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Sweet Dreams (Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Stacy Claflin

  Sky took his hand again, and they made their way to the cottage with Pixie tugging on the leash and barking. Before they reached the door, she turned to him and stared into his eyes. "Anytime you need to talk, or even sit in silence and just not be alone, let me know. Okay?"

  He nodded.

  "I'm serious, Jace. If it's midnight or three in the morning or I'm in the middle of making a video, I'll drop everything and be there."

  Jace tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come. His already exposed emotions were threatening to rise to the surface again. He cleared his throat. "Thanks."

  She squeezed his hand. "As long as you know I'm serious. It's hard enough dealing with one loss, I can't imagine dealing with four major hits."

  "What did I do to deserve you?"

  Sky traced his jawline and gazed into his eyes. "I'm just glad my friend told me about Indigo Bay."

  "We should definitely send her a thank you card."

  "That's not a bad idea. But speaking of friends, we should get inside. Poor Haley must be bored out of her mind."

  Jace gave her a quick kiss and they headed for the cottages, but before they made it past the beach, Sky froze.

  "What's the matter?" he asked.

  "Nothing. Let's go."

  He looked around. Ben and Alisha were headed their way, laughing and holding hands.

  Sky tugged on his arm. "Come on. Haley's waiting for us."

  Jace shook his head. "No. I need to talk to them. This town is too small to have to worry about avoiding anyone."

  Her beautiful eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

  He nodded, threaded his fingers through hers, and walked straight toward Alisha and Ben. They hadn't noticed Sky and Jace yet. He marched toward them until they stood directly in front of the other couple.

  They stopped, both giving Jace a questioning look.

  Ben put an arm around Alisha. "Excuse us."

  Jace stood taller and shook his head. "No. We need to talk."

  "Now?" Alisha exclaimed.

  "Yes. This town isn't big enough for the four of us and your attitudes. I don't ever expect us to sit around playing cards, but we can at least be civil."

  Alisha and Ben exchanged a glance.

  "I'm serious," Jace said. "If you have anything you want to say to either one of us, say it now."

  "What's your problem?" Ben asked.

  Jace clenched his jaw. "You've both been rude ever since you got here. And Alisha, you need to apologize for telling my girlfriend that you and I were ever married."

  "You what?" Ben exclaimed.

  Her mouth dropped open. "I swear, I never said that."

  Sky gasped.

  "Well, I may have implied it."

  Ben's nostrils flared and he looked at Sky. "Alisha never married Jace."

  Jace stared Alisha down. "You ready to apologize?"

  "Fine. I'm sorry I gave you the impression that I was anything other than his fiancée. I won't bother either one of you guys again." She looked at Jace. "How was that?"

  "Great, if you meant it."

  Alisha grabbed Ben's hand. "Come on."

  Ben didn't budge. "I can't believe you told her that."

  "It was nothing personal." Alisha pulled on him.

  "How could it not be? We're married…" Ben's voice trailed off as they walked away.

  Sky turned to Jace and kissed his cheek. "They seem perfect for each other."

  He returned the kiss. "She did me a favor, and now I have someone so much better."

  She beamed and then they headed for the cottages, holding hands. Jace scratched his knee and realized sand had gotten into his pants.

  "You mind if we stop by my place first?" He continued shaking his leg, trying to get more sand out. "I need to change. Sand is out this season."

  She burst out laughing. "You're so funny, and no, I don't mind stopping. Take all the time you need. I've never seen your place."

  His mind raced, hoping it was clean. He wasn't one to leave underwear lying around, but it would be just his luck to have when she came over.

  Once inside—it was clean—he invited her to sit on the couch while he changed. When he came out, wearing fresh clothes, Sky held a pad of paper.

  His artwork. Nobody had ever seen that. He opened his mouth, but no words would come.

  She glanced up at him, holding a sketch of herself. "This is really good."

  At least she hadn't noticed the horror ripping through him.

  "Why didn't you tell me you're an artist?"

  Jace found his voice. "I'm not. It's just stress relief."

  "You really should display these. Actually, you could sell these."

  He shook his head. "I'm happy as the handyman."

  Sky's face lit up. "I heard something about a festival coming up! I bet you could rent a table."

  "No, no, no. No."

  "So, that's a maybe?" The corners of her mouth twitched.

  "I'm serious. They're private."

  Her mouth gaped and she put the pad on the coffee table. "I'm sorry. I knocked them over. I wasn't snooping—I swear."

  Jace sat and rested his hand on her knee. "I don't mind you seeing them. It's the rest of the world that I'm not so sure about."

  She put her hand on top of his and squeezed. "I understand. But really, you should consider giving the world a chance."

  He sighed. "Maybe."


  "We'll see. But now, let's just keep it between you and me."

  "Of course. Well, we should get back to my cottage. Haley's probably going stir crazy."

  Back in the dark blue cottage, Haley sat on the couch, eating popcorn and laughing at the TV. She paused the show and turned to them. "How are you guys?"

  Sky threw her arms around Jace. "Perfect."

  "Oh, good!" Haley got up and put her arms around them both. "I'm so glad I could come down here and work my magic. It was my plan all along."

  Sky laughed. "Sure it was." Her expression lit up. "Hey, I have an idea!"

  Haley turned to Jace. "I'm not sure I like where this is going."

  "I'm curious."

  "That look in Sky's eyes means she's cooking up something—and in middle school, that usually meant I was probably going to wind up in trouble."

  "Really?" Jace studied Sky. "I never took you for the trouble-making type."

  "You two can share stories later." Sky went over to the pile of luggage, unzipped a flowered suitcase, and pulled out a camera.

  "Okay, now I'm getting nervous." Jace chuckled.

  Sky twisted a lens onto the front. "Since I have you both here, I want to introduce you guys to my followers. They always ask for more personal posts. What's more personal than two of my favorite people?"

  Jace's stomach dropped to the floor. He had never been comfortable in front of a camera. But for Sky, he would do it.

  Sky grabbed a small tripod and adjusted the camera on it on the coffee table. She faced it toward Haley who sat on the couch. She motioned for Jace to sit. He did, leaving plenty of room for Sky to sit in the middle.

  "How's this going to go?" Jace asked.

  "Just follow my lead, and be yourself. They'll love you!" She pressed a button on the top and a red light flashed. She plunked down in between them. "It's recording, but don't worry about messing up—I do, all the time. Anything can be edited out."

  Jace and Haley exchanged a worried glance. He relaxed a little, sensing that Haley was just as nervous about being in front of Sky's audience.

  "Hey, everyone!" Sky said. "Sorry this post is going up late, but it's totally worth it! You guys always ask me for more personal videos—you want to know more about the off-camera Sky. Today, I have with me one of my best friends and my boyfriend!"

  Jace loved the way the word boyfriend rolled off Sky's tongue, and he couldn't be happier the title belonged to him.

  Sky continued talking to the camera. "This is Haley, who I've known literally forever. We used to chase boys at recess in kindergar
ten. We made a few cry, didn't we?"

  Haley laughed. "I think you did."

  "What can I say?" Sky shrugged. "They used to pull our hair, and we got them to stop. Anyway, Haley has huge news—she's engaged!" Sky squealed and grabbed Haley's hand. "Speaking of huge! Take a look at this rock." She brought the ring closer to the camera. Jace assumed it would auto-focus.

  They talked about the ring for a minute before Sky turned to Jace. She kissed his cheek and looked back at the camera. "And this is Jace—the best thing in Indigo Bay! I may have come here for a variety of reasons, but he's definitely why I'm staying."

  He beamed, unable to keep the grin from his face.


  Sky pulled into the parking lot at Figaro's and found a spot near the front entrance. She turned to him with a wide grin. "I'm so glad I can make this date up to you. I feel so bad about the way the last one went. I'm sorry I was being so sensitive before."

  He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. "It's forgotten. Let's go."

  They got out of the car and Sky remote-locked it. Jace walked around to her side and took her hand in his. She stared into his eyes, feeling like the luckiest person on earth. They walked into the restaurant hand-in-hand. Sky couldn't feel the ground beneath her feet. She slid on her sunglasses before they reached the doors.

  "Are you always going to wear those?" Jace asked.

  She flashed back to the bus full of cheerleaders. "It's either this or large, floppy hats."

  "Ladies do wear those around here."

  "I've noticed, and I bought one the other day."

  "You did?" Jace opened the door for her. Inside, the waiting area was so full of patrons there was standing room only.

  Sky nodded. "A cute one with a light floral pattern."

  "I'm sure you're beautiful wearing it."

  "Welcome to Figaro's." The greeter smiled at them. "What name is the reservation under?"

  "Jace Fisher."

  "It'll be about fifteen minutes."

  "Jace Fisher?" came a familiar feminine voice with an especially thick southern accent.

  Sky turned and recognized the lady with the white dog from the pet store—the same person who had said Jace had a date with her niece.

  "Miss Lucille." He smiled, but it looked forced.

  Lucille said something to the dark-haired girl next to her, rose, and came over to them. "How are you, Jace?"

  "Good, ma'am. I'd like you to meet Sky Hampton. She's my girlfriend."

  "Girlfriend?" She turned to Sky. "You look familiar, dear. Take off your sunglasses."

  Her stomach twisted in a knot, but she obliged.

  The older lady nodded. "Yes, you were at Happy Paws the other day. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself."

  "Nice to meet you." Sky held out her hand.

  Lucille shook her hand firmly, almost hurting it. "It's my pleasure. You have a Yorkshire terrier, don't you?"


  "Very nice." She looked back and forth between Jace and Sky, her gaze landing on Jace. "Why don't you two take our table? It's the seat with the best view in the whole restaurant."

  "We couldn't," Sky said.

  Lucille turned to her. "I gave Jace a bit of a hard time before. Let me do this to make it up to him."

  Sky's mouth gaped, and she turned to Jace.

  "You don't have to, Miss Lucille."

  "I know, but I want to. Maggie and I can sit there anytime. Figaro's belongs to my cousin's son." She took both of their hands, squeezed, and then walked over to the server, glancing back at Jace and Sky.

  Sky turned to Jace. "What just happened?"

  "I think we just got the best view in the place."

  The server waved them over. "We're ready for you. Follow me."

  Lucille smiled at them. "Have a nice dinner."

  "Thank you, Miss Lucille." Jace smiled at her.

  They followed the greeter through the restaurant, stopping at a table in front of an enormous picture window overlooking the bay. Sky's breath hitched. It felt like they were right on top of the water.

  Jace pulled out a seat for her and scooted her in before sitting across from her.

  "Your server will be Damon. He should be here shortly." He took off before either of them could thank him.

  "The view is breathtaking," Jace said.

  Sky turned back to the window. "It sure is."

  Jace took her hand. "I meant you."

  She turned back to him, her face heating. "You know, I could say the same thing about you."

  "About me? I did cut my hair." He held her gaze.

  "You're gorgeous—haircut or not. As wonderful as the view is, you're more breathtaking."

  Someone cleared his throat next to them. "It looks like you two need some more time to look over the menus."

  Jace turned to the server. "I think so."

  The dark-haired man set a basket of bread in the middle of the table. "I'm Damon, your server for the evening. Would you like to start with some appetizers? Some of our house wine, perhaps?"

  "What would you like?" Jace asked her.

  "I'd like to try the house wine."

  "Consider it done." Damon grinned and spun around, rushing off.

  They looked over the menus and then into each other's eyes until Damon returned, pouring each of them a glass of dark red wine. He winked. "You'll never want another wine after this. Are you ready to order?"

  "Ladies first." Jace smiled at her.

  After they ordered, the server took off again.

  Jace gazed into Sky's eyes and smiled. "I really couldn't be any happier."

  "Me, neither. This is perfect—you're perfect. We could be dining in a shack with no view, and I'd be just as excited."

  He beamed. "I feel the same way."

  They sipped the wine and made small talk until the food came. It was truly a heavenly date, as it felt like they were floating over the water. Sky had come to Indigo Bay looking for solitude, but instead managed to find true love—someone who thought she was far more interesting than her sister.

  As they were finishing up, Jace took Sky's hand and looked her in the eyes. "Can I ask you something?"

  "I think you just did."

  He smiled. "What did I do to irritate you the last time we were here? That didn't have anything to do with Alisha, did it?"

  Sky's cheeks warmed and she looked down.

  "What is it?" Jace squeezed her hand.

  She shook her head. "It's embarrassing."

  "I want to know so I don't do it again."

  "You didn't do anything wrong." She sighed, the heat creeping from her cheeks back to her neck.

  "Why were you irritated, then?"

  "My sister."

  He gave her a double-take. "You're going to have to explain that a bit more. I don't follow."

  "This is going to sound really petty."

  "I promise not to think any less of you."

  She may as well just spit it out. "I was jealous because you were saying how great she is."

  His brows came together. "Jealous of what?"

  Sky filled him in on the complicated relationship with her twin. "So, when you were saying how wonderful Aspen is, I thought I might be losing you to her, too."

  Jace's mouth gaped. "What? You really thought that? How you could ever think I'd prefer the big-time, purple-haired actress to the sweet, down-to-earth sister I fell in love with?"

  She stared at him.

  "Sure, Aspen's great on screen but she doesn't hold a candle to you." He squeezed her hand again, and they stared into each other's eyes.

  Sky was pretty sure she's somehow managed to find the perfect man.

  After the meal, Jace turned to her. "I don't suppose you want to walk along that path this time?"

  "Nothing would make me happier."

  He led her around the building and down to a packed-dirt path. Jace slid his hand around hers and they walked in silence just feet away from the water. Hard waves crashed aga
inst the land due to the boats coming and going. Seagulls flew overhead and duck families wandered around nearby.

  They came to a field of colorful wildflowers. The sun was starting to set behind them, coloring the sky with splashes of oranges, purples, and pinks.

  "Mind if we stop?" Jace asked.

  Sky shook her head. "It's so beautiful, I could stay here all night."

  He looked around and took a deep breath.

  "Are you okay?"

  Jace lowered himself to one knee and reached into his pants' pocket.

  Sky's heart thundered in her chest.

  He took her hand in his. "I know this may seem sudden, but though we've only known each other a short time, I feel like you've always been in my life. I certainly can't imagine living without you. You've made a world of difference to me—bringing hope and love back into my heart, and helping it to heal from all the previous losses. Will you marry me?"

  Tears misted her eyes. "Yes! I'd love nothing more! I know you're the right one, so why wait?"

  Relief washed over his face, followed by a wide grin. He slid the ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit. "Haley helped me figure out your ring size before she left."

  Sky knelt on the ground and kissed him, tears escaping onto her cheeks.



  The sun shone high in the sky over the beach. Part of it had been sectioned off for the small, private wedding. The thirty-six chairs were all filled. Sky's two brothers and their mom sat on the right. Claire sat in between Lucille and Maggie in the front row on the left. She thought Jace and Sky were Bill and Molly, but that was okay. It meant she was lucid that day, and able to attend.

  Jace already stood at the altar in front of the minister. It would just be the three of them up there for the ceremony.

  Sky's dad turned to her from under the shade of the trees where they stood. "Are you ready, honey?"

  "I am. Just don't make me cry."

  "Not before the wedding, anyway." He kissed her forehead. "I just can't believe my little girl is getting married."


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