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Page 4

by Various

  Houston’s guitar hummed, the slow-building wailing sound eerie, silencing countless conversations within the concrete walls. Her magical voice floated from the depths of the blackened stage as though an unseen goddess sang for them. Even prepared for her, the beauty of the notes made the hair on his arms stand up with the pure energy she unleashed.

  Drums slammed in unison with the first drawn chords and lights exploded, flooding the stage. Diego was swept away, the effect gripping his attention. She reached out in a way Diego was learning was something only she could do, enfolded every heart and soul into her web of faith, hope and love.

  He leaned unseen against the wall, completely willing to fall into that web. When the wave of sensation-rich sound reached out to him specifically, his eyes drifted shut with the pure, joyous melody.

  How can she do this? Diego knew she sang for him, though it held a shy, tentative edge. His lips softened, unaware of the action as he floated with her words.

  Through the concert, listening to her voice, her passion in each word, her compassion in every note, something dormant shifted inside Diego. That unrecognizable need Titania created gained definition. Pale gray eyes pierced the subdued lighting.

  Diego shut out the combined echoes of numerous beating hearts so close to him, focusing only on her as he considered this new possibility. Could it be? What did it mean? Crossed arms fell to his sides as he stood straight, his gaze zeroed in on the beauty onstage.

  He was death. Undead. Whatever a person wanted to call it. How could he feel like this? How could he want? Feel desire? And why her? Diego knew the idea was not feasible, but it was there, and could not be dismissed now that it had been born.

  Locked on her graceful stride, her body swaying with the music, Diego breathed one word and felt it all the way to his soul. “Mine.” The instant he spoke the word, he knew it was true. It could not be undone. Possessiveness slammed into him.

  Fleeting sensations and emotions Diego dismissed the night she had thrown herself at Brakka to protect him returned. Was this why he had not used her to cure his wounds? There had been time, yet… The desire to protect her was stronger. His need for blood had been there, but subdued, until he found the next person, then his hunger had been ravenous. Diego had not once thought of taking from her, and had not examined the nuances of that night until now.

  Like the texture of her hair gliding like silk through his fingers when he had never noticed something so unimportant. Diego had craved to feel the weight of it on his fingertips. Or the color of her eyes, discovering they were a depth of blue he had only witnessed in the deepest oceans. Compelled to offer comfort while she battled demons of the evening in her hotel room. Because she had fought for him. When he had needed no one, nothing more than to survive, to avenge himself, this woman was creating indefinable appetites within him. Hungers. Heat, and he knew it was because of her. Titania. The only one. Sultry, seductive.

  Mine. It burned like a brand into his thoughts now that it had been spoken. Tonight she was even more alluring, more beautiful, more everything. The sway of her loose hair glistened beneath the bright lights. The seductive cadence of her song, the driving pitch of her voice. He clenched his jaw, hiding the proof of his lust behind uncompromising lips. Fire raced through his veins instead of blood. He was burning up, and all he had heard was her voice.

  He heaved a rare full sigh of relief when she broke for her first set, leaving the stage to change. Watching her, feeling her as she gave of herself to help others in the audience who needed, made his entire body ache. Diego did not understand it, and knew even less what to do about it.

  When the lights came on in the auditorium, Diego trailed her and her band with the silent speed of his kind. Hidden from human eyes in a corner of her dressing room, he watched shamelessly as she changed with practiced ease and a few extra hands to help. He bit back the unexpected growl of anger caused by those hands touching her, helping her slip from one gown into another. Those hands were touching his woman, ensuring she was smoothed and fresh for the next set. He did not care about the reasoning. Fists tightened unconsciously. A possessiveness he did not understand was boring into him, tearing into his equilibrium. She was getting to him so fast he had no idea how to fight back.

  Titania must have sensed his roiling emotions. Her head snapped up, and she pierced the corner where he stood with bright eyes, a furrow knotting her brow because even if she felt Diego’s internal battles, she would be unable to see him. The beat in her neck pulsed, drew him, forced his hunger to the surface. Diego swallowed, knowing if he could, he would be sinking his teeth into the creamy softness of her throat right that second. Sheer strength of will kept him from letting his control snap. Her gaze widened as if sensing the threat. The most incredible eyes, staring.

  A crack in his control and he reached out, a single finger gliding down the warmth of her cheek, discovering her again. Smooth skin, like satin, just as soft as he remembered. Her breathing hitched, blood pounding in an erratic rhythm, both completely absorbed, oblivious in that moment to the world around them. His fingers itched to curve around her throat, to pull her to him. His lips burned to touch hers. For the first time, he craved not her life, but the sweetness of nectar.

  “Tani, Titania.” A hand shook her gently. “Honey, you’re done.”

  Her enormous blue eyes blinked as though she were coming out of a trance. She twisted to peer over a shoulder and gave a weak smile. “Thanks, Laura. I was thinking…of something.” Her help left her and she inhaled a steadying breath, filling her chest, rolling her shoulders. Her head fell forward, a sweep of hair blocking her expressive face.

  Diego moved closer still and nuzzled along her neck, unable to resist the temptation she was. She smelled like pure spring rain. His heart raced while blood pounded against his ears. Usually physical signs that he alone controlled, yet she made him react like none other. Desire, hot and living, was growing, roaring louder than any hunger. It demanded… Her.

  Titania froze like a doe in bright lights, as if she could feel him, her body trembling, aware of the hunter but unable to run. He discovered tendrils of fear in her thoughts, knew he should stop but his control was holding on by a very thin thread standing so close, resting above her pulse. The pull she had on him was beyond anything ever experienced in his long life. Lightning struck. Electricity filled his frame. Nearly skin to skin at her throat, Diego thought he would die right there.

  “Diego, you’re scaring me,” she whispered. Her body was rigid, fighting shakes traveling up and down her form.

  He stepped away immediately. “You know it is me?” he asked her.

  A dark eyebrow shot up, blue eyes flashing impudently at him. “Who else could it be? I don’t know anyone else who can talk to me like you do. I can feel you.” Her gaze searched the corners of the room, trying to discover his hiding place. She glowered when she failed.

  “You have no reason to fear me, cara. I could never hurt you. I swore you my protection.”

  “Meaning?” Her gaze was bottomless, staring into the space he occupied, unaware she had found him.

  “Meaning, no matter what happens, I will always put your safety before my own. Your life before my own. That even means protecting you from me,” he said with a self-deprecating sound. It hid the brittle anger aimed at himself for almost losing the paper-thin control he had sworn would never break to endanger this courageous creature. “Forgive me.” Control or not, his blood hummed while in the same room with her.

  Her soft lips curved into a luscious smile, and the want to taste spiked again. “You’re forgiven. You were a little overwhelming there for a minute. It felt like you were actually here with me, but I know it’s not possible.”

  Her head turned at a persistent tapping on her door. “Five minutes,” came the muffled shout through the door.

  “Thank you,” she replied. She faced the room again, her eyes still trying to uncover the secret to his hiding ability. “Will I see you later?”

>   “I believe it is possible,” he told her. He knew it was a fact. He also knew he would not be able to leave her after this concert. Somehow, she had gotten right underneath his skin. What he would do about it remained to be seen.

  “Tani! Come on, girl.” Houston swung the door in, his blond head appearing. “You’re holding up the show.” A fierce frown formed on his brow. He whipped back and forth, searching her small dressing space. “Has someone been in here?”

  Titania shook her head to clasp her hands in front of her. “No.”

  “I smell leather. Male.” Houston’s gaze stopped on her. “You’re sure? No one?”

  “Positive,” she assured him.

  His lips pinched flat. “I swear, if this keeps up, I’m hiring you a bodyguard. First that fight, now this. Someone unauthorized in your room. I know someone’s been here.” He forced her to look at him with a gentle hand, his expression relentless. “Are you still getting love letters from that fan? The one from Arkansas?”

  “I haven’t checked. Probably.” Diego saw her shiver, her eyes dropping in wary distaste. “Houston, he’s in another state. It’s not like you let anyone near enough anyway.”

  “But I’m not always around.” He tipped her head up by the chin. “Tani, I love you like my own sisters, but sometimes you are the biggest pain in the butt. You have got to start taking your safety seriously. You are famous, you noodle head.”

  “Stuff it in your ear, Houston. I’m me.” She planted her fists on her hips, glaring up at him.

  The sounds from the stage drew everyone’s attention. “We’ll discuss this later. We have to pay the bills.”

  Diego walked on silent feet next to her, whispering in her ear, “Do not worry, cara. I will keep you safe.”

  Titania rolled her eyes. “Great. Another damn person to keep me in bubble wrap.” She didn’t realize in her annoyance that he had spoken into her ear.

  Houston’s focus turned to the stage, braced for the intro. “What are you talking about?”


  Houston nodded as he ran onstage with the others to the welcoming cheers of the crowd. Titania waited in the wings already prepped with her headset to take her cue. She entered the stage with long strides, her gown slit to give her good movement, the sway of the dark blue material shimmering, mesmerizing in the shifting stage lights. Diego did not even bother to leave the side curtains.

  * * * *

  The limo ride was short from the auditorium to the hotel. Laney curled into Houston’s shoulder, and David and Justin talked with their heads together about going out the next night before they hit the road again.

  Titania was tired. Her head rested on the leather seat, her eyes closed as the world spun by outside the windows. She didn’t even have the energy to keep her bag on her shoulder. It lay on the floorboards behind her feet. The concert had been draining, but so many people had needed it.

  Like the couple in the third row working on saving their marriage, or the woman who had walked away from her boyfriend, crying nearly throughout the concert, confused and burdened. There had been the couple to her right who had traveled to see her. She’d seen them at several concerts, and she recognized them almost immediately. They came in love and left the same way.

  A soft sigh slipped out before she could think about stopping it while she stared blankly out the tinted window. Her hand rubbed over tired eyes.

  Laney put a hand to her arm. “You okay, Tani?”

  She nodded without conviction. “Long show. I’ll be fine.”

  Laney smiled in understanding. “I’ve always thought you were incredible. You work so hard to help others.”

  Titania blushed. “Stop.”

  “She is right, cara. You pushed yourself tonight.”

  Titania pursed her lips, stopping her easy response. She couldn’t talk to him with a car full of people.

  Doors opened and everyone slid out, a line trailing for the hotel. She froze right inside the hotel entryway.

  “Crap. I forgot my bag in the limo.” When Houston tried to say something, she frowned and pointed to the elevators. “I’m a big girl, Houston. I can get my own purse.”

  Laney tugged in the other direction. “She’s right. Some days, you go overboard.” Houston frowned at them both, but she was already turning around and marching out the automatic doors.

  She gasped in dismay and sprinted after the limo. “Wait!” But she was too late. Titania watched the car turn onto the street. “Crap. Double crap,” she muttered.

  She tapped her foot, her hands on her hips. Now she would have to wait until morning and call them. Maybe he would see it and bring it back, but she doubted it. The driver wouldn’t know who had left the small designer tote. She tossed her hair behind her in agitation and spun on her heel.

  “Hi, sugar. Need help?”

  Titania froze. Her eyes slid closed as she considered her options. Talking or ignoring. She chose ignoring.

  Pretending she didn’t hear the man, she started walking to the hotel doors. Why hadn’t she realized how far away they were?

  “Hey, Titania.” A persistent hand gripped her upper arm. “Wait a minute.”

  She let the air in her body out slowly. It was dead quiet out there. Not a soul in sight. The world was deserted at three in the morning. Belatedly, she realized she had chased the limo all the way to the street.

  Titania slowly turned to face the man. Damn it, she cursed again. He would have to be tall. “Can I help you?”

  A lewd grin appeared, matching the heat in his gaze. “I’m thinking we can help each other.”

  “Not likely.” She looked pointedly at his hand on her arm. “Let me go. Please.”

  “Now, you don’t want to be like that. I came all the way from Arkansas. Don’t you remember me? Thomas?” He tried to soften his grin. It only made her stomach sour that much faster. “I had no idea I’d be lucky enough to catch you after the show.” He nearly crowed in victory.

  “Thomas? The June show?” Her stomach nearly rebelled, remembering how he had pawed and grabbed at her at the after-show get-together, like she was some kind of trophy. He had won backstage passes and always seemed to be right there, wherever she turned. He had been sending her fan mail and love letters since. She guessed this answered Houston’s question from earlier in the evening.

  His posture relaxed, rocking playfully on his heels. “You do remember. How about a bite to eat?”

  “I’m sorry, Thomas. I can’t. I don’t date. I just don’t. I’m sorry you felt you had to follow me.” She searched toward the hotel, but it looked like her crew was the last to arrive for the night. There wasn’t so much as a taxi in the drive. Where the hell is everybody?

  Thomas pushed her deeper into the shadows, toward the rear of the hotel where the dumpsters were. His hand clamped her arm, ignoring her attempts to jerk free. In the darker shadows she could discern a parked car. Its presence didn’t make her feel a whole lot better.

  He leaned down to whisper in a breathy voice that reeked of bourbon. “It’s going to be fine, honey. I’m going to take good care of you. We have all night if we want it.”

  Alarm flashed through her. Something repugnant and perverse was accumulating, and it was coming from Thomas.

  She planted her feet. “Look. Just go. I don’t want to—”

  He slapped a hand over her mouth. “What you want doesn’t matter anymore, honey.” His lips became a harsh line, his eyes glittering, drunk and bloodshot. “I tried to do this the nice way in June, and you shot me down. I don’t get shot down twice.” His fingers tightened, gripping her mouth. “Understand?”

  She gulped and nodded. He patted her cheek. “Good girl.”

  Titania lifted her hands to his chest, gazing up at him with what she hoped were seductive eyes. She’d never used them before. “Just one thing,” she said coyly, waiting, praying. Thomas’s hand loosened on her arm.

  “What, honey?” His chest trembled under her palms with anticipation.
  “This!” She jerked her leg upward as hard as she could and found home base. Unfortunately, she didn’t take out the plate. He grunted in pain and surprise. What she hit was enough to make him fall away from her. She spun and took off like a shot. Fifty yards, tops, to the closest door. She had to make it, her fear-filled legs pumping like pistons.

  Titania never heard him. She was running, then tackled, driven into asphalt and gravel with a murderous, spouting madman on her. He flipped her like a burger. Every bone in her body vibrated with pain. A hand rose, as though in slow motion, then there was the sharp flare of blistering contact, and Titania knew she was toast.

  “Bitch!” he shrieked. “You shouldn’t have done that.” That was the only warning he gave her. He lowered his head and clamped on to her shoulder like a rabid bulldog. She screamed and his fist connected to her chin, silencing her. “Scream, baby. I love your voice.”

  He spit wildly, he was so excited. Titania did everything she could not to vomit with her attacker straddling her waist. Every move she made lanced pain through her body. He pinned her arms beneath his knees, immobilizing her. Pavement gouged her skin. The bony weight holding her elbows down sent painful sparks floating in her vision. She knew she was dead when the glint of a knife registered in her blurring vision.

  The sound of her shirt ripping in half was dull to her ringing ears, but it was unmistakable. “You never should have turned me down,” he growled at her. His eyes glared with manic hatred for a split second as the knife rose in her vision.

  From out of nowhere, a roar erupted, an unholy sound that echoed and raged through the darkness. It could have been a lion out of control, it sounded so harsh. A whipping wind tore across the parking lot. Suddenly someone’s hand clamped around Thomas’s throat. His weight just disappeared. Titania’s eyes closed, a sound she didn’t want to identify filling her head. Bile rose sharply.


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