To Tempt a Dashing Lord

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To Tempt a Dashing Lord Page 11

by Lucy Langton

  “No, Denver. Not at all. Lord Kingston is a very honourable gentleman. Someone you could really model yourself afterwards. I am simply stating the fact that I wouldn’t have needed to find employment or be married at this time in my life if you hadn’t spent so much money at the card tables.”

  “The blame can’t all be placed on me, Catherine. Neither one of us was expecting our parents to suddenly die,” Denver said as he turned his nose up at her.

  “How can you say such a thing?” Catherine asked as she tightened her fists in her lap. “You act as though the accident is to blame. You have been groomed since a child to one day be earl. You had all the proper knowledge and education for the position. It is your own selfish decisions that led to this moment. Not our parents’ deaths.”

  For a few moments, the two simply looked at one another. Catherine fumed with anger, her breathing coming hard to her lungs as she tried to compose herself. And Denver’s normally bright blue eyes were darkened with his own brooding mood. Catherine was on the verge of sending him off, saying that it wouldn’t be right for him to attend her ball, when she saw movement across the front lawn.

  Catherine looked to the window and saw that the hunting party had just returned to the manor. Catherine knew that her time alone with Denver would be coming to an end and that whatever decision she made needed to be quick. Not wanting to see her brother thrown in jail and the family name ruined forever, she unclipped the brooch that Marcus had given her and handed it to Denver.

  “I will do what I can to help you get out of debt with the money lenders. But I expect certain things in return,” Catherine said.

  “Like what?” Denver asked as he quickly pocketed the brooch.

  “First of all, I want to see you staying away from any strong drink. No wine with dinner, no brandy with the gentlemen.”

  “What does drinking have to do with my money problems?”

  “It has everything to do with your sound judgement and ability to make good choices. You’re a drunk, Denver, and the only way you’re going to change your life around is by stopping what you’ve already done. You will go to jail if you don’t make changes now.” Catherine’s voice had ebbed from anger into pleading as she finally softened her posture.

  A part of her wanted Denver to face the consequences of his actions and spend a few years in jail. But the idea of him rotting in the Tower of London didn’t settle well with her, either.

  “I know, Catherine. That’s why I came here. I need all the help I can get,” Denver admitted as he lowered his head, his eyes falling to the ground.

  “At least now you’re admitting you need help instead of trying to do this all on your own. Had I been born a male instead of a female, this would have never happened,” Catherine complained. “But we seem out of time. The hunting party has returned. I suggest you retire to the bedchamber assigned to you to rest from your travels. You look exhausted and you could use a proper meal. I’ll have Mr. Burg bring you up a tray.”

  “Thank you, Catherine. This means the world to me,” Denver said as he stood.

  “Don’t thank me yet, Denver. If you do or say anything to jeopardise my marriage and my future as Countess, then I will leave you to be taken to prison,” Catherine said, her eyes hard on her brother. Though he was family, she felt the need to finally show him how serious she was when it came to his fate.

  Denver nodded as Catherine picked up the service ball and rang it. When Mr. Burg came into the room, she gave him her request, and the butler was quick to accommodate Denver right away. It all seemed perfectly timed because as soon as Denver left to be shown to his bedchamber, the front door was opened and it was filled with the sound of jolly voices. Catherine couldn’t help but smile at the sound, pleased to hear that at least the hunting party had gone well.

  Catherine rose from her seat, figuring a walk through the gardens would help her settle her emotions. The gentlemen would no doubt retire to the drawing room to speak of the hunt and to enjoy refreshments. This evening would be a dinner party for the guests that would be arriving today who intended to stay at the manor for the ball tomorrow. For now, she thought finding a moment to herself would be a decent idea since it would become rather chaotic in the hours to come.

  She had just stepped outside, thinking how lovely the sun felt on her skin, when she heard someone approaching from behind. She turned to see Marcus swiftly following after her, a bright smile on his face. He came to her then and embraced her, a sign of affection she hadn’t been expecting. After all, he only did this type of thing when he greatly desired her.

  “How are you doing, my dear?” he asked as he leaned back and looked down at her. Catherine could only assume he was in a good mood from the hunt and decided to play along.

  “I am well, thank you. My brother has just arrived. He’s gone to rest for the remainder of the afternoon,” Catherine explained.

  “I am glad to hear he has arrived safely. The gentlemen and I were successful in finding a deer, a boar, and several rabbits,” Marcus said with pride.

  “I am sure that Cook will be pleased to see the fresh meat. And I am glad to see that you are faring well and were not injured in any way,” Catherine said as she looked down at his riding attire. His brown trousers were a bit dirty, but overall, he looked well. His hair had started to grow out since he was no longer sailing on ships, and beside his muscular physique, he was looking like an ordinary gentleman.

  “Come. I wish to introduce you to the tenants who did join me on the hunt,” Marcus said as he took her hand in his. She dearly wanted to be left alone in the garden to think about her situation with Denver. But not wanting Marcus to suspect anything, she allowed him to lead her back into the house so that she could greet those whom Marcus intended her to meet.

  Catherine put on a smile for his company, commenting on their successful hunt. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits as the hunting stories were retold with plenty of laughter all around. However, despite all the good fun everyone had experienced, she had a hard time being sympathetic.

  She knew her brother was close and that his troubles were even closer. Catherine kept thinking what she could do for her brother, even though a part of her feared that her brother was beyond help. Furthermore, she felt silly for allowing Denver to have her brooch. Certainly, Marcus would notice it was missing come tomorrow at the ball.

  When the opportunity arose for her to leave the gentlemen, she made quick haste in returning to the gardens. She didn’t look back to see if she was being followed but instead disappeared into the rose bushes, wanting to feel some sort of peace. She dearly wished to be with Beth and see how the little one was doing. But to avoid her being discovered, she decided against going to the one person that brought her the most comfort. Though Marcus seemed to become more affectionate with each passing day, she didn’t feel she could trust him yet with the knowledge of what her brother had done to his reputation and the family fortune.

  Chapter 13

  Marcus was standing before the looking glass in his bedchamber as his valet fixed his cravat. Having been free to wear only his muslin shirt and trousers when it was only he and Catherine at home, he felt rather put together in his waistcoat, tailcoat, pantaloons, and tasselled Hessian boots.

  He had been reassured that it was of the latest fashion, and therefore he was willing to look his best for Catherine. After all, this event was to debut her into society as his countess and a respectful lady of the elite class. More than anything, he wanted to make Catherine proud of him.

  The only thing that Marcus had been discovering about himself was how he had started to have deeper feelings towards Catherine than before. At first, marrying Catherine had been a means to an end. But now, as he spent more time with her and discovered what a fine young lady she was, Marcus started to think that perhaps she was the type of woman he could really fall in love with. And after their passionate night together, he only desired to be with her more than before.

  “All the guests hav
e arrived that are expected,” Mr. Burg said as he came into his bedchamber. The valet stepped back then, having finished assembling his cravat, and bowed before swiftly leaving the room.

  Marcus turned to the butler and gave him a swift nod as he left the room and crossed the hall to Catherine’s bedchamber to escort her downstairs for dinner. He knocked on her door and waited until her lady’s maid opened the door and curtsied.

  “Her ladyship is almost done,” the maid explained before closing the door once more. Marcus smirked as he stepped away from the door, thinking that women always took the longest to prepare for any social function. He remembered his own mother keeping them all waiting when it was time to go out for one dinner party or another. It was times like this when Marcus truly missed his parents and wished life hadn’t happened in the way that it had.

  When Catherine’s bedchamber door was opened, he turned to see her stepping out of the room in a gorgeous violet gown made of layers of satin. She stepped towards him before folding her gloved hands in front of her. Her golden hair had been curled and pinned to the top of her head, exposing her long, slender neck where a necklace of pearls lay.

  The smirk on her lips told Marcus that she was enjoying the way his eyes roamed over her body. And had they not invited so many to join them for dinner this evening, he would have eagerly led her instead to his bedchamber to enjoy all sorts of passionate ideas that quickly sprung to mind.

  “Are you ready to head downstairs?” she asked, breaking through his thoughts. He smiled at her as he extended his arm towards her where she rested her hand on his so he could lead her towards the drawing room where all the guests should have gathered by now.

  “You look rather ravishing this evening, my dear,” he said, their closeness giving him the perfect opportunity to gaze at her full bosom.

  “I had a feeling that was what you were thinking as you first gazed upon my attire for this evening,” Catherine said with a chuckle.

  “You have a way of tempting me, most certainly,” he admitted in a low voice as he leaned down towards her and placed a kiss to her forehead.

  “A conversation for a later time, I suppose,” Catherine retorted as she tilted her head up towards him and smiled brightly.

  “I shall hold you to that, then,” Marcus said as they came to the head of the stairs. Slowly, he escorted Catherine down the long staircase, enjoying her closeness. He felt rather greedy at the moment, wanting to have her full attention for the rest of the evening. But with so many guests in attendance, he knew it would certainly be rude. After all, he could also fathom that Catherine would be interested in company of her own gender, as well as that of Aunt Daniella.

  The chatter coming from the drawing room was easily heard in the hallway. Marcus paused at the door, the footmen on either side ready to open the doors and announce their arrival. He looked down at Catherine and sighed, knowing that the rest of the evening would be rather busy.

  “Are you ready to face the masses?” he asked her in a soft voice.

  “With you by my side, I’m sure we can handle a simple dinner party. I’m confident in Mrs. Denton and Mrs. Sim’s care and will not fret so much about being absent,” Catherine said, her words easily understood by Marcus.

  “It’s only for a short time,” Marcus said as he patted her hand. She nodded in response as she focused her eyes on the door. Marcus gave a sharp nod to the footmen then. They moved quickly to open the door so they could enter, and once they were inside, made their announcement.

  “The honourable Lord Kingston, and Lady Kingston, Earl and Countess of Ralston!” the footman cried. Those in attendance stopped their conversations to turn towards them and applaud. Marcus stood as stiffly as he had been trained to do in the Navy, as though he was receiving another award from his superior officer. It was only when the applause began to die down that Marcus led Catherine further into the room so they could begin greeting their guests together.

  “My word, what a sight for sore eyes,” Aunt Daniella said as she soon approached them, her cane tight in her right hand as always.

  “It is good to see you again, Lady Evergreen,” Marcus said with a smile. Catherine let go of his hand to embrace the older woman. Marcus could tell how much Catherine had missed her by the duration of their embrace.

  “Child, it is as though you have been transformed. I can’t say I’ve ever seen you this happy. Marriage does suit the two of you,” Lady Evergreen said as Catherine stepped back and returned to Marcus’ side.

  “I must admit that you give sound advice,” Marcus said to his aunt, causing her to chuckle in return.

  “I suppose I shall take that as some form of gratitude. Well, I shall accept it either way. I look forward to staying with you for the next few weeks. I am sure there is plenty to catch up on after the ball,” Lady Evergreen said, her words clear to Marcus.

  “Yes, there will be much to discuss after the festivities,” Marcus agreed.

  “Well, I won’t keep you two,” Lady Evergreen said as she returned to where she had been sitting near the fireplace and mantle. A group of older women were gathered there, and Catherine recognised them as many of Lady Evergreen’s closest friends.

  “It was nice of you to invite so many of Auntie’s friends,” Catherine commented as Marcus led her through the drawing room.

  “It was the only way to ensure she would be comfortable. It’s hard to convince a lady of her status to leave Town,” Marcus replied.

  “Well, it seems you’ve been able to convince many to leave their town houses for this ball.”

  “I believe it is all worth it to truly introduce you to society,” Marcus said, catching her eyes. She gave him a bright smile as they continued on through the room.

  Family by family, they greeted all who had attended. Their conversation was light with Lord Hall as he was in a conversation with other gentlemen, which included Lord Hunter. Marcus was glad to see that his brother-in-law was keeping in good company and appeared well rested.

  He was thinking that if his good friend Lord Hunter learned more about his brother-in-law on his behalf, then he might be able to advise Lord Hall if he felt he was making poor decisions that could completely ruin him.

  When Marcus felt Catherine’s hand tighten on his arm suddenly, he looked down at her quickly to see what could be the matter. He followed her line of sight to see that she was looking at Lord Whetstone, an earl who was an acquaintance of his brother. Marcus could see the concern on her face, and the smirk on the man’s.

  “I am guessing you are acquainted with the man?” Marcus asked as he leaned close to Catherine so that they could speak solely together.

  “You could say that,” Catherine replied as she looked up at Marcus. As he looked into her soft blue eyes, he wondered if he saw fear there. The same fear he saw in the eyes of men who faced battle at sea for the first time.

  “Would you care for me to make an introduction?” he asked. But before Catherine could say what she was about to as her lips parted, the man in question approached them.

  “Good evening, Lord Kingston. Thank you so much for inviting me to attend this ball at your home. Your brother was a fine man, and I can see you are as well,” Lord Whetstone said as he came to stand in front of them, dipping his head to them both. “I am pleased to see you as well, Lady Kingston.”

  “I see that you two are already acquainted. Might I ask how so?” Marcus asked, not liking the way Catherine stiffened beside him and moved even closer to him. He could tell that she was clearly scared of the man. If they had a dark history, then he surely wanted to know.

  “There was a time when I did try to court Lady Kingston. It seems you are the better man of us both,” Lord Whetstone said with a chuckle. “But I wish not to describe such past events. After all, I am currently engaged to Miss Banks.”

  “Ah, the Duke’s daughter. You are a very lucky man to make such connections,” Marcus remarked.

  “Just so,” Lord Whetstone said as his mirth continued.
“I’ve had the pleasure of keeping company with your brother, Lady Kingston. May word, how I love to win at card games.”


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