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SUED FOR PEACE (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 11)

Page 6

by Michael Anderle

  Paul spoke aloud, to his friend wherever he might be. “If Bethany Anne points towards Hell itself? Well, I’ll just see you sooner, my friend, because I’ll storm Hell itself for her.”


  William walked into the commander's office, the one Bobcat was working out of for the time being until Bethany Anne and her team could arrive.

  “I got the news from Dan via Samantha,” Bobcat told his friend before he could speak, “Take a seat. We need to talk.”

  William sat at the large wooden table and placed his tablet in front of him and spoke before Bobcat could ask him a question, “A metric shitload.” he said.

  “Enough to take out a country?” Bobcat asked, looking over at his friend, “Say one the size of China?”

  “Enough to put the world into another Ice Age if we needed to. I know Bethany Anne isn’t going to do that, but we can pound the shit out of everything down there, and they can’t touch us.” William shrugged, “And that’s just with rocks.”

  “Can this ship withstand a nuclear bomb attack?” Bobcat asked his friend.

  “I’ve talked with Marcus and the other eggheads he has on board. By the way, did you know he brought that chick scientist up here?”

  “Of course, I know, since it had to be approved, by me,” Bobcat replied.

  “Oh. Just curious. I figured maybe he would still go after Gabrielle.”

  “I think their date did a world of good for his ego. I didn’t realize how messed up he was after his two divorces. I understand Gabrielle told him a few things after she gave him the kiss.”

  “So, we know for sure he got kissed?” William asked, smiling.

  “Yes, I asked Gabrielle,” Bobcat replied.

  “What, she will kiss and tell?”

  “She said she is no gentleman, nor a lady. Something about giving up being a lady back in the 1700’s or something. Then, she grumbled something else about paying back Richard and Samuel again. Whatever the hell that means. So, long story short, she admitted she tried to make his short and curlies stand straight out.”

  “Fucking lucky bastard…” William whispered.

  “I know, and you know what?” Bobcat asked as William raised an eyebrow in response, “We only have ourselves to blame for his luck.”

  The two men fist bumped each other and said in unison, “One for all, and all for one!” They chuckled together for a moment before William continued, “Yeah, we can take a nuke. The EMP bullshit won’t get through the gravitic shield. Apparently, this stuff doesn’t work on the same principle as our normal electronics which is good. Otherwise, we would throw nuclear devices at each other in battles out here in space to take down shields all the time.”

  “Do they know nukes can’t get through shields back on earth?” Bobcat wondered aloud.

  “Yes. I confirmed with Marcus that Lance has a shield going up and over the Australian base right now. Anyone tries that bullshit again like they did in Colorado and they are in for a surprise.”

  “Probably right before Australia sends something up the attacker’s ass. The Aussies don’t mess the fuck around.”

  “Messed up the accent, tho,” William commented.

  “Not with the women. Sounds awesome with the women.”

  “That’s because everything a woman says or wears is awesome. Put a man’s dress shirt on a woman and now it becomes a sexual tease.”

  “Word.” Bobcat agreed.

  “Do you think she will do it?” William asked.

  “Which part?” Bobcat asked, “Bomb them back to the stone-age or … what?”

  “I don’t know. Bethany Anne was kind of constrained with those that attacked in Colorado, and she has been relatively calm about taking out the Cabal members. I’m wondering if she is settling down.”

  Bobcat looked into the distance, thinking of the many miles and galaxies they had in their future from his talks with Bethany Anne over the last few years.

  “Not a fucking chance.” Bobcat told his friend, “China has no idea who they just upset.” He smiled at his friend. “I’d admit to feeling sorry for the poor bastards, but that would just be lying.”

  “Now,” Bobcat started, pulling his tablet up and hitting a button on the screen, “Let’s talk about what is left before we can move this son-of-a-bitch.”


  Clan Temple Near Shennongjia Peak, Hubei

  The pain seemed like it lasted forever and yet had never been. Stephanie Lee’s eyes opened, and she took in the medical device she was laying in. She reached out to touch the small button that was inside the pod, and the top cracked open.

  She looked around and noticed the robe she had been wearing was gone. It had been taken away while she was asleep.

  How long was I out? She wondered.

  Fourteen days and three hours, Yin told her.

  Stephanie Lee considered the familiarity of the voice and remembered the pain, the mental fight to retain control. You tried to take over my body! She demanded, pissed. You figured on pushing me out of control, why should I believe anything from you?

  Yang replied We do as we have been told. We were told that we would be able to command your body. However, we are in fact the controlled. We are stuck in here!

  What? Stephanie Lee asked. She looked down at her body, no hair anywhere, she was completely without hair except on her head. She seemed slightly taller than she was before and a small birthmark on the left side of her stomach was no longer in evidence.

  Yin answered The process is supposed to allow us the opportunity to inhabit a body instead of being primarily connected in the Etheric. It is a rare situation. Our consciousnesses were tied to this spacecraft. Apparently, our connection to the spacecraft and the Etheric are severed. We are supposed to have been provided this vessel, your body, to make our next steps. Now, you are in control.

  Yang spoke next, Don’t believe we are without options. We can make your life continuously painful. I know how to block the pain from affecting you, I also know how to cause it. This can be a harmonious relationship.

  Stephanie answered, Let me suggest that you starting this relationship by expecting to take over my body is not the start of anything harmonious between us.

  Yang’s mind speech tenor changed to one aggravated. Listen, you are a sub-optimal being! Our intelligence and wisdom dictate we do not submit to one such as you.

  Then why, Stephanie asked, did you want this body in the first place?

  The Leopard Empress is our Avatar. Yin answered exasperated. Do you not remember anything taught you as a child here?

  Those fairytales? Stephanie Lee replied, The ones about gods and goddesses, changing to our animal spirits and … oh … my … god. She stopped for a moment, thinking. You have been planning this how long?

  Centuries, Yang admitted.

  Why me?

  Because you are genetically perfect for our efforts. Your children will be able to procreate and carry the gene to the next generation. Within just a few generations time, we can infect the world with our efforts, Yin answered.

  Stephanie asked, What is the rush again? I remember you mentioning that.

  Yin answered, There is an avatar for one of the five here on earth. The technology we hear rumors about, and what we could learn from your memories suggests it is from a particular clan.

  One we thought destroyed centuries ago, Yang spoke.

  They might be destroyed, Yin admitted, they could be from centuries before.

  So, you guys have technology that is better than TQB’s?

  Perhaps, Yin qualified. However, we are leaders, not technologists. It might have been a different type of role that landed here. We are not familiar with the systems. Our specialties include the manipulation of genetics for the effective growth and most enhanced abilities from our stock.

  You mean humans? Stephanie Lee asked.

  Yes, Yang answered, we mean humans. Remember, your species is advanced, but you are still a couple of significant levels of a
dvancement beneath the weakest of our race of Kurtherians.

  Why do you want humans anyway?

  Space is large, there are many races and species which fight whether the other race cares to fight or not. Our clan, the Tre’learth, is responsible for advancing the abilities of a race more quickly to prepare themselves for the onslaught of another race.

  How are we supposed to know when this will occur? Stephanie Lee asked.

  When we warn you, of course, Yin replied.

  Stephanie Lee started biting on her lip, considered what she had learned, and what she had not. If anything, her time with the Illuminati was a doctorate course in lying by omission.

  Washington D.C., USA

  The President walked down to the meeting room, leaving both of his agents outside the door as he stepped in. He nodded to the man who was bald and wearing the typical Washington power suit and a dark blue and red tie.

  The man, the Secretary of State’s behind-the-scenes power broker, sat ready to inform the President of what had been going on. Well, what had been happening behind the scenes once the President dropped the data in their hands and commanded them to disperse it to the correct countries.

  The President sat down, “Ok, give me the highlights Jimmy.”

  ”We have a shit-storm,” he began before realizing what he said exactly, “Oh, sorry.”

  The President waved it away, “In here, tell me straight. Bad language offends me less than kissing my ass.”

  Relieved, Jimmy continued, “Well, the French are demanding how we know this. Germany is asking if we have more that we haven’t given them, and England is asking the same thing. Except, they asked it as whether they should expect another axe to fall?” Jimmy looked to the President to answer the question.

  “Frankly Jimmy,” the President responded, “I don’t know.” The President almost wanted to laugh at the face Jimmy gave him. “This information was provided in a unique fashion, and I can’t demand more just show up because I want it. I suspect from what I was told that these are the major players that each country should worry about. If there is anyone bigger, well my feeling is they are already a target and won’t be a problem in the near future. If they are smaller, then they will lose their ability once the big fish are taken care of, or they will be dealt with in some other form or fashion. Or, they aren’t really a significant problem.”

  Jimmy tried to frame his next question, “What about all of their requests that we provide how we know this?”

  “Well, we could tell them the truth?” The President asked his contact. He started chuckling when Jimmy’s mouth opened and shut a few times.

  Finally, Jimmy answered, “Mr. President, isn’t the truth we received it from a concerned party, and we don’t know what they know?” The President just nodded his head in agreement. “I’m not sure that is going to work too well.” Jimmy allowed, “My experience over the last decade suggests they would prefer to be sold a lie than told the truth, sir.”

  “Mine too, Jimmy.” The President told him, “but in this case I’m going to have to provide them the truth. If we sell a lie, and the provider of the information gets wind of it, we could be in pretty hot water. I’m too damned concerned it would happen, so we need to think about that now.”

  “Us?” Jimmy asked, perplexed.

  “Yes, us. As in, if we aren’t ethical with the information and the truth, or non-truth, of how we acquired the information. Stay silent if you can’t tell the truth.” The President tapped his fingers against the table for a minute, and Jimmy stayed silent. He was accustomed to waiting on those in power thinking through a solution. “Tell you what. If they want to know more, then the only person who I will discuss this with is their leader. I will need to speak with him or her on the phone to know they will accept my conditions.”

  “What are those conditions?” Jimmy asked.

  “The leader comes alone. Transportation will be provided. When I know who is potentially coming, I’ll negotiate with the owner of the information. Should that person agree, we will make this happen and provide the information at this meeting. Those that join are not permitted to share the information to those that do not show.”

  “How would we possibly enforce that agreement?”

  “Well, I believe those who do come will be persuaded as I was persuaded.” The President answered mysteriously. He stood up, “That’s all Jimmy. Tell the Secretary of State and you guys get moving.” He turned and stepped back out of the small meeting room and continued to his next scheduled appointment.


  QBS Battleship, Manufacturing Facility 01 - Asteroid Fields

  Marcus walked into the empty meeting room on the spaceship and his two friends, with solemn faces, turned to look at him. Both were sitting at the end of the table with Bobcat in the main position and William to his left. This meeting room, he noticed, was carpeted in a deep red and the table was made of wood. He sure hoped nothing made it this far into the spaceship or all of this wood would become tiny little shards of death for anyone in here when it exploded.

  The chair to Bobcat’s right was pushed back, inviting him to sit. Marcus pulled the chair back and sat down tiredly.

  “You look like shit, buddy,” Bobcat told him.

  “Have you looked in a mirror lately?” Marcus shot back.

  Bobcat turned to William, “See?”

  William nodded sagely, “Him too, huh?”

  Bobcat nodded and turned back to the rocket scientist and told him, “You are working too hard.”

  “Do you know of any other gravitic experts around?” Marcus asked, “No, of course not. I’m it, and I’m not teaching at the moment. I’m doing.”

  “This wasn’t a course on how to train up someone to take over your position to move forward,” Bobcat explained. “It’s more about two friends looking after the well being of friend number three.”

  Marcus smiled, “You know I’ve been with you guys for a while, and I still have problems getting used to you two.”

  “That’s because we are an acquired taste,” William chuckled, “One my mom used to say should be washed out with soap.”

  “Yeah, you remember that one weekend we were supposed to show up for dinner on Saturday?” Bobcat asked while William grinned.

  “I don’t,” Marcus interrupted.

  “Well, it started like this,” Bobcat leaned back in his chair, “Sir can’t-hold-his-liquor here.”

  William jumped in, “Hey, that was early in my drinking career.”

  “A career you never did very well in, either,” Bobcat told him, “Lest you make me talk about the great bar fiasco in ’02?”

  “Um, no.” William responded quickly, “and the less you mention ’02, the better.”

  Marcus was slightly surprised to notice red on Williams' cheeks. He decided he would need to follow that little tidbit at another time.

  “Alright then,” Bobcat continued, “See, William here invited me over to his parent's house for a Saturday afternoon lunch. We were supposed to show up about two in the afternoon. Seeing how his mom knew that William liked to sleep.” Bobcat looked down on the floor to his left as he spoke and grunted before sitting forward in this chair and grabbing something.


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