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Sweet Dreams (Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Stacy Claflin

  Sky nodded. "Sometimes I don't put my winter coat away until after the fourth of July."

  "I can't imagine. I have a thick coat, but I'm pretty certain it's dusty." Caroline laughed. "I should get back to work, but let me give you some advice about Jace. Just between us ladies."

  Sky nearly dropped the glass but recovered quickly. "Okay."

  Caroline leaned over the table. "He comes off as tough as nails, but deep down, he's as sweet as they come. Like I said before, life's dealt him some tough cards. I think someone like you is just what he needs to bring him out of his shell."

  "You do?"

  "I saw the way he was looking at you. But one more thing." Caroline sat taller.


  "If you think there's any chance he'll end up hurt, walk away now. I just can't imagine what another heartbreak'll do to him."

  Sky nodded, deep in thought. "Do you mind telling me what happened?"

  "I'm not sure it's my place, but he's had a lot of heartbreak. You know about his mom."

  "The poor thing."

  "Also, his dad and brother both died."

  "What happened?"

  "Old age and a work accident—so close together. A lot of folks think that's what sent poor Claire over the edge."

  Sky leaned her elbows on the table and tried to take it all in. "So, Jace is left with no other family?"

  "Just some out of town cousins who are twenty years older since it took Claire and Albert so long to have the boys."

  Sadness washed through Sky. "That must be so hard for Jace."

  "And that's not the all of it, but I don't think it's my place to say more."

  Sky nodded, understanding.

  Caroline rose and called out a greeting to a family entering the cafe. She turned back to Sky. "I really think you could be good for him. It was so nice to see the way he was looking at you the other day."

  "Thanks." Sky couldn't think of anything else to say.

  Could she really be the one to help Jace out of his shell? Should she risk the hurt if she moved away? It was too early to tell if she would even stay in town permanently.


  Jace hefted the large box out from his truck bed and lugged it over to the front door. He set it on the porch, went back to his truck for the toolbox, and rang the doorbell. He noticed some dark blue paint chipping near the window. He'd have to fix that the next day. Sky shouldn't have to stay in a cottage with peeling paint.

  Barking sounded from inside, followed by the deadbolt unlocking. The door opened, and Sky appeared, smiling. Jace's stomach flip-flopped. She was so pretty with her hair hanging down over her shoulders, partially covering a pale purple dress that was just short enough to make his pulse quicken. He quickly looked back up to her stunning eyes.

  He cleared his throat. "I've got your AC unit. Sorry it's so late."

  She smiled widely. "No problem. I really appreciate you bringing it over after hours."

  Jace chuckled nervously. "Nothing's ever off hours for me. If somethin' goes wrong in a cottage at midnight, I show up."

  "Well, I don't want to keep you that late. Come on in." She stepped aside.

  He set the toolbox inside and picked up the AC box again, pretending it wasn't as heavy as it really was. This one had a bunch of new bells and whistles, and each one seemed to have made it ten pounds heavier.

  She closed the door and the little dog danced all around him as he made his way to the living room.

  "Pixie, over here!" Sky clapped, and the dog ran over to her.

  Jace made his way over to the AC unit and set the box down. He silently caught his breath. "Hey, how long's this been making that clacking noise?"

  "It's not supposed to do that?" She sounded surprised.

  "No. It sounds like somethin's horribly wrong."

  "I didn't know."

  He pulled the panel off and shook his head. "It's a good thing we're taking this out. I'm surprised it didn't catch fire."

  "What?" Sky exclaimed.

  "Yeah, they're not supposed to clack. You really didn't know?"

  She shook her head. "I've never had one. You don't need them in Oregon."

  "Okay, well, for future reference, they're not supposed to clack."

  "Got it. Do you want any help?"

  "No thanks." He got to work taking the old air conditioner out. Jace was all too aware of Sky watching, so he tried to push that out of his mind. He just wanted to get the unit installed for her.

  A few minutes later, he heard her footsteps moving away from him. He relaxed and worked quicker. Finally, he had it on the floor and was ready to put in the new one. He removed his cap, wiped his forehead, and looked around. Sky sat at the kitchen table, typing on a laptop. Her brows were practically touching and she bit her lower lip.

  He didn't use computers much, so he had a hard time imagining what could make her so intense.

  She glanced his way, and her expression softened. "Do you want something to drink?"

  Jace readjusted his cap. "Sure. That would be great. Thanks."

  Her expression lit up. "Do you want a bottle of water or a glass with lemon?"

  "Whatever's easiest."

  "That's not what I asked. What do you prefer?"

  He shrugged. "Surprise me."


  Jace pulled his pocketknife from a pocket and broke the seal on the box. He pulled the new unit out and studied it, figuring out the best way to put it in. It was different from all the others, so it might take some extra work.

  Sky appeared in front of him, pulling him from his thoughts. He could smell her citrusy perfume. She held two glasses of water, each with a slice of lemon floating on top of ice, and handed him one.

  "Thank you." He took it, and their fingers brushed. His breath caught, but she smiled as though the touch was the most natural thing in the world. Jace gulped down the slightly sour water and handed her back the glass. His thumb grazed her finger.

  "Want some more?" she asked.

  He pulled his hand away and shook his head no. "I should get this installed before it gets too warm in here."

  "Let me know if you need anything." She smiled sweetly and walked back toward the kitchen.

  Jace released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He watched her, unable to take his gaze from her feminine curves and walk. He took a deep breath and forced his attention back to the AC unit. The sweet orange scent lingered.

  "Are you okay?" she asked.

  Pull yourself together. He turned to her and rubbed his hands on his shirt. "Just tryin' to figure out this unit, is all. It's a new model I'm not familiar with yet. I'll be outta your hair before you know it."

  "No worries. Take all the time you need." She turned back to the computer and typed so fast it made Jace's head spin.

  He brought his attention back to the air conditioner. Once he was able to push everything else out of his mind, he was able to get the unit working in no time. He pushed the power button. Cold air immediately blew out without a sound.

  Jace grabbed a rag from his toolbox and wiped some grease from his hands. "Got 'er up and running."

  Sky hurried over and stood next to him, checking it out. She stood so close, her soft bare arm touched his. "Oh, that feels great." She held her hands up to the vent with the chilly breeze.

  "You're telling me." He cleared his throat and stepped to the side.

  She turned to him. "This is going to be great!" Then she threw her arms around him.

  Jace stiffened in surprise, but he relaxed, finding the human contact comforting. "It's nothing."

  "No, it's not. I hope you know how much I appreciate it."

  He put his arms around her and patted her smooth back before stepping back. "Glad to help. Well, I'll get this mess out of your living room."

  "I can help."

  He shook his head. "No, I've got it. Why don't you play around with the AC to make sure you know how to work it before I leave."

  "If you're sure."<
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  Jace nodded and returned his tools to the box before lugging it outside. When he got to the front door, she was putting the AC box into the recycle bin.

  "I can take that with me."

  "Are you always so polite?" The corners of her mouth twitched like she was holding back a laugh.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I've got plenty of room in the recycling can. Just have to break down the box."

  He gave a little nod and headed back inside to see if there was anything left for him to clean up. In the living room, the AC continued blowing out icy air silently. A show played on the TV, and on the coffee table sat two lemon waters and a bowl of chips. Was she expecting company?

  Sky came inside and sat on the sofa. She patted the cushion next to her. "Have a seat."

  He froze.

  "Come on and relax. My sister sent me a DVD of that new action movie, The Civil Snitch."

  "Isn't that still in theaters?"

  "Yeah. Aspen has connections."

  He'd been wanting to see that movie since he first heard about it. Plus, he couldn't complain about spending extra time with Sky. "Okay."

  "Great." She grinned. "Mind getting the lights?"


  Sky couldn't keep the smile off her face as Jace sat next to her. She'd enjoyed watching him install the air conditioner. He was so intense, taking every step seriously. And as he worked on getting it in, she couldn't help staring as his muscles flexed and bulged with each movement. It made her heart race, just thinking about it.

  She took a deep breath, appreciating his masculine, woodsy smell.

  "How'd your sister get the DVD?" Jace asked.

  Sky considered her wording. The last thing she wanted was for Jace to gain a sudden interest in her because of Aspen. "She works in the industry, and that's one of the perks. She sends everyone in our family free stuff all the time."

  "That must be nice."

  "Yeah." Sky aimed the remote at the DVD player and pressed play, but nothing happened. She tried a few more buttons. "What am I doing wrong?"

  "Here, let me see that."

  She handed him the remote. He pressed a few buttons, and loud music blared through the speakers. Jace lowered the volume. "There you go."

  "How'd you do that?"

  He showed her a complicated series of clicks that she would never remember.

  A minute later, the movie started with a guy driving down the freeway, listening to one of Aspen's most popular songs. That was clearly why she'd gotten this particular DVD. An explosion sounded on the screen. Sky jumped and scooted against Jace, hoping he'd put his arm around her.

  He didn't.

  Gunfire and shouting blared from the speakers. Sky pushed her side into his, nudging his arm. Jace cleared his throat and put his arm around her. It felt good to be so near him, even if he was nervous.

  A car chase ensued on screen, and Jace relaxed as he watched. He leaned forward, clearly into it. Police sirens, crashes, and more explosions sounded, drowning out Aspen's song. Finally, the scene calmed down, and the police dragged the main character to jail as he declared his innocence. Jace leaned back against the couch, keeping his arm around Sky.

  The movie continued, and eventually, Sky rested her head against Jace's shoulder. He stiffened for a moment, but then slid his hand down to her elbow and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  Though Sky wasn't particularly into action movies, she would sit through a movie marathon if it meant sitting there with Jace.

  Without warning, Aspen appeared on screen.

  Sky's stomach dropped to the floor and crashed through the ground. Her heart raced, waiting for Jace to make the connection. Dread washed through her. She would no longer just be Sky to him. Now she would be Aspen's sister.

  Jace turned toward her and looked back and forth between the screen and Sky. "She looks just like you."

  Her stomach lurched. She nodded.

  "She could be your—"

  "Twin." Sky looked down at her turquoise nails. "She is."

  Jace paused the show.

  "That's your sister? Your twin sister?"

  Sky nodded, tears threatening. She should've known better than to hope she could get away from Aspen—she'd have to join a tribe in the middle of a rainforest to accomplish that. "Now you know how she got the movie."

  "Wait. Is that why you wear sunglasses everywhere in town?"

  Sighing, she nodded again. So much for any hope of a plain, normal relationship. In the past, if she hadn't been dealing with someone who wished Sky was Aspen, then she was dealing with liars. She cringed, thinking about her last boyfriend. He'd cheated on her with two different women, and had boldly lied about it the entire time.

  Was she doomed to a life of horrible relationships?

  Jace's fingertips rested underneath her chin. He guided her to face toward him. She kept her gaze lowered.

  "Why don't you want to look at me?"

  "Because now everything's different."

  "What do you mean?" He sounded confused.

  She frowned and looked into his eyes. "Now I'm not just Sky, I'm Aspen Hampton's sister."

  "I'm Connor Fisher's brother. Does that change everything, too?" There was a hint of teasing in his voice.

  How could she explain the complicated emotions of being Aspen's twin? "People usually obsess over her once they know I'm her sister. Instead of being Sky, I'm Aspen's sister. Some people even pretend I'm her."

  "That's crazy." Jace tilted her chin up a little more and held her gaze. He took a deep breath. "You made my heart skip a beat the moment I saw you. That had nothing to do with your twin."

  Sky stared at him in disbelief, trying to let his words sink in. "Really?"

  He paused and then nodded. "You're sweet, smart, and fun. If there was any doubt, you'd have convinced me when you were so kind to my mama."

  Her breath hitched.

  "I'd much rather watch a movie or be trapped in a lock down with you than her any day of the week."

  She opened her mouth, but couldn't find any words. As his gaze remained locked on hers, he moved closer to her. Her mouth gaped, and the room spun around them. Time seemed to slow as Jace moved his mouth nearer to hers. His lips brushed against hers ever so softly, almost tickling her mouth. His rugged scent intermingled perfectly with the minty taste of his lips.

  Jace pulled away with a dazed look in his eyes. He wiped her shimmery gloss from his mouth. "I hope that wasn't too forward. I—"

  Sky took his cheeks in her hands, his beard tickling her palms, and pressed a kiss on his lips she was sure to remember for a long time. Jace's eyelashes fluttered shut and his hands found her waist, pulling her closer. Sky closed her eyes and allowed herself to melt into the sweet kiss.

  Almost as soon as it had begun, it was over. Jace traced her jawline and then ran a fingertip along her mouth. "We'd best get back to watching that movie."

  She gasped for air and nodded. Jace turned the movie back on and put his arm around her shoulder again. Sky leaned against him and relived the kisses in her mind as explosions and gunfire lit up the screen.


  Jace turned off his alarm and reached for his phone. No jobs around the cottages again. He tossed the phone onto the pillow next to him, placed his hands behind his head, and smiled. The night before had been the best in a long time. He couldn't believe he'd kissed Sky—he certainly hadn't been planning on that. But the wounded expression on her face as she talked about her twin… he'd had to do something to make it better.

  He'd worried that kissing her had been too sudden—maybe even unwanted. But then she'd taken the reins and kissed him. He'd never known a kiss could be both sweet and passionate at the same time. But that was Sky's personality. She was sweet and passionate. He could see a fire in her eyes, while at the same time she possessed a gentleness that stood in stark contrast to his own jaded personality—except that he didn't feel so jaded this morning.

  Jace kicked off the covers and he
aded for the bathroom, whistling a cheerful tune. It had been a long time since he'd done that—a habit he'd picked up from his dad long ago. He'd stopped after Connor's accident. Then he'd completely fallen apart after the botched wedding.

  He pushed all those thoughts aside. They'd held him back long enough. Now he finally had something—someone—to be excited about. He couldn't wait to see Sky again. And since he had no official jobs around the cottages, that gave him the perfect excuse to touch up the paint at the dark blue cottage. He could probably find other things that needed fixing, too. If he was creative enough, he could spend all of his free time making that place as good as it could be.

  Once ready, he headed out to his garage and checked his paint cans. Nothing for Sky's cottage. He'd have to head to the hardware store. Jace looked over his supplies to make sure none needed replacing. They were fine. All he needed was the paint. He grabbed his notebook and double-checked the exact shade before heading out the door.

  He glanced at his truck, but decided to walk. It wasn't like he was purchasing anything that would be too big to carry. It was a nice morning, and he wanted to enjoy it.

  Humming, Jace made his way toward the hardware store. He waved and nodded to everyone he passed. The locals seemed a little surprised—he saw a few raised eyebrows and curious glances exchanged between couples—to see him so chipper. He didn't care.

  At the store, he grabbed a can of paint and a few small things he figured he'd need soon. Before long, he was headed back home and his humming had turned back to whistling. He kept returning to Dad's old tunes.

  As he neared Sweet Caroline's, he stopped with a couple other people and waited for cars to pass. The woman turned to him.

  "Well, Jace! What a surprise."

  His stomach twisted. "Alisha."

  Ben turned to him. "Hey, there. How've you been?"

  Jace stared at them. How could they pretend nothing had happened, when they'd both purposefully destroyed his dreams and humiliated him in one swoop?

  "You okay, buddy?"


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