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Lance: A Hitman Romance (Santa Espera #2)

Page 15

by Harley Fox

  He drops his head down and takes one of my nipples into his mouth. I suck in breath as I drop my head back down on the pillow. His hand grabs onto my other breast and he massages both, one with his fingers, the other with his lips and tongue. I moan as hot lava flows down from his touch to the space between my legs. It fills me, making me writhe and buck on the bed. All I want is for Lance to fuck me. My body aches to feel him inside.

  Putting his weight onto his legs, Lance slides his second hand down my bare stomach and I feel him slip his fingers beneath the waistband of my shorts. Lifting my hips up, I let him peel the clothing off of me, the fabric clinging to my wet pussy. I help to slide them down my legs and off and then I’m naked, we’re both naked. I open my legs again and Lance is between them, but instead of filling me with his hardness, he keeps moving down, keeping one hand on my breast as he kisses his way down to my torso and waist.

  My stomach fills with butterflies as I feel his warm breath move closer and closer to my aching sex. He kisses me, reaching that place, his lips brushing against my inner thigh. My breath comes through in shudders, and I lift myself to him, throbbing. But he moves at his own pace and I make a soft sound in my throat, wordlessly begging him to give me what I want. He kisses me again, slowly still, and with every kiss he gets closer, and closer …

  Finally he reaches me and I suck in a deep breath into my lungs. Lance’s warm, wet lips plant themselves right onto my clit and I let out a low moan. His tongue slides down, covering me, licking up my juices and making me tremble. I try moving but he still has a hand on my breast, his other one holding onto my hip now.

  Lance keeps me in place as he buries his head between my thighs. He begins licking me up, making me cry out with delicious ecstasy. I try bucking up to meet him but he holds me down with ease. I try lifting my chest but that’s pinned to the bed. Then I feel his lips wrap around my clit and I gasp again. I try writhing and can only get so far.

  Faster now, he seems to know exactly where to go. Lance sucks on my clit and licks me, moving up and down, dipping himself in and tasting the essence of me. But always he goes back to my clit, and when he wraps his lips around it again I cry out now, loudly.

  All rational thought slips out of my mind. I try pushing up to meet Lance but he keeps holding me down. His entire mouth opens and I feel him cover all of me and I groan, a deep, heady sound. He moves up to my clit and suddenly I’m thrashing. His tongue circles around it, flicking, hitting, pulsing deep waves down my entire body. I shudder, shake, and cry out with every hit that he gives me. Lance flattens his tongue over me and slides it slowly up, toying with my lips, finding my clit again as I moan, louder now, louder than I ever have before.

  As Lance keeps licking me, as he wraps his lips around my hard clit and sends me into a frenzy, I feel myself tightening inside. My muscles clench together and I feel that ball of energy moving up through me, making me quiver, making me shake uncontrollably.

  He keeps licking and I cry out again as his tongue flattens over my clit. He moves it around and throughout every second I cry, trying to move, stuck where I am on the bed. He centers in with his lips again and then he’s got it, and when he sucks it in I almost can’t breathe. The pleasure inside of me skyrockets. My pussy clenches hard and he keeps going, rubbing over it with his tongue, the sudden and incredible feeling pushing me over the edge as I come hard, crying out so loud I swear my vocal chords are going to explode. My hands smash down into the mattress as I keep trying to push up into him, but I can’t and that exquisite denial only pushes me farther, my orgasm riding through me like an explosion.

  When I finish, Lance’s mouth finally detaches from my pussy. My mind is a sodden blur and I’m out of breath. I see him get up off the bed and for a terrible moment I think that’s it, he’s done with me. But instead he goes to his leather jacket and takes out a condom, and my heart skips a beat in my chest. Taking the thing out and unrolling it over his length, he climbs back onto the bed and snakes up between my legs, and a moment later he’s hovering over me, the head of his cock just at the opening of my pussy. His eyes are burning into mine and a shiver runs down my spine, but I have no time to think as a moment later he plunges inside of me. I gasp, my eyes rolling up into the back of my head.

  Hearing Lance’s moan sends me to new places. He slides deeply into me, pressing my body down into the mattress, my hips finally able to move as I lift them to meet his. His hands find my arms and slide down until he’s got a hold of my wrists, and as I watch him he pins them up beside my head, holding me, keeping me prisoner while his cock fills my pussy up entirely.

  I take in shuddering breaths as he thrusts, hearing him moan with every exhale. I’m watching him, my mouth hanging open, and he’s looking at me, looking into me. I tighten around him and see him take in a shuddering breath. My legs wrap around his back and I feel his bare ass right against my feet.

  Lance starts moving more quickly, driving into me hard. I moan as my body lifts up and my back arches, despite my hands being held down. My breasts press into Lance’s chest and I let out a long moan. Lance moves even faster and that cock of his drives in deep with every thrust, his body pressing down against my clit, sending hot, thick waves of pleasure throughout my entire body.

  “Oh fuck,” I hear myself say as I start to tighten around him. Lance breathes hard and he’s moving faster. He presses himself down into me and I feel his heartbeat, heavy and hard as it matches with mine.

  Lance moans and pushes farther in, and my sounds become smothered as he plants his lips onto mine. He keeps going hard, pushing into me, my pussy closing tighter around him. We moan together and I rise up, tightening, seeing colors, and then suddenly I explode as loud, deep cries echo out around the room.

  Lance moans loudly and then a moment later I feel him explode inside of me, his cock hard and pulsing, stretching my pussy and only rocketing me even farther out into heaven. Lance pumps into me as I cry and moan, my body trapped between him and the bed, my fingers scrabbling at the air.

  And when it’s over, when we’ve both tasted as much unbridled pleasure as we can take, I feel him slow down and my eyes flutter open as my heartbeat returns to normal. And Lance, hot and hard and heavy, weighs down comfortably on top of me and I feel him, still inside of me, twitching and throbbing. And as I close my eyes again I smile, and he lets go of my hands as I wrap them around him, feeling his warm and hard body against mine.


  The night is still young, but I sit still and silent as I take in long, slow breaths, staring out into the dark.

  It’s past midnight. I’m sitting by the front window, on one of the plastic chairs that was over by the round table. Looking around for any sign of movement, all I can see is the motel’s parking lot and the road beyond it. They both sit quiet in this dark, barren area. There are only three cars in the lot. High above them sit two large lights that illuminate the space around them. It’s still warm, despite the sun having gone down.

  I hear Katie make a noise as she shifts in her sleep. My ears perk but she quiets down again, returning back to her quiet breathing, the slow rhythmic noise that sounds so calming to my ears. For just a moment I pull my attention from the window and bring it over to her, seeing her silhouetted shape underneath the covers on the bed, watching it rise and fall with every peaceful breath.

  After our little fun, Katie practically passed out. I got up off the bed and slipped her underneath the covers, not bothering to put clothes back on her. Then I went to the bathroom and got dressed, and after a moment’s hesitation I slipped on my shoulder holster before covering it with my leather jacket. Then I grabbed this chair, brought it over to the window, and that’s where I’ve been for the past several hours. Watching. And waiting.

  Waiting for what, I’m not sure. But I know that trouble’s brewing. I can feel it. Things have been too quiet to mean anything good. Gil must’ve known something was up when Jackson didn’t get back to the restaurant. Maybe that’s why he sent those tw
o guys to kill me at my apartment. But how could they have gotten there so fast? That’s one thing that’s been bugging me. Gil wouldn’t have found out about Jackson until much later. Did he send those guys as a precautionary measure? Maybe.

  Anyway, that’s over and done with. Jackson’s been put away, and now all I have to worry about is Gil. I need to talk to him. Explain what happened and why I didn’t want to do that last job. Hopefully he’ll hear me out. And hopefully he won’t try to do something stupid like try to kill me.

  I meant what I told Katie before, when we were eating dinner: I’m through working for Gil. The gall of him, asking me to kill some little baby. That was the last straw. I didn’t get into this business to end innocent lives. I only hope that Willy will want to leave with me. It might take some convincing, but I’m sure I’ll be able to talk him out of it. We can find someone else together.

  There’s still nothing happening outside. I look over at Katie again and watch her, breathing so peacefully. When I put the covers over her she looked so beautiful. Not just sexy, but beautiful. Inside, I feel something pulling me to her. What I wouldn’t give to be lying there beside her, my arms wrapped around her warm, soft body, my head nestled into her hair …

  I close my eyes and give my head a shake. Pulling myself away from my fantasies, I go back to looking out the window.

  Ah, what am I even doing here with Katie anyways? Logically, I should have ditched her ages ago. Just leave her for the cops and let them take care of her instead of me. Even if she fingered me she doesn’t know enough to do any real damage. She doesn’t even know my last name. The cops don’t have anything that could implicate me, and Jackson can’t say anything without getting himself and Gil in trouble. I should have let her go.

  So why didn’t I? Why do I feel so protective of her, like I want to make certain she’s all right? There’s something about her … she’s different somehow. Smart, yes. And she’s got an attitude on her, that much is sure. But there’s something else … it’s like there’s a connection between her and me. Like the two of us are on the same wavelength or something.

  I mean, it’s not like I haven’t noticed the similarities in our lives already. Katie’s decided to dedicate her life to doing something that will better the world. She wants to help people to make them better. I want to get rid of bad people entirely. Two sides of the same coin. Katie has her own methods of doing things, and like I said, she’s smart. She can read people incredibly, and I can do the same.

  But our similarities go beyond just our jobs. I can tell there’s more to her than meets the eye. I saw that smile on her face when she ran into those two guys and saved me from getting shot. It was an energetic, alive look … it looks like how I feel whenever I kill someone who deserved to be killed.

  And here’s another thing: Katie’s lonely. I can tell. She’s on her own, and just like me she’s isolated herself from most of those around her. She tries to hide it by being professional, and it works, just like how it works for me. Her patients don’t give two shits about her because all they’re there for is just to talk about themselves. How many people has Katie actually let in? How many people know who the real Katie is?

  She’s unhappy where she is, just like how I am. She’s been doing this work for the past seven years. Seven hard years, building up a business out of nothing. That’s impressive. But you don’t just wake up one day and decide to build a business. Something must’ve triggered her. Driven her to do this. Kept her going, despite how bored she actually is.

  I look over at Katie again, and once more I feel that pulling, that need to be with her. I give the parking lot one last look and it stares back at me with the same face I’ve seen for the past three hours. Nothing’s going to happen tonight. I get up out of the chair and crack my back, then walk over to the bed, slipping my arms out of my jacket as I do.

  I begin taking off my clothes, laying them down on the ground by the bottom of the bed. Once I’m naked, I walk around to where Katie’s back is facing me, but then I bite my lip. I know what I want, and I can tell she’ll want it too. Leaving the bed for just a second, I take out another condom from my jacket and slip it on, then I lift the cover and slide in between the sheets next to her.

  The bed is warm and it feels nice. I move up closer to Katie and the soft skin of her back touches against my chest. Katie moans and moves in the bed, her soft body sliding around, pushing back into me. I feel my cock burrow down between her thighs. My arm slides into the space between her neck and the bed as I lower myself down to lying. Katie makes a soft moan and rotates her head toward me, and in the soft light of the parking lot lamps I can see again how beautiful she is. A smile picks up the corners of my mouth.

  My arm not beneath her slides over her warm belly and I pull her softly against me, holding her. My hand slides up to her breast and I cup it, feeling the soft and tender weight of it. It’s been so long since I’ve actually gone to sleep with another person. But despite all the other girls I’ve been with I’ve never been drawn to the idea. Now it feels so natural. My hips are already moving in slow, soft gyrations. I hear Katie moan again and I drop my lips down, kissing the side of her neck. She stirs some more as I continue moving against her. And then she twists towards me and I connect my lips with hers.

  My hand underneath her wraps and holds her shoulder as I softly massage her breast. Her nipple becomes hard against my palm and I feel Katie moan against my lips. My hips keep moving, a little bit more now. There’s a wetness there now, in between her thighs, and I push up into it, gaining a little more purchase. Katie moans as our mouths open together. Her hand between us reaches up and curves around the side of my face.

  My cock moves a little more easily with every second, and when Katie slides her upper leg forward I feel myself slip in, the both of us gasping in the night as her soft and tender lips wrap around me.

  I begin moving into her, Katie gasping against my lips with every slow and steady thrust. I feel her heartbeat picking up through her breast. My breath comes in shudders as I continue moving, feeling her all around me. Katie’s fingers curl against my head, working in through my hair, tracing the contours of my face.

  Slowly I slide in and out of her, taking my time, noticing and appreciating everything. Katie’s breathing heavily between kisses. Her nipple is a hard little bud and I bring my fingers together, surrounding it. She gasps as I play with her breast, cupping it again and pulling her closer towards me. Her body flattens against me and I continue thrusting, touching as much of her as I possibly can.

  Katie breaks off our kiss as she twists in bed, lying down on her back now, lifting her legs as I stay connected to her. When I lower my head back down she kisses me more easily, and her hand on my face doesn’t feel so entrapped. I continue moving into her, her warmth and wetness surrounding me. She tightens and gasps and I let out a groan of pleasure.

  I slide my arm out from underneath her as I lift myself up. Her legs pull in and she moves one around to the other side of me. Nestling myself down between her legs, I lower back down, sliding myself inside of her again, penetrating much deeper, feeling the softness of her belly and breasts warm against my chest.

  Our lips connect again and Katie wraps her hands around me, holding on as I slowly pump into her. I feel how wet she is, how warmly she’s glowing as my cock slides in and out of her. Resting on my elbows now, I feed my fingers through her hair, pulling her towards me, holding her as we move together.

  From below I feel Katie’s hips lift up to meet mine. Her body pushes with every thrust, her breasts heaving, pressing that softness into my muscles. She’s breathing more deeply through her nose now, and as our tongues entwine I feel connected to this woman in a way I would never have imagined I could with another person. Even though I know this is going to end in a few days, right now I wish it could last forever.

  Transferring my weight to my knees and sliding my hands down, I sweep them underneath her back and lift her up to me. Katie makes a noise of s
urprise and delight as I spin the both of us around and then land on my back on the bed again. The covers tangle up in our legs and Katie giggles, myself smiling against her lips. She kicks them off her feet and then puts her hands on my chest as she lifts herself up.

  I relax as Katie towers over me, and then I feel her riding me slowly, her pussy pushing down and enveloping me with every move. Her hips rock back and forth and I see her silhouette in the pale light of the room. She looks incredible, and I slide my hands over her sides, holding onto her, keeping her with me as she grinds her pussy over my cock.

  One of my hands slides up and grabs onto her breast again. Her nipple is hard, like a little treasure in my hand, and the softness of her makes me ache with need and passion. I begin to thrust, my hips rising off the bed and meeting her at every rock. Katie moans as she drops down again and kisses me, and I open my mouth and feel her tongue enter me and then my hands are wrapped around her back and she’s pressing down into me, the entirety of her covering my body as she bucks and rides herself on my cock.

  I feel her tighten inside. Through our kisses come moans and gasps for breath. Katie keeps rocking herself, pushing down, grinding her beautiful pussy into me. I feel her stop kissing me as she keeps moving, and when I open my eyes and look up into her, I see her eyes are closed. An impassioned look has come over her face, her gasps of air coming in again and again as she moves faster.

  I can’t stop watching this exquisite spectacle before me as Katie drives herself closer and closer to orgasm. Nothing can describe how amazing this feels. I watch as Katie’s expressions change, flowing in and out, the muscles on her face describing without words what her body is going through. She gasps and she moans, her body moving faster, her pussy grinding down harder. Hot pleasure bubbles up inside of me and I hold onto her as we both get closer to the edge.


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