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Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 38

by Maia Starr

  I lavished in this consideration. He made me feel excellent and lovely. With that I let go off everything and I came on top of Rendor. He groaned as my wetness kept running down his pole. At that point he utilized his hands to guide me speedier and quicker on top of him. I was bouncing all over and shouting out in joy, and afterward he at long last spilled his seed inside me.

  Later we lay in the grass gazing toward the moons and the stars and rested a bit. Then in the morning dawn I was stunned when he was prepared to go another round. He was a solid warrior.

  Chapter 6


  In the morning sunlight I looked over at the naked and delicate human female. This was not what I was expecting to happen when she arrived at my Belvenreed base. I assumed that she would disappear into the oblivion of workers inside the base, but instead I now lay here worshiping her unique human body while she slept. As the dawn steadily peaked over the horizon I knew that we had to return. We only had an hour or two before I was needed. There was only one thing that I wanted to do. I wanted to get the most of being with her. Living out here on the base in such dangerous situations you never knew what day would be your last. With the threat of the rebels mounting I was going to make the most of being with this beauty. She had captured me, when in fact she was supposed to be the one that was captured. I laughed a little at that thought and she stirred awake. I was spooning her naked body with mine with she turned to me over her shoulder and smiled.

  “Good morning General,” she said. I moved over her cheek and gave it a soft kiss and said, “Good morning Lavender. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, surprisingly so in the cold night air.”

  “I am glad to hear it. But we must get back soon,” I said. Then she sat up quickly and said, “Yes! Oh no! The patients we must see to them at once.”

  “No, they can wait another hour, because I cannot wait.”

  “What?” she said as I moved my hard shaft against her backside.

  “Oh, I see General. What shall I do then?”

  “I order you to help me relieve the tension I carry.”

  “Yes, right away General,” she said as she turned to kiss me and I was lost in her kiss.

  "I would prefer not to hurt you. I am so much bigger and stronger than you," I said as I kissed her again and again. She grinned in unadulterated and complete joy and said, "Then you should be delicate with me."

  I took a gander at her and grinned and said, "yes, that is simpler said than done when I have been limiting myself, keeping down my strength when all I really want to do is attack your scrumptious body." I moved rapidly going down to her mouth and kissed her profoundly and enthusiastically. She wrapped her thighs and legs around my body. She felt the tip of my masculinity push within her. She moaned and pushed her head back. I moaned after entering her and I moved fast and hard within her. I ceased and took a look at her just as to inquire as to whether she was okay.

  "I am well… " she whispered to me. I grinned and moved within her a couple of more times. I did this relentlessly, halting to take a look at her to inquire as to whether she were all right. When she gestured her head yes I would move in again more harder and deeper. We both moaned in wild abandon as the sun came up over us. I stared at her and moved my hands over her face pushing her hair away as I moved forward and backward swinging my hips to permit my hard rigid cock to move inside of her. I was mindful so as not to press my heavy body on her, I hovered over her. I was too heavy for such a delicate body. I moved my eyes down over her neck and bosoms, watching her body as I moved within her.

  At that point I halted, and hauled my shaft out of her. It felt delightful. I took a look at her and afterward moved my mouth over her bosoms kissing and licking her nipples as I rubbed them with my solid strong hands. At that point I moved lower and lower as I carefully kissed her belly and after that lower and lower until my face was between her thighs and at her sweet wet center. I pushed my tongue within her and she shouted out in joy.

  " You are so sweet. You are so wet and taste so good," I said as my tongue climbed up and down and around licking each section of her cleft.

  At that point I climbed to her swollen bud and moved my tongue in very small circles. I pressed my tongue firmly against it and stopped and afterward over and over. She was on the edge and couldn't hold out any more. "Goodness yes Rendor," she whispered to me as her body discharged into throbbing rhythms of happiness. I groaned as her juices streamed into my mouth.

  Then I entered her again while she was all the while still encountering the sweet pulsations in her middle. I moaned and I moved speedier and harder as my mouth secured over hers in a deep kiss. Then I would gradually move out of her in order to kiss her on her center and on her bosoms and after that entering her once more. I was relishing each second, not having any desire to cum just yet. At that point at long last my entire body tensed.

  "I'm going to discharge. I can't hang on any more," I whispered as my warm juices flowed within her.

  After that sunrise bliss we were back in the speeder headed back to our duties. I wanted that morning to last forever, but I had my responsibilities as the General. As we drove back it hit me. I could not actually be with this human. I was a General and it was expected of me to be with a Kalazaron female. Shit! I thought. What would I do now? I had become attached to her, and in the beginning I was hoping that she would become attached to me just so that she would listen to me. Now I was a victim of my own plan. When the speeder landed back at base she looked at me and smiled. I had to do it. I had to be cold to her. Crap this was going to sting badly.

  “Don’t smile human female slave. Wash yourself and when you are done report to work,” then I walked off. I did not have to turn to see that her mouth was wide open in shock and pain. It hurt me to do it, but I had too. No good could come of this. I was supposed to pick a female Kalazaron from the city and bring her here when I was ready to procreate and strengthen our race, not mess around with some human female. This was better for her. She would get over it in time. Now she could focus on her work, as she was damn good at it. So why did I feel so awful as I entered the command deck?

  Chapter 7


  I could not believe it. I stood there in shock. On our way back from the watering hole pond back to the Belvenreed base, something changed. I noticed Rendor had grown quiet. I did not know what he was thinking and I did not want to intrude. I knew how dangerous it was to be in a speeder outside the base and I did not want to interfere with his concentration, in case we were attacked. But there was something that worried me. His sense of playfulness was gone, and that seemed like a red flag to me. Once the speeder landed I was soon to find out what that change was. When I stepped out of the speeder and smiled to him I wanted to give him one last kiss before parting ways and getting ready for the day. Yet I was stopped in a state of shock, as he was cold and responded to me with a cold statement. I was not expecting it. We had so much fun frolicking in the pond and had been so intimate with each other’s bodies that I assumed that the guards we had up had come down. My mouth fell open as he turned his back on me and walked away. He was back to calling me a human female slave. He was back to treating me extremely awful in a way that made me feel less than human. Had this all been one big trick? It had to be. He had effectively tricked me into thinking that he actually cared for me. He tricked me into thinking that he wasn't going to treat me so badly. When had he decided to put this plan into action? It was when he invited me to eat with him. It had all been one long trick just so that I would give myself to him. I stomped my foot and shouted in anger as I made my way back to my chambers. I was so angry as I washed the night and him off of me. Tears began to flow down my cheeks, as I knew that I had been played a fool. He had done a very good job in pretending to be someone else, and I fell for it like an idiot. Why did I think he would be any different than the alien that I had met when I first landed? I groaned in frustration at myself.

; "You are such a fool. How could you fall for the oldest trick in the book? Even human males act like this when they want something from you. It is such an obvious trick," I said out loud to myself as I dressed for the day. I was excited to go see the injured patients that I had treated before in order get my mind off the fact that I had been used. Not only had I been used but also I had willingly given myself to him like a wild banshee. As flashes of him inside me, licking me, and kissing me, appeared in my mind I grew even angrier. I was such a fool.

  As I walked into the reconstruction building, I felt all eyes on me. Everyone must know what I had been up to with the General, and now they were judging me. Just when I had won the respect of this male dominant race of alien warriors, they would see me as nothing more than and obedient common whore. As I walked in everyone began to clap and stand as they turned to look toward me. My face flushed red as I realized that they all knew that the General had had his way with me.

  "You did outstanding work in our greatest hour of need. All of the warriors thank you," Marlac said to me as he came to my side. I suddenly felt a sense of relief that this was due to my work, and not my dumb mistakes. Everyone was clapping and nodding heads at me in honor of the good that I had done. I smiled and did a slight wave of my hand in acknowledgment.

  "Thank you. I thank you for accepting me and my skills," I said in a short and brief statement. Then I carried on to the washroom and washed up to prepare to make my rounds to the patients.

  Hours went by as I continued to do my work. I was deeply involved in my responsibilities and that was a good thing because I did not have time to think about what the General had done to me. Before I knew it the evening came on, and I was dreading having to go back to my room alone. It was not something that I wanted to do.

  "May I escort you to nutrition?" I looked up to see Finock. He was a second in command under the General and he was younger. He was fit, as they all were and he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. It was quite the spectacle against his tan and blue skin. He definitely stood out. He was very handsome.

  "Did the General send you?" I asked suspiciously.

  "No, I merely thought you would take a meal with me," the warrior said in an almost shy fashion. I did not know if he was asking me because I was suddenly the easy human female slut at the base of Belvenreed, or if he genuinely wanted my company at a meal and nothing else? I guess there would be no way of telling. I was about to politely decline the offer when I saw the General enter on the other side of the building. As soon as I saw him my heart broke. He made a show of flirting with one of the Kalazaron females. It was the same one that had brought the white dress to me. I looked at Finock and said, "Yes, I will go with you to get a meal."

  He smiled and led the way and I made sure that I hit a cart with tools on it in order to make a loud ruckus. Everyone looked in our direction including the General as I said, "Oh clumsy me."

  Finock put his hand on my arm as he said, "Are you all right?"

  "Yes, thank you for asking about my well-being," I said as I looked up at him and smiled and batted my lashes at him. He smiled in return and we walked away together out of the building. I could feel the burning sensation of eyes on us as we left. That made me quite happy.

  Moments later I was sitting at a table with Finock and a few of the others as we laughed and talked over our meal. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits.

  I had not even noticed that the General had come into the building. I was deeply involved and having a good time. Then Finock surprised me as he stood up on top of the table and addressed everyone as he said, "Tomorrow night let us have a Govin in honor of the doctor and her skillful work in saving our friends!"

  The room erupted in cheers and I had no idea what he had said. I did not know what a Govin was but it seemed to have the men in good spirits. I was surprised that he was able to invite the room to do something, whatever it was, without approval from the General.

  I looked around the room and locked eyes with General Rendor Moscurn. His eyes narrowed in anger and it seemed as though he was about to speak aloud and address the room when another put his hand on his four arm and whispered something in his ear. He grew angry and left the room quickly.

  "What is a Govin?" I asked another warrior sitting next to me. "It is a celebration in the night. We make food outside on fires and dance and drink to the two moons in the honor of the guest we are celebrating. Tomorrow night that will be you," he said.

  I was shocked that these brute Warriors would think to do such a thing for me, a human female slave. It was very kind of them to honor me for saving their friends. I suddenly grew excited that at least I was being appreciated by everyone else at the base, if not the General.

  I went to sleep that night feeling somewhat happy about the celebration, but also very sad about how Ren had treated me. If he had not shown his true colors, we would probably be in the same bed right this minute. I felt my heart sink as I thought about that. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be with the alien warrior that had showed me such a sensitive side the night before. It was as though I was dealing with two different creatures. But in my heart I knew the real one was the one that I had met in the very first meeting, the arrogant jerk. I was sad that that was the truth. I would try to forget it and think of it as one night of fun with some alien that I would never meet again. I had to think of it that way or I would go completely insane.

  The next morning I awoke feeling much better. I would try to put the past behind me and move forward. When my door opened a warrior was standing there with a box.

  "This was delivered to you anonymously," he said.

  "Thank you," I said as I took the box inside my room and opened it. Inside was a red muslin dress. It was absolutely beautiful. I was shocked to see it. There was no note, not that I could read Kalazaron. But I assumed that it was for the celebrations that evening. I put the dress away and then allowed the warrior to escort me to the reconstruction building and my work. I thought about the dress all day. It was either from my boss Marlac or from Finock. There was no way that it was from the arrogant as that had tricked me General Rendor Moscurn.

  Everyone was abuzz and excited about the celebrations that evening. As I walked through the village base of Belvenreed I saw preparations being made for the celebration. Heavy wood was being piled in various spots to create bonfires. I noticed more food being brought in from the supply warehouse. There were even simple streamers as decorations being hoisted in the air. I felt completely honored. I had never had such an event in my name before, not even on earth. It almost brought tears to my eyes and it also replaced the unhappiness in my heart with happiness. To think a race of alien warriors that were so brutal could also be so kind. I guess it was that way with humans as well. It was all relative.

  The day went by swiftly as everyone was in good spirits and constantly talking about the evening anyway, I swear it made it come faster. After my shift ended I went back to my chambers in order to wash and get dressed in the splendid red muslin dress. I felt like a siren in it. It was doing its job to make me stand out, that was for sure.

  When I entered the center square of the village base everyone cheered and music played loudly. I nodded my head in acknowledgment and in smiles of gratitude. Then the simple festivities began. The fires were lit with a lot of fanfare. Food was roasted over the flames. Music played and everyone danced. There was no formal dance floor per se, they just danced where they stood. I mingled amongst the Kalazaron having a good time. I ate of the food. I watch the flickering flames of the fires, and even roasted a meat stick of my own over the flame. I danced a few dances with a few of the warriors. I listened to old stories and news stories, and I even spoke of earth. I was having a very good time and the beautiful too full moons above us made everything exceptionally beautiful. It was unlike any celebrations that I had ever attended on earth. I knew how special and privileged I was to be able to experience this, even if it was as a captive. Through out the entire night I felt as
though I was being watched. I had to admit I did look for Rendor a few times hoping I would catch a glimpse of him being miserable and missing me but I had no such luck. He was probably off treating some other female like crap.

  As it grew later into the night it also grew rowdier. The Kalazaron were getting very drunk, and some were either passing out on the ground or fighting amongst each other in friendly bare knuckle fights for sport. They were even taking bets. It was very brute indeed. I decided that I should probably be retiring soon before I got myself into trouble. But before I did so I took another lap around the celebration grounds taking in the sights and smiling and mingling in gratitude for the celebration in my name. I thanked as many Kalazaron as I could. I did not want anyone thinking I was ungrateful for this amazing celebration.


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