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Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation Into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination

Page 40

by Richard Belzer

  Below is the portion of the original list from Jim Marrs and Ralph Schuster pertaining to the period of one year post-assassination:2



  Connection with Case

  Cause of Death


  Karyn Kupicinet

  TV host’s daughter who was overheard telling of JFK’s death prior to 11/22/63



  Jack Zangetty

  Expressed foreknowledge of Ruby shooting Oswald



  Eddy Benavides

  Lookalike brother to Tippit shooting witness, Domingo Benavides

  Gunshot to head


  Betty McDonald

  Former Ruby employee who alibied Warren Reynolds shooting suspect.

  Suicide by hanging in Dallas Jail


  Bill Chesher

  Thought to have information linking Oswald and Ruby

  Heart attack


  Hank Killam

  Husband of Ruby employee, knew Oswald acquaintance

  Throat cut


  Bill Hunter

  Reporter who was in Ruby’s apartment on 11/24/63

  Accidental shooting by policeman


  Gary Underhill

  CIA agent who claimed Agency was involved

  Gunshot in head, ruled suicide


  Hugh Ward

  Private investigator working with Guy Banister and David Ferrie

  Plane crash in Mexico


  Deslesseps Morrison

  New Orleans Mayor

  Passenger in Ward’s plane


  Teresa Norton

  Ruby employee

  Fatally shot


  Guy Banister

  Ex-FBI agent in New Orleans connected to Ferrie, CIA, Carlos Marcello & Oswald

  Heart attack


  Jim Koethe

  Reporter who was in Ruby’s apartment on 11/24/63

  Blow to neck


  C.D. Jackson

  Life magazine senior Vice-President who bought Zapruder film and locked it away



  Meyer, Mary Pinchot

  JFK “special” friend whose diary was taken by CIA chief James Angleton after her death


  1 Roberts & Armstrong, The Dead Witnesses

  2 Marrs, Crossfire


  A Texan Looks at Lyndon: A Study in Illegitimate Power (Haley), 35

  “accidental” witness deaths. see Bowers, Lee; Cheramie, Rose; Hunter, Bill; Kilgallen,

  Dorothy; Morrison, Deslesseps; Sherman, Mary; Sullivan, William; Ward, Hugh

  Alias Oswald (Cutler & Morris), 169

  AM/LASH plan, plot to kill Castro, 214–215

  Anderson, Jack, xxvi, 33, 198

  Andretta, Stephen, 244, 253

  Andretta, Thomas, 244, 253

  Andrews, Dean, 230

  Andrews, James, 6

  Angleton, James, 144, 146–147, 148, 256,

  302, 320

  anti-Castro operations. see also cancer research,

  as bioweapon

  AM/LASH plan, plot to kill Castro, 214–215

  covert efforts, 291

  David Ferrie, 173, 174

  and deaths of witnesses prior to testimony, 202

  Executive Action (CIA assassination program), 113–114, 182, 202, 222

  failed assassination attempt, 222–223

  George H.W. Bush connection to, 230–231

  Guy Banister and, 115

  Johnny Roselli, 210

  Kilgallen’s links to, 79

  mafia connections, 217, 224

  members of, 165–166

  and plot to kill Kennedy, 109, 116, 117, 277–278, 282, 291

  Richard Cain, 209–211

  Robert Kennedy’s involvement in, 277–278

  and Stockdale, 69

  Underhill’s knowledge of, 113–114

  witness deaths, 311. see also del Valle, Eladio; Hernandez, Gilberto Rodriguez;

  Masferrer, Rolando “el Tigre”; Quesada, Manuel Rodriguez

  Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean (ACLC), 122, 123

  Armstrong, John, xix, xxii, 105, 200, 302–303

  Artime, Manuel, 301, 318

  Arts & Entertainment Network, 280

  Baden, Michael, 253

  Baker, Judyth, 42, 173, 195, 290–291, 292–294

  Banister, Guy

  anti-Communist/Castro activity, 115, 122, 125, 174, 291

  deaths of those connected to, 119, 121–123, 309

  Gatlin Sr., attorney of, 122–123, 125

  heart attack death of, 115, 122, 308, 317

  link to Ferrie and Marcello, 116, 320

  link to JFK assassination, 116

  New Orleans office of, and JFK assassination, 116–118, 122, 126, 291

  and Oswald, link to, 116–118, 121, 122, 126, 291–292, 308, 320

  barbiturate overdose. see Kilgallen, Dorothy

  Barrett, Robert M., 18–19

  Batista, Fulgencia, 169, 182, 240

  Belmont, Alan H.

  assistant to Hoover, 203, 204, 206

  death by illness of, 206

  death of, prior to testimony of, 201, 313

  and FBI cover-up of assassination of

  JFK, 203

  Benavides, Domingo “Dom,” 7, 15, 97–99, 98p, 308, 319

  Benavides, Eddy, 97–99, 308, 319

  Bethesda naval Medical Center (NNMC), 155, 157–159

  Bilderberg Group, 319

  bioweapon. see cancer research, as


  Bishop, William C., 182

  Bogard, Al “Guy”

  FBI interrogation of, 132, 133

  and Oswald impersonator, 131–132, 310

  suicide death of, 131, 134, 310

  Boring, Floyd, 289

  Bowen, Russell, 231

  Bowers, Lee Jr.

  accidental car crash death, inconsistencies, 135–139, 310

  overview of, 135, 135p

  witness to Grassy Knoll area, 136, 310

  Bowers, Monty, 138, 139

  Bradlee, Ben, 144, 145p, 146–147, 148–149, 151

  Bradlee, Toni, 144, 145p, 146–147

  Briguglio, Salvatore “Sally Bugs,” 244, 250, 251

  Bringuier, Carols, 116, 117

  Brooks, Jerry Milton, 122–123, 126

  Brown, Walt, xiii, xvii, 51, 132, 279

  Brussell, Mae, 183, 198

  Bufalino, Russell “The Old Man,” 244, 247–248, 249, 250, 251–252, 254

  Bugliosi, Vincent, 230

  Burks, Fred, xx

  Bush, George H.W., 230–231, 235

  Bush, George W., 288

  Cadigan, James, 201, 203, 206, 313

  Caifano, Marshall, 211

  Cain, Michael J., 211

  Cain, Richard

  link to JFK assassination, 209, 210–211

  murder of, and mob connection, 202, 209,

  210p, 314

  Campbell, Judith, 214–215

  cancer, assassination by, xxii, 31–32, 33

  cancer, witness deaths by. see Artime, Manuel; Pritchett, Florence; Ruby, Jack

  cancer research, as bioweapon

  Alton Ochsner’s work in, 186, 194–195,

  290–291, 293–294

  Banister link to, 294

  Ferrie’s link to, 173, 186, 194–195, 290–291, 301, 318

  Judyth Baker’s link to, 173, 195, 290–291, 293–294

  laboratory, in Ferrie’s apartment, 293–294

  linear particle accelerator in laboratory,

  193–194, 312

  Mary Sherman’s work in, 186, 194–195, 196, 290–291, 293–294, 301, 312, 318

  monkey virus, 186, 293

Oswald’s link to, 186, 194–195, 290–291, 293–294

  Ruby’s knowledge of, xxiii, 31–32, 38, 42,

  290–291, 293–295

  for use against Castro, 31–32, 38, 194–195, 290–291, 293, 301, 312, 318

  car crash victims. see Bowers, Lee; Cheramie, Rose

  Carrier, Al, 287, 288

  Carroll, J. Raymond, 12

  Carter, Cliff, 285, 289, 300

  Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (Posner), 195

  Castro, Fidel. see anti-Castro operations

  Charnin, Richard, xvii, xviii, 318

  Cheramie, Rose

  connection to Jack Ruby, 49, 50, 306

  death of, suspicious circumstances surrounding, 50–52, 306

  inconsistencies with official verdict, 48

  mob connection, 48

  overview of, 47, 47p

  prior knowledge of JFK’s assassination revealed by, 48–50, 306

  Chesher, Bill, 101, 308, 317, 320

  Chicago Tribune, 218

  Church, Frank, xxi, 214

  Church Committee, xxvi, 214–215, 218–219


  and the ACLC (Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean), 122, 123

  anti-Castro operations, xxvi, 182, 183, 214–215, 218, 222, 225, 230

  “Damage-Control” memo, xix

  deaths of witnesses connected to JFK

  assassination. see de Mohrenschildt, George; Meyer, Mary Pinchot; Paisley, John; Pitzer, William B.; Underhill, Gary

  Executive Action (anti-Castro operation),

  113–114, 182, 202, 222–223

  and Ferrie, 173, 174, 175

  George H.W. Bush connection to, 230–231, 235

  Hugh Huggins on de Mohrenschildt, 232

  involvement in Meyer’s murder, 148–149, 150, 151–152

  and Kennedy assassination, 113, 117, 173, 174, 175, 223, 224–225, 277, 296–298. see also

  de Mohrenschildt, George

  links to Kennedy brothers, 232

  mafia connections, xxvi, 202, 214–215, 222, 223–224

  media supporters, 283–284

  “medical assassination” (TWEP), xx–xxi,

  31–32, 33

  MKULTRA mind control programs, xxii, xxiii, 32, 294

  “mole,” Paisley suspected, 256–257, 258, 316

  ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence), 21, 27, 28

  Operation Mockingbird, 144, 319

  and Oswald, connection. see Oswald,

  Lee Harvey

  poison research/use, suspected, xxi–xxii,

  198, 200

  power of, Jim Garrison on, 303–304

  “transporter” Gatlin Sr., 126, 309

  witness deaths. see Powers, Gary

  Cibrano, Richard, 204–205

  Clemons, Acquilla, 10, 13–14, 15

  Colby, William, xxi

  Collins, Kathleen, xxiv, 55, 58–59

  Committee to Reelect the President (CREEP),

  199, 248

  Congressional Research Service, 104–105

  Connally, John, 288, 290

  Conspiracy of Silence (Shaw), 51

  Cook, Monty, 98

  Craig, Roger, 299

  cremation process, 190–191

  crime scene stagings. see Kilgallen, Dorothy;

  Kupcinet, Karyn; Sherman, Mary

  Crump, Ray, 145–146, 149

  Cuba Libre, 168, 169

  Cuesta, Tony, 169

  Dallas Police Department. see also Tippit, J.D.

  Earlene Roberts’testimony to, 128–129

  and Jack Ruby’s entry, 33, 41

  and JFK motorcade route, 290

  Oswald, lack of protection for, 26, 32–33,

  41, 61

  tactical team, U.S. Military Intelligence, 20,

  52, 300

  testimony to Warren Commission, 41

  Dallas Times Herald, 72

  Daniels, Robert Jr., 204–205, 206–207

  Davis, John, 195

  de Gaulle, Charles, 123, 126

  de Mohrenschildt, George

  as CIA asset, 230, 230p, 232

  connection to Oswald, 217, 235

  death of, 229p

  death of, prior to testimony of, 202, 204, 217, 228, 235, 282, 315

  and George H.W. Bush, 230–231, 235

  Hugh Huggins on, 232

  link between Oswald and CIA and Texas

  oilmen, 229, 230, 232–233, 315

  link to JFK assassination, 232

  provided intelligence to 112th MIG, 231

  rapid demise of, 233–235

  suicidal death of, suspected murder, xviii, xxv, 28, 219, 232, 235–238

  “suspicious” doctor treating, 233, 234–235

  tape recording of murder of, 236–237

  de Mohrenschildt, Jeanne, 231, 233–234, 236, 237–238

  Dead Wrong (Belzer & Wayne), 26, 28, 35, 260, 277, 279–280

  Dealey Plaza, 20, 22, 228, 285, 287–288, 289, 290

  del Valle, Eladio

  anti-Castro activity, 167, 168–169, 311

  death of, on same day as Ferrie’s “suicide,”

  168, 172, 282, 311

  and Ferrie, xviii, 165, 168, 174

  link to JFK assassination, 168, 169

  overview of, 167, 167p

  Quesada and Hernandez assassinations ordered by, 166, 168, 311

  Deneselya, Donald, 28

  Diego, Felipe De, 198, 199

  DiEugenio, James, 39, 49, 51, 112, 194

  Dorfman, Paul “Red,” xxiv, 59–60

  Dr. Mary’s Monkey (Haslam), 187–188

  Eddy, Bernice, xxii

  Edison, Adele, 68

  Embree, Mary, xxi–xxii

  English, J.M., 201, 203, 204, 206, 314

  Epstein, Edward Jay, 233

  Escalante, Fabian, 210, 297–298

  Executive Action (CIA assassination program), 113–114, 182, 202, 222–223

  Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 29, 117

  Fair Play Magazine, 95


  autopsy report on Pitzer, 161

  and Bogard as witness to “Oswald” test-drive, 131–132

  bullets used to kill Tippit studied by, 11–12

  Cain, as informant to, 211

  deaths of six officials linked to JFK assassination, 201–208, 313–314

  deaths of witnesses prior to testimony given, 202–203

  director J. Edgar Hoover. see Hoover, J. Edgar

  on DNA testing, and Hoffa’s disappearance, 253

  Forensic Sciences Laboratory, 203, 204, 206, 314

  Jack Martin’s statement to regarding Ferrie, 117

  marginalization of testimony, 133

  Nosenko interrogation, 132

  report on condition of Kennedy’s body, 155

  suspect list of Hoffa’s killers, 244, 254

  Watergate connection, 199

  FBI witness deaths. see Belmont, Alan H.; Cadigan, James; English, J.M.; Hoover, J. Edgar; Kaylor, Donald; Nichols, Louis; Sullivan, William

  Fensterwald, Bernard, 257

  Ferrie, David

  alleged suicide notes of, 177–178

  anti-Castro activity, 173, 174

  cerebral hemorrhage suffered by, possibly ­murder, 178–179, 311

  CIA links, 173, 174, 175

  in Civil Air Patrol with Oswald, 173, 173p, 174

  connection to del Valle, xviii, 165, 168, 169, 174

  connection to Guy Banister, 116, 121, 172

  connection to Jack Ruby, 172, 174

  connection to Mary Sherman and cancer research. see cancer research, as bioweapon

  connection to Oswald, xxv, 116–117, 121, 122, 172, 247, 292

  “convenient” death of, 118, 282

  hypnotist skills of, 117, 173

  link to JFK assassination, 37, 116, 244–245, 247

  link to Kilgallen, 169

  link to organized crime (Marcello), 174

  links to JFK assassination, 172–173, 174

/>   overview of, 171–172, 171p

  as prime suspect in Garrison Investigation, 169, 171, 173, 311

  suicidal death unlikely, 176–179

  Fetzer, James, 289

  Files, James, 16–17, 18, 18p

  Files on JFK (Dankbaar), 228

  Fitsimmons, Charlene, 112–113

  Fitzgerald, Desmond, 302

  Fitzimmons, Frank, 248

  Fonzi, Gaeton, 230, 236, 301

  Forgive My Grief (Jones), 104

  Fort Worth Star Telegram, 237

  Frates, William, 66

  Free Cuba Committee, 168, 169

  Fruge, Francis, 48–49, 50

  Furiati, Claudia, 210

  G2 Cuban Intelligence, 210, 297

  Garrison, Jim. see also Jim Garrison investigation

  Garrison, Jim, words of, 303–304

  Gary Mack “documentary,” 39

  Gatlin, Maurice Sr.

  Banister’s attorney, 122–123, 125, 309

  and de Gaulle, 123, 126

  death of, heart attack and fall, 123, 125, 126, 309

  as “transporter” for CIA, 126, 309

  untimely death of, 117

  Giacalone, Anthony “Tony Jack,” 244, 248–249, 250

  Giancana, Antoinette, 215–216

  Giancana, Sam “The Man”

  Cain, associate of, 209–211

  connection to Jack Ruby, 38, 216

  connection to Nicoletti, 217, 227–228, 315

  connection to Richard Cain, 314

  death of, prior to testimony of, 202, 213,

  219, 314

  deaths of associates close to, 217

  immunity laws and testimony of, 213, 214

  Kennedy election, involvement in, 215, 216

  link between Marcello and Trafficante, 216

  link to JFK assassination, 216

  mob boss, 213p, 314

  and Roselli, xviii, 217, 222

  shooting death of, as a message, 215, 216, 218, 220, 314

  surveillance of home of, 216, 218

  Goldberg, Jeff, 206

  Good, Charles, 138–139


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