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Queen Of Knights

Page 35

by David Wind

  "I understand what you have said and accept it. I am the chosen and am ready to fulfill the destiny given me. I yield to your wishes and accept that which I cannot deny. But before you leave forever, I would ask of something."

  "If it is within my power," replied the old one, and Gwendolyn felt the satisfaction and pleasure of her mentor's thoughts. "Yes, my child, you are strong and have become what I declared to all, twenty years ago. But hurry, for we weaken with each moment and must leave to find our own peace."

  "You have said that I will no longer have your aid, but my sword will be my power."

  “And your might."

  "Will it be my guide through the heavens?"

  Sadness spread throughout her mind, a sadness reflected from the minds of her mother and the old one. "When your earthly body dies, you will ride the heavens again. Until then, rely you must on our first earthly link."

  "Then let me see my husband as he is now," Gwendolyn asked, knowing it would be the last time she could do so, and accepting the decision and its finality.

  The old one waved her hand. Again the crimson cloud parted. Gwendolyn's ethereal embodiment floated through the opening, and she found herself within a walled chamber.

  She gazed at Miles asleep upon the cushions and saw, also, the blood-soaked cloth that bound his head. She hovered above him and slowly let herself cover his earthly body with her spiritual one.

  "He has hurt you needlessly, my love," she whispered to his mind, "but I shall ease the pain. I am coming for you soon, Miles, and we will be together. Remember." With a final caress of her lips upon his, she returned to the crimson plane and the two who awaited her.

  "I shall free him," she promised.

  "Be not oversure of your actions. Be as cautious as you are brave. Be as wise as you are loving," intoned the old one, in a final benediction to her pupil.

  Their voices grew dim and their bodies wavered. Suddenly, Gwendolyn was caught in the whirlpool of the crimson cloud swirling around her. Then she was again sitting within the desert oasis. Lowering her sword, she gazed up at the sky.

  A glittering ball of fire flashed across the sky, leaving behind it a bright trail of lingering light against the black heavens. She saw the ball suddenly split into three flaming arrows which rose upward together until they disappeared from sight. Within their bright specter, Gwendolyn was sure she saw the forms of her father, mother, and the old Druid priestess, making their final ascent into the vast body of the universe. "Good-bye," she whispered.

  Before lowering the sword completely, she had one more thing to do. Slowly, fighting the weariness that her just- ended journey had brought on, she raised the sword high. She formed a picture of Miles, and the chamber he was imprisoned within, in her mind. The sword sang with power, and Gwendolyn directed the healing purity of the light toward Miles. She guided its force to his head and expanded the channel within her mind.

  Only when that was done, did she return to herself, and to the cool air blowing down from the valley's walls.

  She sheathed the sword, lay down upon the cape, and closed her eyes. Valkyrie would wake her before the sun rose, and she would prepare herself for meeting Saladin.


  Miles woke slowly, and for the first time in three days, felt no pain in his head. When he had returned to his chamber after Saladin's dismissal, he remembered attacking the guard, and then blackness had come. He'd wavered in and out of consciousness, aware only of the few times Aliya had attended him, washing his face with cool water and bandaging his head. Most of the time, he had thought himself dying.

  When Aliya had cleansed his wound, he'd heard her gasp of despair and knew that he'd been hurt badly. But this morning it was as if he'd never been touched. He closed his eyes and invoked the memory of his dream. He'd dreamed of his wife, and of the softness of her lips on his. He'd drawn comfort from her and had willed himself to be with her.

  He remembered vividly the pure white light that had encased him. The gentle warmth which had entered his body and filled him with peace. He had dreamed of Gwendolyn after that and knew he would live to see her again. Suddenly, Miles heard footsteps entering the chamber, but he kept his eyes closed and feigned sleep.

  Aliya came in, accompanied by one guard. The man stood at the entranceway with his arms crossed, but did not follow the young slave to Miles's side.

  Aliya knelt beside Miles and gazed at him just as he opened his eyes. Her indrawn breath went unnoticed by the guard, as she stared at his open and unglazed eyes. "You are better," she whispered in a relieved voice.


  "Say nothing!" she ordered. First she wiped his face and then she stood. Turning to the guard, she spoke. "He has not woken."

  Grunting, the guard left the chamber to take his post in the hallway. When he was gone, Aliya knelt again at Miles's side. "There are two guards in the hall, and two more in the courtyard," she whispered. "Thank Allah you are better."

  Carefully, she unwound the bandage, and when she had finished, another indrawn breath echoed in the room. "I is impossible. The wound is healed. How?"

  "Was it very bad?"

  "The physician thought you would die. The guard split your scalp and you bled for many hours. How is this possible?"

  "Aliya, none must know of this. My wife came to me last night and healed me."

  Aliya closed her eyes at his words, trying to understand what he said, but she could not.

  Seeing this written in her face, Miles spoke quickly. "What has happened since I was brought here?"

  "I am sorry, Master. You are now a prisoner truly. None are allowed to see or talk to you. No one may visit this chamber except myself, and I am allowed only twice a day to bring you food and cleanse your wounds."

  “As it should be. Aliya, I am a prisoner, not your master. Do not compromise yourself for me, for I shall be gone soon."

  "It is said that if you live, Saladin will send you to the farthest corner of his land, to be a slave in the poorest of places."

  "What else is said?"

  "That Saladin left last night to meet the Frank woman he has heard of. He rides to meet your wife."

  "I warned him; I tried," whispered Miles.

  "I still do not understand."

  "There is no need. Aliya, soon I will be gone. Remember me with kindness."

  "There is no other way to remember you, Master."

  "There is one other way." Miles turned and reached out to touch the wall. There, he pried away a small stone and took out what he had hidden many months before. He had found it beneath a cushion when he'd first arrived in Jerusalem and had secreted it away, hoping that he could use it to help free himself. When he learned the impossibility of this, he'd put it out of his mind. But now he knew what its use could be.

  When he turned back to Aliya, he opened his palm. Within it rested a large, perfectly shaped blood-red ruby. "It is yours," he told her.

  "To buy your freedom."

  "I . . .” But Aliya could not speak. Her eyes filled with tears, and she slowly shook her head. "Put it back, Master, for none may purchase their freedom from Saladin. I am as much a prisoner as you. Only his whim may free me."

  "Then take it and purchase something for me. Purchase a dagger small enough for me to hide."

  "That I will do, but there will be much left over."

  "Use it as you deem best, for it is yours."

  Silently, Aliya tore a clean strip of cloth and bandaged Miles's healed wound. "Do not let them know you are well," she cautioned before she left.

  And then Miles was alone, but he knew it would not be for much longer.


  Gwendolyn woke to Valkyrie's gentle call. Sitting up, she realized she had slept deeply and had awoken refreshed. Yet within her, she knew she had changed deeply. The sky around her was beginning to lighten, and painted bands of purple and pink glowed softly on the horizon, lending a soothing shade to the colored sands of the desert.

  "Hunt, my friend,"
Gwendolyn told Valkyrie. The eagle called softly again before dropping from the tree and expanding his wings to catch the current. Moments later he was soaring high above the oasis, his sharp eyes looking for life within the sand-and-rock valley.

  Gwendolyn breathed deeply of the morning air while she tried to sort out her emotions. She was saddened by the knowledge that her mentor was gone; it was a loss that would last through her life. But she was aware, also, that the old one and her mother had given her a vision of what would be, and what could be, if she was strong enough to take that which was set before her. She sensed also there was one more test before her. And this testing was the most important. Without Miles, there was no future.

  Gwendolyn went to the old well and drew up some of its cool water. She rinsed her face and began her preparations for meeting Saladin. She went to the leather bags that her squires had taken from the horses and lifted the bold Norman dress.

  Removing her tunic, Gwendolyn put on the first layer of her most sensual costume. Ten minutes later she was in the revealing Norman dress that had gained her so much notoriety. She then shook the dirt from her riding cape and put it on.

  When all her preparations were complete, she sat on the soft ground, the sword hidden beneath the folds of the cape, to wait in silence for Saladin.

  Above her, Valkyrie returned to his perch in the tall palm, content with his meal, and ready to resume his duties as Gwendolyn's sentry.

  On the far side of the valley, Saladin reined in the white stallion and glanced toward the oasis. His eyes swept the area carefully before he turned to the men who followed.

  "Wait here," he commanded. Without a backward glance, he spurred the stallion onward. His mind seethed with questions, and today he would get his answers. He wanted to meet this woman of whom so many had spoken. He wanted to know why she sought him, and what she wanted from him. But above it all, was his unquenchable thirst for beauty. A thirst which almost matched his desire to rid his land of the infidels forever.

  Moments later, he entered the green pasture of the oasis and saw the back of a robed figure. He stopped the horse and dismounted. Drawing his scimitar, he advanced cautiously toward the person.

  Gwendolyn heard Valkyrie's warning and rose to her feet just as she heard the horse's hoof-beats. She stood with her back to Saladin's arrival and called upon her reserves to aid her in this confrontation, urging the powers of her sword to enhance her image. She listened carefully, bringing all her senses to bear, and when she heard the whisper of his scimitar leave its sheath, she gripped her sword tighter.

  When she sensed him to be very close, she spoke in French. "You do not need your weapon." But she did not turn to face him.

  "That remains to be seen," he replied.

  "Look above you and be reminded of the challenge I issued when I arrived in this land."

  Carefully, Saladin raised his eyes and saw the giant golden eagle on the branch above. When his eyes met the amber ones of the eagle, the giant bird of prey cried out and spread its wings to the fullest. Saladin saw the might of the eagle, and saw, too, the long, sharp talons of death.

  In the instant Gwendolyn knew his eyes were on Valkyrie, she whirled, flinging the cape back and calling on the power of her sword. The blade sang in her hands and whistled loudly as it cut through the air.

  Saladin saw her move and brought his scimitar up, but he was unprepared to do anything except try to deflect her blow. The woman's sword met his own, and the cry of tortured metal sounded; then his scimitar was ripped from his hands and flew across the oasis, to land ten feet from where he stood.

  Gwendolyn lowered her blade and stared at the king of the Moslem nation. "I said there would be no need of weapons; now I have made it a fact." So stating, Gwendolyn sheathed her sword and took a deep breath, aware that Saladin was studying her intently.

  Saladin had never before seen a woman such as Gwendolyn, and he had seen women from every country in the world. Franks, with their white skin; blacks, with their shining ebony beauty; dark-skinned Easterners from the lands of the rain forests; and yellow-skinned maidens from the depths of the Orient were commonplace to him, littering the harems within all his palaces; but, this woman was like no other he had ever seen. Her beauty radiated all around her. Her hair shone beneath the newly risen sun, and glowed with the power of silver and gold. Her skin was the purest white he had ever seen, and her eyes were like the rarest jewels in the world. Her height only accented her beauty, and the superb form barely contained within the clothing she wore was in perfect proportion to the rest of her. In that moment, Saladin knew that nothing less than full possession of this creature would satisfy him.

  "You surprise me," he finally said.

  "I surprise many."

  "One does not expect a woman of your beauty to have the ability of a warrior."

  "That has been a mistake made by many."

  Saladin ignored her words, and the dangerously low tone she had spoken in. His entire being was focused on her beauty. "Why have you called me here?"

  "Why did you not respond to my challenge?"

  "Your challenge?"

  "I sent my eagle with my challenge. I know he delivered it."

  "Your eagle destroyed one of my prized hawks. There are few like he in the land."

  "Did you thank Allah that he killed no others?" Gwendolyn asked, aware of the magic that her body, changed by the unseen glow of the sword, had on him.

  "I could not challenge a bird," Saladin stated.

  "You were a coward! You chose to ignore this challenge. You had but to ask your prisoner, Miles Delong, Earl of Radstock, where to send your answer."

  "Do not anger me; do not risk your beautiful life. You have challenged me and you have asked for this meeting,"

  Saladin said, finally pulling his mind free of her charms, and chasing away the anger her words had brought on.

  "Your anger bothers me not at all. For I have already granted you your life once."

  Saladin was taken aback by this statement and stared openly at her. "You?"

  "Sir Eldwin granted you your life. Sir Eldwin is my knight. He lives only for me and responds only to my wishes."

  "What is it that you want of me?" Saladin asked, growing impatient with the meeting's direction.

  "A bargain."

  Saladin laughed and shook his head. "You know nothing of my land, or the way of my people. You cannot bargain with me. I am the ruler of these lands; it is I who commands, and I who offers bargains. And, you are a woman. Bargains are made by men. Women are but possessions."

  "Do you not find me desirable?" Gwendolyn asked, unbothered by his words.

  Saladin paused before he spoke. Something in her tone warned him to be careful, and he scrutinized her carefully. "No man alive could deny your beauty."

  "Then you will listen to what I propose?"

  "I will listen."

  "I propose this!" Gwendolyn stepped back and outlined her body with her hands, tracing the curves of her breasts, waist, and hips under Saladin's gaze. "I offer you myself. I give you my body to do with as you will."

  "That is but half a bargain. What is the rest?"

  "A life," Gwendolyn stated simply.

  Saladin blinked at her words with a lack of comprehension. "A life?"

  "I will become yours when you release Miles Delong." Saladin shook his head slowly. "You must find another thing for which to bargain; Miles Delong will never be released. "

  "You have yet to ask my name, but I shall tell you anyway. I am called Lady Gwendolyn Delong. If you desire me, free my husband!" Gwendolyn demanded.

  "You are his wife." The words seemed torn from his lips, and Gwendolyn saw his face turn pale. She waited silently until the color returned to his skin, as the forgotten memory of Miles's description of his wife came back to him. "Now I understand. It was not for Christianity that he refused me, but for you. No, I will not release him. My word is sacred and I must keep it as such." Within his mind, Saladin fought for control. N
ew truths had been revealed this day, and new desires had been born.

  "Then you leave me no other choice. Again, I challenge you!"

  "I have never met a woman like you before. You set my blood on fire, and I would take you here and now. It is not your sword, nor your eagle, that stops me. It is something more powerful. It is my respect for your husband and his strength. Leave now! Go while you may, before I change my mind."

  Rage swept through Gwendolyn, making her nerves grow taut and her muscles tremble. She glared fiercely at the Moor, and her voice reverberated lowly. "Hear me well, King of the Saracen. I have traveled far to secure the life of my husband. I care little for your war, your land, or your rotting body! Be warned! If you force me, I shall destroy it all!"

  "It would give me pleasure to tame and control you. Your place is forgotten. Never speak to me like this, never!" Saladin's rage grew hotly within him and threatened to make him attack the woman.

  "How else should I speak to a coward?" Gwendolyn whispered. She saw Saladin's face change, and even as he moved, her sword was free and pointing at his heart.

  "No person has ever called me a coward and lived. You have done so twice. I will accept any challenge you offer, as long as you are part of the spoils, for I promise you that you will be my slave."

  "Morgan is dead. Only his memory in your mind keeps your oath alive. I challenge you to produce your most fearsome warrior-the best the Moslem land has. I ask for single combat. My knight, Eldwin, against your fighter. If Eldwin is victorious, Miles is free and your obligation to Morgan ended. If Eldwin is defeated, I am yours to enslave, a ransom payment for Miles."

  Saladin's barking laugh echoed loudly. "In either event your husband is free. That seems a contradiction."

  "No contradiction exists. You will still have a Delong as a prisoner."

  "Do you think your husband would agree to this if he knew you offered yourself to me?"

  "He would."

  "You are so certain your knight will win?"

  "Do you fear that, too?" Gwendolyn retorted with a smile.


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