “What bet?” Eithne looked from one to the other.

  “I bet him an extra perimeter run,” Weylyn groaned. “And my son let me down. Tristan beat him.”

  “So he takes my perimeter run tonight,” Eion stated pushing off the archway. “You were nae busy, were you, Uncle?”

  Weylyn growled, his eyes flashed yellow but that just make Eion chuckle. Setting her on her feet, Eithne looked up at him, disappointment in her eyes.

  “I will be finished before the sun comes up,” Weylyn promised.

  “I will expect you to wake me,” she replied. Weylyn nodded and kissed her lightly.

  “I promise I will,” he answered then, turning to Eion, he shook his head. “I will remember this.”

  “I have nae doubt, but for now I enjoy teasing you,” Eion laughed. Weylyn headed to the door. “Uncle,” he called him back. “’Tis going to rain.”

  Snarling at the whelp, Weylyn went out the door and phased.



  “Chief,” the herald announced. “The Wolf Pack of Loch Alsh have arrived.”

  “Show them in,” Gregor called taking Loeiza’s hand in his. The look in her eyes was filled with so much love as she gazed at him, he desired to be alone with her and make her his… again.

  “I do so wonder how my family has fared,” she said.

  “Aye, your uncle should be an old man now, should he no’?” Gregor asked.

  “Aye,” she lowered her head as sadness replaced her love. Gregor hated himself for bringing up her uncle’s age but when her pack entered she squealed with love and hastened to them. Embracing each one of them.


  “My goodness, Loeiza,” Tristan pushed her away to take a good look at her. “You have grown into a fine woman.”

  “The true look of your mother,” Weylyn stepped forward.

  “Uncle Weylyn?” she questioned. “But how? You donnae look a day over when I last saw you.”

  “’Tis this bout of good weather we have been having of late, my dear,” he answered. “You do look well loved.”

  She blushed and looked down. “My husband and I were mated under the moon two nights passed, Uncle. This eve and tomorrow is for the clan,” she explained.

  “That I could tell, my sweet,” he answered kissing her forehead. Gregor came up behind her and shook Tristan’s hand in a warrior’s shake.

  “I thank you for caring for my sister, Chief,” Tristan said as Loeiza greeted Eion. “She looks well.”

  “The honor was and is mine, Tristan,” Gregor replied. “But come, you must all be hungry after your long journey, we have rooms for you all.”

  “A moment,” Tristan said. “There are several who would care to meet you both. If you have time.”

  Caylean and Giorsal stepped forward.

  “Chief Gregor may I present my daughter who was but a babe last we were here,” Tristan introduced Giorsal.

  “And a beauty she has grown into,” Gregor bowed slightly to her.

  “And this is Caylean, my lieutenant’s son and a priest in his mother’s grove,” Tristan gestured to Caylean.

  “Welcome, brother, you honor us with your presence at our union,” Gregor bowed.

  “I thank you for your kindness in keeping us,” Caylean replied. “May you be most prosperous and blessed with many sons.”

  “And daughters,” Loeiza grinned leaning back into her husband’s chest.

  “Aye, but only if they are like their mother,” Gregor kissed the shell of her ear causing her to shiver and a blush to brighten on her cheeks. “Come, the wedding feast will be tonight and in the morning, we are joined at the standing stones as man and wife.”

  “We have rooms enough for you all,” Loeiza explained as they walked up the stairs. “I am so thankful you were all able to be here.” Opening the first door, she spoke again. “Tristan, this is to be your room with Alexina.”

  “Our thanks, sister,” Tristan passed into the room after his wife.

  “There is fresh water in the bath and a jug of spiced wine for you both,” she explained. “There is the same in all of your rooms. Gregor and I thought you might be tired from the journey. Take your time and come down to the great hall when you are finished. There is to be a great cèilidh tonight. Gregor has decided to have a great celebration. I told him it was too much.”

  “No’ enough for my wife,” he answered from behind the group. “And there is nothing I love more than showering you with gifts, my sweet.”

  She blushed and rolled her eyes. Once everyone was settled in their rooms, Weylyn looked around the bedchamber.

  “Is this the same room we were in last time?” he asked his wife.

  “I do believe it is,” she answered removing her outer gown. Sensing his eyes on her she took her time.

  “You tease me, wife,” he growled.

  “Aye,” she answered. “Recompense for your actions last eve.”

  The smirk she loved so much appeared on his lips. Letting her hair fall resting just above the curve of her arse, Eithne ran her fingers through it. Looking over when she heard sloshing of water, her mouth fell open in consternation when she saw Weylyn submerged in the bath looking at her.

  “You were taking such a long time, my love that the water was getting cold,” he teased. “Seemed a pity to waste it.”

  “There is a kettle full of hot water over the fire,” she answered.

  “Is there?” he played innocent. “Och, well then I suppose we should warm it up.” He was up out of the tub before she realized what he was doing. Her brazen study of him caused her entire body to heat. He poured the water into the bath and sank back, letting out a pleasurable sigh at the new found warmth. “Care to join me?”



  Gregor stood from the dais with his cup raised. “Failte, welcome, all who have joined my wife and I for this most special of all days,” he called out. “Loeiza and I are honored that you care for us enough to journey and celebrate with us. I als
o desire to thank her brother for giving his permission for our union. He gave me a flower and I love her more than I ever thought I could. Loeiza, my love, you have gifted me with your love and your happiness. I give you mine in return. Two nights ago, we were joined as wolves under the moon, and tomorrow morning we will be joined before the gods as is my clan’s custom. A toast, to long life, love, happiness, and joy all the days through, you have certainly given me love, happiness and joy. To Loeiza.”

  Everyone stood and raised their cups, repeating their chief’s words. Then somewhere in the back, one of his men shouted their clan’s moto. Everyone cheered and shouted it back. Signaling the musicians to start the music, Gregor sat down and took his wife’s hand leaning over to kiss her cheek.

  After the second course of food and small talk, Weylyn spoke up. “How is the pack, Gregor?” he asked.

  “We fair well, I thank you, Weylyn,” he answered. “Loeiza has become a rock for most all of us, especially me. She joins us when the moon is full and her voice in our heads calms the animal instinct. Instead of mindless runs waiting for the sun to flush out the moon’s rays, she has helped us embrace our wolf-selves and has trained us to think rationally as if she was sent by the gods.”

  “I merely guide what you have always taught, Gregor,” she replied. “But tell us Uncle, how is it that the pack has grown so much? And you and Eithne are now married?”

  “That my dear is a long story,” he answered. “But Eithne and I have been married for nearing on thirty years. It was only a few short days after we left here. The pack has grown since the news of Marrock’s death reached all of Alba. Nomads have joined us.”

  “And you? You look so young,” she pried.

  “The joys of having a woman who keeps me feeling so, my dear,” he answered. “Have you had any issue with raiding clans? Tristan and I have heard talk of some MacLeods.

  “Aye, we have had our share, but they came on a night of the full moon,” Gregor replied cryptically. “They will nae be bothering us again.”

  “Do you nae have any druids to help you?” Caylean questioned.

  “We do, but they are no’ powerful as some of their brothers,” he answered. Caylean looked down attempting to hide his disappointment. “You are dispirited by that, lad?”

  “I…” Caylean started. “Forgive me, I was… Well there is nae call for it, I am sorry.”

  “He wished to speak with you about possibly fostering him,” Weylyn confided.

  “Seanair,” Caylean warned.

  “There is nae shame in it,” Weylyn answered. “He was hoping to learn more about his druid heritage.”

  “Och, I wish I could be more help, lad,” Gregor said. “I would be honored to foster you but there is little you would learn past the cycles of the moon with which we phase. And I ken Loeiza would enjoy having a family member with her. She has been lonely as of late,” he took her hand. She looked over breaking her conversation with Isla.

  “Nay, Gregor, no’ lonely, no’ with you,” she replied.

  “Always an ear on me, my love,” he said.

  “Your voice is familiar and carries,” she shrugged biting her lower lip a telltale sign that she was teasing him.

  “Och, indeed,” he laughed. Thumps of cups on the wooden table started and soon resounded throughout the great hall. Loeiza blushed but complied. Her clan wished to see a kiss between their chief and his lady. Gregor pulled her to him and kissed her gently but with such love whoops and hollers from his clan echoed to the rafters. Releasing her with a wink, promising more that evening, he turned back to his conversation with Caylean and Weylyn.

  “But as I was saying I donnae ken you would learn anything useful,” he said. Caylean nodded and thanked him. “But,” he went on after taking a swallow of his ale. “Have you considered Erin?”

  “Nay,” Caylean answered suddenly intrigued. “I ken nae one on the isle.”

  “I have a great friend who is there,” Gregor explained. “He is like ye, part wolf and part druid. Dagda is his name. I would be happy to have our druid brothers call for him in the stones and introduce you. He is a mighty powerful druid. High priest of his grove, though he never has told me his true rank, or age for that matter, he is the most powerful druid I have ever met or heard of.”

  “I would be most grateful,” Caylean replied. “I have never travelled farther than the sea but I believe I would love to journey across and see Erin.”

  “’Tis a mighty green place,” Gregor explained. “A beauty but nothing is as beautiful as my Highlands.”

  “Aye, I would agree,” Caylean answered. “But are we to ken they are beautiful if we donnae see anything with which to compare?”

  “Words beyond your years, lad,” Gregor said. “Come to my study the three mornings hence and I will have our druid brothers there to explain what they will do.”

  “I cannae thank you enough,” Caylean replied.

  “Och, you donnae have to thank me, lad, we are family,” he said.

  “What nonsense have you been filling my nephew’s head with?” Loeiza asked turning to her husband.

  “Nothing my dear,” he answered. “How about a dance?”

  Loeiza’s eyes lit as she nodded, accepting her husband’s hand. Gregor pulled her into him and onto the dance floor. Caylean leaned over to his grandfather.

  “Do you think it would be a good idea to do what the chief offered?” he asked.

  Weylyn took a drink from his ale before he answered. Nodding slowly, he turned back to his grandson.

  “Aye, I think ’tis something you would enjoy and it might be the best option for now,” Weylyn agreed. “We will all miss you, Caylean. But you will nae be gone long, aye?”

  “Two to three years I think, seanair,” he answered. Weylyn’s face faltered. “But I am sure it will nae be a long time.”

  “You will be missed,” he stated. “But I ken this is what you desire.”

  “Then will you convince my father?” Caylean asked.

  “You must tell him first, Caylean, but if he asks for my thoughts I will tell him that you have my full blessing in this next venture,” Weylyn said.

  “I thank you for that,” Caylean answered.

  “But now I believe, my wife would like a dance,” Weylyn stood and paused a moment, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Do what it is that makes you happy, Caylean. And I think…” his eyes trailed to Giorsal. “She would like a dance with you as well.”

  “Surely that would give her the wrong idea,” Caylean said.

  “Then do so as a friend, she does nae deserve to be alone today,” Weylyn replied.

  “Perhaps someone else will ask her,” Caylean said watching as she smiled at one of the men on the main level.

  “Aye, but I believe she would like you to dance with her first,” Weylyn explained. “Just to show she is eligible to dance. Think of it like this,” Weylyn looked down at him. “You are helping her.”

  Caylean took a deep breath but nodded and stood. Walking to Tristan he leaned down and asked for his permission to dance with his daughter. Tristan paused a moment, Weylyn saw Alexina kick Tristan below the table and he covered his laugh. Nodding once, Tristan gave his permission.

  Seeing Caylean turn to Giorsal, Weylyn touched his wife’s hand. Eithne looked up at him and smiled accepting his proposal to dance. But her eyes glazed for a moment and she stared at his shoulder. Having seen this before, Weylyn waited. She gasped softly then looked up at him. Taking her hand, he escorted her to a place away from the crowd.

  “What did you see?” he asked.

  “I donnae ken why I keep getting flashes,” she said. “I am nae a maiden any longer I should nae be seeing what I am seeing.”

  “Even so, my love, you are seeing something. What is it?” Weylyn asked.

  “Do you recall the vision I had the last time we were here?” she asked. Weylyn furrowed his brow and shook his head. “The cloaked figures coming up to the keep while a celebration occurred?” Weylyn
nodded then, it had been a long time since she had spoken about it. “I keep seeing them as if they are journeying here now. But I cannae hold on to the vision long enough to see the outcome or where they are.”

  “I will speak with Tristan, with your permission. He will need to be on his guard.”

  “Aye, of course,” she said.

  “Give me a moment and then we will dance.”

  “I look forward to it, something to distract me from these thoughts.”



  Through the evening, the party danced. Men showed their prowess by dancing between two crossed swords, the winner winning a kiss from the bride. Gregor picked his wife up and twirled her around when she granted him his winner’s kiss. Breathing heavily from dancing, he turned to his clan and shouted his clan moto with a raised fist. His men shouted the battle cry and the rafters shook with the noise.

  Before the sound had died down, the main door burst open and the cold winter wind whirled into the great hall. The men stood at attention, warriors at the ready. Gregor pushed Loeiza behind him and grabbed his sword hidden somewhere near the hearth. Tristan, Weylyn, Aedan and Eion stood, their eyes turning yellow. Caylean pushed Giorsal towards her mother and stood with Gregor ready to fight.

  Finally, someone walked through the doorway, their cloak reaching the floor near their booted feet. A hood covered their head and cast their face in shadow. They were not alone; two others similarly dressed came in behind the first one. Weylyn looked over at Eithne who nodded. This was her vision.

  “Show yourself!” Gregor shouted.

  The first person looked up at him but the cloak’s hood covered their face. They raised their hand and flicked their wrist. At the same time, Gregor’s sword flew from his hand. Cursing, Gregor took a step towards the intruder.

  “Do not raise your sword to me, Gregor Sutherland,” the man said. Strong and powerful, the voice commanded respect simply from its timbre.


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