Book Read Free

Last Man Standing

Page 21

by Vance Huxley

  “It might be a bad idea if you did. The Barbies and GOFS have learned to play nicely together.” Patty was in a terrific mood ever since she’d heard that the GOFs hadn’t been in the shambles around Caddi’s second tanker. “It gives them a lot of firepower.”

  That got through Roller’s act, enough so he nearly earned a fine. “F… Hellfire, too true it does! We were on the receiving end. Then the Trainspotters tried to poach a Barbie estate, one that used to belong to the Murphies. They got their, er, fingers in a mincer when the GOFS flanked them.” Roller straightened up a bit, looking more official as he concentrated on Charger. “I came partly to ask if you and Lily, or Mack and Marge, want to come back to the Mansion. You’ll be welcome. I could do with a hand running the gang because I really don’t fancy doing it alone, but the others who want to help would prefer me dead. If you or ET came back, that would settle the steadier blokes who aren’t sure of me. Or you could come, Mack, because even the nutters are scared of you. Nobody will mess with your women, I promise.”

  “Nobody messes with the women here, but not because I’m some sort of a boss. It applies to everyone, so even if I die no little scroat is going to stick a hand up my Cherie’s skirt when she’s a bit older. I reckon I’ll stay.” Charger’s tone might be even and casual, but Roller flinched.

  “My Marge likes it ’ere, an’ ’Arry’s a better boss than Caddi. ’E’s the only bloke wot ever talked ter me proper, not like I were thick. ’E allus used ter crack a joke with me, even with Caddi there, an’ ’e don’t ask me ter do ’is killin’ for ’im.” From her big smile, Marge agreed with staying. “Any’ow, ’Arry’s always ’ad the best beer and soup, an’ now I don’t ’ave ter come five miles ter get it.”

  Despite the laughter that followed, the new Hot Rod boss concentrated on Charger, still hopeful. “We’ve stopped that, the blokes grabbing the women I mean. Well, not actually stopped them, just insisted they can only have volunteers.” Roller looked around, probably trying to find someone who wasn’t frowning at him. “ET always said Soldier Boy’s lads seemed to manage okay with volunteer women, but Caddi didn’t agree. His blokes, ET’s, would like to know if he made it, and if Spanky is okay because Chevy said some things.”

  “If all that is true, you might get someone to help you run the Hot Rods. ET is out of danger and worrying about his blokes.” Charger glanced at Harold, but he nodded to continue. “He didn’t have an option about coming because he passed out when Chevy shot him.”

  “Passed out? So who stuck the crossbow bolt in Chevy?” Roller started to smile when a couple of the women sniggered. “Spanky? ET taught her to use a crossbow?”

  “Yes, and you might want to ask her what she wants calling in future. That’s if she goes for it because I don’t think ET will leave without her.” Harold frowned because Spanky still didn’t know why Chevy came after her, so he asked.

  “He was mad as hell because his woman did a runner.” Roller registered all the smiles, nodding as he realised where she’d probably gone. “Chevy reckoned he needed a personal nurse to look after him after he searched Mercedes’ room, but he didn’t want someone from the brothel. Dodge’s woman had already done a runner, took her chance in all the confusion.”

  “Why was Chevy in my room?” Mercedes wasn’t smiling now, and her tone had wiped any humour from Roller’s face.

  “Caddi’s orders, direct to Chevy, I swear. He told Chevy to collect all your clothes, for the brothel because…” Roller stopped for a moment, changing tack when he saw her expression, and Harold’s. “Well anyway, Chevy took a couple of blokes to help. He reckoned they were messing about, waving underwear and playing with a toy, one of those talking dolls with a pull-string, a rabbit, then something went boom. Chevy missed most of the blast but not all of it, which is why he needed a nurse. By the time he’d been patched up, the Barbies and GOFS had attacked which is why he wasn’t at the front.” He paused, puzzled but relieved when Mercedes and Harold exchanged smiles.

  “Gina didn’t run, she came to my house. When Caddi and Cooper didn’t come back, Albert helped me to hide her and Ava, and several others, for a few days.” Marge glanced over at Harold. “Chevy treated women much the same as Cooper, Caddi and Dodge did. All their victims are among the young ladies who left when we did.”

  “I’ll call ET’s nurse to see if she wants to talk to you, Roller, and what you should call her.” Harold still didn’t know Spanky’s real name because she’d never told him. “Meanwhile, you were telling us why you’re here, and how wonderful life is at the Mansion.”

  Roller looked embarrassed, again, definitely not his usual look. “Not perfect but we’re trying something different, sort of. Some of us thought Caddi’s threat system wasn’t working too well after seeing your lot, but with Caddi in charge and most of the fighters agreeing with him it was safer to keep quiet.” That was hard to argue with since Mack and Charger had done the same. “Then you killed half the gang, mostly Caddi’s type. I’ve offered our tradesmen and women a deal, full gang membership along with their families including extra food and better housing. A lot of the other gangs still work the threat system, so most have stayed.” Roller gave Harold a long look. “What sort of trades have you attracted lately? A gunsmith or a blacksmith?”

  Everyone laughed at him, most of them genuinely amused. “No, Roller. We’ve still got the same blacksmith but she’s improving.” Harold thought about Liz’s recent attempt at plate armour. “And branching out.”

  “That’s what I mean about your people, always finding something new to trade. Well, if you’ve still only got one smith, the woman, she won’t need all that kit in the horse box. After all, it really belongs to the Hot Rods and you already have a forge. Under the treaty it’s a sort of refugee and should come back.” When the laughter died down, Roller smiled sheepishly. “I had to try, even if I knew the answer. Caddi declared war so all bets are off. What about the old one?”

  “The old one?” Harold knew Caddi had overcharged for the anvil and tools, or thought he had since only Liz recognised the smelter. Now it was payback time.

  From his resigned expression and his voice, Roller already knew this would sting. “Yes, the gear Caddi sold you, because you don’t need two forges.”

  “True, but it‘s really nice gear. It’s the old Hot Rod one after all and was very expensive. Our smith really likes it.” Liz didn’t really care what happened to the old gear as long as she kept the horsebox and the smelter, and she wasn’t all that worried about the new gear, not yet. Serious blacksmithing had gone on hold until Henry came out of hospital, although Patty had arranged for the trailer to be brought inside Orchard Close.

  “Getting one or the other is one reason I’m here. Our blacksmith is happy to stay since his family is safe now, but the bloke has pointed out he’s useless without kit. Apart from what he calls fettling which is just straightening machetes, that sort of thing.” Roller looked accusingly at Harold. “We’ve found out about the rail wagon springs, which I assume is why you and the GOFS raided the Murphies?”

  “Nobody else wanted them.” Harold noticed that Mack, Charger and their wives looked startled, so nobody had mentioned the source of Liz’s steel.

  “They do now. We ended up fighting Baggies in those rail sidings, where we all met up before the Mart fight on the other side of the Mansion?” Harold nodded, he remembered. “One of the fighters reckoned he’d seen steel plates, machete length, so I took the smith to look at them. He told me what the stuff is. The whole lot is tucked away safe now before some cheeky git steals any.” Roller gave Harold a decidedly sharp glance. “The blacksmith says he can do the work, make weapons, if we get him some kit. It might take him a few tries but we’ll have enough steel to waste some. So what about the spare blacksmithing stuff?”

  “We could spare it, but the Geeks and the Barbies are interested.” That was total bullshit since neither had a smith. They both bought all their melee weapons, as Roller probably knew.

nbsp; “I’ve got coupons? We managed to get Caddi’s big safe open though it’s, er, spoiled now.” Roller looked from Mack to Charger hesitating, then went for it. “Do you know what happened to the comm... er, the bets?” He glanced at Mercedes, then quickly away.

  “Caddi tried to win, but I beat his brains out before the bastard could tell anyone. Then ’Arold helped me kill anyone else who might try to claim the coupons.” Mercedes had a lovely smile as she spoke, while Roller looked gobsmacked. “My ’Arold is the only survivor so he can claim them, but he won’t confirm. I’m looking after them for when he does.”

  “It’s just that the lads wondered, you know, those who bet…” Roller tailed off when Mercedes shook her head.

  She carefully took Harold’s right hand, putting it on her leg before sliding his fingers between the buttons on her dressing gown. They went onto a bandage as it happened, but nobody could see that. Mercedes patted his hand. “Get a good grip because it’s all yours.” She looked back at a curious Roller. “I can confirm that ’Arold has seen my commando ass, felt my commando ass, and stroked my commando everything. Several times, including both visits to the Mansion, and now he’s got an open invitation to check my underwear, or delectables, whenever he likes. He’s entitled to a third for every confirmation, so that makes all the coupons his whenever he feels like claiming them. Doesn’t it?”

  Roller’s usual cool was a distant memory. “At the Mansion? Er, yeah. Sure. Of course.” He changed the subject since there was a definite challenge there, despite the big smile. He really didn’t want to find out what Mercedes was challenging about. “So how much do you want for the blacksmithing kit, Harold?”

  That put Harold in a bit of a quandary. He already had a carrier bag full of coupons and plenty of weapons, so he could buy cheaper propellant from Dealer. “Tell you what, Roller, I’ll take bomb ingredients like bleach and sugar, and some of those springs because we don’t need many coupons just now. I can always sell the steel to the GOFS or trade it on if I need to.”

  “What happened to my boots, once my little surprise blew the shit out of the assholes who were sniffing my underwear?” Mercedes still had her little smile, her voice sounding calm, even happy, but Roller hesitated before answering.

  “One of the lads had to squirt the bed and drawers with a fire extinguisher, to stop the house burning down. Then I stuck a padlock on the door and told everyone to keep out, just in case you’d left something else.” He glanced from Harold to Mercedes and back, but neither of them confirmed another bomb. “Did you want something special because it’ll be a mess? You could come and look?”

  “I only had two good memories of that place, so the Mansion is well down my list of places to visit. I’d like my boots, if they survived, hopefully with the knives that went in them and any of my weapons you can find.” Mercedes turned to Harold with a definite smirk. “I don’t need sexy underwear now, or a nightie.”

  Roller had always been smart, proving it now by promising only Virginia, and maybe a couple of other women, would search through Mercedes’ bedroom. The eventual price for the old forge included Mercedes’ boots and weapons, including the ones she’d been wearing when she’d been abducted. Roller also agreed to hand over two pallets of steel, and even some coupons in the end since he was over a barrel. He wouldn’t part with bleach or sugar, claiming he didn’t have any. He might be telling the truth about bomb materials because Harold had the same problem. The refusal cost him more steel, though Harold insisted he only charged what he’d paid Caddi.

  Halfway through the negotiation Spanky came in. She listened to Roller’s offer before confirming that ET had been fretting about his blokes, so he might come back. “If he does, I’m coming with him. I’ll stick with Spanky, not some stupid car name.” Spanky had a real ‘up yours’ smile these days, a big improvement over the fragile attempt Harold had first seen. “That will remind everyone who spanked Chevy, and that I’ll spank anyone else who gives my ET any crap while he’s healing. I’ll be carrying a pistol and a Rambo as well as my crossbow, so I’ll need a good supply of ammo for practice. If ET comes back it’s as a full boss, equal with you, so he gets a say in everything the gang does. The brothel stays closed for starters, unless there’s real volunteers.”

  Roller glanced at the other witnesses, not happy at having to negotiate in public, then bit the bullet. “I’ll be pleased to get ET back, because it’ll settle his and Charger’s blokes. That will make it easier to make the brothel bit stick. I’ve already eased off a lot of Caddi’s rules, but some fighters aren’t keen.” He glanced at Charger. “If Charger’s blokes join ET’s that’ll mean most of the fighters will be the steadier type. Mustang and several of the remaining nutters ran off, probably with the AK off Caddi’s wall. The rest will behave or ET can help me decide what to do about them.” For a few moments Roller sat there, debating if he should say more, then he looked up at Spanky. “Do you think ET will go for that?”

  “Probably, though he’ll want to discuss the details. I’ll tell him I think you are serious, and will keep your word. How is Virginia? Is she okay?” From the sound of it, Spanky had been worried about Virginia.

  “Bug and a couple of others gave her some grief but I fixed that, then asked her if she wanted a car and a clear run out. Virginia reckons she wants to stay, but she’ll be pleased to see you. Now I’m the only boss, and the likes of Marge and Lily have left, she hasn’t got anyone to talk to.” Roller might be looking at Spanky, but Harold kept the smile from his face. Virginia must still think Roller was dangerous enough and polite enough to be sexy. “Let me know when you’re ready to move. We’ve still got enough diesel to send ET’s motor and some of his lads as an escort.”

  “We don’t need diesel, not after Caddi donated some electric cars. He’d been keeping them to sneak up on someone, but we like them because we can manage a Mart run when they’re fully charged. Mart runs won’t be a problem now, will they?” Harold had just remembered what Patty and Christie had said. He thought this might be a good time to sort out a route, while Roller was on the defensive.

  “Everyone else drives there along agreed routes, the cleared roads. The old routes ran along the old gang borders, so that will need sorting out. Clear a road, or choose one that’s clear and we’ll make it neutral the same as the one outside this place?” Roller smiled hopefully as he realised Harold had a solution to the diesel shortage. “Any chance of flogging me a couple of those electric cars?”

  “Sorry, but from the bids up to date you really can’t afford one. Did you try for the tanker?” Harold still wanted to know who’d ended up with the armoured vehicles.

  “Yeah, but we soon backed off. There were at least eight gangs there with four or five mixed up together, shooting anything that moved. We couldn’t afford to lose more men. The armoured lorry headed towards the Ferdinands. It was last seen with the Bargees, Baggies and some other blokes fighting over it. The Ferdinands lost a lot of men trying to get the diesel, then were too close when it all went up. Someone else lost a lot of blokes because there’s a heap of stripped bodies between the Mansion and the Barbie border. I didn’t see you, the Barbies or the GOFS at the fight?”

  “We didn’t like the idea of losing fighters to watch a bonfire. We saw the smoke from here.” Patty looked happier with extra confirmation that Vulcan didn’t join the fight.

  “Yeah, nobody knows who set fire to the lorry. I reckon it might have been an accident, too many bullets flying about. Most of the vehicles went up in the blaze, including two lorries, though we snaffled a steel plated transit when it headed our way. Not as well armoured as your tank but better than nothing.” Roller suddenly perked up, looking round hopefully. “Did you see a tracked vehicle of some sort, an old Army one? It was seen heading more or less this way after someone slaughtered the Trainspotters. The Geeks didn’t get it, because our sentries saw them heading for home.”

  “No, it didn’t come this way. Ask the GOFS when you speak to them because
it must have gone through their territory.” Harold knew what the Geeks had said, but maybe someone had dug the vehicle out again. He didn’t want either the General or the Geek’s neighbours getting a genuine armoured vehicle. “Did any other vehicles get out?”

  “Nothing bigger than a plated tranny. Some of the ones that arrived for the fight ended up in the bonfire along with their passengers. I’ve put guards on the area so we can scavenge when it all cools down. There might be some gun work unless they were all ruined in the fires.” That more or less finished the visit, because Roller daren’t leave the Mansion for too long in case a rival made a takeover bid. He had a proper escort of bodyguards waiting on the other side of the border to make sure he made it home.

  * * *

  Apart from a steady trickle of GOFS visitors and visitors to and from Beth’s, Orchard Close settled down over the next four days. Within a fortnight of the attack the Riot Squad had new recruits, despite the casualties and the number of injured fighters around the place. Almost all the women freed from the Hot Rod brothel-prison, Caddi’s house, and Cooper’s, Dodge’s and Chevy’s women, wanted a weapon and training. Other refugee women reacted the same way after being abused but these women had an extra incentive. They believed the old adage about owing a life, to the Riot Squad in this case. Many of the Riot Squad had died killing the cream of the Hot Rod fighters, and their leaders, creating chaos and a power vacuum in the gang. The likes of Ava, Cleo and Gina knew that without that chaos they’d still be sex slaves.

  All the new refugees worked hard, building up strength by helping with the repair work, replacing windows and doors. The recruits spent their spare time practicing with crossbows and wooden machetes. Harold even issued real weapons, on the strict understanding that the recruits had to keep them sheathed unless someone attacked. After Patty, Doll and Casper cornered him, Harold relented. The trainees soon had a new exercise, hacking at broken doors and roof timbers.


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