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Destined (The ARC Book 4)

Page 4

by Alexandra Moody

  ‘No. She would never do that,’ I agree. ‘So, do you think they’re just going to keep arguing forever?’

  He shrugs. ‘I have no idea, but they need to let her take charge or have someone else step up to the plate otherwise nothing will ever get done.’

  ‘I did it!’ Kelsey squeals, passing the can over to me.

  ‘Thanks Kels, what would I do without you?’

  ‘You’d be hungry of course,’ she replies, shaking her head at the silliness of my question.

  I smile into my food. I’d definitely be missing something without her in my life.

  ‘I’m just going to check with Mia about looking after Kels tonight. I’ll be back in a sec,’ Sebastian says, standing and moving over to her. The line has gone now and she’s busy packing away the boxes of cans.

  A cold shiver passes down the back of my neck and I look over to see Luke emerging from the darkness of the tunnel. Bright purple flames dance along his fingertips, and he only extinguishes them once he reaches the light of the platform. I immediately look back at the can in my hand and try to stay calm.

  I’ve only known him a few weeks, meeting him for the first time when we moved into these tunnels. But, even from our first meeting I’ve felt uncomfortable around him. He’s a little older than me and is covered with toned muscles, which he wears like a threat. There’s an aggressive scar running down one of his cheeks and with short, white blonde hair he’s difficult to miss in a crowd. He looks at me like I’m vermin and the things he has to say to me usually make me feel like I am. I’m not sure what I’ve done to him, to put him so off side, but he treats me like I’m not good enough to be the dirt beneath his shoes.

  ‘Morning Luke,’ I say, as he approaches. I attempt to sound as pleasant as possible, but my effort is lost on him. He merely grunts in response and I actually feel grateful that’s all he has to say to me.

  I listen for the sound of him moving on, but it doesn’t come. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him standing there watching me.

  ‘You’re still here then,’ he says. ‘You know, we’d all be a lot better off if you weren’t.’

  I fumble with my can, causing it to fall out of my hands and crash onto the ground, spilling corn and liquid everywhere.

  ‘Excuse me?’ I reply, my voice small with shock. I slowly pick the can back up, clutching it tightly in my hand.

  ‘You’re a liability. We would all be much better off if you’d stayed in the hospital. Everyone knows it, but they’re all too scared you’ll freeze them like you did to Joseph if they so much as mutter a word.’

  I swallow slowly, glancing around the platform. There are still a few people here and those closest to us are staring determinedly into their cans of food, refusing to meet my eyes. They can clearly hear what Luke’s saying.

  ‘Well, I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere,’ I respond, trying not to let my hurt seep into my voice. Does everyone really feel the same way? Do they all think I’m a monster? I knew a few people must, but everyone?

  ‘We’ll see,’ he responds, turning and walking away.

  A shiver works its way down my spine and I try to take a calming breath in. The can in my hand turns icy cold and I throw it away from me as it begins to freeze. I stand and try to move away from Kelsey, but my seat has already become covered in frost.

  My heart beats faster and my breath comes quicker. I’m losing control again. I have to get out of here. Without another thought, I run for the steps at the end of the platform. I pass Mia and Sebastian on the way, but I don’t acknowledge them as I rush past.

  I can’t lose control of my talent in here. The more I think of trying to stay calm though, the more out of control I feel. My legs pump beneath me as I fly up the staircase. I can’t move fast enough, can’t get away quick enough. When I reach the top, I launch my way over the turnstiles, leaving an icy handprint in my wake.

  There’s no one in the station concourse and I race across the empty hall before launching myself up the stairs to get to the street. Reaching the entrance, I still don’t feel far enough away.

  ‘Where are you going?’ Dalton grunts as he appears beside me. He must be on lookout up here. He stands there frowning down at me, with his hulk-like frame taking up a large portion of the entrance. I ignore his question and bolt past him, out onto the road. It’s still pelting down with rain out here, but I know I need to get as far away from the station as possible. I keep running, ignoring the downpour, which quickly soaks my clothes.

  ‘Elle!’ Dalton shouts after me, his voice almost inaudible over the rain that smacks loudly against the pavement.

  The droplets that hit my skin begin to turn hard as they roll off me, falling onto the ground as small icy pellets. I drive on, through the torrent, aiming for an alley a few blocks away.

  When I reach it, I run into the alcove of one of the doors and sit on the ground, curling up into a little ball as I try to calm myself down. I hug my knees tightly to my chest and ever so slowly count to ten.

  I need to learn to control my outbursts. I’ve been better in the weeks since I removed my cuff. But, in moments where I’m slightly scared or hurt, they rush out of me and I lose all ability to contain myself.

  The ice always seems to come the easiest when I’m upset. Though when I’m more affected it can be the wind that whips up or flames that erupt from my hands. Teleporting rarely happens and in moments like these I truly wish I could easily disappear, and get away from the people who are at risk because they’re close to me.

  ‘Elle?’ I look up at the sound of my name to see Sebastian standing at the end of the alley, which has been frosted over with thousands of tiny balls of ice. He’s completely soaked from the rain and when his eyes lock onto mine, my heart begins to race faster.

  He takes a step into the alley. ‘Are you okay?’

  I shake my head. ‘Please don’t come near me. I just need to calm down right now. I don’t want to hurt you.’

  He doesn’t listen and walks swiftly to me. He sits beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders causing me to gasp. ‘But…’

  He silences me by turning my head to look at him, his bright blue eyes looking into mine. ‘When are you going to learn? You will never hurt me and I will always be here for you when you lose control.’

  I nod and try to stop a tear from running down my cheek. He pulls me close and I tuck my head into his shoulder. I fit perfectly in the nook between his arm and his chest and having him so close eases me in a way I haven’t been able to manage alone. As we sit there the frozen hailstones slowly start to melt and I can feel myself calming in response to Sebastian’s presence.

  ‘Why did you take your band off?’ he asks, when he can tell I’ve recovered from my outburst.

  I keep my eyes focused on the ground, hesitating. I know exactly how he’ll react if I tell him it’s been gone this whole time. He’ll be upset I didn’t tell him and I don’t want to deal with his disappointment in me. Not today.

  ‘It’s been irritating me so I started taking it off when I try to sleep at night. I must’ve forgotten to put it back on this morning,’ I lie.

  He raises one eyebrow at me, and I wonder if he can tell I’m lying to him. He doesn’t push me for the truth though. ‘What made you lose control? You were fine at breakfast.’

  ‘Luke,’ I reply. Luke isn’t particularly nice to anyone here, but he’s been giving me an especially bad time.

  ‘What did he want this time?’ Sebastian’s voice is gentle, but when I sneak a glance at him his eyes are hard and unforgiving as he glares holes in the building across the alley.

  ‘He said that I shouldn’t be here, and that he and everyone else want me gone—nothing unusual really. I’m just tired this morning and it upset me more than his taunts normally do.’ I huff out a breath and rest my chin on my knees.

  Sebastian drops his arm and rubs my back. ‘I’ll talk to him.’ His eyes are still brimming with anger and I can tell he’s imagining exactly
the kind of talk he’d like to have with Luke.

  I pull his chin so he looks at me. ‘Don’t you dare Sebastian Scott! Things are bad enough as it is. I can only imagine how bad he would become if you went in there, all guns blazing. It will be fine. I just need to grow thicker skin.’

  ‘And remember to wear your band,’ he adds, his eyes softening. I don’t miss that he hasn’t agreed to leave Luke alone.

  ‘Yeah,’ I respond. ‘That too.’

  ‘Come on,’ he says, standing and holding out his hand to me. ‘We need to get back in time for the meeting.’

  ‘Thanks.’ I grab his hand and let him help me up. His palm is large and warm around mine. I pause before letting it go, enjoying the feeling more than I should. ‘Do you think it’s a good idea for me to go still?’

  ‘Why wouldn’t it be?’

  ‘Well, I’m worried that people don’t want me here. Luke isn’t alone in that wish.’

  ‘Don’t be silly; of course people want you here. You’re our greatest asset.’

  ‘Or our greatest liability,’ I mutter in response.

  Sebastian shakes his head at me. ‘One day you’re going to surprise everyone, but mostly yourself, and I’ll be there to say, “I told you so,” because I believed in you all along.’

  I lift my eyes to the sky. ‘You really missed your calling in life,’ I say. ‘You’d do wonders writing self-help books you know.’

  Sebastian laughs deeply and takes my hand in his again, which causes my heart to flutter. ‘Well, that was always my fallback career. I do quite like the ring of Sebastian Scott, “rebel,” though.’

  I smile and shake my head at him before looking out at the falling rain, steeling myself for our return. ‘We better run back to the station if we don’t want to get soaked again,’ I say.

  He gives the sky a disparaging look, as though he is truly pained at the thought of getting wet again. But then his eyes light up and he grins. ‘I have a better idea,’ he says. He pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around my body.

  ‘Hold on tight,’ he whispers, leaning his head close to my ear. I feel the tingle of his talent vibrating through the air around us, before we both disappear from the side alley.


  The meeting is set to take place on the platform. Most of The Movement are already packed into the area by the time Sebastian and I arrive. It’s the easiest place for us to all meet, and the largest. But with people standing all along the platform, it seems a whole lot smaller.

  I spot Kelsey with Mia as soon as I walk down the steps and she runs over to me, taking my hand in hers as we search for a space to sit. We end up settling against one of the walls; the few seats down here must have been taken a while ago. Kelsey happily curls up on my lap and Sebastian sits next to me, his knee brushing against mine.

  I catch sight of Lara and her parents standing over by one of the graffiti covered pillars. She gives me a warm smile, which I return to her. It’s good to see her here. She’s been struggling since we rescued her from Headquarters, and has avoided interacting with other people—even me. Not that I hold it against her. She deserves as much time as she needs to recover.

  She looks comfortable despite the crowd and my eyes naturally seek out her wrist. She’s wearing her inhibitor band, which explains her ease. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for her in a room filled with the emotions of so many people.

  I peer around for sight of Aiden, but it’s no surprise he’s not here. He’s barely left the old veterinary clinic we’re using as a medical centre since we got here. His girlfriend, Jane, still hasn’t woken up after what the hospital did to her and he refuses to stop working on a way to fix her. Leaving the clinic for a meeting isn’t nearly a good enough reason.

  ‘What’s he doing here?’ Sebastian grumbles.

  I follow his gaze to see Ryan standing over by the steps. He keeps looking up them, as though he’s concerned.

  ‘He’s a part of The Movement,’ I say. ‘Why shouldn’t he be here?’

  He shrugs. ‘I just don’t like the guy.’

  ‘Why not?’

  He folds his arms across his chest and scowls, refusing to explain. I roll my eyes at his stubbornness and glance down at the time on my cuff. The meeting was supposed to start ten minutes ago and there’s no sign of April anywhere. I look to Sebastian. ‘Where’s April?’

  The scowl on his face drops and he stands, trying to see her in the crowd. When he can’t find her, he looks back down at me. ‘She should be here by now.’

  ‘She’s not coming,’ Kelsey says, quietly.

  We both look at her. ‘Do you know why?’ I ask, lowering my voice to match hers.

  ‘I have a feeling something bad has happened.’

  I immediately lift her off my lap and stand. Sebastian follows me as we shuffle through the crowd and walk up the steps that lead from the platform to the surface. Kelsey’s had these gut feelings before and they’re usually pretty spot on. Aiden thinks she has some sort of heightened intuition, maybe even foresight. We have no way to test it though as it always comes and goes. I’ve had enough experience with her feelings now, that when she has one, I know it’s usually right.

  ‘Do you know what’s happened?’ Sebastian asks her, once we reach the turnstiles at the top.

  ‘I just had a feeling,’ is all she says in response. She seems confused and worried about letting us down.

  I smile down at her, encouragingly. ‘That’s okay. You’ve been a great help.’ I look up at Sebastian. ‘Have you seen April this morning?’ My heart slowly beats faster. The last I’d seen April, it was the middle of the night and she was out on the street. What if something happened to her after I left?

  Sebastian frowns. ‘Yeah, I saw her briefly this morning. I think she was going to go check on the computers they’re setting up in the security office. They acquired a generator a few days ago and it sounded like they were close to being up and running again.’

  I nod and let out a slow breath, trying not to appear too relieved. I don’t know what I’d do if something had happened to her. Hopefully the reason for her delay is just a minor problem with the computers.

  ‘Let’s see if she’s there,’ I suggest.

  Sebastian pulls Kelsey into his arms to carry her and we hurry through the turnstiles and over to the door marked, ‘staff only.’ We push through the door and walk down a long corridor before reaching the room that we’re after. I’ve only been here once before and it wasn’t a very pleasant experience. The whole room had flooded after a rainstorm. Hopefully they’ve managed to find a way to stop it from happening again or I can very well guess what’s going on in there now.

  I’m relieved to find the security office is dry. Everyone in the room is silent though, and there’s a tension to the air I can almost feel rubbing against my skin. April, Soren and Dalton, along with two guys working at the computers, all have their eyes riveted to a screen that’s up on the wall.

  I move towards them, but when I see the contents of the screen I stop. The pictures show Joseph standing on what looks like a rooftop with his cold eyes staring down the lens of the camera. Even though he’s not in this room I can feel his gaze cutting into me like a frozen dagger to my heart. Sebastian grabs my hand, squeezing it tightly as Joseph begins to make an announcement.

  ‘Hope City is under the threat of terrorists,’ he says. ‘They call themselves “The Movement,” and they have committed inexcusable acts of violence against our people over the last few weeks. They have spread lies and deceit, and created fear throughout the city.

  ‘We have spent years building our new home here on the surface and I will not stand idly by while this happens. We cannot allow these rebels to tear our community down. We will not bow to radicalism. Not even for family…’

  ‘What does he mean by that?’ I whisper to Sebastian.

  He looks at me, his eyes as lost as mine. I turn back to the screen, my heart racing. Is he talking about Hunter? What could
he have done? Would he really hold his son accountable? I chew my lower lip. This isn’t good.

  Joseph turns to look at a door behind him, which two recruiters open to reveal M standing there in shackles. He is shoved out into the open, tripping over his feet as he staggers towards Joseph. His clothes are in tatters and his skin is drawn and ashen.

  ‘What have they done to him?’ I wonder aloud, knowing the others in the room feel as worried as I do. I squeeze Sebastian’s hand tighter.

  ‘This,’ Joseph waves his hand towards M, ‘is my brother, Michael.’ Several in the room with me gasp, clasping their hands over their mouths. I glance at April who doesn’t appear shocked at all. Has she known all along?

  ‘He has been arrested for masterminding the attack on Headquarters. This act of terrorism was planned and executed under his orders and resulted in the deaths of innocent people. He has betrayed his family and his people.

  ‘It gives me no pleasure to say, that all attempts at negotiations with this terrorist and his supporters have failed. As of tonight, any individuals found associated with The Movement will be arrested. If they are found guilty of acts of terrorism, they will be subject to the same fate as their leader.’

  He pauses, allowing the words to settle on his audience before he continues, turning to M. ‘This man’s actions, and those of his followers, are so heinous that we are left with only one option to ensure the safety of everyone in Hope City. For the first time since we have returned to the surface, we will be employing the death penalty. He will be executed in two days, on Friday at 12 P.M.’

  The camera flashes to M, whose eyes refuse to show the slightest hint of emotion. He doesn’t look surprised or worried by Joseph’s announcement.

  I lean in to Sebastian, my mind whirling as I process the information. ‘He’s had M for weeks. Why is he doing this now?’

  ‘He knows how quickly the people will turn on him when given the right motivation,’ he growls in response. ‘He doesn’t want us gaining a foothold. Yesterday in the market square he saw how Hope would react to the truth. He’s afraid.’


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