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Belong To The Night

Page 20

by Shelly Laurenston

  Liam stepped toward her in a long, smooth glide. “Not the first time an old friend has tried to murder me.”

  She blinked. “But I—”

  His fingers pressed against her lips. “I’m not the monster you think.”

  Vampires are evil. Predators. They live to kill. Live by draining their victims dry and stealing their screams. Even the devil won’t let those bastards in to hell. Her brother’s words, when he’d learned of Jasmine’s death.

  “I didn’t choose this life. Didn’t go searching for the exchange.”

  Others had. Others had bartered more than souls for the blood-soaked promise of immortality.

  His fingers slipped down to cup her cheek. “I spent the day with you, tasting heaven, then when I went on my assignment that night, I found hell.”

  She shivered. From his touch. His words. Sadie didn’t know. Didn’t care. “Liam…”

  His hand stroked lower, curving over her neck. The wound had already healed. Her kind healed fast—some faster than others, depending on the beasts they carried—and the shift had only sped up the restoration. “We were ambushed,” he told her, voice rasping. “A fuckin’ den of vampires were waitin’ on us. It wasn’t some kind of cult who’d been kidnappin’ and killin’—it was vampires. My team wasn’t ready to face them—there were too damn many.”

  Pain was in his words and in the memories she saw in his eyes.

  “The leader, I swear, he looked like some twenty-year-old kid.”

  Because he’d been the Blood. Jacob had made certain she had a very through vampire education after Jasmine’s death. The Blood were born vampires. They stopped aging in their late teens or twenties and developed a ravenous hunger for blood.

  They were the most powerful. Both psychically and physically.

  “He sank his teeth into me, but I fought him. Clawing. Shooting. Punching.” He drew in a breath. Because, yeah, vampires still breathed. Their hearts still beat. The Taken, vampires who’d been made, not born, only died for an instant, then their bodies awoke with a flood of power.

  And with a desperate hunger for blood.

  She wanted to touch him. To hold him. But he wasn’t her Liam anymore, if he’d ever been hers.

  The hand against her throat seemed slightly cool, but so strong.

  “How did you…” She stopped, cleared her throat and tasted the breeze from the balcony on her tongue. “How did you change?”

  His hand fell away. “Wasn’t supposed to. Bastards left me for dead, like they did the rest of my team. All I can figure, I must’ve got some of his blood, the one who attacked me. I shot him to hell. Blood was everywhere.”

  Becoming a vampire didn’t really take three exchanges like the movies said. Just one. The victim had to be nearly drained for the transformation to work, but he didn’t need to take much blood from the vampire. A few drops had been known to do the trick.

  Vampire blood was powerful. Tainted, Jacob had said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Hell, why the whole charade? The funeral? The closed casket? She’d thought the casket had been sealed because the damage to Liam had been so severe. Sadie had heard about the ravaged conditions of the agents’ bodies.

  But, no, the casket had been closed because Liam hadn’t been inside at all.

  “At first, the Bureau took the choice out of my hands.” Anger simmering. “They’re the ones who found me and threw me in a cell for five days while they tried to decide if I was going to live or die.”

  The extermination list.

  His smile was grim. “They decided I got to keep livin’, provided I agreed to do the old U.S. government a few favors.”

  She didn’t want to ask about those favors, not then, because she knew just what sort of deeds Miller would give to a vampire.

  “When I was stable, I did my part.” The faint lines around his eyes tightened. “Then I settled some scores of my own. After that…” A shrug. “Well, let’s just say for a time it was better for me to go back to my Ireland.” And to leave her behind.

  “Why are you back now?”

  “Because I want to be.”

  Okay, not exactly the oh, my God, I missed you and couldn’t spend another day without you response she’d been hoping to get. But, then again, the guy sure as hell hadn’t bothered to look her up the moment he’d come back to town.

  An image of the redhead flashed before her. No, he’d been a bit occupied.

  She stepped away. “I don’t need this crap now. I’ve got a case—”

  “We’ve got a case.”

  Hell. That sinking—it was her heart. No way. Her eyes closed for a moment. “Come again?”

  The floor squeaked as he crept forward. “Miller thinks you could use some backup on this case.”

  So he was gonna send the big, bad vamp to cover her ass. “I don’t need help. I could’ve taken the guy down tonight—”

  “But you didn’t.” A calm statement. “And he almost got you, instead.”

  Her nostrils flared. “I haven’t worked with a partner since Miller dug into my life and blackmailed me into this unit. I don’t need a—”

  “You’ve got a partner now.” His eyes were expressionless. “We worked well together before. Remember, love?”

  Forgetting was the problem.

  “You need someone to watch your back. Miller told me about the bastard out there. Hunting on your own isn’t the way to handle this.”

  But her kind usually hunted alone.

  Damn Miller.

  And damn Liam—for making her feel so much again.

  He offered his hand. “Partners, Sadie?”

  Oh, it grated. But she stuck out her hand. He’s not like the others. Her fingers wrapped around his. “Partners.” She met his stare. “For now.”

  His hold tightened and Liam pulled her forward. “Sealed with a kiss?” he asked.

  She shouldn’t. Damn, but she knew it was a mistake.

  And she also knew that she wanted him. Vampire. Man. Didn’t matter. She’d wanted Liam for years.

  No other had ever made her feel the way he did. No other had ever come close to satisfying the woman or the beast that lived within her.

  So she was the one to lean into him. The one to open her mouth, to have her lips and tongue ready.

  Mixing business and pleasure—they’d done it before.

  They’d do it again.

  His mouth locked onto hers.

  The bitch.

  He shifted in the darkness, aware of the crunch of leaves beneath his feet.

  She was letting that vampire bastard touch her. Kiss her.

  A snarl rumbled in his throat.

  She’d pay for that. Pay for allowing one of the damned to touch her.

  Leopard shifters—they were blessed. Superior.

  Not to be touched by fucking bloodsuckers.

  She’d pay, but first, he’d get the vampire. He’d killed his share of the undead before. It wouldn’t be too hard.

  Then the woman would be his.

  The thrill of the hunt flooded his veins.

  Sadie was back in his arms, and this time, she wasn’t staking him.

  Oh, yeah, this was what he wanted.

  His hands were around her waist, fingers pressing just over the sweet curve of her arse. Her breasts were crushed against his chest. Liam could feel the soft stab of her nipples.

  Pretty pink nipples. Nipples that tasted like candy.

  He’d taste them again.

  His mouth fed on hers. Took. Savored. It’d been too long.

  She’d been in his dreams for years, and part of him was afraid this was a dream. That he’d awaken without Sadie, as he’d done so many times.

  Couldn’t go back to her as a monster. Couldn’t watch the terror on her face.

  But Sadie, his Sadie had been hiding secrets.

  Not the fearful human he’d expected.

  A warrior queen, a shifter.

  More than a match for the undead.

His hands rose—he’d come back to that arse later. His fingers caught the edge of the T-shirt she wore. He tore his mouth from hers as he jerked up the shirt.


  The husky whisper of his name had him stilling. No, she couldn’t turn him away.

  Her eyes were so damn gold. Deep, and filled with secrets.

  Why hadn’t he noticed the secrets before?

  He swallowed back the desperation that rose in his throat. He wouldn’t beg her. If she didn’t want his touch, he’d pull away, he’d—

  She yanked up his shirt. The garment hit the floor with a faint rustle of sound.

  Then she smiled.

  And he was lost.

  “This time…don’t be easy with me.” Pure seduction dripped from her words. “You know what I am—I don’t need soft touches and candlelight.”

  His body was tense. His cock so hard he ached. “What do you need?”

  Her hands were on his chest. Smoothing over the muscles and sending a spike of fire to his groin. “You.” She licked her lips. “Fast. Hard. Deep.”

  She was going to bring him to his knees.

  Her fingers traced over his nipples. “Make me forget,” she whispered the order. “Make me forget everything.”

  Forget that he was a vampire?

  The stark thought ran through his mind, but he didn’t step away from her. Hell, nothing would have made him leave then.

  His gaze dropped to her breasts. No bra. Round. Firm. Tight little nipples. His mouth watered and he just had to get a taste.

  His arms wrapped around her. He lifted her, lowering his head and lashing his tongue over her left nipple. Swirling over the areola. Nipping lightly with his teeth.

  Her moan filled his ears.

  Liam’s mouth widened as he began to suckle.

  Even better than I remembered.

  Soft flesh. Wild woman. Rich scent of creamy arousal.

  After one more hungry swipe of his tongue, Liam managed to lift his head. His teeth were burning. The bloodlust rising with his need.

  “Get on the bed.” Guttural.

  She wanted fast and hard—oh, but he’d give it to her.

  One golden brow rose, but she didn’t move toward the bed. Instead, she looped her fingers in the waist of her shorts—faded, loose shorts that skimmed the tops of her silken thighs—and with a little push, she sent the material dropping to the floor.

  Her feet were bare. She lifted one foot, then the other as she stepped out of the shorts. Clad now only in a pair of black bikini panties, she stared at him, hunger gleaming in her eyes.

  The bed was five feet away. But if she didn’t move soon, he’d take her where they stood.

  “Sadie…” A warning.

  One she ignored.

  Her hands were on his chest. Soft fingertips smoothing over him. Her scent flooded his nostrils and pushed him to the edge of his control.

  Her head lowered. Her breath fanned over his flesh, and her mouth closed over his right nipple.

  Oh, fuck.

  He shuddered and tried to ignore the bloodlust that burned ever hotter within him. He knew his eyes would be turning, darkening into the black of a hunting vamp.

  For prey or for passion…that was when the eyes changed. It had been the first lesson he’d learned.

  Her fingers were on his belt. Unhooking the buckle, easing open the snap of his jeans.

  Liam had never been the underwear type—not living and not undead. So when Sadie pushed open his jeans, his cock sprang out, ready, standing up, the thick head straining toward her.

  She took him, wrapping her hands around him, squeezing tight and—

  He grabbed her. Lifted her high, kissed the lips parted in surprise. Drank from her mouth. Fed. And let the hunger rage.

  A red haze seemed to cover his eyes. It had been far too long since he’d taken his Sadie. Dreams weren’t enough. Memories were too weak.

  He needed the woman, and he needed her now.

  They fell onto the bed together. Mouths locked, tongues taking. With one hand, he pinned her wrists to the bed, locking them over her head.

  His right hand snaked down her body. Pushed between her thrashing legs and stroked the wet silk of her panties.

  She moaned and arched toward him. The drumming sound of her heartbeat filled his ears.

  He ripped the silk away from her flesh. Drove two fingers into her sex and felt the tight, strong clasp of her inner muscles around him.

  Can’t wait.

  He freed her hands. Caught the head of his arousal and guided his cock toward her creamy warmth.

  His mouth tore from hers. Liam gazed at her, at the wild tangle of hair, the glowing eyes, the red lips.

  Fucking beautiful.

  He thrust deep into her, as deep as he could go, and felt the lash of pleasure resonate through him.

  Tight. Wet. Hot.


  Her legs locked around him and she met him thrust for thrust. Harder. Wilder.

  “More!” The demand was from her, echoed by him.

  The bed squeaked beneath them. Slid an inch, two, and rammed into the wall.

  He took her breasts, bending low over her, licking, kissing, biting.

  Her fingers fisted in his hair. “Liam!” A demand.

  His head rose. Her breath was ragged, so was his.

  His hips drove down, again and again. Her sex clenched around him with a telltale ripple of her sweet muscles.

  Her climax was close, bearing down on her.

  Faster, faster, he thrust into her. She smiled, then she moaned, and her claws—ah, damn but he could feel the sting of her claws as she pressed him ever closer to her—dug into his hips.

  She’d mark him.

  He’d mark her.

  Her body stiffened. Her face flushed with pleasure. He felt the contractions along his aroused length, the silken caresses as Sadie came beneath him.

  Her head tilted back and her lips parted on a hard sigh.

  Her throat, long, vulnerable, was bared to him.

  His mouth was on her before he even thought. Lips caressing. Tongue stroking.

  Release neared for him. The promise of a fiery pleasure. A pleasure to end the cold that had haunted his days and nights for so very long.

  His teeth raked over her pulse. He’d tasted her before. The wild honey of her blood.

  Liam wanted to taste her again. Just a quick bite, a soft sip—

  Sadie rolled him, pushing with her arms and hips so they moved in a tangle of limbs.

  Blinking, he looked up. She rose above him, a goddess with eyes of gold. His cock was lodged fully inside her snug depths, her thighs on either side of his hips.

  And her throat so far away from his mouth.

  “No blood.” She whispered the words as her hips lifted, fell. Lifted. “No…bite. L-like before. Just like—”

  His hands clamped around her hips and he surged once more, his climax rocking through him as he seemed to explode inside of her.

  And she was with him. Tensing, squeezing, breathing his name as her second release shuddered through her.

  His teeth snapped together. He closed his eyes as the ecstasy poured through his body.

  Sex with Sadie…fucking amazing.

  He emptied into her, satisfaction weighting his limbs.

  She was still the best lover he’d ever had.

  And the one who could hurt him the most.

  She hated what he was, he knew it.

  But she needed him, just as he’d always needed her.

  Her body curled around his, and she stretched—like a cat. The rumble in her throat could have been a purr.

  Why didn’t I see it before? Why?

  Maybe if he’d seen, maybe if she’d trusted him enough to tell him her secrets, their lives would have been different.

  “This doesn’t change anything.” She whispered the words even as she wrapped her arms around him.

  He pressed a kiss to her head. “I know.” But h
e would find a way to change things between them.

  One way or the other he wasn’t going to lose her again.

  He planned to keep Sadie with him, forever.

  It was the cry that woke her. A rough, choking snarl.

  The cry of a leopard. Sadie’s eyes flashed open. A weight was over her chest. Strong, familiar.


  A roar echoed.

  Christ, the leopard, he was close—too close.

  “Sonofabitch.” From Liam. He jumped from the bed. Jerked on his jeans. “Bastard followed us.”

  Us…no, he’d followed her.

  Sadie moved as fast as she could. Pulled on her shirt, yanked up her shorts. “Liam, stay here, let me handle—”

  He spun on her, his eyes dark pools. “Do not finish that.”

  She swallowed as she eyed his sharp canines. Not a man anymore. No matter how much she’d like to pretend otherwise.

  They ran to the balcony together. Jumped to the ground below. A short drop, barely fifteen feet.

  Her knees didn’t buckle, neither did his. Her heart raced as adrenaline pumped through her.

  The male shifter’s scent was strong there. Her eyes narrowed and she saw the deep claw marks cutting into the side of her house.


  She glanced toward the darkened trees alongside her house. Close enough to watch.


  The light of dawn trickled across the sky. Fighting shadows, and, she knew, weakening Liam.

  Vampires could walk in the sunlight—Stoker had gotten that part right in his book—but they didn’t like to be out during the day. They were weaker, almost…human then.


  Maybe that was exactly the way the leopard wanted Liam.

  Her throat dried. Go after the weak. It was the way of her kind.

  She stepped in front of Liam. He might be a vampire, but he was still Liam. The leopard wasn’t going to get him.

  Not without one hell of a fight.

  Chapter Four

  They hadn’t found the bastard. He’d clawed up her house. Left his stench all over the place, but the shifter had gotten away.

  For two days, Sadie had tried to track the killer.

  No luck.

  But, at least she hadn’t found any more of the freak’s sick kills in the city.


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