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Dragon Battling (Torch Lake Shifters Book 10)

Page 10

by Sloane Meyers

  “Did you read my note?” she asked. She wasn’t sure what she was more afraid of: that he hadn’t read it, or that he had. She hadn’t realized until she stepped into this hospital room just how overboard she’d gone on the flowers. The small hospital room was overwhelmed with the bouquets. She’d been trying to a make a statement, and she definitely had. She just hoped that Mitch understood that the statement wasn’t that she was a crazy flower shop lady.

  “I did read the note,” he said, looking over at her with eyes so intense she thought she might melt right then and there.

  “And?” she prompted.

  “And I’m pretty sure nothing would have made me happier than hearing that the love of my life thinks I’m her lifemate.” He leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on her lips, and all of her fears vanished. When he pulled back from the kiss, she smiled sheepishly.

  “I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time and accused you of lying about not wanting a relationship. I think the truth is that I was scared, because I realized I had deeper feelings for you, too. I didn’t want to admit it, so the easiest reaction was to lash out at you. It was pretty horrible of me.”

  Mitch shrugged. “It’s all in the past now. And I understand why you reacted the way you did. I just hope next time we get into an argument I don’t have to go fight the Dark Warriors to solve our quarrel.”

  He laughed, and pushed back the papery hospital gown to show her his side, which still had a long gash down it. The gash was healing nicely, and looked more like an angry red scar at this point than an actual wound. But Vicki still gasped at the sight of it.

  “Does it hurt? I’m so sorry I put you through all of that!”

  Mitch laughed. “Don’t apologize. It doesn’t really hurt. It actually looks much worse than it is. Besides, you didn’t do this, the Dark Warriors did. I chose to go after them knowing full well what the consequences might be. Someone was going to have to do it, or the whole town would have been wiped out.”

  “You’re so brave,” Vicki said, tracing the line of the gash with her finger.

  Mitch shrugged. “I’m a dragon. Protecting our own comes naturally to us. I didn’t really think about it. I just knew you needed that cure, and I went to get it.”

  “And saved the whole town in the process. The whole world.”

  “Hey, let’s not be so dramatic. I had help, you know. The only reason I knew where to look for the Dark Warriors was because our military intelligence has been tracking them. And even once I found them and got the cure, the other dragon shifters helped fight them off so I could get back to the city. And let’s not forget the scientists who so quickly figured out how to make more of the medicine. It was a team effort.”

  “Still. You’re the only one who actually went after the Dark Warriors. I’d say that makes you a hero.”

  Mitch gave her such a passionate look that Vicki felt her stomach flip-flop. When he spoke again, his voice was low and husky, sending little thrills of pleasure through her entire body. “Well, if I’m a hero, does that mean I get to kiss the heroine?”

  Vicki laughed and pretended to swat him away, but he grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her, deeply this time. She felt her whole body swelling with heat and desire as his tongue pushed into her mouth and danced with her tongue. She could hardly believe that she had almost given this up. He made her feel alive in ways she’d never thought possible.

  When he reached to pull off her shirt, though, she stopped him.

  “Wait. What if someone walks in?”

  Mitch grinned. “Isn’t the danger part of the fun?”

  Vicki made a face, and he laughed.

  “I guess not, eh? I’ll lock the door. He stood, and sauntered over to the door, the bare back of his hospital gown giving Vicki a clear view of his muscular ass and broad back. He was covered in scratches, but they didn’t seem to be bothering him. The battle wounds only added to his appeal. After all, Vicki was looking at the proof that Mitch had gone out and fought for her. What could possibly be sexier than that?

  “Locked,” Mitch said when he returned. “Now, where were we?”

  He once again reached for her shirt, and this time, Vicki did not protest. She was dying to feel his hands on her skin. She’d been anxiously waiting for him to wake up, worried about whether he was truly okay. Now that she knew that he was, all she wanted to do was make love to him. She was craving his body like she had never craved anything before. She needed him, and she could tell he needed her, too. They were meant for each other, and what a wonderful feeling that was.

  Mitch tore away her shirt, and then her bra. He covered her breasts with his strong hands, applying gentle but firm pressure that sent tingles of delight across Vicki’s entire body. She closed her eyes and breathed the moment in. The sweet smell of flowers mixed with the earthy, woodsy smell of Mitch filled her with delight. Having him in her life made everything complete. She would never make fun of cheesy romances again, and she also knew she didn’t have to worry that Mitch would turn out to be the lying, cheating type like so many of the men she’d seen come through her store. Mitch was different. He was a dragon, noble and honorable. He would always treat her with respect and honesty, of that she was sure.

  His hands moved lower, to rest on her hips, and he now used his mouth to cover her breasts. The warm wetness of his tongue teased her hard nipples, and sent new rushes of fire through her whole being. If this wasn’t heaven, she wasn’t sure what was. He moved slowly, not rushing as he nibbled at first one breast and then the other.

  By the time he finally moved on to removing her pants and underwear, Vicki was dripping wet between her legs. Her whole body cried out for Mitch’s, and her breath came in short ragged gasps as she tried to hold in the desire that burst from every fiber of who she was.

  Mitch ripped off his hospital gown, and she could see that he was filled with desire for her as well. His erection was stiff as a rock, his huge dick pointing straight out from his body, ready for Vicki.

  And Vicki was ready for him. She’d completely forgotten to worry that someone might try to come into the room. The door was locked now, but even if it hadn’t been, she couldn’t think about anything except how much she wanted Mitch inside of her. Her whole body trembled and she reached over to put her hands around his neck, falling backwards onto the bed and pulling him with her.

  “I need you,” she managed to whisper. “I need us.”

  He smiled, pausing with his face right in front of hers as his body hovered just above her, his rock-hard dick already pressing against her slick entrance, looking for a way in.

  “I need us, too,” he said. And then, he was inside her, pushing against her inner walls as he made room for himself, and sending fresh waves of tingling fire across Vicki’s core, arms, and legs.

  Mitch felt amazing, just as he had their first night together. Except the feeling today was even better because she knew now that Mitch was hers, and she was his. This wasn’t just a night of meaningless fun. It was a night of showing each other how much they loved each other. As he began to move in her, gentle and slow at first, then faster and harder, she squeezed her eyes shut and reveled in the knowledge that this was her life now.

  She and Mitch were meant for each other. They didn’t have to go searching for meaningless fun at a bar. She would never judge someone who did that, but she had to admit that it was nice to know that her days of never settling down were over, and her lifetime with Mitch was beginning.

  With these thoughts swirling through her head, and his rock hard erection inside of her, it didn’t take long for Vicki’s release to overtake her. She gave in gladly, arching her back and screaming out his name as her body began to pulse with waves of pleasure. Fresh fire filled her, and the sweet, tingling sensation of letting go spread from her core to her head and back down to her toes. She felt safe, secure, and happy. She felt loved.

  Mitch came right behind her, roaring as he stiffened and then pulsed into her. They clung to each other
as their bodies gave in to the passion. Both of them were breathing heavily, gasping as they came up for air. Every cell in Vicki’s body felt alive.

  When they had both caught their breath, he rolled over to lie next to her on the bed and take her in his arms. He kissed her forehead, and for a while they were silent, content to simply enjoy being with each other.

  Mitch finally broke the silence with four sweet words. “I love you, Vicki.”

  She sighed. “I love you, too.” She had often thought she would never find a man she wanted to say those words to, but oh how wrong she’d been.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  Mitch pulled her closer. “What do you mean?”

  “Do we…move in together? Or is it too soon? I only thought, since we know we want to be together forever…”

  Mitch laughed. “We can move in together. I’ve never actually seen your place, but if you prefer it to mine, I’m not picky. You’re welcome to move to my place, too.”

  “Your place is definitely cooler than mine,” Vicki said with a laugh. I bought mine when I was throwing every penny into my business. It’s nice, but small and ordinary.”

  “I’m sure it’s lovely. Like I said, we can move wherever you want. All I care about is being with you.”

  Vicki smiled and snuggled closer to Mitch. “Looks like your wild child days are over, huh?”

  His chest shook with laughter. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Neither would I, thought Vicki. Neither would I.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Vicki fidgeted in her seat as she sat in the High Council’s conference room. Mitch kept putting a hand on her knee and giving her encouraging smiles. She knew he was trying to reassure her, but she couldn’t help feeling nervous. Perhaps for him, being part of a meeting with the entire High Council and all of the major governmental department heads was no big deal.

  But Vicki, who had only ever seen the High Councilors from afar at official clan events, felt like a fish out of water. Thankfully, she had already gotten the hardest part over with: giving her testimony. The High Council was trying to piece together exactly how the Dark Warriors had managed to cause a nearly-catastrophic epidemic, and as part of their efforts they had asked for testimony from anyone even remotely related to the epidemic and the finding of its cure. Since Vicki’s store had been where Mitch brought the cure, the High Council had asked her to come to this meeting and speak.

  She hadn’t felt like she had much to add to the conversation, but they had thanked her profusely for telling her story and answering their questions. Now, theoretically, she should have been able to relax and simply listen to everyone else. But she still felt like she was going to say or do something wrong and everyone was going to laugh at her. She did her best to focus on Hugh, who had already given his story but was now making a passionate case for going on the offensive and attacking the Dark Warriors.

  “We cannot sit by and wait for another deadly situation like the virus,” Hugh said. “We need to act now to stop the Dark Warriors.”

  Murmurs of agreement rose around the table, and Vicki felt her stomach twist up with worry. Was there going to be another war? Head Councilor Morgan was raising his hands for silence.

  “The High Council has already discussed the need to officially declare war on the Dark Warriors. We agree that more offensive strikes are needed. We had already been planning some, but we will be taking quicker action over the next few weeks. We need to finalize plans with the military commanders, but all of you who work with the military should be ready to move at any moment.”

  Hugh let out a whoop, which surprised Vicki. She hadn’t expected anyone to act quite so flamboyantly at a High Council meeting, but everyone seemed used to Hugh’s antics, and laughed. Councilor Morgan dismissed the meeting, and Vicki let out a sigh of relief. She’d made it. Mitch leaned over and kissed her forehead.

  “Great job. Told you it’d be easy.”

  “I’m not sure it was easy, but I survived.” Vicki bit her lip. “I’m still nervous, though. War is coming? Does this mean you’ll have to head off to battle?”

  Mitch’s face turned serious. “In all likelihood, yes. But I promise I’ll be careful. The Dark Warriors are no match for our Torch Lake Dragons, and it’s time to put an end to their games.”

  Vicki’s face must have still looked worried, because Mitch reached over to squeeze her hand. “I’ll be fine, really. I won’t be alone during any of these battles. I’ll be surrounded by the finest soldiers in Torch Lake, and trust me, we’ve got some damn good soldiers.”

  “Okay.” Vicki didn’t know what else to say. She knew Mitch was right. He’d be safe, and the Dark Warriors did need to be pushed back. But she would still worry about him. That was her job as his lifemate, wasn’t it? She smiled at the thought.

  His lifemate.

  It had only been a few days since he’d left the hospital, but their new life together was already off to a good start. She was slowly moving her things over to his house, and the place was really starting to feel like home. She was amazed at how much better life was when she had him to come home to after a hard day of work. She only wished she’d found him sooner.

  “Come on,” Mitch said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of her little daydream. “Come talk to Councilor Morgan. He told me he wanted to talk to you after the meeting today.”

  “He did?” Vicki’s heart started pounding again, and the mischievous smile on Mitch’s face wasn’t helping things. “What did you do, Mitch?”

  “I didn’t do anything. Come on!”

  Vicki nervously let Mitch pull her over to where Councilor Morgan was finishing up a conversation with another Councilor. When he was done, he turned toward Mitch and smiled when he saw Vicki.

  “Ah, yes, Vicki. I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Y-yes sir?” Vicki asked. Mitch squeezed her hand, and she tried to calm down but she couldn’t help being nervous. The Councilors were the most powerful wizards and shifters in the city.

  “Mitch tells me you’re interested in expanding your flower business to special events?”

  Vicki shot Mitch a surprised look before turning back to Councilor Morgan. “Yes, sir. I am.”

  “Would you be interested in doing the flowers for our Torch Lake Anniversary Banquet this year? It’s still six months away, but we’ll need to start planning very soon. Our other florist has been…let go due to numerous complaints from our staff that he was impossible to work with. So if you want the job, it’s yours.”

  Vicki’s heart leapt in her chest. “Oh, yes! I’d be honored. Thank you so much!”

  “Good. I’ll have our events coordinator get in touch with you. And thank you for your testimony today. You’re helping make Torch Lake a safer place.”

  “You're welcome, sir. It was my honor.”

  Councilor Morgan gave her a smile and nod and moved on to his next conversation, but Vicki stood there for a moment feeling shell-shocked. She looked over at Mitch, grinned, and threw her arms around his neck. “You rascal!” she said. “You didn’t even tell me you were talking to the High Council about my flowers.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t want to get your hopes up, in case the job fell through. But, yes. I may have put in a good word or two for you.”

  He pulled back to look her in the eye, then winked. Vicki laughed. “Well, thank you. It means so much to me.”

  Mitch grinned. “You’re welcome. Looks like all you needed to get you out of the cheesy romance side of flowers was a cheesy romance of your own.”

  He kissed Vicki, and she laughed again. “There’s nothing cheesy about us.”

  He never said whether he agreed or disagreed with that statement, though. He was too busy kissing her in the middle of the High Council’s conference room.

  Cheesy or not, Vicki was glad she’d had another chance at romance with her dragon. No matter what was going on in the world at large, life here in Mitch’s arms was perfect.

  Thank You For Reading!

  Book Eleven in the Torch Lake Shifters series will be coming in May 2018!

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  More Books by Sloane Meyers

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  About the Author

  There are shifters walking among us. Sloane Meyers is devoted to telling their stories.

  Sloane thinks we could all use a little escape in our lives. And what better way to shake up the ordinary than to transport yourself to the mysterious world of those who have an animal within them, roaring to be let out. Sloane brings you hot shifter males, and spunky, spirited heroines—with NO cliffhangers! Each book can be read as a standalone.

  When she’s not busy crafting shifter tales, Sloane enjoys a good glass of wine, preferably shared with good friends. She loves reading (duh!) and spending time in the great outdoors.

  Want more interaction? Visit Sloane on her website,, and be sure to find her on Facebook at




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