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The Children of Wisdom Trilogy

Page 46

by Stephanie Erickson

  He nods and leaves me.

  To my surprise, Penn meets me outside of Ryker’s office.

  “Penn. What are you doing here? Did Kismet and Andrew get off okay?”

  “Ryker has something to say to us apparently.” I sense a bit of mischief in his eyes, but he keeps talking, distracting me from it. “And yes, they did. It was harder than I thought it would be. But somehow, it was easy too. It felt right.”

  I reach for his hand, and he takes it. “Just like this feels right,” he says.

  I look up at him, searching for his meaning, when it suddenly hits me that he’s wearing his Spinner’s uniform once more. I guess he’s done hiding. It makes my heart race even faster to see him unmasked. But before I can demand to know why he’s suddenly on a suicide mission, Ryker bellows for us to come in.

  “Ah. Michaela. Penn. Good to see you again. Please, sit down.”

  Penn. He called him Penn. He knows.

  I take measured steps toward the white chair, and Penn sits in the black one. I’m struggling to control my breathing, but Penn seems very relaxed. Why doesn’t he care more about his fate? Does he feel like there’s nothing left to live for now that Kismet and Andrew are gone?

  “Why so nervous?” Ryker asks, looking directly at me. He’s smiling, which doesn’t set me at ease at all. He knows a secret, one he’s obligated to tell, that will destroy one of my best friends.

  My eyes immediately go to Penn, and Ryker starts laughing. Laughing. Something snaps inside me.

  “How can you be so coldhearted, Ryker? After everything we’ve been through together?” He stops laughing immediately, and his expression turns serious. I sit up straighter, ready to defend my outburst.

  “Michaela, my dear Reaper. Why would you think I’m cold?”

  “Because you’re laughing about what’s going to happen to Penn.” Suddenly, I’m unsure of myself. Could I be wrong?

  “No, I’m laughing at you, Michaela.”

  “But thank you for coming to my defense so readily,” Penn adds.

  They’re in on something together. Confused, I look back and forth between the two of them. “What’s going on?”

  “Penn is not going to be destroyed. In fact, I have a proposal for him.”

  Penn raises an eyebrow at Ryker. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes. I’ve made an arrangement with creation. You could work in management there. Help determine what orders to send to the Fates, what types of people are needed on Earth. I think your experience on Earth would make you an excellent fit for the position.”

  Penn is silent, and so am I. Words have failed me. Could Penn really return to work here in the heavens without facing any consequences?

  “But wouldn’t they know who he was?” I ask.

  “They already know who he is,” Ryker says with a small smile. “He is safe, Michaela. He’s received a full pardon.”

  “What?” I yell, jumping out of my seat. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why wasn’t that the first thing out of your mouth when I saw you outside the office?”

  “You were firing off so many questions, I couldn’t get a word in edgewise,” he says, laughing as I hug him and jump around, jostling him roughly, I’m sure.

  I pull away and look at him through tears of joy. “It’s been a long time since we’ve had such joyful news. We need to sing this from all corners of the heavens!”

  “We will. But there are things to discuss first,” he says. He nods toward Ryker, who’s smiling from ear to ear.

  “You,” I say, looking at Ryker “You really had me going.” He laughs, and I glance from him to Penn with daggers in my eyes.

  Finally, I let my face settle into a smile. “So now what?” I ask Penn. “You move on to creation?”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. I’ve been thinking of retirement.” His words make me sit back in my seat. I have to admit, it’s something I’ve been considering too. I’m not sure how I can go on after everything that’s happened. Shiloh felt like a good place to stop, the perfect ending. But what am I going to do with myself if I stop Reaping?

  “I was thinking of traveling around Earth,” Penn says. “Not settling in like Fia did, but exploring. Seeing all the things you’ve seen on your Reapings.”

  I sigh wistfully. It sounds wonderful. Relaxing. Energizing.

  Ryker is eyeing me, a look of consideration on his face.

  “But I couldn’t do it without a guide,” Penn says, also watching me.

  I sit up straighter and look at him. Is he being serious? “Did you just proposition me?”

  “Only if you want to come.”

  “Now, just hold on a minute. Let me plead my case before you make any hasty decisions,” Ryker says quickly.

  I look to him, my heart racing again, but for a completely different reason this time. I’m not panicking at all, not as I constantly have been for so long. I’m…excited. Suddenly, it feels as if the possibilities that extend before me are endless.

  “Michaela, you are one of the best Reapers the heavens have ever seen,” Ryker says. “I don’t want to lose you to some hippie Fate who wants to wander the Earth like a vagabond.”

  “Hey,” Penn says, feigning hurt.

  Ryker ignores him. “Should you choose to go to Earth, you will be taken care of forever. You will have everything you need financially and otherwise. Despite how enticing that may sound, I have a place for you in upper management among the Reapers. You’d be working with me, not for me, and managing the Reapers and the other departments.”

  “So…I wouldn’t be Reaping anymore?” I say, not sure how I feel about staying in the heavens, but not Reaping.

  “No. But you’d be helping others, teaching them how to do a better job, passing your centuries of knowledge on to the next generation of Reapers.”

  He knows me well. It’s tempting to seize the opportunity to play a part in the greater story of the heavens. Penn sits silently, letting me make my decision for myself.

  I’m not sure how much time passes while I sit in silence, pondering my options. But it boils down to this—I can’t imagine my life in the heavens if I’m not Reaping. And while I’m sure Ryker would let me reap if I asked to continue, I’m ready for something new. Something different. They’re short a Spinner, and I could probably try that for a bit, but I know I wouldn’t be as good as Penn and fear I’d be as bad as Webber.

  The only thing that puts a smile on my face is the thought of returning to Earth. And the prospect of spending the rest of my existence there with Penn makes my smile grow even wider.

  “Please, take all the time you want to think about it,” Ryker says, trying to play his cards right.

  “No. I’m ready,” I say, although I pause a bit before saying what, exactly, I’m ready for.

  They sit in anxious silence, waiting for me to claim my own fate.

  “I think Penn’s idea sounds lovely. I’d like to travel a bit.”

  Ryker sits back in his seat, defeated. “Well, if you two ever change your minds, you will always be welcome here.”

  Penn turns to him in surprise. “Really? But Fia made it sound like once you were on Earth, you were there for good.”

  “Yes, well, that was supposed to apply to all banished souls too, and you proved to be an exception to that rule, didn’t you?” Ryker answers with a sly grin.

  My former boss turns to face me. “You know how to reach me.” Standing, he holds his hand out across his desk, but I circle the wood and embrace him instead. His arms fall around me, and I feel their weight. He’s a big man, and he envelops me completely, keeping me safe, just as he has for centuries.

  “Thank you, Ryker. For everything.”

  He pulls away and looks at me with eyes so dark, I can’t tell where his irises stop and his pupils start. “Thank you, Michaela. You have been a true blessing to all of us.”

  I smile, and Penn and I walk out together. There’s only one thing left to do. The hardest part—say goodbye.

  We arrive at the Fa
tes’ workroom after a silent walk across the heavens. I wonder what Penn is thinking about, but I don’t want to interrupt his thoughts. He hesitates outside the door, which stands open. I can see Galenia sitting at her low desk, staring off into space, but I can’t see Horatia from my vantage point. I’m sure she’s sharpening her scissors or something. A companionable silence hangs between them.

  Penn doesn’t interrupt the Fates at first. He leans against the doorway, arms folded, watching them with a smirk on his face. We both know it will be a long time before we see them again, if ever, and I know he’s relishing the sight of them in this space they shared for centuries.

  Horatia spots him first. “Well, don’t you look sharp?”

  Galenia rushes over to us. “Are you coming back?” she asks excitedly.

  “No. Haven’t they assigned Webber a replacement yet?” Penn asks, concern written deeply in the wrinkles of his forehead.

  Horatia is quick to answer. “No, but they will. I hear they have some very promising trainees. Mostly women. Might be nice for this to be a girls’ club again.” She hip checks Penn, and he laughs.

  “So far, they’re blaming the population lull on some uterine virus that’s making people barren. A miracle doctor will come along soon and things will get moving again, don’t you worry.”

  Penn nods, but I can tell he doesn’t like it.

  “So, what will you do?” Galenia asks.

  “Travel. See the world. See everything I didn’t get to see last time,” he answers.

  Something is bothering me though. Has anyone even asked the sister Fates what they want? “Are you guys okay with staying here? With continuing to work?” I ask carefully, eyeing them both.

  Galenia is the first to answer. “Yes, I’m excited to get back to work. To contribute.” I can’t help but smile at her, knowing she is exactly where she’s meant to be.

  Horatia hesitates. “I’m not ready to go. Not yet.” She looks fondly at Galenia. “Besides, I couldn’t leave her alone.”

  Galenia puts her arm around Horatia’s neck. “I do appreciate that. But far be it from me to hold you back.”

  Horatia sticks her tongue out at her smaller sister, and we all laugh together one last time.



  Fiji is lovely. The warm, white sands feel luxurious beneath my toes. The water in front of me is crystal clear, and huge mountains and lush greenery sprawl out behind me, teaming with life. Penn, who’s standing across from me, sends me a brilliant smile.

  We’ve been on Earth a few months now, but this is our first time in Fiji. I must admit, I could stay here a while.

  Cody, Aida, and their family sit in white folding chairs next to an aisle lined with beautiful pink orchids. They are thrilled, and the youngest girl, Kareena, waves wildly at Fia. The bride smiles warmly and waves back with the hand that’s holding her bouquet. There are only a handful of other people in the audience.

  Fia resisted Wyatt at first, which Penn thought was hilarious. By the time we stopped in to visit them in New York, Wyatt had settled into her apartment, and although she claimed she wanted nothing to do with him, she also said she made him a boxed lunch ever day before she left for work at the temple. When she chastised herself for getting soft, Penn said he knew Wyatt had won her over.

  When Wyatt asked me to stand next to him, I wasn’t sure. Although I do owe him a debt for saving my life from a band of ghosts desperate to use my life force to find their way home, it seemed like someone else would be better suited for such an occasion—a brother, or perhaps an old college pal. But he insisted. He said, “Fia’s gonna have some fancy Fate on her side. I think I should have someone from the heavens on my side too. It’s only fair. After all, you’re sort of my kind. I mean, we work in the same department.” After I finished laughing, I found myself saying yes.

  Fia admitted she was nervous about taking a human husband. I think her exact words were, “I don’t want to watch him die. I have better things to do than take care of some old man.”

  Wyatt just laughed and said, “Honey, don’t you worry about taking care of me. Just learn to keep up.”

  That was when I knew if anyone was right for her, it was Wyatt.

  As I watch them exchange their vows, I feel…calm. In my short time on Earth, a peace has fallen over me unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Before all this happened, I was blissfully unaware of the turmoil life can bring, so I can’t say I was at peace. Not really. But I looked into the depths of darkness and still saw the light. I know the worst that can happen, and I came out on the other side, and let me tell you, it looks pretty good from here.

  Names (The Human)

  Aida: Helper. Cody’s wife and sister to Cedric.

  Andrew: Warrior or strength. Kismet’s true love.

  Cody: Helpful. Aida’s husband, who helps Penn out of the swamp.

  Chesney: Peaceful. One of the surprise names.

  Eve: Lively or life. Cody and Aida’s oldest (and first) daughter.

  Fia: Weaver. The woman Penn replaced as Spinner.

  Frederico: Peaceful. One of the names on the list of surprises

  Galenia: Small and intelligent. The third Fate who decides how a life will end.

  Heth: Trembling fear. Michaela’s enemy, instigator among the Reapers.

  Horatia: Timekeeper. The second Fate who decides how long a life will be.

  Jeff: Divinely peaceful. Second name on the list of surprises.

  Kismet: Destiny. Andrew’s true love.

  Lily: Pure. Child Michaela is assigned to take, and the last surprise.

  Lyall: Loyal. Reaper who meets Michaela toward the end.

  Mara: Bitter. The human.

  Michaela: Feminine of Michael, the angel of death. The Reaper.

  Miette: Small, sweet thing. Michaela’s Reaper friend.

  Nathair: Snake. Reaper who’s on leave/missing.

  Nysa: New beginning. The first surprise name, the first to have her thread cut short.

  Pearl: Precious stone. One of the names on the list of surprises.

  Penn: Masculine form of Penelope, meaning Weaver. First of the three Fates, the Spinner.

  Ryker: Strength. Reaper’s boss.

  Shiloh: Shiloh was where a critical battle took place during the American Civil War. Additionally, the Hebrew translation of this word is ‘the one to whom it belongs.’ Shiloh is the human’s—Mara’s—child.

  Wyatt: Guide. Ghost hunter who saves Michaela.

  Webber: Weaver. Penn’s rival who’s promoted to Spinner when Penn is banished.

  *Meanings found using basic Google searches and*

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  Acknowledgments (The Human)

  Number nine. I can’t believe The Human is my ninth published book. What a long way we’ve all come together. I’ve lost some folks, and gained some great ones along the way, so obviously, I have a lot to be thankful for.

  First, and foremost, I extend my eternal gratitude to God. I know my thanks here are inadequate when compared to my many blessings, but I am so unbelievably grateful. And I pray I never forget that gratitude, because I am entitled to nothing.

  Let me tell you something. My husband Dan is a total rock star. See, we are not very compatible people. I thrive on affection, and he needs his space. We are rock meets hard place. Yet, he is my constant supporter and cheerleader. He handles all my marketing, and he is the main reason The Reaper had such a great release. It was his ideas that gave it the extra push to hit number two on Amazon’s Hot New Releases list. He’s amazing, right? Get your own, dear reader. I’m not giving him up.

  As always, my parents are staunch supporters. I hope I can always live up to the pride they have in me. It’s an amazing feeling, guys, and I hope you have someone in your life who reminds you how awesome you are just like they do for me.

  My friends, Mary, Dannie, and Christian.
How could I have ever gotten this far without you? Nine books you’ve had to hear me complain about, tell plotlines to and act like you understood, and listen as I told you about bad reviews and my many other setbacks. You laughed and cried with me, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.

  You should know that this isn’t all me. This magic doesn’t happen on my own. I have an amazing team of people behind me with the best brand of turd polish I’ve ever seen. Specifically, Angela and Cynthia, your ability to see through my gobblety-gook and make it something not only readable, but also amazing, is astounding.

  Lastly, you, dear reader. Thank you for giving me your most valuable asset—your time. You’ve spent the last two hundred or so pages with me, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride as much as I did. (Insert evil laugh about what happened to Mara here.)

  I’ll see you in September. (Did you sing that part? Because you should’ve.)


  About the Author

  Stephanie Erickson is an English Literature graduate from Flagler College. She lives in Florida with her family. The Dead World, book 2 in The Dead Room Trilogy, will be her tenth novel. It’s set to release in September of 2016.

  She loves to connect with readers! Follow her on Facebook at, Twitter @sm_erickson, or stop by her Web site at

  You can also get the latest news on new releases, contests, free books, and author appearances by signing up for her newsletter here.

  Stephanie’s Books


  The Blackout

  The Cure

  The Unseen Trilogy:




  The Dead Room Trilogy:

  The Dead Room

  The Dead World — Coming September 2016


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