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Divine Cruelty

Page 2

by Lee Ash

  Obediently, Rachel did as he asked. She parted her legs, exposing herself fully, and tried to ready her body for the penetration. As she had known it would, the rounded dome of a lubricated phallus rubbed against her cleft. It stroked up and down between her cheeks, lazily teasing her responsive flesh. Unable to stop herself, her responses governed by the arousal burning between her legs, she tried wriggling onto the buzzing length of rubber.

  He slapped her backside again, and told her to be still. This time there was more force to the blow and a whisper of his obvious power trembled through her buttocks. Not needing him to say the words again, worried about how he might treat her if she openly defied him, Rachel forced herself to remain rigid while Jason continued to tease her cleft.

  His hand went between her shoulder blades, pushing her face onto the ermine-cloaked altar. The end of the vibrator rested briefly against her labia, tingling frantically against her clitoris, and then Jason changed his target.

  Before Rachel could even think to protest the rounded end pressed at her anus.

  Sickened by the depravity of her own need, she held herself still as the penetration began. The phallus pushed hard at her sphincter, forced the defiant muscle to yield, before rushing easily inside. She had an instant to amend her initial thoughts, realising Jason had selected a butt-plug and not a dildo, and then the wide, shivering length was nestled into the confines of her backside. The electric motor growled so loudly its echo chattered through her clenched jaw.

  'Stop playing with her, Jason,' Master Vince complained. He sounded bored. 'We're not doing this for her pleasure or your entertainment. She's meant to be giving me a reading.'

  Unhurried by the master's command, Jason released his hold on Rachel and turned back to the collection of dildos and butt-plugs.

  Rachel continued to pass random cards from one hand to the other, dreading the ordeal that lay ahead and hoping it would soon be over. She could feel the gazes of her audience stealing over her flesh - Master Bernard's half-smile, hurtful because he so seldom deigned to notice her while she was reading, and Pearl's salacious leer, disquieting because of the woman's perverse drives - and she wished their attention wasn't such a spur to her arousal. Rachel didn't consider herself an exhibitionist by nature but it was still darkly satisfying to be the centre of so much lascivious interest. Not letting herself think about who was watching, willing herself to concentrate on the cards and what was expected of her, she continued to shuffle the tarocco.

  Jason selected a second vibrator and pushed the buzzing shaft against her cleft. It danced deliciously against her clitoris and an echo of the pleasure trembled through the piercing at her prepuce.

  Rachel steeled herself for the anguish that was going to follow, unmoved by the knowledge it would be balanced by an equal amount of joy. Trying to wriggle her knees wider apart, wanting to make the entry as easy and pain free as possible, she allowed the vibrating end to nestle against her hole. She was aware of her labia tingling - a sensation so close to the heights of orgasm it was almost as though she had already reached that plateau - then Jason was thrusting the dildo past her pussy lips and deep into her sex.

  Unable to stop herself, she groaned.

  The butt-plug opened her wide, filling her backside and throbbing there like an aching desire. Alone it would have been distinctly uncomfortable but, with the accompaniment of the vibrator slipping into her pussy, the sensation of stretching threatened to be too much. Her labia were close to being torn apart, her sphincter was on the verge of ripping open and she knew her inner muscles hadn't been made to cope with such vast, vibrating quantities. She chugged breath in an effort to control her response and resisted the urge to ball her hands into fists. Holding the tarocco as steadily as she was able, trying only to concentrate on the seventy eight cards, she knew she was nearly ready to begin.

  She thought Master Vince sensed as much because he glanced up from his filofax and fixed her with a slow, cruel smile.

  Jason pulled Rachel's head back and once again reached for her chains. He retained his hold on her hair as he effortlessly lifted upwards and suspended her above the floor.

  Rachel couldn't work out if she was being held by her hair or her piercings and the distinction seemed unimportant. Her pussy and breasts were ablaze with burning agony and the sensations were so intense she couldn't work out if they were pleasure or pain. The balance of her response swayed from excesses of joy to extremes of torment and, knowing now was the time when she had to begin, she whispered, 'May the tarocco show my master's destiny.' The words came out in a guttural croak. 'Let the tarocco be his guide,' she begged.

  Master Vince nodded as though satisfied. He began to flick back and forth through the pages in front of him as though he was looking for a specific starting point. Glancing down at O'Mara, seeming to notice her for the first time, he scowled and pointed towards the altar. 'Stop grovelling at my bloody feet,' he snapped angrily. 'Go and help Jason.'

  Immediately, O'Mara rushed to do as she had been told. Falling to her knees, she insinuated herself between Jason and Rachel and struggled to keep the dildo where it had been planted. Rachel's overstretched muscles were trying to force the length of rubber out but the mousy blonde quickly pushed it back. Clearly anxious to do her master's bidding she seemed to take great pleasure from burying the phallus deep between Rachel's legs.

  Racked by spasms she could no longer contain, Rachel kicked and struggled helplessly. She knew trying to break free was always counterproductive but that didn't stop her from attempting to wrench her body away from O'Mara and Jason. The torment at her nipples and clitoris was a constant anguish but the slow torture of the dildo in her pussy was proving just as infuriating. Each time her inner muscles seemed to have won control, and forced a brief reprieve from the buzzing thickness, Rachel could feel the shaft being ploughed forcefully back inside. Almost as if the mousy blonde was punishing Rachel for her body's involuntary responses, O'Mara altered the settings on both vibrators so they were set to their fiercest level. Wave after wave of furious pleasure scorched through both holes and Rachel could do nothing except writhe frantically in mid-air. The ordeal was proving more unbearable than usual and she groaned unhappily. Staring miserably up at the pulpit, she silently willed Master Vince to ask the first of the night's questions.

  Miraculously, as though he had seen her suffering and was heeding her unvoiced plea for leniency, he coughed to clear his throat. 'We'll begin by going through the accounts,' he decided.

  Rachel groaned with relief. The questions were beginning which meant the end of her ordeal might soon be in sight. She began to shuffle the cards more quickly and tried to distance herself from the growing threat of orgasm. It would have been easier if O'Mara hadn't been teasing - stroking a finger against the taut muscle of her sphincter and darting her tongue against the bristling flesh of Rachel's labia - but those were distractions Rachel was used to ignoring. Knowing exactly what was expected of her, she focused intently on Master Vince and the questions he had to ask.

  'The snake portfolio has been reviewed this week,' he began.

  Swallowing thickly, Rachel nodded.

  She didn't know what the snake portfolio was, and had no idea about the shares or transactions it might deal with, but she didn't need to know those details to answer the master's questions. All she needed to do was try and think past the magnificent anguish she was enduring and read the tarocco accordingly.

  'I've been given a choice of two alternative investment opportunities,' Master Vince continued. 'The first is my broker's suggestion. Is it the one I should select?'

  O'Mara licked around the vibrator that throbbed in Rachel's pussy. The electric torment of the phallus and the smooth, silky balm of the blonde's tongue made for a miraculous combination. Rachel could have happily screamed with an agonised orgasm in that moment but she knew the master wouldn't have approved.

  Trying not to show the effort involved, Rachel turned over the top card from the deck and stud
ied it through a veil of tears. She couldn't make out which it was but, at this stage of the divination, that didn't matter. It was sufficient to see it was one of the sword cards and that was enough for her to know what to say.

  'No.' The word was a hoarse rasp, a perfect blend of distress and rapture.

  Master Vince marked a cross in his filofax and glared down towards the seats. 'Do I go with the alternative proposal? Do I go with Bernard's suggestion?'

  Jason's grip began to slip and Rachel could feel her suspended torment become precarious. She shrieked when she thought she was going to be dropped to the floor, then screamed when he renewed his grip and tugged more sharply upwards. Fresh fire erupted in her nipples and she glanced down at the distended orbs just to assure herself the flesh hadn't been torn. She knew that in the morning her teats would ache but for the moment, it seemed as though the harm she had suffered wasn't as severe as it could have been.

  'Do I go with the alternative proposal?' Master Vince repeated.

  Rachel could detect a tinge of irritation in his voice.

  'Do I go with Bernard's suggestion?'

  She caught a glimpse of pentacles on the next card and smiled in spite of her anguish. 'Yes,' she moaned. 'You should go with Master Bernard's suggestion.'

  Master Vince made another mark in his filofax and then went through the Cat, Tiger and Elephant portfolios. Coolly, he gave Rachel an alternative each time and she replied with a yes or a no, depending on how the cards told her to respond. She had no idea what she was committing him to or how her decisions would affect their futures. She only knew he relied on her divination with the tarocco and it had clearly served him well enough in the past to make him continue to use her repeatedly. With bitter tears trailing down her cheeks, she wished he wasn't so adamant about the conditions that needed to be met before he allowed her to read the cards.

  O'Mara snatched the dildo from Rachel's pussy giving her a moment's blissful reprieve. The sensations veered toward the divine when the mousy blonde pushed her mouth over Rachel's hole and thrust her tongue deep into the space the phallus had left behind. Rachel knew she was on the brink of climax - and would have wallowed in that state for a delicious aeon - if O'Mara hadn't tried to slide the wet vibrator into her anus.

  Her sphincter was still struggling to cope with the butt-plug and the threat of a second length promised to be more than she could tolerate. Shaking her head in silent refusal, ignoring the shriek of pain that screamed from her scalp, Rachel tried not to allow the penetration.

  With a determined effort, O'Mara slipped the tip of the vibrator alongside the thrumming butt-plug. The two dildos jostled one another and a wealth of fresh explosions shivered through Rachel's backside.

  'Onto new business,' Master Vince said eventually.

  His voice came from a million miles away and Rachel struggled to hear what he was saying. She didn't think it would affect the divination if she couldn't hear him but she knew Jason would tug on her chains if she didn't supply an immediate answer to the master's query.

  'Bernard has approached me with a partnership venture for a property development. Do I go in with him?'

  With her hands shaking, Rachel turned over another of the sword cards. She frowned and didn't dare make the choice between her instincts to favour Bernard and the obvious meaning of what the card was telling her. 'No,' she mumbled. 'You shouldn't enter the venture with him.'

  From his pew, Bernard grumbled unhappily.

  His ebony companion placed a comforting hand on his arm and he brushed it away with obvious anger. Rachel only saw this from the periphery of her vision, the outer edges of her world tainted with an encroaching red mist.

  Master Vince made another mark in his filofax. 'And,' he began, 'for the final matter of the evening, I've been approached by Pearl to enter a business venture with her.' He smiled down from his pulpit towards the shadows where Pearl sat.

  Rachel barely noticed where he was looking, caught up in the relief of knowing her torment was almost at an end.

  'Can I trust Pearl to be an honest partner in our business relationship?' he asked.

  Rachel pulled a card from the deck and found herself staring at the devil. The image of evil, treachery and deceit was enough to make her doubt the decision she had made in the antechamber but she knew what she needed to say. Ignoring the waves of guilt that washed over her, hating the lie and the pains and pleasures that still tormented her, she said, 'You can deal with Pearl, master. And you can trust Pearl to deal honestly with you at all times.'


  Jason released his hold on Rachel and allowed her to fall sobbing against the altar. The waves of orgasm rushed through her with a debilitating, shameful haste. O'Mara scurried off to bask in the master's shadow and the vibrator she had been holding was expelled from Rachel's anus. The butt-plug remained there, stretching the sensitive orifice, and burning a million blissful responses through her colon. No longer able to endure the joy, only anxious to have the torment ended, Rachel struggled to tug the butt-plug free and allow her overstretched muscle to finally begin closing.

  She clawed at the ermine cloak, shivering as each renewed burst of pleasure shook through her frame. When Helena came to her side, kneeling over her and whispering concerned questions, Rachel's first thought was to embrace the woman and demand she satisfy the remainder of her unfulfilled urges. It was only because she knew Master Vince wouldn't approve of such licentious behaviour that she exercised the necessary restraint. Slowly, shaking with the effort, Rachel resumed control of her composure and tried to take note of what was happening.

  'I can't believe you trust the judgement of such an arcane practice,' Pearl sneered. She cast a disparaging glance in Rachel's direction and shook her head. 'It's like something out of the dark ages.'

  Master Vince had stepped down from the pulpit to join her. He raised an eyebrow at her remark although it was impossible to tell if he was offended by what she said or simply encouraging her to continue. Rachel thought she knew him well enough to usually guess what he was thinking but there were many times when the master remained an unfathomable mystery. 'You don't approve?'

  'It's no way to use subordinates.' As she spoke she glared directly at Rachel. 'Giving them so much authority puts them in a position where they believe they have minds of their own.' She paused for a moment and then decided, 'It's inappropriate.'

  'What are you pitching, Pearl?' Master Vince asked calmly.

  She smiled easily for him, shaking off her distaste as though it had never been there. 'Pitching? You do me an injustice, Vincent. I'm not here to pitch anything. I'm here with a mission to make you a very rich man.'

  'I'm already a very rich man,' he replied dryly. 'What are you pitching?'

  Pearl turned to Jason. 'Go and collect those things I left outside the chapel,' she snapped. 'And be quick about it. I haven't got all night.'

  Watching the woman, Rachel could feel her contempt growing. The way her smile turned sycophantic for Master Vince, and then became a sneer of distaste when she addressed the lower orders, showed a weakness of character that Rachel had always despised. Allowing Helena to wrap the cloak around her shoulders, and letting the woman help her from the floor, Rachel tried to hide her interest in the master's transaction. She knew he would frown on her curiosity but it was difficult to conceal her concern because she understood the fate of all their futures was held in the balance.

  'Come on you worthless bitches,' Jason grunted. 'This way.'

  His voice came from the back of the chapel and, glancing towards him, Rachel could see what Pearl had brought with her.

  Three women shuffled down the aisle behind Jason.

  The light was dim at the rear of the chapel but Rachel could see they were all reasonably attractive and dressed in figure-hugging suits with short skirts, tight jackets and dark stockings. Jason held the length of rope binding the three women and, because their hands and feet were cuffed and fastened together, they all stumbled clums
ily after him.

  'Faster!' Jason grunted. 'Faster you worthless tarts.'

  'Be careful with my stock,' Pearl snapped. She fixed Jason with a look that threatened retribution if he defied her. Even though he was a good twelve inches taller than her, and built with enough muscle power to snap the woman in two, Jason bowed his head in deference.

  Turning her smile on Master Vince, Pearl gestured towards the three women and said, 'This is a sample of what I'm pitching. What do you think?'

  Master Vince lit a cigarette and blew lazy smoke rings into the candlelit chapel. He regarded the women with undisguised contempt and shrugged. 'What am I supposed to think? I've seen handcuffed pussy before. This is hardly a business proposal. It looks more like afternoon entertainment for a wet Sunday.'

  Pearl flushed darkly and struggled to contain her ire. She stepped over to the first of the three women, a tall brunette with a striking figure, and unfastened her from the others. Dragging her in front of Master Vince she held the woman's jaw between her finger and thumb and said, 'Don't you think she's pretty?'


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