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The Predator [1]

Page 30

by Brooke May

  My phone buzzes, indicating five minutes have passed. Slowly, I make my way over to my vanity with my eyes closed.

  You can do this, K.C.

  I open my right eye and focus on the test before opening my left. There are two pink lines, meaning. I’m. Pregnant.


  I fall into the chair at my vanity in a complete state of shock. It’s one hundred percent now. Well, until I get to a doctor’s office.

  I’m going to be a mom.

  My phone decides to go off at the moment. I’m still in shock as I look at it.

  Chamberlain: Morning, panda. Wish you were here.

  Biting my lip, I close my eyes and shake my head.

  Why couldn’t I just be with him right now?

  Why didn’t I leave last night and fall asleep in his arms?

  Who cares about my parents and Zoey?

  I don’t matter to them, and they sure don’t mean anything to me.

  Me: Me too.

  I look back at the test.

  A baby?

  Chamberlain and my baby.

  Am I ready for this?

  No, I’m not, but I don’t have a choice now. All I can do is hope and pray that Chamberlain will be right there by my side. A small smile dances across my face. A little baby who looks like Chamberlain and myself. That thought relaxes me in the smallest of ways. My parents are going to flip, but it doesn’t scare me. Chamberlain will protect us.


  I place a hand over my lower belly; it’s not just me anymore.

  Chamberlain: What’s wrong, Katie?

  I get up and get myself ready for the day. I start to formulate a plan on how to handle my parents when all of this comes to light. I will be disowned for sure. I smile at the thought. It will be wonderful to get away from the burden the Cunningham name brings.

  Me: Nothing, just really missing you. I’d rather be there. Win, stud.

  Chamberlain: Plan on it, baby. ;)

  God, I love him, and I will tell him that tonight - after he wins and before I tell him about the baby.

  I relax and do some homework throughout the day and read more of the pregnancy book. It is likely that I’m only around four or five weeks already. The book says that the first appointment isn’t until around eight weeks and most parents don’t tell anyone until twelve. I’m going to have to find an OB/GYN. The book also states that the first appointment has an ultrasound with it. That excites me. Even though I know the baby won’t look like much yet, I’ll still get the first glimpse of my child.

  The morning and afternoon flies by, and the next thing I know, it is four o’clock and I’ve finished the book. I make my way over to my balcony, and covertly look down at the driveway and watch Zoey and my parents get into the Town Car and drive off.

  I’m free. I decide to wait an half hour before I take off because I don’t want anyone to get suspicious. The next thirty minutes drag. “I need to get to Chamberlain.” If I make good time, I could get there before his fight. I throw some clothes into a bag, along with my camera. I pull on Chamberlain’s hoodie, and I’m ready to leave.

  I rush down the stairs and out the door in the kitchen to my car. I’m not worried about my parents now. The only thing I received today from them was a text message from my mother expressing how much of a disappointment I was to her for not coming tonight. I never replied.

  Once in my car, I plug in the address of the venue Chamberlain is fighting at and get on the road. Thankfully, traffic is relatively light, and I get out of Boston with ease. Chamberlain’s fight isn’t until six, so I should make it.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  BY THE TIME I get to Worchester, navigate my way to the venue, arrive, and find parking, the fight has already started. I don’t have a ticket to get in, but the guy at the front door knows me from the gym in Boston.

  I’m so happy that he lets me in with a wide smile. “He was tearing shit up with how upset …” He is cut off by the raging crowd inside. “You’d better hurry, K.C. It sounds like your guy is beating the shit out of his opponent.” He nods me in, not keeping me with more small talk.

  My heart races at an alarming rate as I make my way through the crowd at the concession and into the main arena. I climb the stairs and get to the fourth level up when I look down and find him. I start to make my way down when I freeze. Standing next to Scott, in barely any clothes, is Gwen. Her eyes are big and wide as she cheers for Chamberlain. I knew she would be here, but seeing her in barely anything chills my blood. Whenever she came to the fights that I was at, she always wore more clothes. And to top it off, she isn’t even recording the fight. Go figure.

  Did Chamberlain even ask her to?

  I’m a little angrier when I see that her scraps of clothing are black and white.

  I focus back on Chamberlain. He’s in his element. He dodges a jab and then goes in fists swinging at his opponent. I’m so transfixed by his movement that I’m not really paying attention to who is winning. I’m rooted in my spot high up above by the exit, looking down and watching him. He is the one winning, just as I knew he would be. He’s trained so hard for this. His dreams are finally coming true in this ring. I’m not sure what round we are watching, but I don’t care. He’s winning this.

  Chamberlain slams a right hook into the side of the other guy’s head, toppling him over. His opponent falls to the canvas with a thud, and Chamberlain remains in fighting mode, boxer shuffle and fists raised to protect his face, waiting for more. The referee comes in and checks the other fighter.

  He stands and over a roaring crowd, he announces. “Winner by knockout, Chamberlain ‘The Predator’ Lawrence!”

  I cheer and clap with the rest of the spectators as he grins around his mouth guard and makes his way over to his corner. I start to walk again, only to stop short as I watch Gwen fling herself into his arms. And. She. Kisses. Him!

  I stumble back into somebody, who pushes me to get out of his way.





  This can’t happen!

  I thought he loved me or at least cared deeply for me. His actions said so, but this? My heart fractures into millions of pieces as I watch him give into the kiss and one of his thick arms move…

  The crowd flares up around me, cheering wildly and effectively blocking my sight of the scene that is breaking my heart happen before me. I ache, literally inside and feel a heavy pressure consume my heart.

  How … how could he do this?

  I love him, and I was so certain he loved me. Well, I guess I was fooled. I reach up to catch a tear that falls. It is unwelcome. Shaking my head and containing myself, I turn and come face to face with Lizzy and a smug Amber.

  “I told you. He will always go back to her.” I don’t answer her. Instead, I shove past both of them, running out of the arena, and I don’t stop until I’m at my car.

  How could I be so stupid?

  Of course, a guy like Chamberlain would play with a little, innocent, rich girl like me, my mind screams at me. But my heart, strangely, doesn’t agree. I get back on the road and race home without a second thought.

  I ignore my phone the whole way as Chamberlain’s ringtone fills my car. I can’t handle answering right now.

  How dare he call me after he kisses another!

  I slam my fist against the steering wheel as I let out a scream. The pain tears through me and out my mouth. It only gets worse as “Cry Me a River” by Justin Timberlake comes over the radio.

  I guess I really am truly alone in the world. Halfway home, I have calmed a small fraction. I lean back in my seat and rest a hand on my belly. “I promise to take care of you, baby, no matter what. No one will take you from me.”

  My phone goes off again. I reach for it and shut it off completely. I’m not ready to deal with Chamberlain. I’m upset, broken hearted, and my anger is slowly growing. I’ll give it a few days …

  By the time I get home, it’s late and far too quiet
even for this house. I can’t wait until Fiona comes home. I miss her and need the comfort she can only give me. I go down to her room and grab the afghan off her couch to take up to my room.

  I slowly make my way up to my room and come to an abrupt stop when I see my door adjar and light coming into the otherwise darkened hallway. Opening the door, I peer in to find my mother sitting on my bed; my father’s back is to me, and Zoey is grinning viciously from her spot on my desk.

  My father turns when he hears the door open. “Where the hell have you been?” His voice is filled with an anger that I’ve never heard, and there is a slight slur to his words as well.

  “Nowhere.” I mutter as I make my way into the room.

  “Bullshit!” he shouts, storming over to me, he grabs my shoulders roughly. “Were you even going to tell us, Katherine?”

  “Tell you what?” My voice is flat, emotionless; I have nothing left.

  “About this you little slut!” My mother stands, throwing my pregnancy test and the book at my feet. “You are to get rid of it!”

  “Carol, back away, let me handle this.” My father snarls and glares at her until she sits and turns his hate filled eyes back to me.

  “No, I’m not.” I shake his hands off me and look all of them in the eye in turn. “I will not get rid of my child.” My voice holds more power in it than it ever had before when I’ve talked to either of my parents.

  I look at Zoey; I know she’s the one behind them finding all this. She’s been acting strange. I knew she was up to no good when I caught her in my room a few months ago. “Congratulations, feel better now that you’ve stabbed me in the back? I gave you Timothy, and this is how you repay me?” My voice remains deadly calm, which seems to wipe the grin off her face. I know she’s the one who told; she broke into my room no doubt about it. She finally breaks eye contact with me and looks away.

  “You will get rid of that thing, Katherine,” my mother yells and then she turns on her insanely high heels and marches over to the side of my bed, digging under the mattress and pulls out what she was looking for. “Not only that, but you lied to us about this. Douglas ...”She hands my textbooks to my father. He looks even angrier now.

  “I will not get rid of my child, mother.” I put a protective hand over my belly.

  My father is quiet as he looks through my textbook and then walks to my window, shaking his head in thought.

  This can’t be good.

  “Douglas, tell her!” my mother wails.

  “Shut up, Carol!” He strokes his chin. After a few moments, he turns back to me. “You have until morning to pack whatever you can and then you are to leave this house.”

  “And were will I go?” I square my shoulders. I refuse to back down and I will not take anything from them.

  “Denver,” he plainly states. I hear my mother gasp behind me.


  “Why there?” I’m confused as well as angry.

  “You have an aunt there; you will live with her since you both seem to be such failures in this family.” My father walks past me and collects my mother. “You are to leave your phone, computer, and anything else of that manner, and only take clothes and essentials.” With that, they leave the room. Only Zoey remains.

  She prances up to me. “Don’t worry; I won’t repeat your stupid mistakes.” She glares at my belly. “That’s what you get for making me look like a fool. People take pity on me now, thinking that Timothy is only with me for the sake of the families. Bitch,” she hisses as she shoves me and skips out. “Have fun!”

  I fall back to my bed and stare at nothing.

  What has become of my life?

  What am I going to do?

  I don’t know how long I sit there for, but my butt slowly loses feeling and starts to throb, prompting me out of my daze.

  Wiping my eyes, I get up and get my bags from my closet and the one I already packed earlier. I pack everything; as many clothes as I can, along with all my hygiene products, my books, thankful I had bought my camera and tablet on my own.

  The tears continue to fall as I zip up one of the bags. I look at my pillows and find the stuffed panda sitting there. I grab it and regard it before shoving it into my last bag along with Fiona’s afghan and the box that holds my bracelet from Chamberlain.


  His name hits me even harder than ever before. I’ll never see him again. I zip up the other bag and drop to my bed. I’m still in Chamberlain’s hoodie. His scent is slowly fading from it, but I can’t bring myself to remove it.

  This is not where I saw my life going this morning. A little house somewhere with Chamberlain and our child, filled with happiness is what I wanted. But instead, I’m wrecked with a broken heart and disowned by my family. I curl into a small ball and cry myself to sleep.


  THIS MORNING, I woke early with red eyes and dragged my bags down to the front door where my father and his driver waited. The only thing my father said to me was the name of my aunt. Jacqueline Cunningham. After a quick breakfast, the driver packed my bags into the car as my father handed me my ticket and walked away, out of my life for good.

  The ride to the airport is quiet. I only run my hand over my still flat belly; it was the only thing to calm me. I hope my aunt is nothing like my parents. I pray that she is kind, warm, and loving.

  I get through security rather quickly and take my seat in coach when my flight was called. I watch out the window as we taxi to the runway and take off. Boston grows smaller and soon fades away. Denver is going to be my home now; for me and my baby.

  Instead of letting depressing thought of my parents, Zoey, and Chamberlain get the better of me and I cry the whole flight, I turn my attention to what I’m going to need to get done with doctor’s appointments and finding things the baby will need. A tiny spark of hope floats into my heart. I rub my belly some more and I vow to remain strong from myself and my child.

  When my flight lands, I collect my bags to make my way out of the Denver airport and stop when I find an older woman with graying blond hair pulled back in a tight French knot in a suit holding a sign that says “Katherine.” I’m taken aback by how much I look like her.

  “Aunt Jacqueline?”

  A warm smile comes to her face as she drops the sign and pulls me into a hug. “It’s Aunt Jackie, Katherine.” She squeezes me. “I’m so glad I finally get to meet you. I just wish it was under different and better circumstances.”

  “It’s K.C. and me as well.” I hug her back. Her body warms my cold one.

  “Let’s get you home.”


  Yes, home. A new home for my baby and me. Her bright blue eyes glitter at me as she grabs one of my bags and directs me out to a waiting car where another woman waits. She looks the same age but completely opposite of my aunt. Her brown hair is the curliest I’ve ever seen and goes everywhere. Her chocolate brown eyes are filled with happiness. She is also shorter than both my aunt and I are and a little curvier.

  “You must be Katherine?” She runs to me and wraps me in a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you, beautiful girl.”

  “It’s K.C.” I pat her back, taken by surprise.

  “Oh! My manners! I’m Karmin.” She jumps back and offers me her hand. “I’m your aunt’s partner.”

  It clicks into place. I couldn’t figure out how my aunt was a failure to the Cunningham family and I hadn’t heard of her. It plagued me on what she did and it is just like me. She failed because of who she chose to love. The Cunninghams will do anything to protect their stupid family name. Who cares who we love? What we love? And how we want to live our lives?

  On the way to their house, they tell me about themselves. Aunt Jackie is a high power attorney and Karmin is a homemaker. They both promise to help me with the baby, getting me back into school, and finding a job when the time comes.

  I stare out the window and sigh, content that I’m finally where I belong.

  Chapter Forty


  “And there you have it.” I wipe the stray tear from rolling down my cheek. “I haven’t seen or heard from anyone since.” I stare out the window as we drive into my aunts’ neighborhood.

  “Wow.” Beth’s voice is a broken whisper. I turn and find her crying as well. “I’m so sorry.” She hugs me.

  I pat her hand and smile. “It’s okay. I have a good life here. Who knew having a baby would bring me to my aunts, who are more of a mother to me.” I dry my eyes. “Then I got you eight months later when my water broke in the grocery store.” We laugh.

  She was a complete stranger, who stopped what she was doing to help get me to the hospital and stayed by my side while I delivered a healthy seven pound, three ounce baby girl with blond curls and deep blue eyes.

  “I’m thankful for what I have now. Even if I wish my precious baby had a daddy.” I kiss Beth’s cheek when the car pulls into the driveway. We get out and head into the house after waving the driver off.

  “I’m glad I finally know everything. My heart bleeds for you, K.C. It sounded like what you and Chamberlain had was real.”

  “I thought so, too.” We walk into the living room finding Aunt Jackie and Karmin watching a movie. “That’s why I will never date. I don’t need a guy.”

  “You two are back early.” Aunt Jackie pauses the movie and looks over the back of the couch at us.

  “I’m going to go call Bobby real quick.” Beth excuses herself and walks down the hallway to the kitchen.

  I turn back to my aunts. “Chamberlain was there, and he saw me.” I come around and sit in the armchair caddy corner to them. “I had to get away.”

  “Oh, sweet girl.” Karmin gets up and comes over to give me a hug.

  “I’m guessing Beth knows everything now?” Aunt Jackie tucks a leg under her.


  “I’m glad.” She smiles. “And don’t worry, he’ll be gone soon.”


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