To Tempt a Dashing Lord

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To Tempt a Dashing Lord Page 10

by Lucy Langton

  “Come now, Lord Hunter. Remember when we were lads, fresh off the boat and our pockets lined with payment. We would frequent the gambling halls with some lofty idea of becoming as rich as our parents and end up owing more than what we started with. If I remember correctly, we were barred from a club or two,” Marcus countered. Lord Hunter chuckled as he shook his head.

  “We were hellions for sure,” he said. “But there is a difference between being barred from one gentlemen’s club and being barred from all of them, plus from the gambling halls. I do not share this information with you to simply boast of town gossip. I feel you needed to know what your brother-in-law has been up to,” Lord Hunter pressed.

  “I see your point. I know that Lord Hall is much younger than us, and Lady Kingston. I will speak about this matter to my wife. I do not think we should allow the young man to end up losing all of his inheritance to the card tables.”

  “No, I wouldn’t wish that on him, or your family. Speaking of which, it appears as though things are going well between you and your blushing bride. You had been married so quickly that I wasn’t sure how things would settle after the wedding night.” Lord Hunter laughed openly, and Marcus couldn’t help but shake his head.

  “I didn’t just marry her so I could bed her, Lord Hunter.”

  “No, good sir. I’m certain that there is more to it than that. You’ve never made a decision without thoroughly thinking it through. That is why I would always sail under your command.”

  Marcus wished he could tell his dearest friend the truth. He knew that Catherine was going to be pressed during their time with visitors and guests because she wouldn’t be able to spend so much time with Beth, and that the small child would remain in the nursery with Mrs. Denton and Mrs. Sims. Marcus had taken Lord Hunter out for an afternoon ride so Catherine could spend some alone time with Beth like he knew she wanted to. Sometimes Marcus wondered if life would be easier if everyone knew the truth, regardless of the gossip and the backlash from society.

  “I am under the impression that Lord Hall will be arriving for the ball this week,” Lord Hunter spoke up, breaking Marcus’ thoughts.

  “Indeed. The lad should be here tomorrow or so from his estate,” Marcus replied.

  “Then perhaps then you can discover his current condition,” Lord Hunter offered.

  “Yes, that would be a wise idea. I am not the most perfect earl when it comes to managing my estates and lands. However, I have learned quite a few things since returning to England that I might be able to pass along to him,” Marcus reasoned.

  “I agree, old friend. The lad probably just needs a good mentor, is all,” his friend said. Their conversation soon turned other things, from the London Season to all who would be in attendance during the ball. Sometimes it would turn to politics, and finally to the war with France. But Marcus didn’t like to talk about it any longer after having to remember the number of men he had lost during his time with the Navy. The thought alone made the injury in his left leg tingle as though he had been sitting for too long.

  “Come, Lord Hunter. Let’s return and enjoy a new bottle of brandy that has just arrived from Portsmouth. I had been saving it for the ball, but I reason we could sneak a sip before then.”

  “Rightfully so,” Lord Hunter agreed as they mounted their horses once more and made their way back to the manor. Marcus was now curious to learn more about Lord Hall from his sister and prepare for any issues that might arise during the ball.


  Catherine heard the front door open and close, followed by the sound of boisterous laughing. She liked hearing Marcus laugh and was glad Lord Hunter had come early from Town to entertain her husband. It made her feel happy to see Marcus so animated with his re-tellings of his time in the Navy. With Lord Hunter around, she felt like she was getting to meet the real Marcus.

  But with the return of the gentlemen, she knew her time with Beth had come to an end. She was sleeping in her arms as she slowly rocked her in the chair. She kissed the babe’s cheeks before setting her in the crib. She then nodded to Mrs. Denton, who always stood at the ready to assist Catherine in the nursery.

  Catherine left the upper floors and made her way downstairs to join the gentlemen. She was working on her happy expression of the gleeful newlywed wife she often was. Though she truly had high respect for Marcus and thought he was a great husband, she couldn’t confess to being in love with him. Catherine figured that those deeper feelings would come with time, if they ever developed at all. But she was certain that she would enjoy her time with Marcus, nonetheless.

  “Ah, there’s the wife,” Lord Hunter said as Catherine came into the drawing room.

  “How was your ride, Lord Hunter?” Catherine asked with a smile as she joined Marcus on the settee. She placed her hand on him, trying to appear like the affectionate wife who was madly in love.

  “The scenery is stunning in these parts of the country. I can see why my dear friend whisked you away so quickly to these parts,” Lord Hunter replied with a chuckle.

  “It is absolutely charming,” Catherine agreed as she looked up at Marcus. She saw how his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes and knew that something was on his mind.

  “Well, I am absolutely exhausted from our ride this afternoon. It’s been a while since I have ridden, since I often rely on the carriage. Do excuse me while I rest up a bit,” Lord Hunter said as he stood and dipped his head before leaving the drawing room.

  “I think my friend is trying to give us privacy when he can,” Marcus said once they were alone.

  “I suppose that is a nice gesture, considering we are newly married,” Catherine said as she removed her hand from Marcus’ then, no longer needing to pretend when they were alone.

  “It is humorous, as though I shall lock the drawing room doors and have my way with you,” Marcus teased. And though Catherine knew it was only a joke, the idea made her skin flush with heat. She wasn’t completely turned off by the idea and wondered if Marcus would ever become bold enough to do such a thing.

  “How did you enjoy the ride then?” Catherine asked, wanting to change the subject before her thoughts ran away with her.

  “It was very pleasant. The weather is nice today. However, there was something that Lord Hunter did mention to me that I wanted to clarify with you,” Marcus said. Catherine looked at him, worried what Lord Hunter, recently from Town, could possibly have said that would require her clarification.

  “Go on then,” Catherine encouraged.

  “Lord Hunter frequents the gentlemen’s clubs in Town, like many of his status do. He’s heard rumours that Lord Hall has been barred from every gentlemen’s club and gambling hall in Town. I thought I may speak to you about the matter to learn if you know anything about his behaviours?”

  Catherine shuttered at her husband’s words, her worst fears seeming to come true. But perhaps if Marcus thought these were only rumours that she could try to play it off somehow. After all, they wouldn’t be returning to Town until next Season. It was plenty of enough time for Denver to recover his losses.

  “I won’t deny that my brother has been to these places before. He’s never been rather lucky and I’m sure he has lost a small fortune,” Catherine said, a thin smile on her lips for she dearly hated to lie to Marcus.

  “I only bring it up since he will be coming to stay with us in a few days. I wonder if I should try to mentor him before he does something disastrous, such as lose his entire inheritance,” Marcus said. Catherine stood to her feet, feeling nervous with the idea. If Marcus offered to help Denver, then her brother would surely tell the truth of his situation.

  “I don’t think that is really necessary, Marcus. Though my brother is young, he’s been an earl for almost four years now,” Catherine said as she walked to the window and peered out, as though she was more interested in the flowers.

  “Perhaps then you should keep him on a short leash then, if there is any truth to these rumours,” Marcus said with a chuckle. He ha
d stood and was coming towards her, for she could see his reflection in the windowpane. And when he set his hands upon her shoulders, she shrugged them off as her temper started to rise.

  “Don’t patronise me, Marcus,” Catherine said as she walked away from him, her voice harsh. “What young man hasn’t made mistakes or done foolish things? We lost our parents before he reached adulthood and has been doing his best.”

  “Come now, Catherine. Don’t be cross with me.”

  “But I am, Marcus. It is as though you are accusing my brother,” Catherine said, feeling defensive.

  “Forgive me, Catherine, but I’ve never had a very high opinion of your brother to begin with. Upon learning about your background, I don’t think Lord Hall has any honour for allowing his sister, a lady of noble birth, to become my aunt’s companion.”

  Catherine shook her head and turned away from Marcus as her anger continued to rise. He had no idea what she had experienced after her parents’ death, and how alone she had felt as her brother turned to the bottle and shut her out of his life. Then, when all hope became lost, she had to experience being forced upon by a man she couldn’t tolerate.

  “You don’t understand,” Catherine eventually said with her back turned to Marcus. He came to her again and wrapped his arms around her middle. She kept blinking her eyes as tears threatened to fall down her cheeks as her husband held her.

  “Then explain it to me, Catherine. There is so little that we know of each other that eventually all truths will surface. Regardless of whatever it is, we are already married, and no dark past is going to change that,” Marcus said softly. Even though Marcus was being comforting and certainly a gentleman, Catherine was too ashamed to speak the truth.

  When Marcus turned her around to face him, she expected a lecture. What she didn’t expect was for him to lean down and kiss her. It had been almost a week or so since they had been intimate, and the kiss sparked her desire for him once more. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his shoulders, for a moment forgetting about all her fears and woes. In that moment, the only thing that really mattered to her was feeling Marcus’ kisses upon her and the heat from his body.

  When the kiss came to an end, Catherine opened her eyes slowly. She looked up at Marcus, wondering where this kiss was coming from. Did he simply desire her again? Was there something more to that passionate kiss that she had yet to understand from being a dutiful wife?

  “No matter what, Catherine, I will care for you and our children,” Marcus said softly, their lips still so close together that she felt the air of his words on her lips.

  “You are an honourable gentleman,” Catherine said as she lowered her arms and created space between them. She wanted to tell him everything, to speak the troubles of her mind and the cold details of her past. But fearing his reaction, she kept her mouth closed.

  They stared at one another, Marcus placing his hands on his hips as they did so. He appeared agitated but didn’t try to press her to say any more. After a moment of this, he finally stepped around her and left the drawing room. Catherine sighed, knowing that Marcus was no doubt expecting her to say more.

  She walked over to the windowpanes once more and peered out into the garden, seeing Marcus walking amongst the rose bushes with his fists clenched. It was easy for Catherine to see that she had upset her husband. However, there was nothing she could do about it for now.

  Chapter 12

  Catherine was standing in the dressing room with the seamstress from the local village. She had arrived at the manor to present Catherine the ball gown she’d been commissioned to make. As Catherine tried on the gown for the first time, a deep burgundy gown made of silk, she turned from side-to-side in the looking glass, thinking she’d never expected to wear such a fine gown in her life.

  “Do you like it, Lady Kingston?” the seamstress asked as she stood to the side to allow Catherine to view the gown properly.

  “It’s divine, madam. You have surely outdone yourself,” Catherine replied as she looked towards the older woman. “I shall give my remarks to the earl this evening.”

  “Thank you, My Lady. It is an honour,” she said as she curtsied, then followed Mrs. Denton out the door. Catherine’s lady’s maid came forth then and helped her out of the elegant gown, being careful not to wrinkle it as it was to be stored in her wardrobe for the ball in two days. Catherine was just dressing in her normal day gown when Mrs. Denton quickly returned to announce that Lord Hall had just arrived.

  Catherine shivered at the thought of her brother finally arriving at the manor. She hoped that he would have come in the evening, when Marcus and Lord Hunter were present. But since the two were out on a hunt with the local tenants as a sign of good faith, she was stuck at home and would have to receive him herself.

  “Very well. I will go down and greet him,” Catherine said as she followed the housekeeper from the room and parted ways. She hurried down the hallway, and as she came to the top of the stairs, she looked down to see her brother standing in the entryway as Mr. Burg took his gloves and top hat.

  The sound of her descending the stairs brought Denver’s eyes up to her. She looked down on him, seeing how his blonde hair was done neatly. But the blue in his eyes appeared rather dull, as though he hadn’t had proper sleep in a long time.

  “It is lovely to see you again, Catherine,” Denver said as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “You as well,” Catherine said, though her heart was not in her words. “Let’s head to the sitting room and we can have some tea while we wait for Lord Kingston and his close acquaintance, Lord Hunter, to return from their afternoon hunt,” Catherine said as she gestured towards the nearby sitting room.

  “A cup of tea sounds lovely after my ride from Town,” Denver said as he followed Catherine to the sitting room.

  “You were in Town? I thought you would be at the country estate,” Catherine commented. She walked into the sitting room and took to a chair near the window. She wanted to be able to see out over the front lawn for when Marcus returned. Therefore, she wouldn’t be surprised when the hunting party did return.

  “I went to Town to take care of some business,” Denver said as he took to a chair across from her. “This is quite a lovely place.”

  “Sedgewick Manor is a lovely place. I would like to see it again in my lifetime if I wasn’t so afraid of its current condition,” Catherine said as she stiffened. She scolded herself for being so harsh as she looked at her brother, who appeared quite exhausted. Her words didn’t seem to help his condition any more as he frowned.

  “I was in Town because I met with several money lenders to pay back all my debts at the gambling halls. I can at least say I only owe the money lenders now,” Denver said as he crossed his legs and folded his hands in his lap.

  Catherine’s eyes widened at the news. She knew it must be hard to be in such debt when her father had been quite a wealthy man. But to owe debt collectors was far worse.

  “Denver, how could you do such a thing? You will be thrown into a debtor’s prison if you don’t make good on your word,” Catherine exclaimed.

  “I am confident that I’ll be able to pay back the money I have lent. I’m working on a few business propositions that I think will make me a wealthy man once more,” Denver said, a thin smile upon his lips.

  “And if these so-called business propositions don’t work, what will you do then?” she asked.

  “Then perhaps I should consider marrying a wealthy young lady with a handsome dowry? I could change my life around through marriage, much like you have,” Denver teased.

  “How could you say such a thing? If it wasn’t for your poor choices, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

  “Are you saying you’re not happy here, Catherine? Has Lord Kingston done something terrible?” Denver asked, his face turning into a nasty scowl. Catherine had long assumed that her brother no longer had any feelings towards her and therefore was surprised by his reaction.


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