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Phoenix's Heart

Page 6

by Khelsey Jackson

  “Jenny, you aren't some naive teenager that is pregnant with their high school sweetheart. You are having babies with a man, I mean incubus.”

  “Megan, why don't you like him?”

  “Jenny you were a virgin for twenty-two years and the sex god comes along and you spread for him. You want to know why Ryan cheated on you? Because he was tired of waiting.”

  Jennifer flinched at her best friend’s words. “That was low.”

  “No it wasn’t, he called tonight asking about you. He wanted to know if you were handling it well, and I told him you were handling it amazingly.” Jennifer heard her heart pounding.

  “What else did you say?” She put her head in her hands.

  “I told him you were pregnant, and he started crying. I think he wanted to get back with you.” Ryan had broken up with her a couple times in the past and she had always taken him back. But this last break up was for good. She walked in on him and some blonde.

  She looked back up at Megan. “I wouldn't have gone back to him.”

  Megan sighed. “I know that. What he did is unforgivable, but I don't agree with you and Phoenix being together.” Jennifer opened her mouth to say something, but Megan shook her head, holding up a finger. “No, I know you like him. I just don't want to talk about it anymore. I don't trust him, and I don’t think you should. Always remembers what he needs to feed, and it can't always be you.” With that, Megan left Jennifer with her dark thoughts.

  After shoving four more slices of pizza in her mouth, she headed into her bedroom. Today had been too long and all she wanted to do was sleep. She hoped Megan came around and gave Phoenix a chance. Jennifer already knew things weren’t going to be easy with her best friend/roommate hating her almost boyfriend; she wanted things to be settled before these babies came. She shut her door, and took off her work clothes for the second time today. She also removed her bra, and put on a tan top. Jennifer plugged in her phone and saw she had a text message from a number she didn't know.

  Darling I hope you get some sleep, and I can't wait to see you in the morning. I can't stop thinking about you. Good night.

  Jennifer smiles at her phone, and hits reply.

  I am very tired for some odd reason. So I think I’m going to get some much needed sleep. I love knowing that I am on your mind, because you are always on mine. Good night my sex god.

  She laughed out loud as she pressed send, and within seconds she had another text message from Phoenix.

  You should be sleeping. And sex god, huh? Good to know.

  She smiled, and lay on her bed. She was happy her phone charger was next to her bed.

  I am laying down now. And you know how good you are, so don’t play stupid. I’m going to think about your hard body sliding against mine, and your large hard dick going in and out of me and me screaming your name.

  She bit her lip as she pressed send. Her phone started ringing in her hand.

  She giggled when she answered the phone. “Are you trying to kill me?” He sounded out of breath.

  She grinned. “No, not really. I kind of like you.”

  Phoenix laughed. “Well then don't send me dirty texts, I am an incubus. I want sex all the time. And I want you more than any other women before.” She smiled. “Darling you need to go to bed.”

  “I thought you had a video conference.” She yawned.

  “I do, I told them I had to call my pregnant girlfriend.”

  She smiled to herself. “You did?”

  “That is what you are, right?” She imagined him grinning and the heat from his midnight blue eyes.

  She laughed, “I hope so.” She yawned again.

  “Darling I can hear you yawning. Get some rest please.”

  She remembered he brought her home. “Wait, what about my car?”

  “It will be there in the morning. Good night darling.”

  She smiled. “Good night Phoenix.” She hung up the phone.

  Jennifer lay back down and hoped Megan came around soon. They had been best friends for as long as she could remember. She stared at her closed door, and sighed. She knew that Megan was looking out for her, but she needed her and Phoenix to get along. Megan was one of the most important people in her life and Phoenix was quickly becoming important. Jennifer felt her eyes starting to close and she didn’t fight it.

  Jennifer jumped out of bed when she heard a door slam. With her heart pounding, she glanced at the clock. It was 2:21 am. She had three hours of sleep. She walked towards the door and quietly opened it. Megan's bedroom was right across from hers and her door was open.

  Jennifer saw her packing a bag. “Megan?”

  Megan lifted her head and Jennifer saw tears in them. “I'm going to go and stay at a friend’s house. I don’t want to be around Phoenix. I can't get past the feeling he is evil.”

  “Meg, I don’t want you to leave, and Phoenix isn’t evil.” Jennifer believed that wholeheartedly.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. He is a freaking demon, so that means he’s evil! And I am scared that you're carrying demon spawns.” Jennifer glared at her best friend, and placed a hand protectively over her stomach.

  “I can't believe you just said that. These babies are innocent, no matter who their father is.”

  Megan laughed, “I thought you were smarter than this. Your babies will have half of his DNA.”

  “I'm not one hundred percent human, so what does that make me? A monster?” Jennifer watched as different emotions play across Megan's pretty face, first one surprise, before settling on anger.

  “What do you mean?” Megan asked, she shook her hand and her blonde hair moved around her shoulders.

  “The doctor, Max, said he would test my blood to see what I am.” Megan shook her head again.

  “Yesterday you were a normal twenty-two year old. Now you are having demon spawns and you're not one hundred percent human! You know you sound crazy, I should commit you! Does your mom know all of this?” Megan glared at Jennifer.

  “Stop calling my babies demon spawns! And no she doesn’t know.” Jennifer wanted to throw something at Megan's face.

  “They are half demon and half whatever you are. This is why I need to get away from you.” Megan zipped up her bag and walked over to Jennifer.

  “I need you.” Jennifer felt her hot tears scorching the back of her eyelids. Her best friend was leaving her when she needed her the most.

  Megan smiled, “No, you don’t. You need Phoenix, and I need to get used to all of this.” Jennifer moved out of the doorway and Megan walked away without saying another word.

  Jennifer stood there for a minute, and was dumbfounded. Her heart felt like it dropped to her knees, she walked back into her room and grabbed her phone. She wondered if it was too late to call Phoenix. She decided against it, she would see him in a few hours. She lay back down and closed her eyes. The thing that kept playing in her head was, “They are half demon and half whatever you are. This was why I need to get away from you.” Megan broke Jennifer's heart tonight, and she hoped their friendship could get past this.

  Jennifer tossed and turned for an hour before getting out of bed. She headed into the living room to watch some TV. She closed her eyes and listened to hers and Megan's favorite shows, FRIENDS.


  Phoenix was grateful it was morning; he didn't sleep at all last night. He couldn't stop thinking about Jennifer and her sweet giggle. He had made plenty of women giggle, but when she did it, it did something to him. He walked to top floor of his building where his office was located, and saw Brittney. He watched her stand up straighter as she pushed out her chest. He smiled and nodded towards her, he didn't miss her smile as he walked past her. Part of his incubus charm was that he didn’t have to do anything to get women to notice him. They sensed him, and wanted him.

  He walked towards his office and the first thing he noticed was that Jennifer wasn't at her desk. His eyebrows furrowed and he glanced at his watch. It was thirty minutes after nine; she should have
been here half an hour ago.

  “Brittney, is Jennifer here?” He turned around to look at her.

  She shook her head. “No sir, I haven't seen her.” She smiled, batted her eyes.

  He returned her his charming smile. “Thank you.” He turned back to his office, and pulled out his cell phone.

  He held down the number two on his speed dial. “Yes sir?” Mark said.

  “Mark, did you drop off Jennifer's car?”

  “Sir, I just tried knocking and she didn't answer. I was just about to call you.” Phoenix brought his other hand to his face.

  “Are you still at her apartment?” Phoenix walked over to his desk.

  “Yes sir, I am.”

  He took a deep long breath. “Good stay there, I’m going to call her. If can't get her to pick up, I will be on my way.” He hung up and pressed the number one. He made her his number one as soon as he found out that she was pregnant. Jennifer's phone rang four times and then went to her answering machine. He hung up and tried five more times. “Shit.” He said as he was walking towards his office door.

  He pressed the number three, to call Max. He picked up after seven rings. “You know some people have to work for a living.”

  “I don't care, it's about Jennifer. She isn't picking up her phone, or answering the door.” Phoenix pushed the elevator for the parking level.

  “Do you want me to meet you there?” He heard the worry in Max's voice.

  He shook his head. “No.” He closed his eyes and hoped she was okay. “But keep your phone with you just in case.” He walked to the silver elevator, and he pressed the button with a large B for the basement.

  Phoenix walked out of the elevator and walked to his black 2012 Cadillac Escalade. He got this SUV before it came out, and he loved it. It was their Platinum edition. He tried Jennifer's cell phone one more time. He decided to leave a message this time.

  When he heard the beep he said, “Jennifer, you are scaring the death out of me. Please darling, call me.” He opened his car door and got in; he sat his phone on the passenger seat. Then he thought of Megan, he knew she didn't like him, but this was about Jennifer.

  It rang twice. “Hello?” A sleepy voice said, maybe that was why Jennifer wasn't answering.

  “Megan, its Phoenix. Can you go and get Jennifer for me? Tell her--” She cut him off.

  “What the hell, why are you calling me?” She didn’t sound sleepy anymore. “Phoenix, I’m not at the apartment. I left early this morning.”

  “What?” he yelled. He wondered why Jennifer didn't call him. “Why?” He pushed a few buttons and he was hooked up to his car's Bluetooth.

  “Because of you, you scare me and there is something with you I don’t like. I’m sure she’s fine, but I have to go.” She hung up. He sped up a little, he needed to see Jennifer.

  There was a loud banging on the front door and Jennifer felt her heart trying to beat out of her chest.

  “Jennifer, I will break down this door if you don’t answer.” Phoenix yelled, and she jumped up. She glanced at clock on the wall and was speechless; it was ten in the morning.

  She opened the door and Phoenix looked angry and relief flooded his perfect face. “I'm so sorry; I fell asleep out in the living room. I guess I couldn't hear my alarm clock out here.” He grabbed her and pulled her to him. He held her tightly to him, and dropped his head to her shoulder. “Phoenix, I’m okay. I just overslept.”

  “Jennifer, my driver said you didn’t answer when he came up here to give you your keys. I called you and texted you. I thought something happened to you, so I called Megan. She told me she left early this morning. Why didn't you call me, I would have come here.” He held her at arm’s length while his midnight blue eyes searched hers.

  “I'm sorry you had to come here. And I didn't call you because she left at like 2:45 in the morning, and it was my problem. Not yours.” He glared at her and she wanted to be far away from him.

  “Not my problem? Jennifer you are mine, so whatever happens to you I want to know. I don’t care what fucking time it is.” He closed his eyes, and she felt the air get lighter. “Please get ready. You still need to work, remember.” He walked the rest of the way into her apartment and led her in the bathroom. “Jump in the shower and I will grab some clothes.”

  “Phoenix, I--” he cut her off with his stare.

  “I'm not in the mood to argue with you.” He walked away from her and stopped at the doorway. “I will bring your clothes in here.” He walked out and she eyed her shower. She wished more than ever she had a sexy shower. Like a see through curtain, or all glass, instead of kittens.

  She took off her clothes and put them in the hamper. She turned on the water and was almost done when she heard him enter. “Phoenix?” she asked.

  “What?” His voice sounded softer.

  She moved the shower curtain, so she could see him. He was stared at her. “I am sorry.” She felt her tears that were starting to fill her eyes.

  “Oh darling,” he said and she closed her eyes and a few tears fell from the corner of her eyes. She wanted him to hold her and make love to her. Jennifer remembered that she could picture him naked, and it would happen; she opened her eyes, he was standing there naked.

  “No bow this time?” The corner of his lips lifted a little.

  A couple of mores tears fell, she smiled. “No, I want you.”

  He laughed. “I unleashed a monster.” She fell to her knees. She thought back to what Megan said.

  “Oh my god, Jennifer!” Phoenix rushed to her and gathered her into his arms. She cried into his chest. “Are you hurt? Please darling, tell me what's wrong.”

  She looked at him. “I don’t know what I am. What if our babies are messed up?”

  “Darling, our babies will be fine.” She stared at his perfect mouth and leaned in to kiss him. As soon at their lips met, he moaned. “We don't have much time; I have a meeting in an hour.”

  She smiled up at him. “Honey that is plenty of time.” He laughed as he carried her out of the bathroom to her bedroom.

  He walked them over to the bed and gently laid her down. “Darling, you are so beautiful, you take my breath away.” She smiled up at him and he covered her lips with his. It didn't take long for his kiss to turn something more. She felt him rubbing himself against her and she groaned.

  “Phoenix.” She arched up to him.

  A loud ringing made him freeze. “Shit.” He looked down at her and smiled. “Darling, we have to finish later.” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and got up. She sat up in time to watch his bare ass leave her room.

  Jennifer got out of bed; she didn’t want to finish later. She wanted to have Phoenix now! At least he wasn't mad at her anymore. She walked back to the bathroom and grabbed the clothes he brought in for her. She noticed he picked black pants, not a skirt. She giggled, and got dressed.

  Jennifer walked out and into the living room where Phoenix was. She stared at him for a moment, he had his pants on but he was shirtless. He was on his phone and was looking out her window that overlooked downtown.

  “Yeah she's fine; we'll be on our way in five minutes,” Phoenix said and put his phone in his pants pocket. He looked up and caught Jennifer watching him. He smiled. “Darling I’m sorry but Max wants to meet up at the office. He has another appointment so we have to leave now.”

  She felt her heart race. “Does he know what I am?” Jennifer heard her own excitement in her voice.

  “I think so.” He buttoned his shirt. He slipped on his jacket and smiled at her. “Let's go.” He walked to the door and she noticed her pink leopard printed suitcase by the door.

  “Why do you have my bag?” She said and eyed the bag in his hands.

  “I know you said you wanted to wait to move in, but I don’t want you staying here alone.”

  “Phoenix, we don't know each other yet. I don’t even know what I am, yet.” He smiled at her.

  “Darling, either you move in with me or I move in he
re.” He looked around her apartment like it was diseased.

  “What if I am some monster that eats you?” She glared at him and he chuckled.

  “Darling there isn’t a body part I don’t want your pretty mouth on.” He winked at her and she laughed.

  “Can we talk about it later?” she asked.

  “Yeah, but I’m bringing your bag with me. You can bring your car if you want or ride with me.”

  “I want my own car,” she said and walked past him.

  “See you at work.” She heard him say as she was walking away. “Darling, I really don't want you mad at me.”

  Jennifer pushed the button for the elevator. “I don’t like to be ordered what to do. I get enough of that from my dad. I don’t need it from you.” He touched her shoulder.

  “Darling they are my babies too. I want all three of you safe. You all are mine now.” Phoenix spun Jennifer around. He placed his forehead against hers. “Do you understand me?” She stared deep into his eyes and knew that it was too late. She had fallen in love with this incubus.

  “Yeah, I understand.” He smiled and gave her a kiss on her nose.

  Chapter Seven

  The elevator beeped and he grabbed her hand. She looked down at their intertwined fingers and smiled. They fit perfectly together and every way. “I think we should keep our relationship to ourselves at the office. The women gossip enough about me, I don’t need to add fuel to the fire.” She looked at him and she was stunned.

  “You're ashamed of me?” He shook his head.

  Phoenix let go of her hand and grabbed her face. “Darling I’m not ashamed, I just want to keep my personal life personal. I want to keep you to myself.”

  She couldn’t keep a thought straight when he was looking at her like that. “What am I going to say to people when I’m showing?” He lifted her chin.

  “You don’t have to work; I will take care of you.” She didn’t want that and never would.

  “No, I want to work.” He smiled and nodded.

  “Then we'll figure something out.” The elevator beeped again when they reached the parking level. “Now, I will see you at work.” He leaned in one last time and he kissed her. She allowed him to take her into his arms. He deepened the kiss and she moaned into his mouth. He pulled away. When she opened her eyes he was smiling at her. “I don’t know how I’m going to work without touching you. I thought pants would be better for you to wear, but after seeing your ass, I am so very wrong.” She loved knowing that she affected him this way.


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