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Cole's Promise

Page 3

by Susan Macatee

  Clare swallowed. “I’ll stay to help, if it’s all right.”

  Worley smiled. “I could use it.” He motioned toward the back of the tent. “Grab an apron. I’m afraid you’ll need one.”

  Claire nodded and gathered her skirts as she slipped to the back of the tent. She chewed on her lip to hold back a scream. What if Lieutenant Manning was among the wounded? Or worse?


  Cole strode alongside the stretcher carrying Private Upwood. The private was little more than a boy, and Cole had developed a great fondness for him, almost as if he were his younger brother.

  He ushered the other wounded men ahead of him, all the while, cradling his wounded arm in his good one.

  “Sir.” Sergeant Mallory saluted. “I’ll see to dismissing the men. You go get your arm looked at.” The sergeant glanced at Cole’s arm. Although wrapped securely, the appendage still dripped blood down his uniform trousers.

  “I’m quite all right, Sergeant. I’ll see to dismissing the men. Have them assemble…” A sharp poker of pain shot up his shoulder causing Cole to wince.

  “Sir,” the sergeant emphasized. “Allow me to do it. The men will understand.”

  Cole nodded, knowing the sergeant was right. He waved the man off and entered the hospital tent.

  His men had been hustled to cots scattered throughout the tent, filling the small structure. The surgeon and a few assistants scuttled about, assessing the wounds. Cole nodded but waved off an attempt by a steward to look at his arm. “I can wait. See to them first.”

  He sighed and sank into a chair by the tent entrance.

  A flurry of skirts caught his gaze.

  “Lieutenant, your arm!” Miss Hirsch knelt beside him, reaching out to examine him.

  The pleasant sight of her, as well as her scent, settled his nerves. Everything would be all right now. He was sure of it.

  A shaft of pain shot up his arm at her touch. He drew in a sharp breath.

  “I’m sorry, Lieutenant, but I need to see how bad it is.”

  He nodded and clenched his teeth, while her skillful hands peeled back the remnants of his coat sleeve. He kept his gaze glued to her face and long, lowered lashes. A rush of heat coiled up his spine.

  “The surgeon will need to see this, I’m afraid.” She bit her lip and raised her gaze to lock with his.

  The urge to take her in his good arm overwhelmed him. She was the loveliest thing he’d seen in such a long time.

  She frowned as if waiting for his agreement.

  He nodded. “I will see the surgeon, but only after he’s seen to all my men.”

  Miss Hirsch smiled. “You are indeed noble, Lieutenant.” She glanced back toward the tent entrance. “You stay right here. I’ll see how your men are doing and when the doctor can see to your wound.”

  He grimaced, but nodded. She stepped toward the tent, with a last backward glance, a small smile playing along her lush lips.

  Miss Hirsch. She’s obviously not married, but does she have someone at home waiting for her, or more likely, another soldier in the field? As he watched her posterior sway, he decided he definitely wanted to know.

  Chapter Four

  After assisting with the men under Lieutenant Manning, Claire spoke to Dr. Worley about the lieutenant’s arm. “It looks to be a deep cut, Doctor. Likely needs stitches.”

  The doctor nodded. “Give me a few minutes to clean up, then bring him back. I’ll take a look.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Claire grinned as she hurried to the door of the tent to scan outside for Cole. To her relief, he still sat on the stool where she’d left him, cradling his arm.

  His gaze lifted as she approached. “So, what’s the verdict?”

  “Your men will all recover in time. The doctor has already treated and dismissed three of them. Private Upwood seems to be in the worst shape, but the doctor assured me he’ll recover with proper care.”

  The lieutenant frowned.

  Claire crouched beside him. “Was he a favorite of yours? He seems very young.”

  He sighed. “I sent him and another private out to draw the Rebel patrol’s attention, unfortunately Private Upwood was shot.”

  Claire gasped. “Oh, no.”

  Lieutenant Manning cringed.

  “It wasn’t your fault, surely.” She grasped his good hand. “You likely saved the other men and the camp from being ambushed.”

  He shook his head. “It’s never easy choosing which men to send while on patrol. He was just a boy.”

  Claire shook her head. “Oh, no. Don’t worry. The doctor will take good care of him…as will I.”

  “You’ll see to him personally?”

  “Of course I will.” Her grasp on his hand tightened. She stroked the callused palm, heat creeping up her face at the feel of his warmth and strength.

  He nodded, a small smile playing over his sculpted lips. Dirt smudged most of his face. She longed to clean it off to see the handsome features beneath.

  “Come.” She tugged at his hand. “Dr. Worley will be ready to see you now. I’m sure he’ll want to stitch up the cut.”

  The lieutenant groaned. “Don’t know if I’m ready for more pain…” He hesitated, his gaze roving over her. “…but if you’ll be there, maybe I’ll be too distracted to feel the hurt.” He grinned.

  Claire’s heart fluttered. The last thing she needed right now was to fall for another soldier. She had to guard her heart against the charming lieutenant.

  She stood, gesturing for him to follow. “The doctor will likely want me to clean it out after he examines it.”

  “So long as you do it, I’ll be more than pleased.” He grinned again, sending her toes tingling.

  This is not going to be easy.

  As Claire and Lieutenant Manning approached, Dr. Worley stepped from the sink where he’d been cleaning up.

  “Cole,” the doctor greeted. “Let’s take a look at that arm.”

  “Doc.” The lieutenant nodded. “How are my boys?”

  The doctor motioned his head toward the cots to the right side of the tent. “Most of them are going back to their own tents tonight. But I want to keep an eye on the private over yonder.”

  Claire stepped closer.

  The lieutenant swallowed. “Will he recover, Doc?”

  Dr. Worley lifted the lieutenant’s arm. “He’ll be all right. I extracted the shell. Just need to keep it clean. My nurses will see to it, I’m sure.” He winked at Claire.

  She breathed deeply and forced a smile.

  “I’ll have my nurse cut the rest of this sleeve away,” the doctor continued, “then clean up your arm. You’ll need stitches.”

  The lieutenant nodded stoically. “Whatever you need to do, Doc.” He caught Claire’s gaze.

  The fluttering in her stomach started again, making her feel a bit winded. The doctor handed her a pair of shears. “Take care of that, will you, my dear?”

  “Yes, Doctor.” She watched him step to the table to gather materials he’d need to suture the wound.

  Gingerly, she lifted the remnants of the lieutenant’s coat sleeve and held her breath as she prepared to cut. His warmth enveloped her. How was she to treat this man when he was causing all these intimate feelings? Her thoughts drifted to Richard the last time she’d seen him before he’d left for camp. She didn’t recall ever feeling this way in his presence. She thought she’d loved him, but had she really?

  Once the wool sleeve was cut away, she bathed his wound, then watched as the doctor stitched the cut. The lieutenant’s gaze never left her face.

  “There,” Doctor Worley said, “keep this clean.” He pointed at the lieutenant. “I want to see you back here again in a few days so I can check for any sign of infection.”

  “Yes, sir, Doc.” Cole stood and shook the doctor’s hand with his good one.

  He glanced back once at Claire, then left.

  “And you, young lady,” Doctor Worley said, “get some food and rest. The other nurses and a st
eward will be reporting shortly to tend to the men left.”

  “Yes, Doctor.” Claire stepped outside. In the sun, the air was heating already. It would be hot today.

  She glanced around for a sign of the lieutenant, but he’d gone. Lifting a hand to her forehead, she admonished herself.

  Claire, don’t go losing your heart over another man who could be killed in the next battle.


  After food and a short nap, Claire was up and ready to report back to the hospital tent early in the afternoon. When she stepped into the bustling tent, Miss Kincaid stepped out. Her bun had slipped out of the hairpins and a twisted, sable tail slid part way down her back.

  “Is everything all right?” Claire asked.

  Miss Kincaid gestured into the tent. “The young lad who was shot has taken a bad turn, I’m afraid. The doctor’s not sure he’ll make it.”

  “Oh, no.” Claire’s hand rose to her throat as she thought of the lieutenant. How would he take this news?

  “But that handsome lieutenant…” Miss Kincaid’s lips curved into a saucy smile. “He’s such a gentleman and so concerned for his men. He’s been here with the boy most of the morning.”

  Claire frowned. “Lieutenant Manning?”

  Miss Kincaid nodded. “He makes my heart flutter just looking at him, and to see him so gentle and caring with the boy…” She sighed and fanned herself.

  A stab of jealousy pierced Claire’s bosom. Why should she care if other women found the lieutenant attractive? He was hardly hers, after all. But it did bother her.

  After bidding Miss Kincaid goodbye, Claire slipped into the tent.

  Her breath caught at the sight of Lieutenant Manning standing over Private Upwood’s cot. He leaned down and spoke softly to the lad. When he turned his head and straightened, his gaze caught hers.

  “Miss Hirsch.” He patted the boy’s hand and stepped around the cot.

  “Lieutenant, I hadn’t expected to see you back here today.”

  He lifted his bandaged arm. “I’m supposed to see Doc tomorrow, but I had to see to the private. He said the boy’s taken a bad turn.”

  Her heart burned at the raw pain in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I know you’ve been so worried about the lad. But it’s not your fault.”

  He shook his head. “Everyone tells me that, but it’s not how I feel. Could I speak to you in private for a moment?”

  Claire’s heart fluttered at the thought of being alone with him. But he obviously wanted to speak about the private out of his earshot. “Of course, Lieutenant.”

  He reached for her arm and escorted her from the tent. She followed his glance. Men milled around conversing and sipping coffee. The lieutenant bit his lip.

  “How about back here?” He gestured toward the rear of the hospital tent where it abutted the forest line.

  Claire hesitated. “I-I suppose so.”

  His gaze slid over her. “I promise to do you no harm, ma’am.”

  His boyish smile reassured her. Of course he wouldn’t dare accost her in camp.

  She allowed him to lead her to the rear. Great oak and hickory trees cooled the spot. A boulder sat just a few feet behind the rear of the tent. She turned toward him, thinking he’d meant for her to sit on the smooth top of the rock, but instead, he reached his good arm around her back and drew her close.

  Her pulse raced. “Lieu—” Her question was cut short by his lips pressed against hers. His kiss was soft and sweet, not demanding. He pulled away, his gaze dancing over her, a small smile on his lips.

  “I must apologize, Miss Hirsch, but after being in your company, I couldn’t resist tasting. I hope you don’t think me a complete scoundrel.”

  Although Claire’s first impulse was to protest such improper behavior, she couldn’t resist grinning. “Not at all, unless you want me to think of you as a scoundrel,” she teased.

  “In that case…” He kissed her again, more thoroughly this time.

  Little moans escaped her lips as she returned his kiss. Her eyes closed, and the thrill of his touch sent her toes curling. Her knees turned to jelly in his strong grasp.

  He released her lips but held her fast. “I must apologize again, I’m afraid.” His eyes smoldered, and Claire wondered what else he had in mind.

  “Lieutenant, I—”

  His mouth took her lips again, sending shivers down her spine.

  “Call me Cole.”

  “But, Lieutenant, it’s hardly proper…” Her protest died at his intense gaze.

  “We’ve shared an intimate exchange, and I’d like to share much more with you. I suppose it puts us on a first name basis, at least in private.”

  She hesitated, but nodded.

  “I’d like to see you later, in private.”

  “I-I, don’t know…”

  “Miss Hirsch?” The stern voice of an older woman broke the spell. Claire’s face burned as she realized it was Mrs. Benson.

  Claire pulled out of Cole’s embrace. “Yes, ma’am.”

  The matron rounded on Claire and stared Cole down. “And you, sir, what are you doing back here with one of my nurses?”

  Cole straightened. “I was just showing Miss Hirsch we can clear away some of this brush to make more room for the wounded.”

  The matron’s scowl evidenced she didn’t believe a word Cole said.

  “And your name, sir?”

  Cole stood at attention. “Lieutenant Manning. Cole Manning.”

  “You’d best take your leave, Lieutenant. I’d like to have a word with my nurse.”

  Cole’s gaze shifted from the matron to Claire. Claire bit her lip but nodded for him to do as the woman bid.

  “I hope to see you ladies later.”

  The matron scowled. “In a more proper venue, sir.”

  He bowed slightly, then turned and strode to the front of the tent, not looking back.

  Claire sighed, her face aflame with shame at having been caught in his arms.

  “Miss Hirsch, you know how improper this is. You must protect your reputation so as not to be confused with a common camp follower.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Claire bowed her head.

  “We opened this nursing corps to serious women who truly want to serve the Union, not find eligible men in the ranks.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I will speak to this young man’s commanding officer about this incident and have him reprimanded as well.”

  Claire’s pulse raced. She didn’t want to see Cole get into any trouble. She was as much to blame for allowing him to take her back here alone.

  “Please, ma’am. He did me no serious harm. If I promise to stay away from him, could you allow the matter to drop?”

  The matron scowled, but nodded. “So long as you stay away from him, and he from you. I do not wish this escalating. If it does, I’ll be forced to dismiss you from the corps and send you home.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I understand.”

  Mrs. Benson led Claire from the shelter behind the tent. Cole was no longer in sight. He likely wanted to steer clear of the angry matron.

  “Are you still on duty in the hospital?” Mrs. Benson asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. Until noon.”

  “Then resume your duty, and at noon, report to me at the aid station. And stay visible to others while you are in camp.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Claire entered the tent, hoping to see Cole, but knowing he wouldn’t dare show his face for a while. After sharing such an intimate kiss, how would she stay away from the man, or even keep him from her mind?


  Early in the morning, Cole reported to Captain Stevenson’s tent after a messenger awakened him from a sound sleep. His dreams had been occupied with soft, sweet lips and the curvaceous feel of a woman in his arms. Hannah no longer meant anything to him, if she ever had.

  A corporal stood outside the captain’s tent. He stood at attention and saluted as Cole strode up.

  “I was told to report
to the captain,” Cole explained.

  “Yes, sir.” The corporal motioned to the tent flap. “He’s waiting for you.”

  Cole ducked under the flap to find Captain Stevenson seated at a table that served as his desk. Cole saluted and the captain motioned to a chair.

  “Have a seat, Lieutenant.”

  Cole sat and waited for the captain to speak.

  “We’ve finally been given orders to move, and I wanted to see you personally to congratulate you on the fine job your patrol did the night before last. We might have been attacked in our sleep by the Reb patrol.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Cole’s face flushed at the compliment from his commanding officer. “Just doing my job, but I regret the death of one of the lads, as well as wounds a few others suffered.”

  “As did you,” Stevenson pointed out. “The doctor informed me of your injury.” His keen blue gaze settled on Cole’s arm, wrapped in a sling.

  Cole cleared his throat. “As to the move, sir.”

  “Oh, yes.” The captain’s gaze dropped to a paper on his desk. “We’re moving north, near a town called Gettysburg.”

  Cole frowned. “Have we reports of Rebel troops in Pennsylvania?”

  The captain nodded. “But say nothing to anyone, just get the men directly under you ready to march. I’ll address the entire company this afternoon.”

  “Yes, sir.” Dismissed, Cole stood and saluted his commander before leaving to gather his squad. As he strode to his tent, his thoughts drifted to Claire. What was he going to tell her?

  Chapter Five

  June 30, 1863

  “Miss Hirsch, I need you here, please.”

  Claire wiped her brow and turned to find Dr. Worley motioning her. She and the other nurses had been summoned to ready the men not well enough to be released from medical care, for a trip by wagon, then train to a military hospital in Washington City.

  She hadn’t been able to think straight after Cole stopped by her tent to inform her his company had received new orders. He couldn’t tell her where he was heading but would try to write her, if at all possible.

  After a sleepless night where she’d dreamed about his kisses, this had been a rude awakening. She’d watched the company march off, along with all the other troops stationed here, for parts unknown.


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