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Goblin: a LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 1)

Page 36

by Paul Bellow

  "Only if you deserve it."

  I smiled as nervousness rushed through my body.

  "Be safe," I said. "Do you still want Evan to come?"

  "No, I'll do better on my own. He's still first level."

  "You're right," I said. "Be careful with that Dawn Acid. I'd hate to find everything to make it again."

  "I should be fine with the map Eddie sold us," he said. "If it's accurate. The problem with a skill to discern a person's motive is you never know if you failed the roll or not."

  "Right?" I smiled. "Here..."

  I put my hand on his shoulder.

  "Go to him, Charlotte."

  We both watched as the red spider climbed onto his shoulder.

  "If he's in trouble, contact me," I said.

  "You can count on me, Kali."

  "Call me Sarah," I said.


  "Yeah. I'd like that."

  "Okay, Sarah. You can count on me."

  "Me too," Eric said.

  I pulled my hand away.

  We stared at each other.

  He cleared his throat.

  "I should get going. Follow behind with the others. Once I find out what's going on at the monastery, Charlotte will let you know."

  "Talk to you soon," I said.

  He nodded then turned and walked off toward the monastery. I turned to the others. They'd all been watching us. Evan walked over.

  "I've got your back too, Sarah."

  "Thanks, Evan. As soon as we finish this quest, we should know more about quitting the game."

  "We leaving the carts here?" Bernard asked.

  "Yeah. We'll give him a ten-minute head-start then follow him."

  "Sounds like a plan," he said. "Keep my wand of healing. I need to be ready to fight."

  I gripped my staff tighter then turned to watch Eric disappear into a field of tall grass.

  Charlotte? You there?

  "I'm here, Sarah. Are you following?"

  We're coming soon. Be strong. And look after Eric.

  I turned to the others.

  "Everyone packed and ready to go? We've got a mile to walk."

  "Monde hate walks."

  I nodded.

  "Me too, Monde. Me too."

  ()xxxx[:::: Chapter 47 ::::>

  I Want my Father Back you SOB


  I approached the monastery from behind. Even without the ring of spider climbing, I made it onto the roof of the single-story stone building.

  "Tell her I'm going in," I said.

  "She said be careful," Charlotte said.

  I put the spider out of my mind and moved swiftly to a chimney in center of the roof. While not optimal, it would serve as a way into the monastery.

  Eddie may have been telling the truth. I saw no one on my initial observations of the building, but it made the most sense to sneak in.

  I thought back to sneaking into the Tower of Sherlock. Sarah and I had come so far in the game since then. Were we powerful enough to finish the quest?

  "Quiet now," I said.

  Charlotte didn't respond as tied a rope around the chimney then dropped it down. I leaned over and listened. Hearing nothing, I climbed into the confined space.

  That spider better not talk and give me away, I thought as I descended. Splitting the party might be a mistake, but rushing head-first into problems isn't smart.

  I stopped near the bottom of the chimney. Above cold coals and the remains of a few logs, I listened for any sounds coming from the main chamber behind the auditorium.

  Nothing. Time to do this.

  As I descended the last few feet, I made sure to not leave footprints in the ashes. The amulet probably wouldn't be so easily found, but I had to try.

  I ducked and stepped out of the fireplace. The walls of the room were once again filled with paintings and maps. Still listening intently, I crept toward the door.

  Locking it would give me time if someone came. I expected Magi Inyontoo to appear at any moment.

  "Tell Sarah to come around and get on the roof," I said.

  "Are you sure?" Charlotte asked.

  "Yes, I'm sure," I snapped. "Do it."

  "Fine," she said.

  I scanned the room, looking for anything out of place. Wooden bookshelves filled two entire walls of the windowless room. A desk in the corner looked promising.

  "They're coming," Charlotte said as I walked across the room.

  When I reached the desk, I felt around underneath it. Nothing. Where would he hide the amulet? Maybe he has it on him? That's what I would do if I were him.

  I walked over to one of the bookshelves and scanned the titles. Some were in languages I'd never seen before, but a few titles like "Mist Magic" stood out.

  Before giving up, I went to the other bookshelf and searched for anything abnormal. A book with less dust than the others caught my eye. I grabbed it.

  When I opened the book, I saw it had been hollowed out. The Cursed Pendant of Visions sat inside. My eyes widened and my heart raced faster.

  You got this, I told myself as I put the book down on the wooden desk.

  "How close are they?" I asked.

  "Another few minutes. Monde is having trouble getting on the roof."

  "Okay," I said. "Time to destroy this."

  I pulled out a bottle of Dawn Acid and uncorked it. A foul smell wafted out.

  Ugh. That's bad.

  I covered my nose with one hand while holding the acid in the other.

  A rustling at the door caught my attention. I turned around.

  "Who's in there?" a voice asked.

  The door shook.

  "You better open up now."

  "Who is it?" I asked in a falsetto voice.

  "Open this door. Now."

  "Who?" I asked.

  Hurry, Sarah.

  "I'm breaking the door down," the voice said.

  "Tell me who you are, and I'll open it."

  I took a deep breath, not wanting to destroy the pendant until Sarah and the others arrived.

  "Are they close?" I whispered.

  Someone banged on the door again.

  "Open up in there. This is your last chance."

  I glanced at the fireplace as the bottom half of Bernard appeared.

  He crawled out as Sarah came down the chimney.

  "Now or never," I muttered as I turned back to the book.

  "Wait," Sarah yelled as I upended the vial. "I forgot to tell you something."

  The magical mixture had already left the bottle, dripping down, thick like honey. It hit the magic pendant and sparked, setting the book and desk on fire.

  "It's super flammable," she said as she walked over.

  "A little late," I said then chuckled.

  Something big crashed into the door.

  "We've got company," I said. "But it looks like the acid is doing its thing."

  The pendant popped, sending thousands of sparks into the air.

  Quest complete!

  +15,000 xp divided by six party members.

  You get +2500 xp

  You have 28,244 xp.

  You need 6756 xp for Level 7 Rogue->Bounty Hunter

  "Level up," Bernard shouted.

  "We've still got work to do," I said.

  Monde made it down the chimney and into the room as the door burst open. Three dogmas stood on the other side, surrounding Magi Inyontoo in his black robes.

  "What have you done?" he screamed. "You guys are idiots. That was the way out of the game."

  I glanced over at Sarah. She shook her head.

  "He's lying," Charlotte whispered into my ear.

  Magi Inyontoo glanced around.

  "You've put together a decent party, but it won’t be enough."

  He cackled with laughter as he turned and walked down a hall leading to the auditorium.

  "Get him," I yelled, drawing my sword.

  Monde rushed the door, screaming her own name as a battle-cry. The three dogmas turned and
fled after their master. I rushed after them.

  With Monde in the lead and me close behind, we chased the dogmas into a huge room filled with benches all facing a stage.

  "Stop," I said, grabbing Monde's shoulder as we entered.

  I saw Magi Inyontoo leap up on the stage. A tarp covered something.

  Sarah and the others crowded around us.

  "Monde, Ewen, Bernard, go cover the exits. We're not letting him get away." They took off. "Sarah, Evan, you two are with me."

  I waved for them to follow as I walked toward the stage. Magi Inyontoo stood with a hand on the tarp.

  "Let me guess," I said. "Another lame golem."

  I stopped in front of the stage.

  "Look," Sarah said as she pointed behind Magi Inyontoo.

  A glowing portal like the one we'd entered the game through hung in the air.

  "We've got company," Bernard yelled. "Dozens of dogmas."

  "Take care of them," I yelled without taking my eyes off Magi Inyontoo.

  He pulled the tarp away. A seven-foot tall flesh golem lumbered forward to the edge of the stage.

  "Back up," I said, following my own advice.

  Sarah stood next to me, but I saw no sign of Evan.

  "Monde smash."

  I heard yelps behind us as the flesh golem stepped off the stage.

  "Kill them," Magi Inyontoo shouted.

  The flesh golem lumbered forward.

  "It's disgusting," Sarah said.

  "More than the ear wax golem?"

  "I don't know," she said. "You want me to play this defensively or offensively."

  "Offense is the best defense," I shouted then ran forward and slashed the golem with my sword.

  Your slash INJURES the flesh golem for 12 damage.

  Two flaming discs of lava flew past and slammed into the patchwork flesh of the golem. While the golem's movements were slowed down, it still hit me with a giant fist.

  The flesh golem's fist INURES you for 13 damage.

  You have 76(89) health remaining.

  "Get the mage," I yelled as I swung again.

  Your slash HITS the flesh golem for 9 damage.

  "They're swarming us," Bernard called from somewhere behind me.

  "Deal with it," I said.

  The flesh golem lunged at me.

  The flesh golem's fist WOUNDS you for 16 damage.

  You have 60(89) health remaining.

  I really need to buff this armor soon.

  As the golem prepared to strike again, I stepped back to view the battlefield.

  Sarah and Magi Inyontoo were exchanging magic blasts of one sort or another. I hated to leave her alone, but she could fend for herself.

  The flesh golem needed to die.

  I screamed and ran forward, pressing my sword into its flesh.

  Your slash HITS the flesh golem for 8 damage.

  The golem growled, apparently frustrated at moving slower.

  "I should be with Sarah," Charlotte said from my shoulder.

  "Not now," I hissed then dodged as the golem swung again.

  The flesh golem's fist MISSES you.

  Your Dodge skill has increased!

  Dodge - Basic Level 3 of 10

  As I prepared to swing again, I saw Evan sneak up behind Magi Inyontoo.

  The mage in black screamed as the brownie stuck him in the back with a dagger.

  Sarah used the opportunity to hit the mage with another spell.

  I turned my attention back to more pressing matters and swung my sword.

  Your slash MISSES the flesh golem.

  The flesh golem's fist HITS you for 8 damage.

  The flesh golem's fist INURES you for 13 damage.

  You have 39(89) Health remaining

  "Monde, no," Bernard yelled.

  I resisted the urge to turn around and swung again.

  Critical Hit!

  Your thrust MAULS the flesh golem for 22 damage.

  The flesh golem is dead!

  I stepped back as the creature fell to the floor in a pile of bones and flesh.

  Up on the stage, I saw Evan on the floor. Magi Inyontoo raised his palms and shot lightning from them.

  I thought he was aiming for me, but the bolts of electricity hit the flesh golem, stirring it to life.

  "Come on," I muttered, readying my sword.

  The flesh golem let out a blood-curdling scream as it got to its knees.

  I swung again, hoping to take it out once and for all.

  Your slash HITS the flesh golem for 8 damage.

  The golem finished standing and looked at me with rage in its mismatched eyes.

  I stepped back, checking on Sarah as she battled Magi Inyontoo.

  "You should give up," the mage in black yelled. "You can't win against me."

  "Bernard, I could use some help," I shouted over my shoulder.

  "We're busy ourselves," he replied, breathing heavy. "Ewen, watch out."

  I screamed and ran toward the flesh golem, aiming for its head.

  Your slash GRAZES the flesh golem for 7 damage.

  The motley mix of body parts ran forward and slammed into me.

  The flesh golem's slam INJURES you for 13 damage.

  You have 26(89) health remaining.

  "Ouch," Sarah screamed.

  I looked over and saw her drop to the floor.


  Rage burned throughout my whole body as I attacked again.

  Your slash INJURES the flesh golem for 14 damage.

  The flesh golem is dead.

  I turned to face Magi Inyontoo.

  "My name is..."

  Before he finished, I rushed the stage, leaping up on it.

  He pointed a wand in my direction. Flames shot out, hitting my chest.

  Magi Inyontoo's Flamestick WOUNDS you for 16 damage

  You have 10(89) health remaining.

  "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

  "You destroyed the one way I had out of this stupid game."

  "I don't believe you," I said, holding my sword up.

  Pain enveloped my entire body. Everything hurt.

  "Believe what you want, but it's true. You think the Four Wizards know what they're talking about?"

  "I trust them more than I trust you."

  Magi Inyontoo laughed.

  "That's why you're so bad at this game. You can't trust anyone."

  "We can work together on getting out of here," I said, intent on convincing him to stop fighting us.

  I glanced over at the back of the auditorium. Bernard and Ewen stood near the main entrance. Dogmas were piled up high outside.

  "My name is Magi Inyontoo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

  He lifted the wand. I crouched to rush forward and give him some damage before I died.

  Drekmao, holding his glowing sword, appeared behind Magi Inyontoo in a cloud of smoke.

  The mage in black turned around to face him. I used the opportunity to rush forward.

  My sword plunged into his lower back. He cried out in agony.

  Your stab HITS Magi Inyontoo for 8 damage.

  What? No back stab? Come on...

  Drekmao followed up with a thrust of his sword.

  Magi Inyontoo stumbled backward while clutching his stomach.

  "This isn't the last time you'll see me," he said.

  "Stop him," Drekmao screamed.

  I stepped forward as Magi Inyontoo escaped into the magical portal.

  Combat is over!

  You get 7400xp divided by five party members.

  You get +1480 xp

  You have 29,724 xp

  You need 5276 xp for level 7 Rogue->Bounty Hunter

  "That's not good," Drekmao said after Magi Inyontoo went through the portal.

  "At least he's gone," I said as I looked around "Who died?"

  I jumped off the stage and ran to Sarah.

  She looked up with a blank stare in her eyes.

  "Are you okay?" I asked. "We need
healing over here."

  I put my hand on her cheek. Wake up. Don't leave me.

  Drekmao walked over and laid his hands on her chest.

  She sat up, eyes open wide.

  "What happened?" she asked.

  "You went under," Drekmao said. "But you should be fine."

  "Where's Magi Inyontoo?"

  "He got away," I said. "We should go after him."

  "Wait," Drekmao said. "You won't find him in the tower. He'll be in the second level already."

  Bernard and Ewen, both battle-weary, walked over.

  "Monde died," Bernard said. "We tried to help her, but she's not too smart in battle."

  "Sorry," Ewen said.

  "It's not your fault."

  "Give me to Sarah," Charlotte said.

  "Hold on a minute."

  Sarah stood and retrieved her spider. I glanced around at all the destruction. The portal glimmered less than a hundred feet away. Could we finally quit the game?

  "Are you coming with us through the portal, Drekmao?" I asked.

  He shook his head.

  "I've got to stay here."

  "Can you tell us something about the second level?" Sarah asked.

  "No, but you'll find out more once you get back to the tower."

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "You'll see," he said. "I need to go find the Four Wizards. There's much work to make the first level safe for everyone again."

  "This game is nuts," Bernard said.

  Evan stumbled over. He looked rough.

  "Are you okay?" I asked. "That back stab was incredible."

  I didn't think it was possible for a brownie, but his smile got bigger.

  "When I saw him hurting Sarah, I had to act."

  Sarah smiled and put her hand on his shoulder.

  "Good luck to your party," Drekmao said. "Maybe our paths will cross again."

  "One more question," I said.

  He sighed.


  "Magi Inyontoo said the pendant was a way out of the game..."

  Everyone turned to Drekmao, waiting for an answer.

  "I'm sure he was full of it."

  "But can't high level mages make magic items? Or hack the game?" Sarah asked.

  "The Four Wizards and others have tried for countless years to get out of the game. I don't see how that punk Magi figured it out."


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