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Deeper In You (The Phoenix Series Book 2)

Page 13

by David S. Scott

  “Funeral?” Faith asked.

  “For… I think her name was Claire? It’s on Friday.”

  “Claire’s dead?” Faith covered her face with her hands and sunk onto the bed. I hurried to her side and wrapped my arm around her.

  “Yeah. Smoke inhalation. Carbon monoxide poisoning. I’m sure Xander knows the details. Didn’t he tell you?”

  What? Me? My mind raced, trying to figure out what the fuck Jacob was talking about. Shit! Claire must be the name of the other girl. I hadn’t brought her up to Faith yet. Hell, I hadn’t even been sure what happened. Why would I have gotten her all upset over a theory?

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, alarmed at the way she’d stiffened in my arms at the sound of my name.

  “Um… so will you be able to make it?”

  “I’ll try.” Faith’s voice was thick, almost slurred. “I’m getting discharged soon, so I’m not sure what’s happening.”

  “All right. Maybe I’ll see you there. Take care of yourself, Faith.”

  “You, too.”

  He left, shutting the door behind him.

  Faith sat in my arms, taking deep, shuddering breaths. I reached up to stroke her hair, but her raspy voice startled me.

  “When, Xander?”

  “When what?”

  “You knew. You knew all along and you didn’t tell me.”

  “To be honest, I only suspected.”

  “What does that even mean? Why didn’t you tell me? You didn’t hesitate to tell me and the cop all about your theories about Jacob.”

  Detective Bentley, the cop who had questioned me at the theater, had come on Monday evening to speak to Faith. According to him, the fire was being investigated as arson.

  “I didn’t want to upset you, Faith.”

  “Well, I’m pretty upset now!” she exclaimed. “So how is that working for you?”

  “You want the story?”


  How could I explain that day? Bracing myself, I dove in. “I found her first. I went in after you, no thanks to your ex-boyfriend. Aside from that caring performance he just delivered, he did his level-fucking-best to stop me from looking for you. I saw what I thought was a wig on the floor and bent to grab it, only to realize it wasn’t a wig, it was a girl. I didn’t recognize her, but her face was so badly burned I probably wouldn’t have, even if I knew her. I grabbed her to drag her out of there, but her legs were trapped. When I shifted her, though, I found you. She had apparently fallen on you when the ceiling collapsed.

  “My only focus was getting you out of there. I could barely breathe. The smoke was so thick, the fire was still smoldering, and it was unbelievably hot. I remember comparing that room to Hell itself. I didn’t know if either of you were alive, but the thought of losing you was unthinkable, so I grabbed you and pulled you out. We’d made it almost to the loading dock when the firemen got there. After that, things get kind of blurry. I guess I told them where to find her, but the next thing I remember with clarity was sitting on the ground outside the fire truck, an oxygen mask on my face. They were loading you up on the ambulance.”

  Faith still had her back to me. I wished she would look at me so I’d have some clue what she was thinking. I swallowed hard, trying to find the words.

  “They had you on oxygen and rushed you away. They wouldn’t let me come with you. Soon after, a fireman came out with Claire. He handed her off to the EMTs and they started CPR, then loaded her on an ambulance and left, too. That was the last I saw of her. My only clue of what happened to her was when a nurse asked me if I was family. Past tense. But it could have just been bad phrasing… I didn’t really know.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? We’ve been here talking this whole time. Why wouldn’t you mention that? What happened to us being a team? Isn’t that what you just said to me?”

  “I told you already, Faith. I didn’t want to upset you.” It was a partial truth, but there was more to it. I also didn’t want to see the condemnation in her eyes. Because I hadn’t saved her friend.

  “Get away from me,” she whispered. “How can I trust you?”

  I jumped to my feet as if I’d been burned again. “Faith, I… of course you can trust me.”

  “Get out.”

  She was taking this far worse than I’d feared. I took a step back from her. I didn’t want to go, but I was loathe to force myself on her. “Faith…”

  “I said get out.”

  “I’m going. But… listen. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t save her. I wanted to, but in the end… you were what was most important to me. I love you. I will always love you. I’m sorry I left her there. I know it was my fault.”

  I turned to leave, my heart heavy.


  I paused but didn’t turn around. This was it. If my luck held with Faith as it had with Lily, she’d spit in my face or do something equally horrible now. My hands shook. I crossed my arms over my chest so that she couldn’t see how she’d affected me. Hard to believe that we’d been laughing and flirting only a few minutes before.

  Faith sighed. “Don’t go. I’m sorry I said that. Of course it isn’t your fault. None of this is your fault.”

  “It is, Faith. And I know it. I should have tried harder to help her. At a glance I could tell she was in worse shape than you.”

  “Was she even alive then?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Xander, come here. Please.” She patted the bed next to her, and I sat down. She rested her head on my shoulder and took my hand. “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I just didn’t handle the surprise well. Claire is… was… a good friend. I can’t believe I’ll never see her again. But I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

  I squeezed her hand. “These last few days… I’ve been wondering if the reason you’re alive is because she fell on top of you.”


  “You were on your side underneath her. Her body was shielding you from the flame and smoke.”

  Faith shook her head. “I wish I could remember those last moments before I blacked out, but everything is so blurry.” Her voice caught and she started to cry again.

  “Shh… I’m here, baby.” I pulled her into my arms and held her. I would never understand women. In the span of an hour, Faith had gone from seductive exhibitionist, to heartbroken, to angry and throwing me out, to loving, and finally heartbroken again. It was enough to give a guy whiplash. Yet… I cherished every moment. I could have lost Faith in the fire, but here she was. I no longer suspected Jacob. If he was lying, he had done a damned good job of it. I still didn’t trust him, and I knew we’d never be friends, but I understood why the cops had let him go.

  But that did beg the question…

  Who had started the fire?

  Chapter Eighteen

  The rest of the morning passed in a blur. We showered, packed up all our stuff, and received last minute discharge instructions. Before we knew it, a hospital volunteer wheeled Faith out the door while I served as pack mule.

  We’d no sooner stepped out the door than I became aware of a familiar clicking sound. “There they are!” a voice shouted.

  “Get Ms. Richardson back inside,” I ordered in a quiet voice.

  “What is going on?” the elderly female volunteer asked.

  “Someone tipped off the fuc–the press. Get her back inside. I’ll come around with the car.”

  Faith tugged on the side of my pants. “Are you sure you should–”

  “Don’t argue with me. Not about this. And don’t touch me right now. I’ll take care of everything.” Without a second glance, I took off carrying all the stuff we’d had in the hospital room. I ignored the shouts of “Mr. Phoenix, can you tell me in your own words what happened at the theater?” and “Mr. Phoenix, are the rumors true that you’re getting back into gymnastics? How will what happened at the theater affect that?”

  I reached my car and shoved everything into the trunk. I breathed a big sigh of reli
ef and shut the door. They hadn’t followed me here, choosing for once to take a hint.

  “Mr. Phoenix, is it true that Ms. Richardson is your fiancée?” My blood froze in my veins. I knew that sultry voice. Exotic. Right behind me.

  I spun around to find Amara standing far closer to me than I would have liked. “Long time no see.”

  “And you’re still as muscly as ever. Answer the question.”

  “I thought you were an editor now. No more interviews.”

  “Oh, I’ve taken a personal interest in this one. It’s so exciting, don’t you think?”

  “Not really.”

  “Oh, I do,” she purred. “This story has it all. Love, danger, excitement, betrayal, death…”

  “Back off.”

  “Lily misses you, you know. She won’t admit it, but she does.”

  “She’s a two-faced, manipulative bitch who spread lies about me in your shit rag paper.”

  “You broke her heart. Are you surprised she would lash out?”

  “Let’s have a reality check here. She dumped me. After I proposed, no less.”

  “That’s not her version.”

  “That’s the truth. She could do with a lesson in what truth is, especially if she ever so much as considers writing one single word about me again.”

  “Your reappearance at the office messed her up all over again, just like when you two broke up months ago. Did you know she came crawling back to me, crying and homeless? I took her back, of course. What are friends for?”

  “I couldn’t care less,” I hissed.

  “Oh, you certainly sound like you don’t care, X-Wing. That much is obvious.”

  “I’m done with this. You two deserve each other. What the fuck do you want from me, Amara?”

  “I simply want to know if it’s true what my sources say about you and Ms. Richardson.”

  “If I tell you, will you tell me who your sources are?”

  “Can’t do that, Mr. Phoenix. I’d hate for you to go after them.”

  “Then we are done here. Get out of my way.” I stomped to the driver door and threw it open. “And I don’t give a shit about Lily Campbell. Not anymore.”

  “Who do you think is behind the fire?” she yelled after me, but I jumped in the car and slammed the door shut.

  I punched the ignition button and threw the car in reverse, slamming my left foot on the clutch. A glance in my mirror told me that Amara was scurrying to safety, so I backed out of the parking spot and took off for the entrance, silently daring any more reporters to be in the way. I pulled up to the front door and hopped out of the car to assist Faith.

  The trip was quiet and awkward. I was still fuming about my run-in with Amara and had no way to explain what had happened. Faith seemed to sense my reticence and didn’t press me. I took her home so I could help her pack her bags, then brought her to my place.

  I opened her car door for her, but she hesitated. “Who was she, Xander?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The girl. I saw her follow you. You seemed familiar with each other.”

  “If by familiar you mean I nearly strangled her in broad daylight, then yes.”

  “Tell me.”

  “She’s an editor for Celebrities and Sinners. A tabloid. She is Lily’s best friend.”

  “What did she want?”

  “To ask stupid questions about you and try to get to me regarding Lily. One of the hospital staff leaked that I’d said you’re my fiancée.”

  “So that’s why you’re so upset?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Oh, come on.” Faith climbed out of the car and placed her hand on my cheek, stroking against the stubble. I leaned into her hand and tried to calm down. “Hey, if you’re going to be my fiancé, you have to tell me everything. No secrets.”

  I inhaled sharply, my eyes searching hers. Was she serious? Was I ready for that? Was she? A plan was already hatching in the back of my mind, despite my reservations.

  “Let’s go inside.” Once she was seated comfortably seated on the couch, I joined her there and pulled her against me. I’d been through hell for this woman, but right here, right now, this was our heaven.

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re so upset now?”

  So much for heaven. “Amara was Lily’s best friend. Despite that, she paid some slime to spike her drink with a date rape drug. The plan was to get pictures to blackmail her with so that Amara would beat her out for the editor position.”

  “Oh God, how awful. Some best friend.”

  “I know. When I figured it out, I asked Lily to move in with me. She was living with Amara and had no place else to go. When she left me, when she aborted our child… she went back to her, I guess. That’s what Amara said.”

  “If that’s true, they deserve each other.”

  “Maybe. Amara is a snake. She knew Lily and I were together, but it didn’t stop her from hitting on me. I used to think Lily didn’t belong at a tabloid, that she was better than them. But now I don’t know. I think she was just as horrible and I was too blinded by lust to see it. Anyway, among other things, Amara told me Lily missed me.”

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  I chuckled. “Are you my shrink now?”

  “If you need one, then yes, I am.”

  “I was shocked, I think. And the pain of her betrayal came flooding back. And I was confused.”

  Faith plucked at a loose thread on her jeans. “Confused?”

  “Yes, because if she hadn’t left me, we would be together right now. She would be very pregnant, and maybe we would be happy. Maybe not. Only…”


  “Only, had that happened, I wouldn’t have reconnected with you. Believe me when I tell you that what I feel for you far eclipses anything Lily and I had.”

  “Are you sure, Xander? She was pregnant with your baby.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I felt duty-bound to her, nothing more. You… well, Faith, can I ask you something?”

  “What?” Her voice sounded breathy.

  I kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer to me. I couldn’t see her face, but that was for the best. If I saw hesitation or fear in her expression, I would change my mind.

  “I felt duty-bound to her,” I repeated. “But with you, I see my entire future. I see kids and grandkids. I see us growing old together, tackling everything life throws at us… together. When I told the hospital you were my fiancée, it just felt right. Faith, what would you say if I asked you to marry me?”

  There it was. In my head, I had envisioned waiting until our date, but the question had just flowed out of me, and I couldn’t take it back now. I held perfectly still and awaited her answer.

  Faith turned toward me. Her eyes met and searched mine. I saw a question in their depths. I didn’t know what answers she saw in mine, but the corners of her eyes crinkled in amusement. Shit. I braced for the inevitable rejection.

  “Are you asking me?”

  “Me? No. I’m not. I haven’t got a ring and we haven’t even been out on a normal date yet. I’m asking–hypothetically–what you would say if I did ask you?”

  Faith’s face lit up in a huge smile that brightened the room. “Well, if you were asking me, I’d say… yes, Xander. I’d love nothing more.”


  “Really. Xander, you risked your life for me. You haven’t left my side this whole last crazy week. We have a lot of details to work out and need to know each other better, but yes. I love you and all that stuff is just what I called it: details. I can’t think of anyone who would ever be better for me than you. I’d be an idiot to say no.”

  I pulled her to me, my lips crashing against hers, my tongue seeking entrance. Where once I would have demanded, I now requested, meeting her halfway. She yielded without hesitation, and in a moment, my tongue was inside her mouth, stroking hers. I was so overcome by her words, so blown away by the depth of my feeling for her.

; All too soon I wrenched myself away, gasping for breath. If I was winded, she certainly was. “I’m sorry!”

  “Why?” Faith’s voice was breathy, but she sounded okay.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Xander, honestly. You need to stop worrying. I’m fine, I promise. The doctor said I was allowed to exercise.”

  “Even so…”

  “I need you to fuck me.”

  I inhaled sharply, stunned. “I–”

  “I need this. I need to feel the fireworks, the connection we felt before. Please.”

  I couldn’t resist her if I’d wanted, and I felt exactly the same way. “You have to promise me something.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “You have to promise me that if you have any trouble breathing, you’ll tell me at once so we can stop.”

  She hesitated.

  “Faith, I’m sorry, but this is a deal-breaker. Do you promise?”


  I watched her, trying to decide if she would really do as she said. I knew she needed this as much as I did, needed to reconnect intimately. We had to be careful, though. I would never forgive myself if I hurt her.

  I stroked her lower lip with my thumb. She rolled her lips and sucked it into her mouth. Her tongue flicked over the pad. and she bit down and sucked.

  My breath caught in my throat. Her eyes glowed bright, and I almost suspected if the lights were off I would still be able to make out their radiance. I was captivated, caught in her spell.

  She moaned, and the vibrations danced in the tip of my thumb and sent my imagination into overdrive. My cock throbbed, begging to be buried inside her warmth. I had intended to seduce her, but within seconds she had seduced me.

  I yanked my thumb away and ripped off my clothes, noticing she did the same with equal enthusiasm.

  I ached for her touch. After almost losing her, after becoming so close this week, and now after she’d agreed to be mine… I needed her, needed to feel she was real.

  I laid down on my back and placed my hand around the base of my cock. A bead of pre-come had already squeezed its way out and glistened on the tip.


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