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Takedown: An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance

Page 107

by Lana Hartley

  I don’t know where he’s going with this, but I warn him, “My relationship with Leo is not going to be a topic of conversation between us. It’s private, okay?”

  “You know he’s going to use you and treat like a whore, right? He does that all the time. You know he will dump you, just like he dumped Ava. He will ruin your life.”

  Now this statement makes me angry and I turn around to tell him so, but when I do, to my utter fear and amazement, I see that’s he’s got a knife, a big one, and it’s pointed directly at my stomach. In one giant flash, I see all the events leading up to this moment replaying in my head. I see the threats and the time I was assaulted. And now, here in my own kitchen and without Leo to protect me, I realize that I’ve just invited the enemy into my home. He’s my stalker. Of course, I should’ve known. Except I never even suspected.

  He goes on some psychotic rampage. Everything is moving in slow motion, and yet I hear him going on. “You and I were something special, you know. We could’ve been good to each other. Wasn’t I good to you? Wasn’t I? If only you could’ve listened to me. But no, you had to run around town and get yourself a career when I told you not to. And then, you started fucking my brother. How do you think that made me feel, Elena? It made me feel like shit, okay? You got that? You did this to yourself. You’ve got only yourself to blame.”

  He’s goes on and on, and I’m afraid of the knife being wielded at me. I feel hurt by the things he’s saying, but then my senses come back to me in full force and I feel nothing but anger toward him. I wasted years of my life on this loser, and now that I’ve finally got it back, he’s trying to come between me and the only guy I’ve ever really loved. And more than that, he wants to kill me over it. I feel rage and sadness as I realize this moment, here in my kitchen, might be the end of Leo and I and the potential life of happiness we could have had. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.

  Thank God my senses have come back and they’re heightened by the sense of danger, because Barry makes his move and lunges forward with the knife. I’ve had my hand on the handle of the coffee pot the entire time and as he lunges forward, hoping to murder me, I throw the hot coffee all over his face. His legs give way to his weight and he falters, clawing at his face in agony. I dodge around him to make an escape, but there isn’t time. He gets up and charges toward me with the full strength of his body and knocks me down. He’s on top of me and we’re both struggling for the knife. It’s either him or me.


  Bobbi and I race down the streets of the city with the siren on. I’m going as fast as the car will take me, and I don’t even hesitate to plow through alleyways, onto sidewalks, and over the side of the highway. I surpass every car and every pedestrian. Nothing will stop me from getting there on time. I just have to get there. I don’t even think about what will happen if I don’t. Deep in my heart I know that I’ve got to save Elena. I know she’s in trouble. This could be the end.

  “Come on, Leo, that’s too fast. We’ll never make it if you get us in a wreck. Just be careful. Come on, think straight.”

  I hear the words, but I don’t even listen. I know that we won’t wreck. I don’t have time for a wreck, and so even though I’m flying, I’m laser focused on the road. My only mission in life is to get there on time and to save my angel.

  Finally, I see her house and I drive up onto the grass. I jump out of the car while it’s still moving. Bobbi leans over to put on the e-brake before she jumps out to be my backup. We rapidly bang on the door, jiggling the knob, and as I realize it’s locked I kick it open.

  I race through the house yelling for Elena.

  “Elena! Elena, honey, where are you? Just call my name, tell me where you are, baby. Elena!”

  I hear noise from the kitchen and run in that direction. Once I’m there I find my great horror. Barry’s got Elena pinned to the ground, with his knees on her throat, and he’s trying to stab her with a giant hunting knife. She’s struggling every which way to avoid it, but I see her strength giving out. All I see is red. I jump into motion immediately, pulling Barry off of her. There is coffee and glass everywhere. When she sees me I know that she’s relieved, but then her head falls back to the floor and she gasps for breath.

  Barry stumbles to his feet and he tries to swipe at me, but he misses. I punch him in the face and he falls backward, and I go in for more. I’m just pounding on him. He gets a few in on me, but mostly it’s just me pulverizing him, this bastard, my own brother the murderer. I can’t believe what he’s become, and mostly I can’t believe he almost stole the love of my life away from me. She would’ve been gone forever.

  Bobbi is helping Elena up and getting her out of the way. I try to see if she’s alright or not. She’s got some cuts, probably from all the glass. I don’t think he stabbed her. This momentary lapse in my focus allows Barry to reach for my gun. He knows it’s his only chance since I’m beating him to a pulp. We both struggle for the gun, but his plan defeats him as it goes off. A shot’s been fired, but it’s Barry who has been wounded. In his efforts to kill he’s accidentally fired it upon himself. He’s wounded, thank God, but not dead. It’s over. I leave him in a pile of his own blood and go to check on Elena. Any one of us could’ve been shot, and I’m so grateful that it wasn’t her. She’s my dream come true, and she’s still here.

  I hold her and kiss her, and whisper my desperate apologies into her ear. She holds me in her arms, and I tell her that she’s safe now. Forever she is safe.

  Bobbi has called for backup and they arrive quickly and with an ambulance. Barry’s wounds are tended to, and he’s taken away. He will be locked up for a long time for this. My brother, the insane criminal.

  I’m just overwhelmed with satisfaction in knowing this whole ordeal is over. I try to reassure Elena. She’s crying, clinging to me tightly, but she appears to be okay, aside from a cut on her head and a couple of scrapes. I want to mend them for her. I want to make everything better for her. She’s been through more than anyone deserves, and I wish I could just make it all go away. I want to fix everything for her.

  Bobbi sees our affection and takes that cue to get everybody out of the house so Elena and I can be alone. In this moment, I’m just with her and I can hardly see the people around us anyway.

  “Look at me,” I say gently to her. “Look into my eyes. I want you to know that this whole thing is over. You will never be hurt again. I promise you that. Okay?”

  “Yes, Leo,” is all she says. I can tell she’s overwhelmed. The extent of these circumstances would gut just about anyone. My girl is strong, though. And now I want her to know that I will be strong for her, and she can finally relax; no more nightmares, no more terrors. It’s all over.

  We kiss and our tongues find each other, and we connect once more as real, true blue soul mates. It’s in this place that our love resides and whenever I’m connected to it, I’m connected to her and the whole world melts away. I try to make her content and to pacify any sad feelings she may have. I want to be her world forever now. She is mine.

  Epilogue - As told by Elena

  The day has come that I’m moving into my dream house. Yay! Leo had me tell him exactly what I wanted in a home, and then he knew some architect who drew up the plans according to my wishes, and Leo had the home built for us. It took some time, but it’s finally ready and it includes all my favorite essentials.

  Besides a grand kitchen, I made sure to add an aromatherapy steam shower on my list so that we can make steamy love in it.

  I have planted a little herb garden under the kitchen window, for Leo to use in cooking, not me. I laugh to picture myself even trying. The house has a game room for Leo and his friends, a theater room, lots of space, and my favorite part is the custom master suite that Leo helped design. It’s huge and it has a terrace. He made me a coffee bar so I can have my morning espresso right in the room, and he designed the biggest master closet ever. I actually can’t even fill it up.

  The gym on the main level has Frenc
h doors that lead out onto the pool patio where there are gardens and trees surrounding it. This way I can workout and do my yoga at home. I’ve included a spin bike, so with the music pumping it’s like my own personal Soul Cycle. There are also machines for Leo to use so that we can workout together and then we can jump right into the pool, naked I’m assuming. I have my swimsuit on under my slip dress, ready for a dip, and I’m looking all over the house to try and find Leo. Where has he gone?

  We’ve been dating a year and it’s been the most glorious year of my life. We are so in love and we’ve had so many passionate encounters that I’ve lost track of when and where they all occurred. Leo keeps me constantly on my toes and I never knew a love like this could exist, yet alone be mine.

  Luckily, Barry was convicted of stalking, harassment, and attempted murder so that he got a lifetime sentence and we never have to worry about him coming back for revenge. He turned out to be a total monster and I’m overjoyed that the most terrible piece of my past is history.

  I’m wandering barefoot through the great expanse of our new home looking for my man. I’m so excited that we took this leap together and that we are ready to move in. It feels like the best parts of my life are yet to come. I find Leo in the garage, and he’s not wearing a shirt and the view of him is gorgeous. His tanned, toned torso is moist with sweat and I admire him from afar before he sees me. He comes up upon me but I run away. I’m not getting my outfit stained with that sweat! I run but he catches me and clutches me in his arms making sure to get his sweat all over me.

  “Leo! Gross.” I laugh with him.

  Secretly, I don’t care and I’m glad to be captured in his arms. I’m glad that our new life together is beginning in this way, in such perfect total happiness.

  “I’ve got my bathing suit on,” I say. “I’m going for a swim. Wanna come?”

  “I’m gonna go through these last boxes first.”

  “Okay, how bout I help? I can search for the pots and pans. I know we need them for tonight.”

  He laughs, “You of all people should not be worried about the pots and pans.” He teases me. I will never live down the fact that I don’t cook well.

  “Hey, I planted an herb garden. That’s a start. And anyway, you won’t be saying that when you’re starving,” I say as I continue to look for the pans.

  With that he pulls me in for a long kiss. “As long as I get dessert, I’ll be fine.” Our eyes lock for a moment, we feel that intense heat, and then I’m the one to pull away. Even though I’m so happy, Leo stills makes my stomach swirl and my head spin. I can never get enough of him.

  He pulls me back into his grasp. He’s not done with me yet. And he kisses me hard. He takes off my newly moist slip dress and I’m standing there before him in my new gold bikini. He likes what he sees and we’re kissing. I’m reaching for the bulge in his jeans, but before I can I find him down on one knee.

  Now my head is really spinning. My world just got even better. I was never expecting this, not so soon. I look at him and tears of happiness stream down my face. My dreams are manifesting so quickly and I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. I’m crying as he opens the Cartier box to reveal one huge emerald cut diamond ring.

  “It’s modeled after the one Grace Kelly wore.”

  “I know,” I say in between tears. I know what’s to come.

  “My beautiful Elena, my most gorgeous angel, you are exquisite both inside and out. I love that your soul is so pure and that you would do anything for anyone. You have such strength and beauty and wisdom. You have made me become a better person, and when I’m with you, the world ceases to appear and it’s just you and it’s just me. I want it to be that way forever. I never want to be apart from you, not for one single day. And with that will you do me the tremendous honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes, Leo. Yes! Of course I will marry you!” I jump now into his arms and he’s holding me suspended in the air. Time stands still and we kiss and become one for the rest of eternity.


  A Dark Romance

  By Lana Hartley

  Copyright 2018 by Dark Princess Press

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only.

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  The gossamer gown I’m wearing reflects every glittering crystal along the ballroom walls.

  Laurel Jameson turns 18 today, and the entire class of Westwick Preparatory Academy is gathered in the hotel ballroom to celebrate her. Every lavish design, expensive gift and extravagance has been laid at Laurel’s feet. The catering is something to be reckoned, some of it getting better plane tickets that people who are flying into this city. It is a despicable waste of time and money, but who am I to say so? I have never wanted to celebrate my birthday at all, much less by parading the entire class around with a show of extravagance and then pretending like everything personally offends.

  “You must be having fun,” Laurel says to me in a biting voice, flouncing her wrist in my direction. “You’ve got no life, Carrie. But I can’t believe my parents let the caterers freeze and reheat these trays. And serving four kinds of salad? And this seafood stinks.” Laurel drops her glass on the ground, and it doesn’t shatter against the plushly carpeted floor, just spilling. Laurel walks away from me, done with her current jab and the beverage that so dissatisfied her.

  I see her stalking toward one of the caterer’s staff members. The woman fearfully makes her way towards Laurel to give her a new champagne flute, even though everyone knows she didn’t drop the glass by accident.

  “This is my birthday!” Laurel says, slamming her hands to her hips and squeezing herself for added emphasis. “I want real fucking champagne, not this sparkling kid shit. I am an adult at my fucking birthday and you’re serving me bubbling fucking piss. If I tell my daddy how you treated me, he won’t even send the check. And do you think your boss is going to pay you if he doesn’t get paid?” Laurel steps close enough to press her nose to the server’s nose, hunkering over her to make sure she feels just how low she is. Really, a class act.

  “Ma’am…I can’t…you’re underage–” The server stammers. Doubtless she’s new and hasn’t dealt with enough prep school socialites to know that they all act like they’re entitled to the fucking air around her and no one else should be able to breathe it.

  Lindsay stomps over in little steps. Her seven-inch heels aren’t conducive to much more than costing six thousand dollars and making her tall enough to tower over the server. “My mother is planning to use your company for my party next, and if I tell her about this, there’s no way that your shitty caterer boss is getting that job if you don’t stop harassing us,” Lindsay says with what seems to be genuine indignation.

  “Stop,” I groan. I don’t mean to talk to these girls, but I can’t stand how they’re treating this woman. When they pick on me, that’s one thing. I can ignore them. But the poor server doesn’t deserve this treatment. “We’re all 18, we can’t have real champagne. Money can buy the law, but not quite like that.” I narrow my eyes. “This woman is just trying to do her job. Leave her alone.”

  It works. The whole gaggle of prissy bitches who run Westwick Prep turn and circle me.

  “It doesn’t matter how hard your desperate mother tries to buy you what’s in season, you’re always going to be a fucking joke. Don’t ruin my party or I will tell your mother what a cunt you’re being,” Laurel says, one hand on her hip and the other wagging a finger at me.

  Mara, another one of the future trophy wives, jumps forward and pulls on my dress. “You are so fucking weird, even this dress can’t change that. I almost bought t
he same one. No way I can now. I’d gag thinking about you.” Mara shoves me.

  The needless viciousness from my peers might be painful if I cared at all. But I don’t. Not in the “that’s what I say because really I’m so torn up inside” way. I don’t care at all. It’s how I deal with the fact that my parents are too worried about keeping up with everyone else to ever worry about their daughter. My parents only care about themselves, so I’ve never felt any real affection for them as long as I can remember. It would be lonely, but I spend most of my time buried in a book. Fictional worlds are much better places to be.

  I turn and leave, a sea of gasps and bitchiness fading into the noise behind me.

  The hotel bar isn’t very crowded tonight. I sit on the far end and pull out my phone.

  “What’ll ya have?” the bartender asks, his eyes forming two slits when he sees me, obviously underage.

  “Ginger ale, please,” I say, handing him a wad of the money my mother gave me for tonight. Never go anywhere without enough money to look like you can just spend and it doesn’t matter, that’s what my mother always says.

  The bartender nods. “Sure thing.” He returns momentarily with a full glass of bubbly ginger ale. I take a sip and look at my phone. I should just read a book, wait for my mother’s call. The white noise of the bar could be nice for reading. But I don’t want to be here. I want to be in my room. I want to be alone.

  I dial Mother’s number into my phone, because even though I should, I don’t have her as a contact. I don’t know why I didn’t add her number, but I don’t have any contacts in my phone anyway.

  Just like I don’t have friends at this party.

  Likely, it’s a waste to call Mother. I know what she’ll say. It’ll be just like Lindsay’s party the week before. What the next party will be like.

  I call, and the phone rings several times. I can almost hear Mother sucking her teeth. I can smell her cloying perfume when I start thinking of her.


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