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The Adventure of a Lifetime

Page 2

by Christie A C Gucker

  “It’s a pleasure.” I expected his gaze to be solely on Jen, but that was not the case this time. His eyes were fixed on mine, and he had a crooked but charming smirk on his face. I returned his stare. I heard Jen clearing her throat and realized we were still holding hands. I quickly pulled mine back, as if I had been touching the embers of a fire. Another wide grin spread across his face, and I felt my cheeks flush immediately.

  “So, you’ll be taking care of us while we’re here?” Jen asked, looking back and forth between the two of us.

  “Yes, I’ll be making sure your every need is met. Anything you want, just ask, and I’ll make sure you get it.”

  “Thank you, Luke. That’s great to know. How do we reach you?”

  “I live a coohee within your villa, in a bungalow right out back. There’s a call box there on the wall.” He pointed to a small white square on the wall in the kitchen. “Or you can just call my name. I’ll hear ya.”

  I was completely lost in his sexy accent and his smoldering eyes. I could have spent the rest of my time here simply staring at him.

  “You’ve had a long flight. Can I get you a bite to eat? I see you’re dressed for the beach. I can bring it there for you. How’s chook over greens sound?”

  “Um, not sure. What’s chook?” Jen wondered.

  I quickly answered for him. “It’s chicken over a salad. And it sounds ace!”

  “Oye, you speak Aussie, then. That’s right nice.”

  “Just a few words here and there.”

  “Well, I’ll teach you more, then, K? You’ll fit right in.”

  “Luke, will you join us for lunch? We’re certainly not expecting you to only come when we need something. We’re not like that at all.” I knew what Jen was up to. She was going to make sure this hot koala was around us twenty-four, seven. I didn’t mind one bit.

  “Sure, I won’t knock back that offer. Let me get on my cossie; don’t worry, it’s not a budgie smuggler. Then I’ll grab us some coldies and lunch. Meet you at the beach. I can give you the drum about the island down there. Don’t forget your sunnies, it gets a might bright this time of day. Sound good?”

  “I’m not sure what you said, but the way you said it sounds good to me.” Jen drooled.

  “Cassie, I’ll see you down the beach for lunch, too, then?”


  He smiled and disappeared from our sight. I looked on the floor to make sure there wasn’t a puddle underneath my feet. He was a total turn-on, and I was obviously extremely attracted to him. It didn’t matter anyway, because he would end up with Jen just like every other guy did. I didn’t stand a chance next to her, and he was way out of my league. I figured I’d just sit back and watch them hook up. I’m sure it would be like watching some erotic romance movie on TV, but live. Even better, I’d get to hear all the juicy details from Jen. I could live vicariously through her; I was used to it.

  Down at the beach, Jen and I sat on our day bed enjoying the beauty around us.

  “Holy shit, look at that fish!”

  There, along the rocks, was a rainbow-colored fish. It was covered in all shades of bright colors. I was soon headed into the water, camera in hand.

  “I see you like the locals,” I heard Luke say.

  I turned to face him. “What kind of fish is that?”

  “It’s a mandarin. He’s a bit far from home. You usually see those out farther. I brought the snorkeling equipment with me. I thought I might take you sheilas out after lunch.”

  “That sounds fantastic. So let’s eat.”

  Jen waited to be served on the day bed, but I put my camera down and began helping Luke. We sat together on the bed eating the most amazing chicken I had ever had. Not only was the man amazing to look at, but he also could cook like a god.

  He told us the history of Lizard Island, and it was the sexiest history lesson I had ever heard. I was riveted to every word coming out of his mouth. He told us the Aboriginal people believed the Great Barrier Reef islands were created in dreamtime in the shape of a stingray, and how our island was the body, and the rest of the islands made the tail. He told us the story of how Captain Cook had discovered the island and changed its name from Dyiigurra to Lizard Island because, as we would soon discover, all the lizards made their home here.

  Jen said she thought Captain Hook was just a story character. I’m not sure if she was trying to be cute, but it made Luke and I laugh. We laughed a lot during our drum about Lizard Island. I could tell he and I were going to be good buddies. I was almost jealous that Jen was going to get this one. It usually never bothered me.

  “This is a sacred place. The young males were brought to this island to be initiated. I’m sure it’s a good place for girls to be initiated now, too. Either of you sheilas need to be initiated?”

  “She does!” Jen blurted out. I shot her the dirtiest look I could.

  “Oh? What for now?”

  “She’s free, completely free. No one has any hold on her anymore. We need to initiate her back into life.”

  “Well that sounds like a good plan to me. Cassie? Do you think you’d be up for an Aussie tradition?”

  “Sure, I guess. Should I be scared?”

  “How could you be scared with such a big, buff man to guide you through it? Luke, you’ll take good care of Cassie while I’m working, right? I’d hate to leave her all alone here. Do you have other people you take care of?”

  “Nah, I’m just all yours. No one else.”

  “I’m sure his duties don’t include babysitting me,” I said, failing to hide my annoyance.

  “I’d be very happy to spend my time with you, Cassie. I’d love to show you all of Lizard Island. Really, my job is to make sure you have everything you need and anything you want. Say the word, and it’s yours. I can take you to do something bonza every day. I won’t have any bludgers on my watch.”

  “Right. No bludgers allowed, Cassie.”

  “Okay. I think that would be great. Thank you, Luke.”

  He smiled at me and then proceeded to gather our dishes to take back up to the house. We lay on our stomachs with our feet in the air, and we both stared at his amazing ass as he walked up the path.

  “Holy God, that man is hot.”

  “Tell me about it. You are so lucky.” I made a growling noise.

  Jen flipped herself over abruptly and shook her head at me. “What the hell are you talking about? Why am I lucky?”

  “Cause you’re going to have a piece of that steaming hot Aussie pie.”

  “No, I’m not. It is so obvious he is completely into you, Cassie. Are you blind? Stop laughing. I have no intention of hitting that. That one is all yours.”

  “I don’t need your pity fuck, Jen. No guys ever go for me. Look at you. Now look at me. There is no way he would choose me over you. They never do. I’m average.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You’re gorgeous and you’re the only one who can’t see it. I look hot, but easy. All the guys find you unapproachable. You’re pretty and smart, so you intimidate them.”

  “You are a model. What man wouldn’t choose the model?”

  “Apparently, Australian men aren’t as shallow as American men. You fit in perfectly here. You look like a native surfer girl. Seriously, Cassie, get a pair of glasses next time you look in the mirror. He wants you. He hasn’t taken his damn eyes off you since you opened the door.”

  “Really? Are you just trying to pump up my ego or something?”

  Jen made an exasperated sigh, stood, and headed up the path. “I’m going to call my agent, Cassie. He’s all yours now. Enjoy, and you’re welcome.”

  I suddenly felt very nervous. I had no idea how to flirt with a man anymore. I was already a bumbling idiot around him. He was too pretty in a rugged, outback kind of way. He made me nervous, yet he did make me giggle like a schoolgirl. He seemed to laugh at my jokes as well.

  Maybe I could do this. Maybe he could initiate me back into the world of sex. Okay, now I was just being
ridiculous and over-thinking the situation. I’m sure things will not get that far. But he will definitely be good reference material when I pleasure myself to thoughts of him this evening. That was something I was sure about.

  I could see Luke coming back down the path, so I played coy and started to take pictures of anything and everything.

  “Handy with a camera?”

  “I like to take a lot of photos. There’s so much here I want to remember, and I just got here. You’re so lucky; you get to live in paradise.”

  “Yeah, it’s paradise all right. It gets lonely, though. My family lives on the mainland. Anyone I meet here is for a week here or two weeks there, and then they’re gone.”

  “I’m sure you have friends on the island. Maybe a girlfriend?”

  He smiled at my last comment. “Sure, I’ve got plenty of mates. Spend some good times fishing, surfing, or drinking. It gets old. Nah, no sheila for me. Not enough time in my day to put into a relationship. You? Oh, wait, your friend said you were free.”

  “Yes. No one tying me down.”

  “That’s a shame. Right bit of fun, being tied up.” He winked at me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me toward the water. I felt my heart flutter. I felt my girlie parts flutter, too.

  “Ya ever been snorkeling before?”

  “Sure, lots of times.”

  “Good then. Should be a snack for you. Here’s your gear. Let’s go.”

  “What about sharks?”

  “Sharks? You’re scared of sharks? I’ve been in these waters for years, and I’m still in one piece. It ain’t living if you’re not taking risks. Now come on.”

  He was right. I had to throw caution to the wind. I had become pretty set in taking the easiest paths lately. I didn’t want to take on things that could be hard for me, or too scary. I was going to let him guide me. It was my vacation anyway. More than anything, I needed to feel alive again. I was hoping Luke would make me feel lots of things.

  I eased into the water, thinking it would be cold like the States, but I was so wrong. It was warm and inviting. I put my flippers on once I was in and started moving around.

  “Okay, stay with me, and I promise to keep you far from anything that will eat you, poison you, or harm that beautiful body of yours in any way.”

  I heard it. He was flirting with me. I had to wonder if it was part of the job. Fuck it. I didn’t care. I was going to eat him up; every single inch of him. Well, that was my plan. I had to abandon the reserved part of me. I had never been a one-night-stand kind of girl. Maybe being down under would flip my values upside down.

  I put on my mask and swam closely behind him. I was checking him out more than the reef line we were following. The sun glistened through the water and accentuated every muscle. Yum.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of color. Luke pointed, and I saw the most amazing fish ever. The colors were so intense. I made an ooooh sound through my snorkel, and I could actually hear him chuckle underwater. We moved farther along the reef, and more of the reef came to life. There was so much to see: clams the size of my head, colors flashing to the left and right of me. I didn’t know where to look first. I was lost in this surreal world. Time, space—everything seemed to disappear. I wanted to stay there.

  I felt Luke touch my arm, and he pointed ahead of us. A school of stingrays swam majestically by. I was in awe. There were five of them. They looked more like they were flying. And then it hit me. I looked above me and then below and realized how far out we had swum. I started to panic. We were in deep water. White death could be lurking right in front of me, and I would have no clue. Luke noticed my apprehension, and I felt him slip his arm around my waist and pull me toward the surface.

  “You’re packing ‘em. I can tell. What’s got ya spooked?” he asked when our heads were above water.

  “I didn’t realize how far out we were. Everything is getting much bigger.”

  “Out here, ya gotta be mad as a cut snake. They can sense fear.”

  “Right. They can sense my fear. Okay. I’m Okay.”

  “You don’t sound okay,” he observed, laughing.

  “You said you’d protect me. That means if a shark comes, you’ll jump in his mouth to save me, right?”

  “Sure. I’ll be his appetizer. You’ll be dessert. You look sweet and tasty to me.”

  He was still holding me, as much as you can hold someone while treading water, and I felt his hand slide down my back and brush across my backside. My body reacted without my permission, and I pushed closer to him, the water forcing my breasts right into his chest. A sultry smile crossed his face, and he released me completely. All I could think about was how slick his skin felt against mine. I wanted more, but the restrained part of me began to swim slightly away from him.

  “Do you want to go out more, stay here, head back in?” he asked.

  I wanted to do lots of things with him.

  “Let’s head back in. Jen might be looking for us. But go slow, okay? I don’t want to miss anything.”

  He smiled, put on his mask, and nodded. I followed suit, and we began our trip back toward shore. I saw so many different things than I had on the way out. I don’t think I saw one fish repeated. It was good we were heading back. As exhilarating as this day had been so far, I was feeling the drain on my body from the long flight. A shower and a drink sounded like a good plan to me right then.

  When we reached the beach, Jen was waiting for us, already holding a drink and freshly showered. Damn. That was going to leave her alone to bond with Luke while I caught up. I knew she had said not to worry, but Luke didn’t have to agree with her plan.

  “Well, did you kiddies have a nice swim? You’ve been gone for hours.”

  “Hours? Really? It only felt like half an hour, tops.”

  “Time flies when you’re in the ocean. She has a way of making time slip away,” Luke mentioned.

  “I’d better head up and shower. I’ll meet you guys back up at the villa?” I handed Luke my gear, so he could pack it up.

  “I’m heading back to my place to do the same. We can walk up together.”

  I felt the knot that had formed in my stomach loosen. His gaze was back on mine, scanning my body. I felt heat flow through me. Maybe Jen was right. This man had quite an effect on me, and it seemed to be mutual. This could go either way. I had no idea which direction I’d let it take.

  I showered quickly, not knowing when Luke would be coming back to the villa and wanted to look hot to impress him. How quickly he had become my newest obsession. I decided to let my hair air dry into loose waves. I chose a taupe-colored crocheted sundress, and opted for bare feet. My face had also taken on some color; going au naturale on the make-up with only mascara and a thin line of eyeliner seemed the best plan. I checked myself out in the mirror and was satisfied.

  Jen was sitting on the deck with a pitcher of something red, two glasses, and a plate of cheese. I joined her and poured myself a glass before sitting down. “Alcoholic concoction, I hope?”

  “Of course. You didn’t expect milk and cookies, did you?”

  “Nope. I don’t even think you had that snack as a child. Was this in the fridge?”

  “No, Luke dropped it off about twenty minutes ago.”

  I felt a flash of jealousy surge through my veins.

  “Really? Did he stay and talk to you? What did you talk about? What was he wearing? Was he showered already?”

  Jen turned and looked at me, her brows knitted together. Even annoyed, Jen looked stunning. “What is this, a pop quiz? Yes, really. We talked. Board shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt. He smelled good. Did I pass?”

  “How do you know what he smelled like?”

  “What is wrong with you? Did you melt your brain out there today?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry. It’s just . . . .”

  “You’re smitten. He’s hot. I get it.”

  “I’m not smitten. I’m not. He is hot, but that doesn’t mean anything. I can be around a hot
guy and not fall all over him, you know.”

  “Lady, you got it bad. Can you hear yourself?”

  I could hear myself. She was right. I was smitten. “Okay, fine. I’m smitten.”

  “So whatcha gonna do about it?”

  “Nothing. I’m not going to do anything about it. If he wants me, he has to make the first move.”

  “Yeah, there’s where you always go wrong. You see a guy you like, and you wait for him to make the first move. He has no idea you like him, so he never pursues you. Then any guy who does show interest in you, you jump at. And that is how you end up with jerk-faces.”


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