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Goblin: a LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Paul Bellow

  "I’ll get more firewood," Benji said.

  "Fine, but be careful," Captain Riggard said, waving his arm as if dismissing him.

  Not knowing why Benji was acting so weird and having a PC unwilling to go OOC under threat of death weighed heavily on my mind as the hero of the Grabisco Isles told his story.

  That's it. I can't take this anymore. He's going OOC whether he likes it or not.

  "No, Kali..."

  I stood up.

  Captain Riggard and Eric both glanced up.

  "There's something I need to say..."

  My voice trailed off as I thought about my decision.

  I opened my mouth to go OOC, but Benji walked up.

  To be exact, five of him stood just outside the flickering light of the fire.

  "What magic is this?" Captain Riggard asked as he stood up.

  He drew his sword and held it aloft.

  "Wait a minute," I said. "One of them must be the real Benji."

  "I am," said one.

  The others repeated the claim.

  Eric drew his sword.

  "There's one way to know which is the real Benji. Who wants to join our party?"

  "I do," said four of them.

  The fifth shook his head.

  "You’ll never let me in your party. That's fine with me."

  "Get them," Captain Riggard yelled as he jumped over the fire.

  The real Benji hit the ground and rolled toward us.

  What are those things?

  "I believe they're doppelgangers, Kali. Be careful."

  Just what we needed. I prepared my Golden Bolts spell, dancing and moving my arms. At the end, I shouted while pointing my palms at the Benji clones.

  Your Golden Bolts MAUL the doppelganger for 21 points of damage.

  You have 50(64) mana remaining today

  Eric slashed at one a creature. At his side, Captain Riggard swung a glowing sword. One doppelgänger fell to his blade. Eric finished the one I'd hit.

  "Your underling wants to disobey you," one of the remaining said as he pointed at Eric.

  Captain Riggard turned to look. I glanced back at the shapeshifters and saw two copies of Eric. They ran forward, shuffling around with the real one, confusing me.

  "Enough of this," Captain Riggard shouted then drew back his sword.

  "No, wait. You’ll kill Drex."

  I'm so glad I didn't mess up and use his real name.

  Captain Riggard hesitated long enough for me to cast Snares of Dust followed by Ladder of Dwarven Earth. The one-two combo led to the two doppelgangers and Eric falling to the ground.

  Benji dashed over to my impromptu trap and dragged a body out. Captain Riggard made quick work of the other two in their prone position.

  They cried out in agony as they died at the end of his shimmering blade.

  Combat is over!

  You receive 800xp party xp divided by two party members.

  You get +400xp

  You have 12,204 xp

  You need 2,796 xp for Level Four Mage.

  I rushed over to Benji and Eric.

  "Are you sure you got the right one?"

  "Yeah, I'm good with keeping track of people," Benji said.

  "Drex?" I asked as Eric stood up.

  "Yeah, it's me."

  I breathed easier.

  "That was nuts."

  "I should've known when they didn't congratulate me on my reputation in the realm," Captain Riggard said.

  You could thank me for the magic that averted you killing another PC, I thought but said nothing.

  "I'll keep first watch tonight," Captain Riggard said. "This might not be the last of them. Many strange creatures are wandering the earth thanks to the goblins."

  Eric opened his mouth but shut it quickly. We didn't need a high-level PC killing us. Not yet.

  I retreated to my bedroll by the fire and curled up under my blanket to check my stats.

  > Stats

  Name: Kali Tracaryn

  Race: Elf

  Class: Mage

  Level: 3

  XP: 12204 (2796 for next level)

  Alignment: +75 (Very Good)

  HEALTH: 20 (20)

  MANA: 64 (64)

  Strength: 72 (+10%)

  Dexterity: 96 (+35%)

  Constitution: 52 (+0%)

  Intelligence: 93 (+30%)

  Wisdom: 43 (+0%)

  Charisma: 44 (+0%)

  I also went over my spell list to think of new ways to use them in combination.

  > Stats Spells

  Spells: Level One

  Fish Slaying

  Golden Bolts

  Glorified Cloaks of Bronze

  Ladder of Dwarven Earth

  Spells: Level Two

  Snares of Dust (3mp) – Clouds of dust particles rise in the air, often rendering a person unable to do anything other than cough and stumble away. More mana may be used for more dust.

  Tip: At level four, you will gain one third level spell, one more second level spell and one more first level spell.

  Nothing had changed, but I'd noticed sometimes the notification messages were slightly different or had new information.

  Did I chose the right spells or will I end up a useless and weak wizard? And what happens if I die in-game?

  Finding new spells in the ruins would be a priority along with stopping Snargao, rescuing Jak, and staying alive. Sometimes the game made the last one too difficult.

  I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be whisked away to the land of dreams. Memories of the real-world filtered in with game memories, making both illusory.

  Would we ever find our way out? Only time would tell.

  Not even Charlotte had answers to all the mysteries of the game.

  ()xxxx[:::: Chapter 23 ::::>

  When Heroes and Villains Die


  The next morning, on the final leg of our journey to find the list of ingredients for our side-quest, I spotted the ruins in the distance. Smoke billowed from somewhere in the center, lazily rising into the sky.

  "We confront Snargao first about the pendant," Captain Riggard said. "Then we'll look for the recipe you need for Dawn Acid. Everyone understood?"

  I said nothing. He wanted a frontal assault with brute force, but that wasn't my style. And I didn't trust Snargao either. We were likely riding into a trap.

  As we approached the southern edge of the ruins, I slowed my horse then veered to the left. The others didn't even notice me ride off.

  The game sucked me in as I rode, wind whipping on my face. Battle-scarred buildings left in disrepair approached. I heard war drums in the distance.

  Were the goblins gearing up for another war? Or was Snargao more interested in the Cursed Pendant of Visions? Either way, I would save the day.

  I stopped at the edge of the ruins and dismounted. After tying up my horse, I snuck down a back alley, nimbly leaping over piles of stone and wood.

  A block later, I surprised three goblins in piece-meal armor scraped together. They snarled and ran toward me. My sword came out to play.

  The first one reached me. I stabbed at the goblin.

  Your stab GRAZES the goblin warrior for 7 damage.

  -2 damage for blade's dull condition

  Ugh. I forgot to switch out swords. This dull piece of crap better not let me down.

  A goblin took a swing at me with a lengthy sword.

  The goblin's slash BARELY SCRATCHES you for 4 damage.

  You have 54(58) health points.

  That health notification is convenient and new.

  I swung again.

  Your slash GRAZES the goblin warrior for 7 damage

  -2 damage for blade's dull condition

  The goblin is dead!

  As the first one fell, the other two attacked me at the same time.

  The goblin warrior's pierce GRAZES you for 6 damage.

  The goblin warrior's slash GRAZES you for 5 damage.

  You have 43(58) health poi

  "That all you got?" I shouted.

  Probably dumb if others were around, but I was getting into the battle.

  Your slash HITS the goblin warrior for 9 damage.

  The goblin is dead!

  As his buddy went down, the last goblin turned to run.

  He screamed for help, but the insistent pounding of the drums drowned out his voice. I sprinted after him and finished him with a final, forceful slash.

  Combat is over!

  You get 420xp!

  You have 11,454 xp.

  You need 4,546 xp for level five Rogue

  TIP: At level five Rogue, you will need to think about class specialization. When you reach level 6 through level 15, you will specialize in one of the following...

  Thief (leather armor) - Whether a cut-purse or a burglar, you’re all about sneaking around and getting what you want.

  Bard (no armor) - You are known for entertainment and the magic that comes with music.

  Bounty Hunter (any weapons/armor) - Stealthy and deadly, this class is a mix of fighting and thieving.

  Assassin (leather armor) - This class is concerned with killing others in one way or another.

  Without a fighter in the party, Bounty Hunter sounds interesting, but I've got time to decide.

  "No time now," I said as I picked up a goblin sword, hoping it would do better than my dull blade. With it safely sheathed at my side, I continued sneaking through the ruins.

  The drums increased in tempo and loudness as I got nearer to the center of the ruins. When they were the loudest, I stopped and scanned the block.

  A tower on the north end had collapsed partially, but it looked sturdy enough to climb. Especially with my ring. I grinned as I sprinted toward my prospective perch.

  The magic of the Ring of Spider Climbing saved the day again. Ropes would have made it easier, but I didn't have to scrounge around for any.

  I reached the top of the tower and tested the roof with my foot. Seems solid enough. After a deep breath, I crept across to the far side and looked down.

  Snargao and a small band of goblins were at the far edge of a clearing. I glanced over to where Sarah and the others were riding in. They had company.

  Behind their three horses, I saw a band of twelve goblins stalking them quietly for an ambush. Several held crude bows while the others were

  "Sarah," I called out, not caring about penalties.

  The game gave me one, regardless.

  I screamed again, but the thick bass of the drums blocked out my voice. Time to become a hero, I thought as I easily climbed down the outer tower wall.

  Advanced Climbing Skill Used


  You have 11504 xp.

  You need 4,496 xp for level five Rogue.

  That's not much xp, but I don't care. I need to get to Sarah before she and the others are ambushed in the back with arrows.

  I wasn't at full health, but the only thought on my mind was making the rest of the party wasn't taken out before they made it to the clearing.

  As I rounded the last corner, I slowed, looking for my first targets. Two stragglers in the back focused on the horses and riders ahead.

  This is how it's done.

  Critical back stab!

  Your sword goes through one goblin completely and kills one more.

  Eight goblins turned to face me while the other three continued forward. The drums continued filling the air with a sense of urgency.

  "Bring it on," I yelled.

  Three raised their bows and fired.

  The goblin arrow MISSES you.

  The goblin arrow MISSES you.

  The goblin arrow GRAZES you for 6 damage.

  You have been poisoned!

  +1 damage

  (-1hp per hour until poison is removed)

  You have 36(58) health points.

  Not again. This game has it out for me.

  I channeled the anger into my next attack.

  The closest goblin faced my wrath.

  Your slash HITS the goblin warrior for 8 damage.

  The goblin is dead.

  Five of the pint-sized terrors remained. I hoped Sarah and the others could take care of the ones still stalking them. Two goblins rushed toward me with swords while three others loaded their bow.

  "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

  Six bolts of golden energy hit three of the goblins with bows, releasing them of their earthly bodies.

  I looked up and saw Sarah dancing and singing her magic spells with strange sounds I'd never heard. A smile spread across my face as I made quick work of the last two.

  Your slash HITS the goblin warrior for 8 points of damage

  The goblin is dead.

  The goblin slash MISSES you

  Your slash HITS the goblin warrior for 8 damage

  The goblin is dead.

  Combat is over!

  You get 1680 xp divided by two party members.

  You get +840xp

  You have 12,344xp

  You need 3,654xp to level

  New Spell Effect: Glorified Cloaks of Bronze

  (+5 Armor Class)

  "Thank you," I said. "Save your mana. This isn't over."

  "You think I don't know that?"

  We both turned and saw as Captain Riggard get hit in the chest with a lightning bolt.

  "Let's go," I yelled, running toward the clearing.

  Benji jumped off his horse. The goblin drum circle continued until Captain Riggard pulled out a wand of some sort and pointed it at them. All noise in that area ceased.

  "Now that I can talk, you've got some explaining to do, Snargao."

  Sarah and I stopped next to Benji, watching the showdown.

  "Retreat," Snargao screamed them read from a scroll.

  Not this again.

  As goblins fled in every direction, the earth itself rose us to attack us.

  Snargao cackled gleefully as both elementals slammed into Captain Riggard, knocking him backward.

  "Attack," I shouted, hoping Benji would come along.

  Captain Riggard got to his feet and slashed at an elemental.

  Benji and I reached the other, attacking with all our might.

  Your slash GRAZES the medium earth elemental for 6 damage.

  That won’t do it.

  Benji turned and shook his head.

  I stabbed the moving dirt again.

  Your stab GRAZES the medium earth elemental for 5 damage.

  Benji beat it with his mace. An earthen fist swung back then hit him.

  Ouch. That had to hurt.

  Your slash GRAZES the medium earth elemental for 4 damage.

  "That all you got?" Captain Riggard shouted.

  He had taken his elemental out and attacked the one in front of Benji and I.

  The elemental rushed forward and slammed into Benji. He fell over, moaning and barely moving.

  "I'm going for Snargao," Sarah yelled.

  What is she doing?

  I attacked again.

  Your slash SCRATCHES the medium earth elemental for 3 damage.

  Scratches? Really?

  Captain Riggard laughed and struck the elemental again.

  The medium earth elemental HITS you for 9 damage.

  You have 27 (58) health points.

  Benji struggled to his feet, acting dazed and confused.

  "Attack," I screamed.

  In the distance, I saw Sarah get hit with lightning. She fell to the ground.

  The image of her falling would be etched in my mind forever.

  Leaving Benji to his fate, I ran around the elemental and toward her.

  The creature noticed and slammed into me.

  The medium earth elemental's slam INJURES you for 12 damage.

  You have 15 (58) health points.

  "Ouch," I muttered as I used the momentum to keep running.

  Snargao saw me and pointed a wand.

  At the last minute, I dodged to the left.

  The b
olt of energy came close but missed.

  "I remember you." Snargao pointed in my direction. "There's no time for this now, but I will return."

  "Oh, no you don't," Captain Riggard said as he ran over and barreled into the hobgoblin wizard.

  Both tumbled to the ground. I bent down to check Sarah's pulse.

  She's alive, but barely.

  "Benji," I called out.

  I craned my neck to look for him and saw as he used his mace to finish the last earth elemental.

  He looks like he's about to pass out.

  "We need healing," I called out.

  "Join the battle," Captain Riggard screamed as he wrestled on the ground with Snargao.

  I stood and rushed over to him as Benji bent over Sarah.

  "Die, foul beast," Captain Riggard said as he stuck his sword in the belly of the hobgoblin.

  "Not before you," Snargao muttered then raised the wand.

  Bursts of energy shot out the tip, causing Captain Riggard to shake uncontrollably.

  I seized the moment of opportunity and plunged my blade into the neck of the prone hobgoblin.

  You have killed Snargao the Impatient!

  You get 1,600 xp

  You have 13,944 xp

  You need 2,156 xp for level five rogue

  "MetaToG won't save me now..." Captain Riggard with his last breath.

  The drums had stopped, but I could sense goblins in the ruins watching us.

  "Benji, you need to heal me," I said as I glanced around.

  "Sarah is all better, but I can't boss. My healing days are over."

  "What are you talking about?" I asked. "This isn't a good time for negotiations."

  "There's something I've been meaning to tell you. I'm not really a cleric."

  "Are you kidding me?"

  He shook his head.

  "There's more, but I can't talk about it?"

  "You can't talk about it, or you won't?" I asked.

  Sarah stepped between the two of us with her arms stretched out.


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