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Goblin: a LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 1)

Page 2

by Paul Bellow

  Fish slaying? I chuckled. This is looking to be an interesting world.

  What about skills?

  > Stats Skills

  Spell Craft - Basic Level 4 of 10

  Create Item - Basic Level 2 of 10

  Languages: Forest Creatures, Elven, Common, Hobgoblin

  Ride Horse - Basic Level 2 of 10

  Perception - Basic Level 1 of 10

  Sense Motive - Basic Level 1 of 10

  Weapon Craft (Elvish Long Bow) Basic Level 5 of 10

  Not bad. Next up, attributes. Before I ran the stats command, I heard a woman's voice outside the door of the bedroom.

  "Kali?" The bedroom opened. "I have something for you."

  Guess they picked my name for me. Maybe there isn't a lot of customization?

  "Hello," I said, wondering how to find out who had come into my room.

  My mother? I concentrated on her face and remembered as another notification popped up, drawing me out of the game.

  [NPC] – Ellowynn Tracaryn

  While over a hundred and fifty-years-old, Ellowynn looks ravishing.

  Your aunt has looked after you since your parents were killed by orcs.

  She loves you very much. You trust her.

  "Thank you, Ellowynn," I said, loving the role-playing aspect of games. "What is it?"

  "A scroll."

  She stepped forward, holding out a worn parchment rolled together.

  I'll play along a few minutes then quit and leave with Josh. Everything will work out fine.

  Thoughts of the real world faded as the beautiful elven woman continued speaking.

  "You're old enough to adventure out and see the world," Ellowynn said.

  Her smile put me at ease.

  "Come home when you've had enough or you find the outside world impossible to bear. The forest will always be here for you. Unless the orcs keep destroying the land."

  "They're not all bad," I said, remembering Josh had picked a Half-Orc character. "People are people."

  "Don't you go off and marry a hobgoblin."

  She laughed nervously.

  I stood and picked up my bow.

  "Oh, before you go..."


  "I have a parting gift for you."

  "That's unnecessary."

  "Never turn away a sincere gift, my dear."

  I smiled, feeling the wisdom and love pouring out of her.

  "Okay. What is it?"

  "A special spell your mother wrote before she died."

  I swallowed a lump in my throat, remembering my real-world mother had died. How did the game know? Coincidence? Probably.

  "A spell?" I asked.

  "Yes, it's a common one, but I believe it will help you as you journey through the forest."

  "What is it?"

  She reached into her robes and pulled out a parchment. I accepted it from her.

  New Magic Item – Scroll of Find Familiar

  This scroll will allow you to find your familiar,

  a creature who will bond with you and level as you level up.

  Spell will attract creatures found in 100-mile radius of casting

  "You cast it once when you have enough experience."

  "Thank you," I said, accepting it. "Do you have any other advice for me?"

  "Follow your heart, my dear, and never forget the power of love."

  Or magic fireballs, I thought as I smiled.

  "Thanks again."

  I waved then walked out of the small wooden home. Outside, my heart pounded. Everything looked so real. Even the sounds were amazing and lifelike; birds, crickets and people in the distance.

  Was my body back in the real world okay? As I walked down the streets of Thyananore, it became more difficult to concentrate on anything other than the present moment. I kept walking.

  Outside of town, I stopped at the edge of the forest, marveling at everything around me. Trees thick as a house rose high into the air. A path led into the wondrous woods.

  "Eric will never leave this game," I said.

  A notification popped up.

  You Receive an OOC penalty!

  For talking Out of Character in-game, you will receive

  -10% experience points next encounter.

  You now have 5 minutes in-game to talk OOC without a penalty

  "What?" I shouted.

  Using the heads-up display in front of my face, I looked up the rules. Any out of character speech led to a penalty and a five-minute allowance to talk out of character.

  Special items and spells were available for communicating OOC, but they were rare as far as I could tell. What kind of crazy game is this? Role-playing purists?

  My longbow slung over my shoulder and my backpack full of supplies, I headed into the forest for whatever adventure awaited me. The reality of the game world overtook me as sounds surrounded me. Trees with impossibly thick trunks shot hundreds of feet in the air.

  With each step, I became more immersed in the game. Everything felt, looked, and even smelled genuine. Once they released the game, I'd come back.

  Not a hundred feet down the forest path, I heard a commotion to my right and stopped. Are there other players in the game? A monster?

  Curiosity got the better of me. I slipped off the well-worn path and into the woods. The voices got louder as I brushed tree branches away.

  I reached the edge of a clearing and stopped. Two humanoids more than a couple feet tall were standing a few hundred feet away. I recognized their language as Brownie.

  Forest creatures, I thought, wondering what to do next. They decided for me, turning in my direction. With dirty fur clothes and spears a foot or two bigger than them, they weren't intimidating.

  I stepped out into the clearing, the hot sun beating down on me. They stopped a few feet away, not saying anything buy eyeing me closely. I tilted my head back and stared down at them.

  "Well met," I said. "Why are you arguing?"

  "That's none of your business," the pudgier one said.

  "Don't be rude," his companion said them shoved him.

  "Hey, I'll get you for that."

  "Stop it, you two," I said firmly, falling into character. "My name is Kali, and I'm in a hurry. Tell me if I can help, or I'll be on my way."

  "Hello, Kali," the thinner Brownie said is a suave voice. "I'm Evan."

  "And I'm Ewen," the other said, stepping forward.

  I took a step back. Better safe than sorry.

  "And why are you two arguing?"

  "We too are on our way to Fishguard, and this bozo has got us going the wrong way," Ewen growled, leveling a mad stare at the other Brownie.

  "You're on your way to Fishguard too?"

  Are they supposed to be NPCs? I wondered.

  "Yes, we are. Both of us have jobs with fine families in Upper Fishguard to clean their homes."

  "Okay..." I said, stifling a smile.

  "Can you help us?" Evan asked. "Please?"


  New Quest!

  Help Evan and Ewen make it to Fishguard.

  Potential experience points: 500xp

  Not bad for a babysit the caravan mission.

  "Let's get going. I don't want you two slowing me down."

  "Sure thing, Kali," Evan said, standing ridiculously close.

  "The path is this way."

  I walked back into the forest, feeling at home in the cool, dark woods.

  Back on the dirt and gravel path than ran the length of Shockly Forest, I wondered how Eric and Josh were doing. Had they already made it to Fishguard?

  Eric would be okay, but Josh might have problems. He would be great at playing the hero, but he never had the patience to play video games with me.

  I pushed my relationship problems with him aside and concentrated on enjoying the game.

  "Stop," Evan said, grabbing my arm.

  I glanced down.


  "I hear something."

  "You're stupid," Ewen said. "I
hear nothing. Let's keep going."

  I heard a rustling in the forest. The sound of twigs snapping and snorting got louder. Get ready, I told myself.

  Two wolves emerged from the forest, snarling as they approached. Cast five golden bolts, I thought frantically. My body moved in a strange dance.

  At the end, I pointed my palms at the two wolves. Golden bolts of magical energy formed in the air and shot toward them. All five struck, causing both wolves to yelp.

  Your Golden Bolts WOUND the wolves for 13 damage!

  The gray and white wolves turned to run away, back into the forest.

  "Oh, no you don't," I said then repeated the spell.

  Five more bolts of magic golden energy shot from my palms and hit the wolves as they fled.

  Your Golden Bolts WOUND the wolves for 9 damage!

  Combat is over!

  You receive +50 xp

  Minus 10% Penalty = +45 xp!

  The Brownies, sensing our overwhelming position, rushed forward with their spears. Another yelp filled the forest as they stuck the animal.

  I guess I don't get experience points for something I don't kill.

  "We got him, Kali," Evan shouted triumphantly.

  "Keep it down. We don't want to attract any more attention."

  "We're invisible," Evan yelled.

  "You mean invincible, bozo," Ewen chided.

  "Come on, you two. Let's go."

  Time for more information.

  I checked stats while we walked down the forest path.

  > Stats


  Name: Kali Tracaryn

  Race: Elf

  Class: Mage

  Level: 1

  XP: 45

  XP for Next Level: 2,955

  Alignment: +75 (Very Good)

  HEALTH: 8 (8)

  MANA: 4 (24)

  Strength: 72 (+10% to hit melee, +2 damage)

  Dexterity: 96 (+35% to hit ranged)

  Constitution: 52 (+0%)

  Intelligence: 93 (+30% INT saves, +6 mana points per level)

  Wisdom: 43 (+0%)

  Charisma: 44 (+0%)

  Tip: Stats in Tower of Gates run from 1 to 100+. The higher your stat, the better.

  I guess I'm out of magic until I rest up. That's not good with so many miles yet to go.

  "Wait," Evan said. "You're walking too fast."

  Maybe I should ditch them and run the rest of the way. I would lose the experience for getting them to Fishguard, but would it be worth it?

  I slowed down, allowing the Brownies to catch up.

  "We're vicious wolf killers," Evan said. "You're smart to let us escort you to Fishguard."

  "I'm escorting you two," I said, smiling at the ludicrousness of the entire situation.

  "That's what you think," Ewen said.

  I wish I'd spawned with Eric.

  Memories of the real world flooded my mind. Why hadn't I thought of Josh first? I once again pushed thoughts of him away and got lost in the beautiful world around me.

  While it wasn't real, it seemed that way. The game would be an instant hit when it went on sale. I wondered if we were the first three to try the game.

  They probably had beta-testers. Wouldn't that be an amazing career?

  "Watch out," Evan said, tugging at my arm.

  Louder sounds emerged from the forest to my left. I grabbed my bow then drew an arrow.

  If this hour or so is all I get to play, I’ll make the most of it and stay alive.

  "Stay close, you two," I said, squinting my eyes and preparing myself for anything.

  ()xxxx[:::: Chapter 3 ::::>

  Half-Orc Warrior Spawns in Mang


  After walking through the trippy portal of light, I found myself in an empty room with mud walls.

  What the...

  Before I finished my thought, a burly pig-human creature stepped into the room from an open doorway. I heard horses passing outside.

  "Jonan," the creature said. "What are you still doing in here? I told you to get to work."

  "Where's Sarah?" I asked.

  You Receive an OOC penalty!

  For talking Out of Character in-game, you will receive

  -10% experience points next encounter.

  You now have 5 minutes in-game to talk OOC without a penalty

  The creature's brow furrowed.

  "Who Sarah? You messing with human women again?"

  "She's my girlfriend, and I want to see her. Now."

  I stepped forward, realizing I had a huge body with bulging muscles. A fur cloak and loincloth were the only thing I had on, but it felt natural on my game body.

  "Do not defy me," he bellowed, puffing his chest out.

  "This game sucks," I muttered.

  You Receive an OOC penalty!

  For talking Out of Character in-game, you will receive

  -10% experience points next encounter.

  You now have 5 minutes in-game to talk OOC without a penalty

  "Stop it with the notifications already."

  The creature continued looking at me angrily.

  Are you sure you want to turn off notifications?

  "Yes," I yelled.

  "Who are you talking to?" my in-game father asked.

  "The stupid game."

  I waited for a notification. When it didn't come, I smiled.

  "You need to get to work at the mill. I said you're not going adventuring, and I meant it. The war between the goblins and humans may be over, but you shouldn't mingle with them."

  "Screw you," I said, side-stepping him.

  "What did you say?"

  An unexpected blow landed on the back of my head.

  "Hey, that hurts."

  "You still dare to defy me?"

  I turned, surprised to see the pig-man had pulled out a steel sword.

  Sure, it's just a game, but no father will kill me.

  I reached up and grabbed the handle of a club hanging from my back. The creature drew his sword back to strike me, but it was game-over for him.

  My massive wooden kill-stick came down on the top of his head. He fell to the floor in a heap. What kind of game is this? I wondered, looking at him.

  The blood effects were almost too realistic, even for me, a fan of gore and horror. Screw this place. I need to find Sarah and make sure she's not making out with that rich nerd.

  I replaced my club without bothering to wash it. Walking out of the adobe dwelling, I wondered briefly if I should turn the game notifications back on. Nah, screw that.

  Outside, I saw a small village full of the pig-people. They all went about their business, not even paying attention to me.

  Where would Sarah be? Maybe I'll turn the notifications on.

  "Jonan," someone hollered behind me.

  I turned and saw a younger pig-man approaching, his face ferocious.

  "What do you want? I'm looking for Sarah?"

  "Sarah? That's a human name. Are you..."

  "Leave me alone," I interrupted.

  "We're going raiding in the forest today, remember?"


  That sounds fun. Maybe Sarah can wait.

  "Yeah, elves or humans, whatever we find. I'll kill a gnome if I see one."

  I snorted, loving my huge, muscular body.

  "Where's your father?" the pig-man asked.

  "Don't worry about him."

  How am I going to find out my friend's name? Ah, the game interface.

  [NPC] – Jokan

  Jokan, your half-brother and a full orc, is set to inherit the family's wealth after your father passes. He dislikes you because you're half-human, and he constantly teases you about it.

  He better not, I thought.

  "What are you staring at, Jonan? I’ll get father."

  "No, let's go. We should leave now if we want to feast on the blood of elves or humans."

  "Why do you want to make our father angry? I want to go see him."r />
  "Does it look like I care?"

  How had the game known I had problems with my father in real-life? Things were getting weird. My first goal was to find Sarah.

  New Quest – Join Your Party

  Jonan, you have a new quest. Travel to Fishguard on the Southern Coast to join a band of adventurers determined to find fame and glory. You have four (4) days to complete this quest.

  On completion, you will receive 1,000 xp.

  At least I know I'll be running into Sarah soon. Time to have fun.

  "You coming all the way to Fishguard with me, Jokan?"

  "Fishguard. Why would you go to a human city?"

  "I'm joining a band of adventurers."

  This game is sucking me in. It all seems so real.

  "I'll go with you as far as the forest, but I won't go all the way."

  "That's fine. We'll kill some people on the way."

  "Now you're talking, brother."

  He stepped forward and slapped me on the arm. I didn't budge.

  We went around to the side of the house and climbed atop two sandy-colored horses. I'd never ridden before, but I jumped on with no problems.

  Jokan, my orcish brother, squeezed his legs together and yelled, sending the horse bolting down the dirt road heading out of the village.

  "Ya-ya," I yelled, spurring my horse.

  It neighed and took off at a trot. Pleasure washed over me as I forgot about the real world and enjoyed the sensation of starting a brand-new adventure.

  Had I killed my in-game father? Did it matter?

  The rules of the game were a mystery, but I didn't let that stop me from doing whatever I wanted like I did in the real world. No game could stop me.


  Miles later, my butt hurt. How do they make it feel so real? I wondered as Jokan slowed down. We were on the bottom of a hill. The path led upward.

  "What is it?" I asked, stopping next to him, reins in hand.

  "You don't smell that?"


  "Human flesh in the air."

  I grinned.

  "Some bad guys to kill?"

  "You idiot. We are the bad guys."

  I guess so...

  "You're not backing out, are you? I should never have believed you would kill a human like a true orc."


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