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Goblin: a LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 1)

Page 29

by Paul Bellow

  He nodded and smiled.

  Eric sat up and yawned.

  "We've got company, Kali," Charlotte said from my shoulder.

  Uh oh. What now?

  "Where?" I asked.

  "Look up."

  I raised my head to the sky and saw a dragon pass overhead.

  "Was that what I thought it was?" Bernard asked as he stood.

  "There's no way we're fighting this," I said.

  "I agree, Kali."

  Eric got to his feet. I continued staring in the sky as the dragon circled, preparing to land.

  "Doesn't look like it’ll attack," Bernard said.

  "No, but we should still be ready." Eric turned. "You got any new dragon-busting spells?"

  "Maybe," I said then pointed to the nearby field. "But look."

  The mages of the Four Towers climbed off an intricate saddle on the dragon's back and waved in our direction. I smiled and ran over to them. They reminded me of home.

  "Well met, travelers," Ferris said as I approached.

  Eric and Bernard followed behind.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Everything okay?"

  "Everything is fine," Ferris said.

  "For now," Sherlock added.

  Thom smiled and nodded his head, blissfully unaware. Aaron looked on in silence.

  "We came to check on you," Ferris continued.

  "They tried to ambush us, but we're okay," Bernard said.

  "Who are they?" Sherlock asked.

  "This mage named Rizzo the Red and an elf ranger who calls himself Sylvar. We killed them both," Eric said.

  "They were working with Magi Inyontoo," I said. "We had no other choice, but we got hit with an alignment penalty."

  "Yeah, this sword gave me another one on top of it," Eric said.

  Sherlock frowned and shook his head.

  "Be careful. If you fall to far down the dark path, we may end up enemies."

  "That would never happen," I said. "We had to protect ourselves."

  "Violence isn't always the way," Sherlock said.

  "But we're glad you're okay," Thom added.

  "Have you retrieved all the items for making Dawn Acid?" Ferris asked.

  I nodded.

  "But I haven't mixed it yet."

  Thom laughed.

  "You won't be able to do that here without the right equipment," he said.

  "Go to Mednia. They will have everything you need," Sherlock said.

  "Thanks. Is that why you came to see us?" I asked.

  "No," he said, stroking his grey beard. "We've found out where Magi Inyontoo is hiding."

  "Yeah? Where?" Eric asked.

  "The Forbidden Kingdom of Goblins," Ferris said. "It won’t be easy to get in there undetected."

  "I picked up Become Unknowable Humanoids," I said then smiled.

  "Good, good," Sherlock said. "You’ll need that and more."

  The red dragon in the field roared impatiently.

  "Hold on," Ferris snapped, waving his arm behind him.

  "Wiley is the best, isn't he?" Thom asked.

  I nodded.

  "He's cute."

  "And dangerous," Eric said. "The skin on my back is still peeling."

  Thom laughed. Sherlock shook his head. Ferris walked back to the dragon.

  "We need to go, but you know your destination now," Sherlock said. "Safe travels."

  "Can you give us a ride?" Bernard asked.

  Thom laughed again.

  "No," Sherlock said. "We can't risk riding the dragon over the rest of the realms, but we wanted to talk with you before we left the Grabisco Isles."

  "Where are you going?" Eric asked.

  "To the many islands south of here," Sherlock said.

  "It's a higher level of the game," Thom added.

  Sherlock shot him a nasty stare while Aaron looked on in the background.

  "Thanks for everything," I said. "You've helped us so much."

  "Maybe you'll repay us someday," Thom said.

  Sherlock punched him in the arm.

  "Careful, Thom. Loose lips sink ships. They can't know about the prophecy yet."

  "The prophecy?" I asked.

  "Not even Munsee and the Underground?" Thom asked.

  Sherlock sighed and shook his head.

  "We should get going," Aaron said.

  "Yes, yes..." Sherlock turned around, oaken staff in hand. "Be careful, adventurers, the end of your quest will be perilous."

  Thom stood staring at us a moment then waved before walking away. I watched as they climbed atop the dragon. As soon as they were on board, it crouched down then leaped into the air.

  After breakfast and discussion, our party of three went to Mednia and create the Dawn Acid. I wasn't sure how we would even carry it if it were so powerful.

  We made small talk during the journey east, but each of us were caught up in our own thoughts. I hoped completion of the first quest would allow us to quit the game.

  Somehow, I didn't think the game would let us go so easily.


  A couple days later, we reached Mednia. It cost us a thousand gold for a high-level alchemist to mix the ingredients for Dawn Acid. While almost all our savings, I wanted it done right.

  Theor the gnome known for mixing items, delivered it to us in a clay jug two-feet tall. As we stared at it in the middle of his shop in downtown Mednia, I wondered how we would transport it.

  "Make sure you don't drop it," Theor said. "It's dangerous."

  "How dangerous?" Bernard asked.

  "More than you want to find out." Theor chuckled. "Now, about my payment..."

  "We've got your gold," I said.

  "Hold on, hold on." He held up his hands. "I know I said a thousand gold, but it turned out to be harder than I originally thought."

  Eric shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest.

  "No," he said.

  "What do you mean, no?" Theor dropped his arms to his sides. "I can't unmake it now."

  "How much do you want?" I asked. "We're not looking for trouble."

  Theor grinned.

  "It's not money I'm after."

  "What do you want?" Eric asked bluntly. "We don't have time for this."

  "That hat rack you're carrying around," Theor said. "How about you throw that in? I can fit it and use it."

  "It's not a hat rack," I said, tightening my grip on the Staff of the Ram.

  "No deal," Eric said. "We'll give you more gold."

  "How much more?" Theor asked.

  Eric sighed then walked over to the gnome and put his hand on his shoulder.

  "Let's go talk a moment," he said.

  We're already leaning toward evil. He better not do anything.

  I watched closely as Eric and Theor talked back and forth across the room.

  They walked back over a minute later.

  "Well?" I asked.

  Theor smiled.

  "We've got a deal."

  I looked at Eric.

  "What are we giving him?"

  "Eight—hundred gold," he said.

  My head moved back and my forehead scrunched up.

  "Huh?" I looked at Theor. "You're okay with this agreement?"

  The gnome alchemist nodded as he wiped his hands on his once-white apron.

  "Let's go," Eric said. "Is the wagon outside?"

  Bernard nodded.

  "Ready to go."

  The two of them picked up the clay pot and carefully carried it outside. I followed behind.

  "What happened in there?" I asked.

  "I bargained with him," Eric said. "No biggie."

  "Did you lose more alignment points?"

  "Yeah, but it was worth it."

  He grinned. I sighed and shook my head.

  "Sherlock and the others warned us. We can't turn evil."

  "I'm already a little bit evil," Eric said. "What's a bit more?"

/>   "Hey," Bernard said. "We got the Dawn Acid. Let's not fight, okay?"

  "I'm not fighting, but we need to talk about this," I said.

  "Not now, okay?" Eric hopped into the back of the wagon. "Help me tie this down."

  Bernard climbed in after him.

  "They're ignoring you, Kali," Charlotte said.

  "I can see."

  After securing our precious and dangerous cargo, Eric hopped out of the wagon.

  "What?" he asked as I stared at him.

  "This is now how I want to play the game. We're the good guys."

  He sighed, a frown settling on his unshaven face. The scar made him look even more dangerous.

  "Are we done?" he asked.

  "Whatever," I said then walked to the front of our wagon.

  "Come on, you two," Bernard pleaded. "Let's not fight. We're doing good."

  "We're Breaking Bad is what we're doing," I said as I climbed aboard.

  "The original television show is way better than the reboot," Bernard said.

  "No way, man," Eric said. "The new one is the best."

  "It doesn't matter," I snapped. "Can we go? Please?"

  After they climbed in the back, I snapped the reins. Our three horses pulled the wagon toward the gates of the city. I expected more from Eric, but they were two rogues.

  "It'll be fine," Charlotte said. "I love you, Kali."

  "Love you too," I mumbled.

  My spider familiar sensed my mood and stopped talking. I heard Eric and Bernard in the back, laughing and talking.

  "Be careful with that acid," I called back as we continued down the street. "The road will get bumpier outside of town."

  "We've got it," Eric called out.

  Did he, though? I wasn't sure. Had the game changed him or was I learning more about him because we were spending so much time together? Either way, I didn't like what he was becoming.


  Before entering the Forbidden Kingdom, we stopped in Esterhollow to check on their progress. I also wanted to find Evan and Ewen to ask them to join our party again.

  Maybe they've changed their minds, I thought as we approached the ruins being rebuilt. On the outskirts of the new town, several soldiers stopped us. I glanced over at Eric.

  "Well met," he said. "We’re here to check on the progress of Esterhollow."

  "It's doing just fine," a soldier with purple on his chest-plate said. "What's a bunch of crooks and killers like you want here?"

  "Excuse me?" Eric shook his head in disbelief. "Crooks and killers?"

  "We've heard of your exploits," he said.

  "Yeah? And who are you?" Eric demanded.

  "I'm Kiern," he said. "And who are you?"

  Eric held his head high as he sat next to me on the wagon.

  "Drex, the one who slayed Snargao."

  "That was you?" Kiern asked.

  Eric nodded proudly.

  "You look different from what I imagined," he said. "But welcome. We'll let Captain Rathgar know you're here."

  "Is he here?" I asked.

  Kiern nodded.

  "He's been running the show here."

  "We'd love to meet with him," Bernard said.

  "That will be arranged," Kiern said. "Welcome to Esterhollow."

  He stepped aside along with the other men. We rode past them and into the burgeoning town.

  "They're really coming along," Bernard noted from the back as he looked out the front.

  "Yeah," I said, noticing a sign that read, "Sign-Up to Fight Today."

  "Cheer up," Eric said. "We're doing good."

  "We were, but I want to be heroes not outlaws."

  "It's just a game," he said. "Chill out."

  "Look," Bernard said, pointing toward the clearing in the center of the ruins.

  Dozens of tents had been set-up as temporary shelter for the villagers and soldiers. A big bonfire crackled as we approached. Captain Rathgar noticed us and walked over.

  I stopped the horses as he approached.

  "Well met," Eric said.

  Captain Rathgar laughed.

  "I didn't expect to see you three again."

  "Yeah, thanks for taking our war wagon," Eric said.

  I nudged him with my elbow.

  "We're at war, son, and we need everything we've got to destroy the goblins once and for all." He turned around to a group of men and woman and lifted his fist. "Right?"

  They cheered, agreeing with him.

  Did everyone get a testosterone boost?

  He turned around to face us.

  "And how did your quest go?"

  "We've got the Dawn Acid," Eric said.

  "That's fantastic," Captain Rathgar said. "We should celebrate your victory."

  "Our quest isn’t finished yet," I said. "We've still got to find and destroy the Cursed Pendant of Visions."

  "You don’t plan on doing that tonight, do you?" he asked then laughed.

  The people behind him joined in the laughter.

  "No," I said. "But it's too early for celebration. We've got to enter the Forbidden Kingdom."

  Captain Rathgar and the others quieted down. He walked over to the wagon.

  "You're going to the Forbidden Kingdom?" he asked.

  I nodded.

  "Yeah. Why?"

  He laughed, causing the others to do the same.

  "What's so funny?" Eric demanded.

  Captain Rathgar shook his head.

  "You three are something else. How do you propose two humans and an elf sneak into the Forbidden Kingdom?"

  "We've got a plan," I said, not offering details.

  I wasn't sure if we could trust the man completely.

  "You have a plan, do you?"

  He laughed again.

  "And I suppose you’ll need our help with this plan of yours?" he asked.

  I shook my head.

  "Nope. We've got it covered."

  He stared up at me and nodded his head solemnly.

  "Very well," he said. "But tonight, we celebrate."

  I turned to Eric and whispered, "This isn't a good idea."

  "We'll be fine," he said.

  "One of us has to watch this Dawn Acid at all times."

  "You worry too much," Eric said then stood.

  He climbed over me then hopped out of the wagon.

  "Let's go eat," he said, putting his arm around Captain Rathgar.

  The captain of the guard chuckled again, obviously already well on his way to inebriated.

  I glanced at Bernard. He stared at me like a teenager wanting to go out with his friends.

  "Go," I said with a sigh. "But be careful and don't get too drunk."

  "Thanks," he said then scrambled off the wagon.

  I watched as he hurried after Eric and Captain Rathgar as they walked away with their arms around each other's shoulders. We've come this far. They better not screw up.

  After finding a secluded spot for the wagon, I got into the back and opened my spell books to study. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst had gotten me far in the game.

  When Eric and Bernard still hadn't shown up after a few hours, I asked Charlotte to keep watch while I rested. She agreed. I closed my eyes, hoping for good dreams.

  ()xxxx[:::: Chapter 37 ::::>

  Entering the Forbidden Kingdom


  We spent a week in Esterhollow preparing. Sarah finally repaired her bow, and we bought an entire city block in Esterhollow. Captain Rathgar gladly accepted the last of our gold.

  Although we weren't sure if we would stay in the area after completing our first major quest, I figured it was better to be safe rather than sorry. The gold would also help the city rebuild.

  Before we left, Sarah cast her illusion spell, turning us into goblins. All the way from Esterhollow to the land-bridge leading to Castle Chang, I still wasn’t fully accustomed to being a goblin.

  Horses would've made the journey easie
r, but we'd look out of place riding horses in the land of goblins and hobgoblins. We needed to blend in if we wanted to survive.

  "This is it," Sarah said as we stopped on the land-bridge leading to Castle Chang.

  "Yep," I said. "Are you two ready?"

  Bernard shook his head no but said, "Yes."

  "Ready as I'll ever be," Sarah said.

  "I'm ready too," Charlotte added.

  "Keep that spider quiet," I said. "We don't want to give ourselves away."

  "I have a name," Charlotte said.

  She's picking up Sarah's personality, I noted to myself.

  "The point is, we want everyone speaking goblin or hobgoblin."

  "It's you and me then," Sarah said.

  "Exactly. Let's do this."

  I walked toward the castle. Hobgoblin archers stood atop the walls, looking down as we passed. At the gate, two guards stopped us.

  "Where do you think you're going?" one asked.

  "On our way to Taowutang then Changtao," I said.

  "Your accent's funny," he said. "Why were you in the human lands?"

  "We were scouting," Sarah said.

  The hobgoblin guard grinned.

  "We will rule the realms soon," he said.

  I nodded and smiled.

  "That still doesn't tell us why you're going to Changtao. If you're scouts, why are you heading to the slums?"

  "It's a secret mission," Sarah said. "We're in a hurry."

  "Things are moving quickly these days," the guard said. "Carry on."

  As we turned to leave, a goblin wearing a squire's outfit ran up.

  "Let's get out of here," I mumbled.

  "Hold on," the guard yelled. "Unless you have papers for whatever mission you were on, you're needed here. There's a battle brewing for Esterhollow. We’ll make that land ours once and for all."

  "Needed here?" I asked.

  He grinned evilly.

  "Yeah, we need fodder for the front lines."

  "That won’t work for us," Sarah said.

  Everyone present turned to look at her.

  "What're you talking about?" the hobgoblin asked.

  She waved her hands in front of her face three times.

  "We aren't the goblins you're looking for," she said firmly.

  Like that’ll work. The force is surely not with us.

  "Hold on," the guard said. "These aren't the goblins we're looking for."


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