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The Predator [1]

Page 12

by Brooke May

  “You let that boy manhandle you?” Her voice takes me by surprise. I thought she would get angry, but she is amused. “Good for you, K.C. It’s about time you have some fun.” She comes back around to face me, grabbing my chin in a cherished way. “Just keep it safe. Okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “A fightin’ love, that’s what you have there, K.C.” She returns to her dinner preparation. “Fight for it. You and he are going to have to fight for the type of love you have. You hear me?”

  “How do you know?”

  Where did this come from?

  “My David and I had that once upon a time.” This is the first time she’s brought up her late husband. I knew she was married because I found her wedding picture in her room one night when I was having nightmares and needed her for comfort. She also still wears her ring. “We came from different settings so to say. People didn’t like it, but we fought hard for what we had.”

  “What happened?” I lean against the counter, hungry for this new information.

  “One evening, we were out having dinner with some friends, and a man stormed us. He was yelling about us being wrong. He shot us both.” Her voice is so sad; it pulls at my heart terribly. “David was shot in the chest, and a round hit me in the stomach.” She sets the knife down, her hands trembling, and braces herself on the counter.

  “Fiona?” I dash around to her side and pull her into my arms.

  “I just need a moment.” She pats my back.

  “Okay,” I whisper. “Take your time.”

  Once she collects herself, she starts again. “My beautiful husband was pronounced at the scene while I was rushed away …” She looks up at me, and I’m taken aback by all the tears falling. I wipe them away as she has always done for me. “They took my husband and my baby girl, K.C.” She shakes her head. “How could people be that way? Love is love, after all. Who cares what the other looks like, their background, all of it!”

  “I know.” I start to cry with her. She’s an amazing woman; so warm and filled with love and life. Who could be so cruel to her? Is this the message she is giving me? That Chamberlain and I come from different backgrounds, so if we fall in love, it will be a constant struggle with my parents?

  “I’m better now. I haven’t talked about them out loud in a long time.” She hugs me back and then pulls away. “I may have lost my little girl, but I found an honorary daughter in a blond hair, blue-eyed little girl with a bloody knee.”

  I smile through my tears and fall into her arms. She’s an honorary mother to me just as I am a daughter to her. She got me through years of living under this roof. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. “All right.” She steps back, wipes her eyes, and goes back to her knife. “I need to get dinner done before Satan’s Mistress comes unglued and …” She looks at me with a wink. “You’d best be getting your butt upstairs to finish your homework before you go about your other plans.”

  I kiss her cheek. “Thank you for sharing your story. I love you, Fiona.”

  “And I you, baby doll.”


  I SLAM INTO Zoey as I rush out of my room while putting my coat on. “Oh God, I’m sorry, Zoey.” I step back and look her over to make sure she is okay. “Are you all right?”

  She brushes off her creaseless A-line tea dress. “Yes,” she hisses.

  “Well, I’m off.” I walk off, but she halts me.

  “Oh, Katherine. I just wanted to tell you how happy Timothy and I are now.” She has a mocking smile on her face that doesn’t look good on her. “I hope it won’t be too uncomfortable for you next weekend at Daddy’s gala.”

  Moments like these leave me surprised I’ve gone my whole life without swearing or calling out vulgar names to someone who upsets me.

  “It won’t.” I offer her a forced smile. “I have a date.”

  Her mouth drops into an O shape as shock crosses her face. “Really?”

  “Yes. My boyfriend, Chamberlain, will be accompanying me.” I turn and walk off with pride knowing I stopped her gloating. She can’t get to me anymore.

  Fiona is gone by the time I get back to the kitchen. She has a small, tiny break before dinner, so I leave her alone. I skip out to my car and get it going.

  “Where are you?” Chamberlain’s voice wraps around me like a warm cocoon through the speakers of my car as I get closer to his place.

  “I’m almost there.”

  “What took so long? Are you having car troubles? Your parents?”

  “You’re sweet but I’m fine, and so is my car. I got carried away with my homework and then had a run-in with Zoey when I was leaving.”

  “She do anything to you?”

  I love how protective he is, but he needs to realize I’ve been dealing with her and my parents since I was old enough to.

  “Chamberlain, she can’t get to me anymore. I’m fine. I just put her in her place with telling her about my boyfriend.” I round the corner and find him pacing in front of his building. “Will you relax?”

  “No.” I watch his head shake as I parallel park in front of him.

  “What about now?” I get out and walk up to him.

  “Yes.” He bends over, lifts me over his shoulder, and walks into his building, keeping me on his shoulder, book bag and all, while he takes the stairs two at a time.

  “You’re an animal!” I laugh while trying to keep hold of my bag.

  “Oh, so right, baby.” We come to a stop, but he doesn’t set me down until he has the door open. He pecks me on the cheek. “Hi.”


  “Ignore the mess, please?” He scratches the back of his head and looks guilty.

  “I don’t mind.” My eyes remain on his instead of looking around his home. It’s his space, so how it looks doesn’t matter to me. “Is Scott here?”

  “No, he ran out to get us dinner. I hope you don’t mind Thai.”

  “That sounds fine.” I finally look around at the small space that is his kitchen and living room. With him in it, it looks so small, but it still has a cozy feeling to it. Minus the workout equipment that takes up a lot of space and the dirty clothes everywhere.

  Two doors are off to the right side of the living room area. The bedrooms? That just makes me wonder where the bathroom is.

  I look back at Chamberlain, who is quietly waiting, and give him a grin. He leans down and kisses me again. Then he shocks me by picking me up and carrying me over to the couch where he sets us both down, never breaking our connection. “I can’t believe you’re here.” He pushes my hair out of my face and glances deep into my eyes.

  “I am,” I whisper back.

  “Quit getting it on like rabbits! We don’t need little K.C.s or Chamberlains running around, dammit!” Scott slams the door, causing me to jump once again by his interruption. I can’t see him because Chamberlain’s face blocks my view, but I start to laugh when I see the look of annoyance on Chamberlain’s rugged face. I cup his stubble covered cheeks and give him one last kiss before directing my attention to Scott.

  “Chamberlain!” I squeal as he pulls me by my hips to sit between his legs while Scott sets the food up on the coffee table in front of us and grabs his notebook.

  “All right, study buddy!” Scott claps his hands together and sits in the armchair next to us. “I looked over the syllabus and saw we have one big project that we can do with a partner toward the end of the semester. What do you say if we start it early?”


  I ROLL MY shoulders as I cuddle closer to Chamberlain while the movie plays. After Scott had stolen enough of my time, Chamberlain kicked him out so we could have some alone time. We settled on a movie, and I was happy to find out we have the same taste in films.

  “My dream girl.” Chamberlain laughs at the comedic fooleries of Mel Brooks’ History of the World Part One.

  “What can I say? I love comedies, especially anything from Mel Brooks.” Chamberlain brings his hand down and threads his fingers with mine whil
e bringing my hand up to kiss the back of it.

  “Are you excited for tomorrow night?”

  That’s right!

  It’s hard to believe his fight is already here.

  Am I ready?

  I think so. I’m a little nervous about watching him take hits. I don’t want to see him get hurt, but that’s just a part that I’m going to have to deal with

  “Yes, just a little worried.” Then there is the part where I am staying the night here. Now that makes me a little more nervous, but at the same time, anticipation fills me at the thought of sleeping next to him all night.

  “Don’t be, Katie. I’ll be just fine. It’s part of the job. Besides -” he pulls me closer - “I’ll win.”

  “You are sure?” I can’t keep the nerves out of my voice.

  “You would doubt me? Panda, I’m wounded.” He feigns hurt.

  “No. I’m just not sure how I can handle seeing you take a hit.” I trace a finger over the Celtic cross on his forearm.

  “Everything will be fine. Over in a heartbeat.”

  Chapter Fifteen



  My heart sets a fast pace in my throat, causing it to tighten and almost close. I’m plastered to Scott’s side, clenching his arm as the announcer comes to the center of the ring.

  “He’ll be just fine, K.C.,” Scott shouts over the crowd. We are packed into this warehouse like sardines.

  I nod, but my eyes stay focused, unblinking, at the ring.

  Please don’t let him get too hurt.

  I close my eyes, but it does nothing to ease my worry.

  I’m rushing out of the house to go pick up Chamberlain and Scott so we can go to the fight together. Chamberlain insisted on us watching some of the matches before his. That way, I could get a better feel of what was going to happen when he steps into the ring. And for him to explain some of the rules to me.

  “Where do you think you are going?” My mother’s voice halts me as I make my way to the kitchen and then the back door, my escape.

  “Out,” I state. “I have plans this evening, and I won’t be home until tomorrow.” I pull my coat on over Chamberlain’s hoodie.

  “I don’t think so.” She steps in front of me to stop me.

  “Yes. I’m an adult. I’ve told you, I won’t let you control me.” I raise my bag up on my shoulder as I step around her. “Now, if you will excuse me. I’ll be off.”

  “I won’t let you go down this destructive path, Katherine.” Her ice-cold hand grabs me roughly and pulls me back to face her. “Stop this. Don’t become an embarrassment to your father and me.” I almost believe the pleading tone in her voice. Almost.

  “I already am, Mother.” I jerk my hand free. “Let me live my life. I’m happy now. For the first time in my life, please don’t take over.” I leave her, mouth gaping. I can’t help but smile from standing up to my mother.

  I manage to get to the apartment soon enough for Chamberlain to take over driving and Scott to slide into the backseat, making comments about what he could do with all the space back there. I ignored him.

  To my surprise, there are many people at the warehouse. I thought it would be hush-hush like you see in movies and in books. For it being underground not-so-legal fights, it is popular. And to my dismay, I notice Amber and Lizzy waiting out front in too-tight, too-small dresses for this time of year. Heck, for any time of year.

  Lizzy is the first to notice us and bounces up to Scott’s side, rubbing against him.

  “I missed you, Scott,” she whines, trying to grab his hand, but he jerks it away. Amber stayed back, watching us, but her eyes were solely set on me. Well, more like on my hand in Chamberlain’s.

  “Come on, Liz, let’s get to our seats.” Amber continues to watch me while calling to her friend. Lizzy pouts and lets go of Scott, following Amber into the building.

  “Bitches …” Scott shakes his head. “Come on, lil’ bit, you come with me while C gets ready.” My grip on Chamberlain’s becomes a vise; I don’t want to leave him.

  “Katie …” I look up at Chamberlain. He shaved this morning and spent most of the day getting himself pumped up and ready. He’s barely talked to me on the phone at all. I understand to a point; I remember what it was like right before a ballet recital. I was always a mixture of nerves and excitement.

  “Everything will be okay. I talked to Scott; he will bring you back to my locker room before my fight starts. But for now, go sit with him. He’ll answer your questions about the fights.” He kisses me deeply and then walks away.

  “Please be safe.” I grab his jacket, holding him to me longer.

  “Come on, K.C.” Scott lightly grabs my arm and pulls me away. “He’ll be just fine. This isn’t his first time.”

  My eyes stay on Chamberlain. His dark blue eyes are set and determined. I blow him a kiss before I disappear behind the doors with Scott guiding me in the opposite direction.

  For the next couple of hours, I sit by Scott’s side and, sadly, in front of Amber and Lizzy, who laugh and make fun of me whenever I ask a question about the fight happening in the ring.

  Thank God for Scott because every time he takes a moment to explain a rule or a move, he then turns around to give a tongue-lashing to the pair of rude girls.

  By the fifth match, I pretty much have all the basics down and most of the rules when Scott stands and grabs my hand. “Come on, let’s go see Chamberlain.”

  Amber groans in frustration as I stand and follow Scott down the stands and around the ring toward a set of doors on the west side of the room.

  Once we are through the doors, we are met with stark quiet, which is a complete turnaround from the ring and stands with shouting fans. The hallway is dim, leading to another set of double doors at the end. We walk in and find Chamberlain sitting on a bench, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.

  He is wearing a pair of black and white boxer shorts with white athletic tape over his knuckles and on most of his hands. “Ready to kick some ass, brother?” Scott leaves me in the doorway and makes his way over to slap Chamberlain on the back.

  He shoots up to a standing position.

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “You ready to win this fucker?” Scott’s enthusiastic yells get Chamberlain bouncing on his toes. “You ready to show your girl how great you are?”

  He stops bouncing and sets his eyes on me. His fists clench at his sides, ready to throw some punches. Everything about his stance shows how ready he is for this. His eyes are almost black, the deepest midnight blue I’ve ever seen. I gasp, and my body starts to respond to him.

  “Fuck, yes.” His nostrils flare as if he can smell my desire in the air. His strong legs carry him over to me in a slow, steady pace. He bends down to meet my face. “Kiss for good luck?”

  Smiling, I cup his bare cheeks, missing the feel of his stubble. “I like you with stubble.” I pout but reach behind his head and bring his lips to mine.

  “Now, to bring your attention to this ring tonight one last time!” The announcer quiets the crowd and my memory, drawing my focus to him. “In the blue corner is Morris ‘The Sleeper’ Canon!”

  The crowd rises up and cheers along with a mixture of booing. I find myself clapping just to be polite.

  “And in the red corner, a crowd favorite - Chamberlain ‘The Predator’ Lawrence!”

  The crowd is louder, and I hear absolutely no booing. Women are going crazy throughout the ring.

  “Relax, K.C.,” Scott bends down and whispers in my ear. He turns, causing me to follow his line of view. Chamberlain comes jogging toward us; he jumps into the ring and stands on the middle rope, facing the crowd and waving his hands up in the air to get the crowd louder.

  He does a backflip off the ropes and turns to face his opponent. “He’s showing off,” Scott grumbles with a wide grin.

  The referee steps in to join Chamberlain and the other. “They are going over the rules now. Just like before,” Scott expla
ins as I watch. “They’ll bump gloves and then the first round will start.”

  “Okay.” My eyes focus on Chamberlain’s gloves. Like his shorts, they are black and white. I’m starting to see a theme …

  The bell rings, and Chamberlain dodges the first swing from the other fighter. I’m instantly on my toes and frantically trying to find somewhere to put my hands.

  The Sleeper keeps swinging, and Chamberlain keeps dancing around him. When an opening finally comes, Chamberlain takes it. He goes in dodging another swing. His right fist collides with The Sleeper’s rib cage.

  “Ouch.” I cringe, making Scott laugh.

  “I’ve seen the guy take harder hits.” The bell rings for the end of the first round.

  It’s over already?

  They go to their respective corners, and Scott climbs in to help Chamberlain. He isn’t breathing hard at all, and barely any sweat is on his brow. I’m coated in my own sweat and I’m just standing here.

  I look across to The Sleeper; he is grabbing the side of his head where Chamberlain’s fist met and talking to his friends. Sweat glistens on his forehead. This isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I feel myself start to calm and take a seat in my chair so I can enjoy this.

  Chamberlain wanted me here, he wants me by his side, and that makes me very happy.

  Scott jumps back down and takes his seat next to me. “Is he all right?”

  “Great.” He sits back. “Top of the world. He feels invincible, thanks to you.”

  “Me?” I’m confused.

  “You have given him a breath of life again, K.C. There is a fire that hasn’t been around since his mom got sick.” He puts his arm on the back of my chair. “Thank you.”

  “I didn’t do anything, Scott.”

  “Yes, you did.” He leaves it at that and focuses back on the fight as the bell rings again.

  How could I, one person, bring life back to someone? Sure, I feel great, amazing chemistry with Chamberlain and a raw need for him. If anything, Chamberlain put a breath back into my life. I feel freedom, a happiness that I never knew about. I crave more, want more with him. Watching him up in the ring draws me closer to his light. I just pray I don’t get burned.


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