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Thief: Devil's Own MC

Page 15

by West, Heather

  I rolled my eyes. “She’s a kid,” I said patiently. “I guess I expect that kids will always want what’s impractical.”

  Julia shook her head. “It’s not about that,” she said. “It’s about the fact that Derek’s parents don’t even try to be reasonable people when it comes to their grandchild. I’m supposed to be grateful for everything they do, but it only adds more stress. They don’t know how to actually raise her. I have to instruct them every time and then spend the whole freakin’ time she’s gone worrying!”

  I bit my lip. It seemed like a long rant considering I didn’t really want to have kids, but I wondered if Julia was going to try to make a point about Blake.

  “And it wasn’t always like this,” she continued. “When we first got together, I trusted him. He was so different from other guys; he was so intense.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, Derek was an intense dude,” I agreed. I remembered the time that I’d met him for all of five seconds at a barbecue at Julia’s old house. He’d shown up three hours late with a bunch of friends, all tatted up like he was. Julia had acted like it was the biggest thing in the world when he finally got there; she’d made a show of bringing him around and introducing him to everyone. You could tell he was wearing this smug grin like, this girl thinks I’m amazing even though I’m not. It had been so incredibly hard to be nice to him.

  Julia shook her head. “He totally swept me off my feet,” she added. “He made me think that everything was going to be okay as long as we were together. And I got pregnant, like, right away. Do you remember? He was convinced that we’d be able to be a little family.”

  I nodded. “I remember,” I said. They’d only been together for a few months when Julia got pregnant, and the two of them had been so happy about it at first. I remember that Derek had crowed about having a son, and toasted Julia’s belly with beer.

  “He was so excited about having a little boy,” Julia said wistfully, as if reading my mind. “But he didn’t even stick around long enough to find out that Hailey was a girl.”

  Suddenly, a door in the hallway creaked open and Hailey’s little pink face showed itself through the crack. “Mommy, are you talking about me? I heard my name,” she exclaimed loudly. Julia gave me a look, as if to say ‘well, now you’ve really done it,’ but she obediently got up from the couch and went to collect her daughter.

  I leaned back and blew out a gust of air that sent my bangs flying. Fuck him, I thought. He better have a good fucking excuse this time.

  Julia disappeared inside Hailey’s room and shut the door. In a few seconds, I could hear them singing a nursery rhyme together, and Julia told Hailey to pick out a book for “second bedtime.” I had to smile; even though she was an exasperated and exhausted mom, I still envied her ability to raise Hailey so well. Hailey wasn’t going to grow up to be a fuckup like her mom or me. She was probably going to be a scientist or the first female president or something. She was already more determined to succeed as a toddler than I’d ever felt in my whole life.

  My phone buzzed in my lap. When I looked down, I saw Blake’s name.

  “Hi,” I said drily. “Forget something?”

  “I’m so sorry,” Blake said in his gruff voice. “I didn’t forget, but something happened. Where are you? Can I pick you up?”

  “I’m at Julia’s,” I told him. “We were just about to go to sleep,” I added. “It’s really late, Blake.”

  “I know,” he said. “I promise I won’t take long to get there. Can you wait ten more minutes?”

  I bit my lip. The sound of his voice was arousing, and already my anger with him was starting to fade. “Fine,” I said. “But don’t be late this time, okay?”

  Blake chuckled and I felt a blast of warmth in my lower belly. “I won’t be late,” he said gruffly. We hung up without saying bye and I could already feel the butterflies starting in my stomach.

  Julia opened Hailey’s door and came back out to the living room. If possible, she looked even more tired than she had a few minutes ago.

  “Don’t even have children,” she warned me, yawning in the middle of her sentence. “You’ll never sleep again, and you’ll be able to recite nursery rhymes in your sleep but somehow manage to forget everything else you ever learned.”

  I laughed shortly. “I’ll take that into consideration,” I said. “I’m gonna go, Jules. Blake just called. He’s on his way.”

  Her stony expression darkened further. “Sarah, don’t go with him,” she said. “Don’t reward him for such bad behavior.”

  I blushed crimson. “He said something bad happened,” I said quietly. “Is it so wrong to at least want to hear him out?”

  Julia tossed her hair and gave me the same weary look that she’d had earlier, talking about Derek. “It’s fine,” she said. “It’s your life, Sarah. I just don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I’ve made. Don’t you get that?”

  I bit my lip just as we both heard Blake’s motorcycle roar into the parking lot of Julia’s apartment complex. “I get it,” I said. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to let you down, Jules. You know that.”

  “It’s fine, it’s your life,” she said. The words came out cold and she grimaced. “Have fun, and be safe, okay? And listen to your gut.”

  I nodded. “I will,” I told her. “Thanks.” We hugged—it felt stiff—and then I let myself out the front door and skittered down her steps. Blake was waiting for me, still perched on his bike. He held out the extra helmet to me. Something about his face looked different, but I couldn’t see what it was in the moonlight.

  “Hey,” he greeted me. “How are you? Exhausted?”

  I shook my head. “I think I’m getting a second wind, actually,” I told him. “I’ll be okay.” I looked at the ground as I strapped my helmet on, and when I climbed on behind Blake and wrapped my arms around him, he gunned the bike into gear and roared out onto the street.

  The ride back to his house was quiet. Talking while on Blake’s motorcycle was all but impossible, so I was left alone with my thoughts. I buried my face in his jacket and inhaled deeply, breathing in his musk and cologne. Something about being with him felt so right, so safe that everything Julia had warned me about flew out of my head. I was blissfully happy and turned on by the time we pulled up in front of Blake’s. Between the scent of his body and the bike thrumming between my legs, I was soaked. Blake climbed off and started walking towards his apartment without looking at me. I had to jog to catch up.

  “Wait,” I said playfully. “You know how much shorter I am! That’s not fair.”

  “Tough shit,” Blake grumbled, and I laughed. He shoved the key into the lock and opened the door. When I followed him inside, my heart started to beat even faster. His whole apartment smelled masculine, like he did, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was like falling asleep in Blake’s bed. Being surrounded by his scent was both comforting and arousing, and I was sure I’d always feel the same way about him.

  When Blake flipped on the lights, I saw his face. It was swollen and bloody, with big black-purple bruises spreading over his right eye and down his cheek. I gasped out loud and clapped my hands over my mouth.

  “Oh my god,” I said. “What happened? Is that why you were late? Are you okay?”

  Blake laughed. “I’m fine. It looks worse than I feel, trust me.”

  A sick feeling started in my stomach. “Blake, that looks terrible!” I cried out. “Can I wash your face? You still have some blood there,” I said, pointing to his lip. He winced when my fingers got too close and I drew my hand back, breathing shakily.

  “I’m fine, really,” he said, low laughter bubbling out of his throat. “It’s just a little scuff. Happens a lot. I promise I’m fine.”

  “Blake, I knew you were a tough guy, but this is crazy!” I exclaimed. “I’m so worried about you!” Guilt flooded my body. “And I’m so sorry that I was mad when you were late! You poor thing! You didn’t have to pick me up, I promise. Do you want me to go? Woul
d you rather sleep?”

  Blake laughed again, harder this time, and stepped towards me. “Stop worrying,” he said gruffly. “I promise I’m fine.” A chill ran through my body when I realized how close he was. I bit my lower lip and tucked a strand of red hair behind my ear.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered softly. “I was just so worried. Are you sure that you’re really okay?”

  Blake nodded. “I promise,” he said. “Come here, Sarah.”

  When he said my name, my heart started thumping hard once again. I stepped forward, closing the distance between our bodies, and Blake wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I closed my eyes and buried my face in his chest; despite the wounds, he smelled clean and like fresh cologne. Blake squeezed me hard and I felt arousal begin to pulse between my thighs. With one hand, he reached down and pulled my chin up for a kiss. At first it was light, tender, but it grew in intensity until he was sucking on my lower lip. I moaned softly and slipped my tongue into his mouth, desperate to taste him, to be as close to him as I possibly could. Blake’s hands trailed down my back and squeezed my ass, sending bolts of arousal through my body. I squirmed and pressed against him. Almost instantly, I could feel his erection poking me through his dark jeans. My lower belly stirred at the memory of how big he was; I couldn’t wait for him to rip my skirt off and slide inside of me. Blake’s hands slipped under my skirt and yanked it up towards my waist, exposing my ass in a satin thong that I’d worn just for him. As his rough hands slid over my bare skin, I shivered and worked my mouth furiously against his. Blake kneaded my ass firmly with both hands and I blushed. It was like getting a really intense massage, and it was almost ticklish and almost painful. He parted the cheeks of my ass and ran a finger down the center, over my silky thong. When I felt his finger brush past my asshole, I shivered in delight. Blake stopped when his fingers were over the mound of my labia. I cried out and wriggled, desperate for him to touch me. As he stroked his hand lightly over my panties, I broke the kiss and nuzzled into his neck, biting at the tender skin.

  “Blake,” I whispered hotly. “I need you. That feels so good.” Blake kept stroking me through my panties, very lightly, and it was maddening. I could feel my clit pulsing and throbbing as I got wetter and wetter, and I was desperate for him to yank my thong away and touch me. Just as I moaned and arched my back so my chest was pressed against him, he stopped. I groaned but Blake slid his hand up my back, under my shirt. Obediently, I raised my arms over my head and let him pull it off. I reached behind and unhooked my bra, tossing it on the floor with my sweater. Blake stepped back and looked at my breasts, licking his lips. He got to his knees and buried his face in my cleavage. Instinctively, I pulled away because I was afraid of hurting him, but he wrapped his arms around me and drew me closer than ever. As Blake began to kiss and suck at my nipples, I moaned softly and buried my hands in his long blond hair. Blake growled; I knew he loved having his head massaged and I kept up my ministrations as he lavished attention on my breasts. My nipples were swollen and sensitive and I was begging him to keep going when he pulled away, grinning up at me with a devilish look on his face. As Blake pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground, I let my eyes wander all over his body. He was covered with scars and tattoos and the sight made me shiver. He was so strong, so tough-looking. I couldn’t believe that he wanted me.

  Blake got to his feet and unfastened his belt buckle, letting his pants drop to the floor. He stepped out of them, clad only in briefs, and hooked his fingers in the sides of my thong. I sighed happily, thinking he was about to pull it down, but instead he pulled it up, wedging it firmly against my pussy. I moaned; the sensation was incredible, but I wanted more than just pressure from my panties against me. Blake grinned and slipped his fingers against the satin, rubbing at my labia. With his free hand he tapped me on the inside of the knees, indicating that he wanted me to spread my legs. I did, just a bit, and he slipped another finger against the crotch of my thong. Blake grinned up at me as his teased my sensitive skin, making me cry out whenever his fingers would brush against my clit. I threw my head back and moaned loudly as he slipped a finger inside the fabric and wriggled it inside of my pussy.

  “You’re so wet,” Blake murmured. He licked his lips and yanked the thong down my legs. I eagerly stepped out of it and Blake wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close. He got down on his knees and shoved his face against my pussy, inhaling my scent and licking at me with the tip of his tongue. A warm feeling pulsated through my lower belly and I moaned loudly as Blake spread my labia with one hand and found my clit with his mouth. As he began to suck on the sensitive nub of flesh, I closed my eyes. I was shaking and breathing hard and I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. Blake slipped a finger in and out of me as he sucked at my clit and before I knew it, I was grinding against his face and moaning loudly, spreading my legs. I could feel a hot flush covering my whole body and I shivered as the delicious sensations coursed through me again and again. Blake murmured something into my crotch and the vibrations took me to a whole new level of pleasure. I cried out and arched my back as he buried his fingers in the flesh of my ass and pressed into me even harder than before. When he pulled away, I saw that my juices had coated all of his face and his beard.

  Getting to my knees, I started kissing and licking all over his face softly. Blake closed his eyes and let me clean my arousal from him. I was extra careful on the swollen areas but I could tell that pleasing me had probably hurt him a little. My heart swelled with love when I realized what he had done for me. Even though it wasn’t much, it slayed me to know that he wanted me to feel good even at his expense.

  “Thank you,” I murmured. “Now please let me return the favor.”

  Blake grinned and got to his feet, sliding his briefs down. His erection bobbed in the air in front of me and I nuzzled him with my face. Blake moaned softy as I wrapped a hand around the base of his cock and began to stroke up and down. When I took the first couple inches of him inside of my mouth, he cried out and jerked his hips forward. As his cock filled my mouth, I sucked at the soft skin greedily. I loved the way he tasted, and I loved how tender his erection felt in my mouth. Blake moaned and arched his back, thrusting his hips forward. As I stroked him up and down, I started moving my head back and forth in rhythm. Blake groaned and buried his hands in my hair, pulling handfuls of it away from my scalp. It felt incredible and I moaned softly with his cock in my mouth. Blake cried out and ground against me harder than before. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close so he couldn’t get away before letting his cock slip into the back of my throat. Blake loved being deepthroated, and even though he was huge, I loved doing it. I loved giving him pleasure. It was such a turn-on that after a few seconds of listening to him gasp and cry out, I slipped a hand between my spread legs and started rubbing at my soaked clit. The sensation made me cry out with pleasure and Blake moaned even louder. When he opened his eyes and looked down to see me pleasuring myself, he grinned and grunted loudly with pleasure.

  Finally, Blake pushed me away. I tumbled back and landed on my ass, and with a practiced motion, he scooped me up in his arms and carried me off to the bedroom. My heart was slamming against my ribs and I felt more aroused than I ever had before. Somehow, the arousal mixed with my exhaustion made everything feel even better. When Blake dropped me on the bed, I stretched out on my back and spread my legs. Blake grinned at me. I watched as he reached into his bedside table and pulled out a rubber, sheathing his cock in latex. He climbed on the bed and nudged my legs apart even father, grabbing my hips and sliding me down so my crotch was against his. I could feel the head of Blake’s cock poking at me and I moaned softly, grinding my hips against him.

  Blake steadied himself on my ass and plunged his cock inside of me, growling loudly as he filled me with one swift stroke. I cried out. For a moment, we stayed like that, locked together, not moving. But after a few seconds, Blake started to thrust his hips up and down. He tightened his gri
p on my ass as he moved in and out, and I closed my eyes and arched my back, letting my hands slide down my body. When I was sure that Blake’s eyes were on me, I started to pinch and roll my nipples between my thumb and fingers. It felt incredible combined with the thrusts of his cock, and I moaned loudly. Blake grinned down at me, thrusting harder and harder until his forehead was shining with sweat. The warm pleasure in my lower belly began to build and build and I ground against Blake’s hips hard, pinching myself as Blake rode me. He cried out and braced himself against my hips just as I felt my orgasm start to explode within me. Waves of pleasure radiated through my body in vibrating rings and I closed my eyes and screamed, moaning loudly until I had stopped shaking. Blake groaned and shook. Beads of sweat dripped off his forehead and landed on my bare skin as I felt him thrust harder and then pause, while his cock twitched and pulsed inside of me. As he came, Blake dug his fingers into my ass and grunted. He thrust inside me a few more times, hard, for good measure. When he was finally done, he pulled out and flopped down beside me on the bed.


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