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Page 24

by Denise Grover Swank

  “My job was to find you.”

  She kept her face expressionless, but the wild beeping of the monitor gave her way. She reached over and jerked out the cord. “Why?”

  “I didn’t know. I was only told to find you and bring you to someone in South Dakota.”



  She ripped her hand out of Will’s. “Are they going to kill me?”

  “God, Emma, no. They won’t hurt you. They wanted you alive. Do you really think I would bring you here if I thought they would hurt you?”

  A day ago she would have sworn no. Now she wasn’t so sure. “Why would they want me? Did they want Jake, too?”

  “No, they didn’t want Jake. That’s what I didn’t get after I met you. Why didn’t they want Jake? He seemed like the obvious choice. But they only wanted you.”

  They didn’t want Jake. Oh my God. Oh my God. Her eyes widened and she couldn’t hold back her terror. “Did you have something to do with Jake?”

  “No! I would never hurt you and I would never hurt Jake. I swear.”

  “How am I supposed to believe that? You brought me here!” She squashed the tears that burned her eyes. Tears wouldn’t help her. She needed answers. “You were supposed to bring me here all along?”

  “Yes.” He paused. “But I changed my mind. In Kansas. When we went to Colorado instead of South Dakota, I was stalling.”

  “But the morning Jake was kidnapped you said we were going to South Dakota.”

  He shook his head. “I had this crazy idea that if I got rid of you my life would go back to normal. You scared me. You made me wonder if my life could be different and I didn’t know how to handle it. But I wouldn’t have handed you over. I regretted it the minute I made the decision that morning.”

  “But you brought me here anyway, Will. How can I trust you?”

  “I didn’t want to bring you here, but if I hadn’t, you would have died.”

  “Why do they want me?” she asked, a hard edge in her voice.

  “I don’t know, I haven’t figured it out yet.” He ran his fingers through his hair with a groan. “I knew they wanted you alive. They were very explicit about that. So when you were shot and got so sick, this was the only safe place to bring you. I knew they had money and were powerful enough to protect you. If I took you to a hospital, the men who took Jake would have found you and finished their job. They would have killed you.” His eyes clouded. “This was my only option.”

  She thought of everything he had done for her, how he risked his life to save her. Had it all been an act? Had he been doing it because he cared about her or because he was getting paid? She thought of the concern on his face when she climbed the tree in the woods. The panic in his eyes when he discovered she’d been shot. The way he’d taken care of her with such tenderness after Jake.

  “Do you believe me?” he asked in a whisper.

  Even now, she saw the devotion on his face. He brought her here, didn’t that mean his job was done? Then why was he here with her now? “Yes.” It might be insanity, but she did.

  “Do you hate me?”

  She moved her head with a slight, nearly imperceptible shake. “No.” She felt betrayed and she didn’t totally trust him, but when she searched her heart, there was no hate.

  He grabbed her hand and closed his eyes in relief.

  “So now what?” she asked. “You really don't know why they want me?”


  “Then how do we find out?”

  “I don’t know, but I hope to get answers tonight. I’m supposed to meet with the director of the organization.”

  “So we have to wait?”

  “It’s our only option at this point.”

  “No, it’s not. We can leave right now.”

  Guilt washed over his face before he hid it with a frown. “Emma, we already discussed this. You’re too sick to leave. You need to stay until you’re better.”

  “I can’t leave, can I? Not because of my leg, but because I’m not allowed to.”

  He shifted his gaze and the muscles of his jaw tightened. “Yes.”

  She turned away from him, hurt anew. Even if everything he said was true, he had brought her to this prison. But he was her only ally she had at this point and being alone and tied down terrified her. “Will you stay with me until then?”

  “Emma, I’m not leaving you unless I’m forced to.”

  She searched his face. “And will they make you?”

  He hesitated. “Yes, at some point, but not right now. Kramer promised I could stay until I meet with the director.”

  Which meant that she had to trust Will to get her answers. The answers he chose to tell her.

  “Emma, I promise you, I’ll die before I will ever let anyone hurt you.”

  “Stop it, Will. I don’t want to hear it.”

  “It’s true. Remember when you asked me what my mark meant? I told you that it meant I’m yours.”

  “You were being a jerk.”

  “No. I was telling the truth. Jake tied us together. I’m bound to you now, whether you like it or not.” He leaned forward. “And it means more than that, Emma. I love you.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Will. You brought me here. Your job is done.”

  “It’s not bullshit.” He groaned, rubbing his jaw with his palm. “Will you at least acknowledge that Jake wants us to be together?”

  She gave him a curt nod.

  “There’s more. I think I’m bound to you on a deeper level… supernaturally.”

  She rolled her eyes in disgust. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “In the woods before you got shot, I worried that something had happened to you. I concentrated on you and I could feel you, I knew you were alive. I think this is more than just a mark. It links me to you.”

  “You could feel me?” Sarcasm dripped from her words.

  “Yes, I knew you were safe, scared, but safe. I know it sounds crazy, but how could it be crazier than anything else we’ve gone through?”

  She tilted her head and glared. “Tell me what I’m thinking right now.”

  “I don't need to read your mind to know what you’re thinking. Besides, I didn't read your thoughts. I just felt you.”

  “Fine, I’ll pretend what you say is true. Does it work both ways? Can I feel you?”

  “I don’t know, but for some reason I don’t think so. You have several symbols on your back. I only have one. I belong to you, not the other way around.”

  She shook her head. “This is bullshit, Will. You belong to me? What the fuck does that mean?”

  “Honestly? I think it means I follow your orders.”

  “Finally, something I can use. I order you to get me out of here.”

  “I can’t do that, Emma.”

  “Then what good are you, Will?”

  His eyes widened in surprise and hurt. It pissed her off he had the nerve to look upset.

  “There’s something else,” he said. “Jake told me a prophecy when he gave me the mark.”

  “What prophecy? Jake never told me a prophecy.”

  “He chanted it in another language when he was in his trance, but I understood it in my mind. Now it’s burned into my head. I couldn’t forget it if I wanted to.”

  “The land will fall desolate and cold

  As it waits for the promised ones.

  God resides within the queen

  While she hides among the people of the exile land

  Hunted for that which she must lose

  One who is named protector, The Chosen One,

  Shall be a shield, counselor, companion

  “The elevated one will arise from great sorrow

  In the full moon after the summer solstice

  His powers will be mighty and powerful

  He will rise up to rule the land

  The supplanter will challenge him

  But only one will be overcome

  By that which has no price”

  Emma shook her head. “What does that mean?”

  “Everyone keeps saying things are changing. Jake said it. Kramer said it. Some kind of war is coming. Jake said I’m the Chosen One in the prophecy. I think you’re the queen.”

  Emma snorted. “I’m a queen? You got that part wrong.”

  “Jake said I’m supposed to protect you, just like the prophecy says. The prophecy Jake gave me. Like it or not, you’re the queen. It makes sense that I would serve you.”

  “No, that doesn’t make sense at all. That’s just plain crazy.”

  “Emma I’ve had days to think about this. The queen hides among the people. You’ve been hiding for years, trying to get lost in crowds of people. Right?”

  “I guess…”

  “Hunted for what she must lose.”

  Emma looked up at him in surprise. “Jake.” Oh, my God. Could what he said actually be true?

  “Exactly. Jake told me I am The Chosen One —shield, counselor, companion. That’s me. And you. Don’t you see? Jake must have known something was going to happen to him. He said he had to be sure for you. I think I was hired for you by your son. He loved you, Emma and wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Loves. Not loved, Will. Jake is still alive.”

  “You’re probably right. Kramer and his guys think so, too. Maybe that’s part of the war, saving Jake. But what does the second part mean? Who is the Great One and who is the Supplanter? And what that has to do with us, I don’t know.”

  She closed her eyes, overwhelmed. The ache in her leg had become a slow burn and she had trouble concentrating.

  “You’re overdoing it, Emma. Does your leg hurt?”

  “No," she said through gritted teeth.

  “Yes, it does. You're as pale as a ghost. I’ll call the nurse to give you something for the pain.”

  “No!” She grabbed his hand. “It’ll knock me out and I won’t be able to wake up if I need to.”

  “Emma, you need to rest to get better. If I’m going to get you out of here, I need you as whole as possible.”

  She held her breath. “Are you really going to help me get out of here?”

  “There’s no way in hell I’ll leave you.”

  She studied his face. “Okay.”

  Will pushed the call button. The nurse came in and saw the disconnected monitor cord, shooting a glare in Will’s direction as she reconnected it. After she took Emma’s vitals and checked her leg, she injected a syringe into Emma’s IV.

  “You should fall asleep in a few minutes.” The nurse patted Emma’s hand and glowered at Will before she left the room.

  The drugs already made her groggy. “You made a friend there.”

  “It’s my irresistible charm. What can I say? Women love me.”

  Her body tingled and her head became foggier. Panic rushed in as thoughts of being tied down popped into her head. “Don’t leave me.” She gripped his hand.

  He reached up and brushed a strand of hair off her face. “I won’t. I’ll sit here while you sleep, okay?”


  Will watched her fall asleep. Although the prophecy seemed to fit everything to this point, he wasn’t sure he really believed it. For one thing, his gut told him they would take Emma away from him. He didn’t see how he could protect her and be her companion if he wasn’t with her. He’d figure out a way to get her out. He’d been in worse situations.

  She turned her head and a strand of hair fell across her cheek. He carefully brushed it back, catching it in his fingers. He loved her long, thick hair. Memories of the morning by the fire pit washed through his mind. It was the first time he touched her hair. The first time he kissed her. No, attacked her would be more appropriate. It embarrassed him now that he treated her that way, especially after she told him about Jake’s father. She deserved better.

  He realized there was so much about her he didn’t know, that he might never know. A pit of grief opened in his chest, mourning everything he would miss with her. He carefully lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. When would he hold her hand again?

  Will looked up at the clock on the wall. Seven o’clock. There couldn’t be much time left.

  As if on cue, the door opened and a man stood at the opening. It was time. Will lay her hand down. Would this be the last time he ever saw her? He stared at her sleeping face and bent over her, kissing her lips lightly. “I love you, Emma. I promise to get you out of this.” He got up and followed the man out of the room.


  Will moved down a hall flanked by the four men sent to escort him. He was somewhat flattered that they thought he needed four guards, but then again, he probably did. If Emma wasn’t lying in a hospital bed and if he didn’t have the hope of some answers waiting, he’d take them out and escape.

  They walked across the compound, to the building with Will’s quarters. The elevator took them to the floor of the conference room, and they stopped at a door at the opposite end of the hall. One of the guards knocked. The door swung open and two men in suits ushered Will through the door, pausing first to pat him down. They took the gun holstered to his leg and led him down a hall into a richly appointed living room, then left. Will was surprised they hadn’t checked him for weapons sooner. But before this afternoon, they had no reason to.

  “Good evening, Mr. Davenport. Please, come in. Can I make you a drink?” A man called from the far side of the room. He stood next to a wet bar and grabbed two glasses from a shelf. “I usually have someone do this, but I wanted more privacy this evening.” The man was tall and movie-star handsome. He looked familiar.

  “I’m not much of a drinker, actually.”

  “Well, tonight's a special occasion. I insist. I’m having scotch.”

  “Then scotch it is.” Will glanced around at the furnishings, disgusted. The money spent to decorate one room could have fed a Third World country for a year.

  “I see you’re admiring the décor.” The man pulled a decanter off the counter and poured scotch into the glasses. “I prefer mine neat. Is that okay with you.”

  “Sure. Nice place you have here.”

  “It serves its purpose.” He picked up both glasses and handed one to Will.

  “And that purpose is?”

  The man laughed. “Not one to beat around the bush, are you? I like that. Do you know who I am, Mr. Davenport?”

  “No, can’t say that I do.”

  “Not much into politics, I guess?”

  “Not if I can help it.”

  The man laughed again and extended his hand to Will. “Let me formally introduce myself. Phillip Warren.”

  Even the politically ignorant knew the name Phillip Warren. It surprised Will that he didn’t recognize him. He shook Warren’s hand. “Senator, excuse my ignorance.” The fact that he was shaking the hand of the senior senator for the state of California and a presidential candidate in the next election scared the shit out of him. What the hell kind of mess was Emma caught up in?

  Senator Warren waved his hand. “Nonsense. It’s good for me to be grounded every once in awhile. It’s not advisable to have people fawn over you all the time. Please, Mr. Davenport, have a seat.” He walked toward a pair of club chairs by the window and sat in one.

  “Thank you, Senator,” Will said, sitting across from Warren.

  “Please, call me Phillip.” The senator leaned toward Will and held his glass up to Will’s. “To a long and lasting partnership.”

  Will touched his glass to Phillip’s and took a small sip. “In that case, please call me Will.”

  “Will, I’ve heard great things about you.”

  “Then you are a step ahead of me, Phillip. I’ve ignored politics for some time.”

  “I find it refreshing to start off at ground zero. I won’t hold it against you. Scott thinks you would be a great asset to our organization.”

  “Again, I’m at a loss. I know nothing about your organization.”

  “No, you probab
ly wouldn’t and we try to keep it that way. We are a secret organization.”

  “So why tell me?” Will asked.

  “You are part of us now.” The senator sipped his drink.

  Will ignored his statement. “What does Emma have to do with any of this?”

  “There you go again, cutting right to the chase. I think Scott is right about you.” The senator studied the glass in his hand. “I find it interesting that you don’t ask what any of this has to do with you, but instead ask about Ms. Thompson.”

  “It seems I was pulled into this via Ms. Thompson.”

  “Not quite true. We’ve been aware of you for some time. We decided to use you to obtain Ms. Thompson as a test to see if you were a good fit for our organization. We didn’t anticipate the trouble you would have. I confess it was short-sighted on our part.” He pinched his lips together. “Several things were.” He paused, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. “The irony is that we’ve waited so long yet we neglected some minor details that turned out to be quite important.”

  “And what would those minor details be?”

  The senator set his glass on the table and looked at Will’s arm. “I see that the mark is real. There was some question as whether it would be real or metaphoric.”

  Will said nothing.

  The senator pointed to the mark. “That was an unexpected minor detail. However, maybe not so minor. Will, do you know what it means?”

  Will decided playing stupid would be the best way to get more information. “The mark? No.”

  “May I first ask when and how you received it?”

  “Several days ago. It just appeared.” The less Warren knew, the better.

  “Excellent. While you were in close proximity to Ms. Thompson?” He tapped his finger to his chin. “Many have wondered how it would happen. Would he be born with it? Would he have it tattooed without realizing what he had done? The purists said it would just appear and so it did.”

  “So what does it mean?”

  “It means that you, William Davenport, are the long-awaited Chosen One.”

  “What does that mean?”

  The senator waved his hands around in a circular motion. “It’s shrouded in a lot of mumbo-jumbo. No one knows for sure, but many have desired the title. It appears Ms. Thompson was the one to give it to you. Some questioned that as well.”


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