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Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation Into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination

Page 20

by Richard Belzer

  1 John Simkin, “Edward Grant Stockdale, Edwin Anderson Collins and Mary Pinchot Meyer: Three Deaths and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy,” Spartacus Educational, accessed 12 Nov 2012:

  2 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 55.

  3 Belzer & Wayne, Dead Wrong

  4 Grant, “Mary Meyer: A Highly Suspicious Death”

  5 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 60.

  6 Belzer & Wayne, Dead Wrong

  7 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic

  8 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic

  If one looks at the case of Mary’s death in the context of more current revelations, the picture becomes clearer. The deathbed statement of longtime CIA officer E. Howard Hunt is highly relevant. Hunt had inside information on the JFK assassination and made a deathbed statement regarding the “chain of command” for the assassination. Vice President Lyndon Johnson was at the top of the chain and immediately beneath Johnson was Cord Meyer, Mary’s ex-husband.1 Mary was a very intelligent woman and was nobody’s fool when it came to politics. Lyndon Johnson was President and

  1 Saint John Hunt, Bond of Secrecy: My Life with CIA Spy and Watergate Conspirator E. Howard Hunt TrineDay: 2012) and Saint John Hunt, “Chain of Command”:

  In an apparent effort to close the case quickly, an innocent man was railroaded into a murder charge by the police and prosecutor, with help from the Washington Post and Ben Bradlee of Newsweek, both of whom made it clear that the accused was guilty and her murder was an open-and-shut case; but the reality was far from it.1

  The forensic evidence was highly contrary to a motive of robbery or one of sexual assault.2 In fact—there was absolutely zero forensic evidence linking the accused to the crime.3 The only thing he was guilty of was being in the vicinity of where the crime had taken place.

  If we are to believe the official version, her diary was destroyed by the CIA—which is technically a felony, “obstruction of justice,” in the case of a violent death.4

  Angleton and Bradlee both lied about the diary.5

  James Angleton and Ben Bradlee both even denied the existence of Mary’s diary until it was revealed as true by other sources. They then admitted they had found the diary, but even then changed their stories about how it was discovered and destroyed. In a statement that defied credulity, Mr. Bradlee also said in an interview for a book that he had not been aware of Mary’s affair with JFK until news of it came out after her murder.

  Mary’s blood-stained sweater also “disappeared” while in police custody, precluding advanced DNA testing.6

  The case is still listed as an unsolved murder, and it had the same components as the JFK assassination: A self-contradictory crime scene with a “patsy,” who could not possibly have committed the act, a rush to judgment, an obvious cover-up and an apparent unwillingness on the part of authorities to actually uncover the truth.7

  1 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic

  2 Grant, “Mary Meyer: A Highly Suspicious Death” and Janney, Mary’s Mosaic

  3 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 60-61.

  4 Grant, “Mary Meyer: A Highly Suspicious Death”

  5 Grant, “Mary Meyer: A Highly Suspicious Death”

  6 Grant, “Mary Meyer: A Highly Suspicious Death”

  7 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic

  actively covering up the links to the assassination. If Mary had finally put “two and two together” about her ex-husband’s involvement, then a professional hit by a “cleanup” crew suddenly makes a great deal of sense.

  Mary had access to the highest levels of information from various sources.1 She was also a close friend of Bill Walton, a fellow artist.2 That friendship with Walton was yet another link to the upper echelon of Washington power circles. Recall, for example, as far as high levels of information, that Walton was the special envoy sent to Moscow right after the JFK assassination, with the message from Robert Kennedy to the Soviet leadership that “We know that it was a domestic high level political conspiracy. . . . ”3 It doesn’t get much higher than that.

  Author Peter Janney thoroughly proves his points that the highest echelons of the CIA had foreknowledge of, and played a role in, the murder of Mary Pichot Meyer. After reading that book, you will no longer look at the case as an “unsolved murder.”

  As Mr. Janney notes, a woman as well-connected and intelligent as Mary posed some serious problems:

  Mary was killed two weeks after the Warren Commission was released. She bought a paperback condensed version of the WC the day it was released and started reading it. She was furious. She knew it was a complete whitewash, and wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on. She told friends that she was thinking seriously of coming out and revealing the truth of what she knew. Allegedly, she confronted Angleton and her former husband Cord about the absurdity of the WC. I think she knew at this point that certain people within the Agency had engineered the assassination. For the future of the CIA, she was definitely a big problem. And she was courageous enough to speak out.4

  Mr. Janney’s book has established dramatic evidence that Mary was killed by the U.S. intelligence community and has documented the facts surrounding the matter.

  For example, Mary was certain that she was under surveillance, that she was being stalked (for several weeks), and that her house had been broken into and searched, as though someone had been looking for something; she was very frightened by these events.5

  Mary’s Mosaic also establishes that Mary had indeed done some very serious research regarding how her lover and dear friend had been assassinated;6 and had even obtained solid proof that there was substantial involvement in JFK’s shooting by CIA-affiliated anti-Castro Cubans and the Mafia:

  Meyer claimed to my friend that she positively knew that Agency-

  affiliated Cuban exiles and the Mafia were responsible for killing John Kennedy.7

  1 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic

  2 Janney, Peter, July 29, 2007, The Education Forum: Mary Pinchot Meyer

  3 Talbot, Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, emphasis added.

  4 Peter Janney, 29 July 2007 The Education Forum: Mary Pinchot Meyer. Accessed 23 Mar 2012

  5 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 38, 311, 312.

  6 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 282, 283.

  7 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 314.

  It established that high-level CIA officials, including his father, had definite pre-knowledge of Mary’s murder. Mary’s body was not even identified after her murder until “sometime after six o’clock in the evening.”1 Yet it was recorded that CIA officer Wistar Janney had informed both CIA officer Cord Meyer and newsman Ben Bradlee much earlier that day, with details about Mary’s murder.2 In the case of Bradlee, he specifically wrote that the call from Wistar Janney informing him about Mary’s murder had been “just after lunch.”3

  Janney even uncovered direct evidence about the CIA’s internal decision to “terminate” Mary Meyer.4 Former killers who had been in the “cleaning business” for the CIA have openly talked about it and revealed that it was done exactly how it looks like it was done; that they “Had one of our cleaning men nail her down by the towpath while she was out for her daily jog.”5

  She was eliminated because she knew too much.6

  The assassin was revealed by his operational codename, “William L. Mitchell”:

  Damore then revealed that he had Mary’s real diary in his possession (the diary found!) and that in the diary; Mary had made a connection between the Kennedy assassination and the CIA that involved “James Angleton.” Mitchell, said Damore, had confessed to him a few hours earlier that morning: The murder of Mary Meyer had been “a CIA operation,” in which Mitchell had been the assassin.7

  “Mitchell” was a real professional too:

  It specifically identified a man by the name of “William Mitchell” as a member of “Army Special Forces kill teams” that operated domest
ically for the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA).8

  The shadowy intelligence operative, “William Mitchell,” was contacted and identified and revealed some fascinating information too:

  “Mitchell” confirmed that his name, “William L. Mitchell,” was an alias, and that he now lived under another alias in Virginia. He said his position at the Pentagon in 1964 had been just “a light bulb job,” a cover for covert intelligence work. . . . It (Mary Meyer) had been “an operation,” Mitchell disclosed. He had been “assigned” in September of 1964 to be part of a “surveillance team” that was monitoring Mary Meyer. . . . At some point—the precise date is unknown—the order was given to “terminate” her.

  1 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 340-341.

  2 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 340-341.

  3 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 341.

  4 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 314, 328, 329, 330, 355, 356, 384.

  5 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 355.

  6 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 384.

  7 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 328.

  8 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 324.

  It was to be done in a public place, then made to look like something it wasn’t.1

  It doesn’t get much clearer than that.

  The “contract” was done “at the request of the Agency’s Domestic K Office in D.C.”2

  It’s quite a piece of work. If anything, Mr. Janney goes too far, attempting to marry the highly professional hit on Mary with the exact same type of highly professional operation aimed at JFK. But, as far as the fact that Mary was eliminated by the CIA in a job that—as Cord Meyer’s personal assistant aptly put it, “had all the markings of an in-house rubout”3—it is now, at this late juncture, a proven point. The evidence is all there; one need simply look at the full facts of the case to reach that as its logical and inescapable conclusion.

  And in conclusion, author Peter Janney sums it up quite succinctly:

  The whole scene around Mary’s murder was orchestrated by the CIA, and my father was part of the team.4

  Conclusions Based On Evidentiary Indications

  National Security Assassination: Specifically linked to JFK assassination.


  Mary’s Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer and Their Vision of World Peace, Peter Janney, Skyhorse Publishing, 2012.

  A Very Private Woman: The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer, Nina Burleigh, Bantam, 1998.

  “Mary Meyer: A Highly Suspicious Death,” Zalin Grant, Pythia Press, 2011.

  Bond of Secrecy: My Life with CIA Spy and Watergate Conspirator E. Howard Hunt, Saint John Hunt, TrineDay, 2012

  “The Education Forum: Mary Pinchot Meyer,” John Simkin, Spartacus Educational, 2005.

  “CIA Executive’s Son: Agency Murdered JFK & Lover,” Andrew Kreig, 17 August 2012:

  1 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 328, 329, 331.

  2 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 329.

  3 Janney, Mary’s Mosaic, 346-347.

  4 Joseph P. Kahn, “One man’s suspicion, obsession, and an unsolved murder,” 26 May 2012, Boston Globe:


  Lieutenant Commander William Bruce Pitzer

  Cause of Death

  Single Gunshot, Right Temple

  Official Verdict


  Actual Circumstances

  Pitzer had a prime role in the documentation of records from President Kennedy’s autopsy and was reportedly well aware that the wounds had been altered. He died a few days before his retirement from the Navy, was looking forward to a high-paying job, and was said to be planning

  to expose the problems with the JFK autopsy.412 He was also not suicidal, according to all reputable accounts. US Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin was requested by the CIA to assassinate Pitzer for National Security purposes413:

  He was getting close to retirement and it was his plan that when he retired was when that information would be released to the public, ‘cause they’d prove that the President was hit with more than one bullet in the head and he was hit from a different direction than they said.414


  Dramatic and numerous; (refer to second chart in this chapter)


  Lieutenant ­Commander William B. Pitzer, U.S. Navy,

  October 29, 1966

  To understand why Lieutenant Commander Bill Pitzer had to be killed, it is first necessary to know what it was that he understood.

  412 John Simkin, “William Pitzer: Biography,” Spartacus Educational, accessed 21 Nov. 2012:

  413 Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, US Army Special Forces (Retired), Expendable Elite: One Soldier’s Journey into Covert Warfare, TrineDay, 2005; Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, US Army Special Forces (Retired), “The Unconventional Warrior Archives: Part Three—Orders to Kill,” August 23, 2002,:

  414 JFK Assassination: 13 Version (Documentary), 2003:

  How and Why the Body of President Kennedy

  was Surgically Altered

  One of the most amazing facts in all of American History is that after the assassination of President Kennedy, the wounds upon his corpse were surgically altered prior to autopsy. That’s been verified by surgeons who were there at the death scene, both before and after the fact, and it actually did happen.1

  In his 2010, exhaustive examination of every document ever available concerning the JFK assassination, Douglas Horne established conclusively that the alteration of President Kennedy’s corpse did indeed take place.2

  1 David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., “Inside the Assassination Records Review Board (AARB) by Douglas Horne: A Nearly-Entirely-Positive Review,” 26 Feb. 2010. (accessed 3 Jan. 2012);

  Douglas P. Horne, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government’s Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK (Douglas P. Horne, 2009); David S. Lifton, Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy (Macmillan:1980).

  2 Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., “Inside the Assassination Records Review Board (AARB) by Douglas Horne: A Nearly-Entirely-Positive Review”

  If that strikes you as a difficult set of facts to absorb, consider it a real-world example of Sherlock Holmes’ irrefutable logic that “…when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”1

  And in case that’s not enough drama for you, get a load of this:

  Witnesses recall an audible gasp when the head was unwrapped, as the audience was shocked by the severe damage to the head; more damage, it seemed, than could have been caused by the rifle shots.2

  It was Author/Researcher David Lifton who first made the astounding discovery that:

  An FBI report stating that the President’s body had been surgically altered (in addition to the tracheotomy) prior to the Bethesda


  The FBI report, describing the condition of the President’s body prior to the beginning of the autopsy, read as follows:

  . . . it was ascertained that the President’s clothing had been removed and it was also apparent that a tracheotomy had been performed as well as surgery of the head area, namely, in the top of the skull.4

  In addition to the FBI report, sworn testimony from FBI Special Agents James Sibert and Frank O’Neal also established that President Kennedy’s corpse was surgically altered prior to autopsy. That alteration had t
o have taken place between the corpse’s departure from Dallas and its arrival for autopsy at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center near Washington, D.C. (also known as the NNMC for National Naval Medical Center).

  The FBI agents who were present at the NNMC when the body arrived noted in a field report that the “first incision” was made at 8:15 p.m. They also noted, on the basis of comments made by one of the doctors present, that there had already been “surgery of the head area, namely, in the top of the skull.” No such surgery had been performed in Dallas.5

  The evidence itself made it necessary to control the autopsy:

  The severe damage done to the President’s head, including the massive exit wound at the rear, made it obvious that he had been shot from the front . . .6

  1 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of the Four, 1890: 111.

  2 Brian Rooney, “Burying The Truth—book review of Doug Horne’s epic effort,” April, 2010, JFK: Deep Politics Quarterly.

  3 Heiner, Without Smoking Gun


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