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Roguishly Matched

Page 5

by Marie Higgins

“Would you believe that you’re the only one I know at this ball, besides my family?”

  His gaze narrowed on her. “That would be very difficult to believe.”

  “Let me rephrase that.” She took a deep breath as her mind twirled with what to say. “You are the only one who has willingly sought my company. The others here tonight turn up their noses at me and my family. We are here only because my aunt invited us.”

  “Your aunt?”

  “Yes. Lady Guthrie is my aunt.”

  His gaze locked on hers as if he was trying to read her mind. Finally, he nodded and realization dawned on his face.

  “Then the rumors about you are true?”

  She gasped. “Rumors about me?”

  “Well, actually, they are about your father.”

  Her heart sank. The truth was finally out. “Yes. They are true.”

  His fingers stroked her hand again, slower this time. “So, your father gambled away your dowry?”

  “He gambled away everything.”

  “That’s probably why you have no servants.”

  “And why he was embarrassed to mention it the other night at dinner.” She shrugged. “Sadly enough, we cannot control our father. Even though he is ruining our lives.”

  He frowned. “I fully understand.”

  “Collin, is your father like this?”

  “No, but my uncle was. His mistakes finally killed him, but thankfully, my aunt and cousin have enough of his money to survive.”

  “Then your cousin should consider himself most fortunate.”

  “Indeed, he should.”

  Silence reigned for the next few minutes. It was her turn to stare at the pond, but her mind was still on the incredibly handsome man sitting beside her, caressing her hand. Now that he knew about her family, she was surprised he wasn’t making up some excuse to get away from her. Most men would have done that. Perhaps Collin needed time to think about his escape first.

  “Addie? Would you think it bold of me to ask you to take a stroll with me? The last time I asked you, we were interrupted.”

  Her heartbeat skipped excitedly as she studied his shadowed face. Was he serious? He wasn’t going to leave her because of what he knew about her family? “I... um, no.”

  His eyebrows creased together. “No?”

  “No, I would not think you were bold for asking.”

  The wrinkles in his forehead disappeared and he chuckled. “Splendid.” He stood and offered his elbow to her. She rose to her feet and hooked her hand around his elbow.

  He led them away from the manor, further into the garden. Soon, they would be totally alone, but she wasn’t afraid any longer. She enjoyed his company, and from what she could tell so far, he enjoyed hers as well.

  “Collin?” she asked, breaking the silence. “How long will you and Lord Kentwood be in Bath?”

  “That’s not determined yet. I actually came with Kentwood, and I’m not certain about his plans.” He glanced at her. “Why do you ask?”

  “I just wanted to know for how long I might get to see you before you leave.”

  “Will you be in Bath anytime soon?”

  She shrugged. “I could be. I go to the marketplace once a week.”

  He chuckled. “Then I suppose I could arrange to meet you somewhere.”

  Excitement shot through her. Things were falling into place so perfectly. She just prayed he didn’t know what was really on her mind. “I suppose I could borrow my father’s horse and ride out to meet you.”

  He slowed his footsteps as he looked over his shoulder toward the manor. She followed his gaze. They were far enough away from the house that nobody could see them. Would that be reason enough for Collin to try to kiss her this time?

  Suddenly, he made a sharp turn and headed into the thicket of trees. They didn’t go very far before he stopped and took her in his arms. Her heart soared with happiness, but once she slid her hands up his chest and gazed into his shadowed face, the mood between them changed. The air around her sizzled with anticipation.

  “Forgive me if I’m wrong,” he said in a deep voice, “but I can’t help but wonder if this is what you want, too.”

  She licked her dry lips. “I must confess, that ever since you gave me that rose, I’ve wondered what it would feel like to be held by such a strong man.”

  One of his large hands cupped the side of her face. “That’s all? You only wondered what it would feel like to be held?”

  Closing her eyes, she snuggled against his palm. “Actually, I’ve wondered about more.”

  “What else?” he whispered, brushing his lips across her cheek.

  Her heart jumped so crazily, she could scarcely breathe. “I... I thought about kissing—”

  Before she finished her sentence, his mouth covered hers. The contact was shocking, and she gasped, but the moment his tender lips moved on hers, she sighed heavily and leaned against his hard body. His hands roamed up and down her back, gently pulling her closer. She clung to his shoulders, answering his heady kisses the best she could since this was the first time a man had ever kissed her passionately.

  Her head whirled faster and her heartbeat quickened. Yet, breaking away from Collin was the last thing she wanted. His kiss was meaningful, and made her heart expand. Warmth encased her, getting hotter by the second. For a moment, she wondered if he was quite ill, but she didn’t want to pull away to find out. Kissing him was much more enjoyable.

  His mouth tore away from hers and his lips moved over her jaw and down her neck. Trickles of delight danced over her skin, and her body felt limp. Perhaps she was ill after all. Thankfully, his strong arms held her up, or she would crumble to the ground.

  Suddenly, he stopped and lifted his head. She stared deep into his shadowed eyes, and her heart melted even more. Passion was etched on his expression – just as she knew it was on hers.

  “Addie, my sweet. I fear I may have gone too far.”

  Confusion filled her. Too far? “But we haven’t moved.”

  His irresistible mouth stretched into a grin. “No, I mean that I should not have kissed you so passionately.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Is there another way to kiss that is less exciting? Because I assure you, passionately is much better.”

  He chuckled and gathered her against him, and she pressed her cheek against his chest. Inhaling deeply, she knew she never wanted to leave his arms, and she wanted to smell his scent of spice and musk all the time.

  “Oh, my sweet Addie. I forget how innocent you are.”

  “Indeed, I am, but I’m willing to learn otherwise.”

  A groan rattled in his chest as he bent his head and captured her mouth again. He must have liked what she had said. A lot. The way he kissed her was so different this time. There was more wild passion. She sighed heavily and responded to his sultry kisses.

  Perhaps convincing him that becoming her husband wouldn’t be a difficult thing to do. Her hopes lifted. How soon should she bring up the subject? She’d wait until after they were finished kissing. And she prayed he’d be open to the marriage idea.

  She snuggled against him more, releasing a satisfied sigh. But the sudden rattle of bushes brought both of them alert. They jumped apart. The absence of his hold made her sway, but she quickly adjusted her footing so she wouldn’t fall.

  Another man came toward them, but she couldn’t quite see his face. A different rhythm took over her heartbeat. If it was her father, then he’d definitely make sure Collin did the right thing by her. But... would Collin hate her for it?


  Collin tried to regulate his breathing, but the panic filling him, made it impossible. To be pulled so quickly out of a passionate kiss, and to realize the danger of being caught, had affected him so fast that he couldn’t think straight. How could they not have been caught? Whoever this person was would certainly tell Adeline’s father about catching them alone and in a scandalous embrace.

  Unless it was her father...

ng the terror rising up in his throat, he concentrated on the man coming toward them. Collin’s mind was sluggish and wouldn’t work properly, but he needed to come up with an excuse quickly in order to smooth over what just happened between him and Addie.

  When the intruder was closer, Addie sighed and placed her hand to her neck. He glanced at her relaxed body. She smiled weakly at the unknown man.

  “Oh, Simon. It’s you,” she said, breathless.

  “Miss Featherstone?” The man’s gaze jumped back and forth between her and Collin. “What... are you doing here?”

  “Um, well...” she stammered.

  Finally, Collin recognized the man. It was the driver of the hackney that Kentwood hired. Collin stepped forward, aiming his scowl at the man. “The question should be... what are you doing here?”

  “Uh, forgive me, my lord, but Lord Kentwood sent me to find you.”

  “You are here to find me?”

  “Yes, my lord. He is waiting for you in the hackney.”

  “Then tell Lord Kentwood I will be there momentarily.”

  The man looked back at Addie, who stood stiff as she wrung her hands against her middle.

  “Simon,” she said in a small voice, “please do not tell anyone you saw me here.”

  The man nodded. “As you wish, Miss Featherstone.”

  Once the driver left the area, Collin breathed a little easier. However, Addie still appeared very stiff. He rubbed her shoulders, trying to get her to relax.

  “It will be all right,” he told her.

  “Servants like to gossip.”

  “How do you know Simon?”

  “He once worked for my father,” her voice shook.

  Collin wrapped his arms around her, urging her closer, but she pushed away from him. “Collin, we were almost caught.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “We should leave, but not together.”

  He caressed her cheek. “Addie, my sweet, please don’t worry. I’ll make sure your name is not ruined.”

  As she stared at him, her shoulders slowly relaxed, and a smile touched her face. “Do you promise?”

  “Of course.” He rubbed his thumb on her cheek. “I feel the same as you do, and getting caught in a passionate embrace is definitely not something I want to happen, either. But I’ll warn Simon to keep his mouth shut. I might have to pay him off, as well.”

  Her smile disappeared. “Oh... I see.” She moved toward the manor. “I should leave first.”

  “Yes, and I shall keep watch to make sure you return to your aunt’s house unscathed.”

  “I thank you.”

  She took a step past him, and he grasped her arm, stopping her. When her teary eyes looked up at him, his heart wrenched. He understood her fear, but he was sure she felt as he did – that their kiss had only accomplished one thing. Indeed, he needed to see her again. And soon.

  “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  She blinked as if dazed. “I don’t really know.”

  “I would love to see you again. Perhaps I’ll call on you, or...”


  “Or maybe we should meet some place private.”

  She smiled once again, and his heart lightened. “That does sound more intriguing.”

  “I’ll send you a note and let you know.”

  Her pretty face brightened mere moments before she pulled away from him and continued moving out of the thicket of trees and toward the manor. As he promised, he watched her until she was nearly at the house. Thankfully, nobody spotted her – that he could see, anyway. With a light heart, he hurried toward the waiting coaches until he spotted the hackney. Simon stood by the door, waiting to assist Collin inside.

  He stopped in front of Simon and narrowed his gaze on the man. “Do I have your word, as a gentleman, that you will not gossip about Miss Featherstone and what you witnessed this evening?”

  The driver lifted his chin and pulled his shoulders back. “She and her family are my friends. I wouldn’t hurt Miss Featherstone for all the money in the world. She is a caring woman with a huge heart, and I’d do anything to protect her reputation.”

  Collin nodded. “Then I’d better not hear anything about what happened tonight.”

  The man’s mouth tightened. “It won’t be from my lips.”

  “Splendid.” Collin opened the hackney door and climbed inside.

  Kentwood sat on the bench with his face pressed against the wall of the vehicle. The man’s eyes were closed and drool slid from his mouth. How pathetic!

  Collin rolled his eyes. If only he could convince his friend to stop drinking so much. One of these days, the drink would kill Kentwood. Collin was certain of it.

  Purposely, Collin slammed the door. Kentwood jerked to a sitting position. One side of his hair stood up higher from where it had been flattened against the vehicle’s wall. He blinked as if trying to gain his bearings. When his expression registered with recognition, he chuckled and relaxed back in his seat.

  “Ah, Hanover. I’m glad to see you’ve finally come.”

  Stretching his legs in front of him, Collin relaxed on his seat and linked his fingers together, resting them across his middle. “I cannot believe you had the driver fetch me.”

  Lloyd shrugged. “I couldn’t see you inside the ballroom. I figured you found a woman to seduce and had taken her out back.”

  “And what if I had? You could have waited, but no. You’d rather send the driver to find me.”

  “There is no need to get riled. Besides, I probably did you a favor.”

  Collin tilted his head, shooting a scowl at his friend. “A favor? Pray, how does your alcohol induced mind think you’ve done me a favor?”

  “Because she was trying to trap you into marriage.” Kentwood touched his fingers to his head. “The women nowadays are cunning, I tell you. They see wealthy, titled men, and they create ways to get us into a compromising position just so their overeager fathers could find us and force us to marry the wenches.”

  Addie’s pretty face popped into his mind, and he sighed with content. There was no way Addie would try to trap him. But she was definitely captivated with kissing him tonight, and her innocence was what had enthralled him. And, it was his idea to go for that stroll, not hers.

  “Well, I can assure you that entrapment wasn’t on the mind of the woman I was with. It was my idea to find someplace private.”

  “That’s good to know. You’re most fortunate you found someone before that Featherstone girl caught you.”

  Collin hitched a silent breath. If his friend said anything to degrade her in any way, Collin would toss the inebriated man out of the hackney. “Why do you think Miss Featherstone was trying to catch me?”

  “Was it not obvious the other night while at her home? She’s infatuated with you, and I saw her and her family at the ball. Their out-of-date gowns made them stand out, pitifully so.”

  Gnashing his teeth, Collin sat up straighter and fisted his hands. “You should not judge them by what they wear. I found Miss Featherstone and her family to be quite charming... after I had given them a chance. I’ll admit, I was rather upset that our plans had gone awry that day, what with the carriage breaking down, but visiting with Miss Featherstone and her family had relaxed me. I quite enjoyed myself.”

  Releasing a disgusting groan, Kentwood shook his head. “Oh, don’t tell me she has already gotten you in her clutches. I thought you were wiser than to fall for her scheming plans.”

  Anger climbed higher inside Collin. “I will forgive you because you are foxed and you do not know what you’re talking about, but I warn you, you’re treading on thin ice. Take my advice and close your eyes and return to your drunken dreams. You’re tempting my patience with this topic, and I assure you I will win.”

  Kentwood stared at Collin for the longest time before shrugging and closing his eyes. “I shall let it rest, but don’t come crying to me when she traps you into marriage.”

  Exhaling slowly, Collin tried to
ease his temper. There was no reasoning with his foxed friend. By now, Collin knew how to spot a woman who was looking for a titled man with a hefty bank account. Addie was nothing like those other women. From what he could tell about the adorable Miss Featherstone, she was more interested in learning about passion.

  Collin grinned. And he was definitely interested in becoming her teacher.


  Standing in the middle of a flock of chickens, Adeline stared at the clear blue sky as her mind replayed every minute of her time with Collin last night. Feeding the chickens wasn’t important right now. Daydreaming about the man she was falling in love with overrode everything.

  And he was going to meet her someplace today!

  Her heart flipped with excitement as she smiled wider. This time, she would have to let Olivia know where she was going, because knowing her sister, she’d run directly to Pa and let him know. Within minutes, Adeline’s father would search for his daughter and catch her with Collin... and insist the earl do the right thing and marry Adeline. With any luck, Collin wouldn’t think she had any part of this plan.

  It had worried her last night when he’d admitted to not wanting to get caught, but when he told her he’d do everything he could to protect her reputation, she knew he would be the perfect husband. Indeed, he had a heart of gold, and he would come to love her after they were married.

  Slowly, her mind came out of her dream and she heard someone calling her name. She spun around and searched the yard. The man walking toward her took long strides, and he wore an earnest expression.

  Inwardly, she groaned. She really didn’t want to talk to Simon right now. Having him catch her with Collin was quite embarrassing, especially since the servant was the one who warned her about Lord Hanover and Lord Kentwood. What excuse could she give her old friend that he wouldn’t think poorly of her?

  “Miss Featherstone,” Simon said in a clipped tone. “I was instructed to deliver this to you.”

  When he handed over a letter stamped with a seal, her heart leapt. It’s from Collin! Trying to steady her trembling hand, she broke the seal and opened the parchment and scanned the words.


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