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Forever a Father

Page 13

by Lynne Marshall

  On reflex, he opened his arms for her and she dived into them, soon planting a kiss that made his toes curl. Today he didn’t resist anything she had in mind, and along with gratefully getting involved in her eager make-out session, he let his hands do some exploring. Every inch of her back felt great, but he wanted more. Those black bra straps had been calling out to him all afternoon, so he ran his fingers underneath them, tugging outward, helping them drop off her shoulders, and fortunately, the tank top straps followed, for an extra sexy look. Though she didn’t need any help in that department, not with her straddling his hips and using her tongue in new and inventive ways around his ears and neck. He kissed her throat, enjoying the sweet taste of her skin and the telltale scent of her morning shower. God, she felt great sitting on top of him, squirming with desire.

  He found her bottom and pulled her close to the heat stirring inside his jeans, kissing her deeper and soon discovering she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She unzipped him and her hand slipped inside, and through the cotton of his briefs her fingers traced the length of him. He sucked in a breath as his own fingers skimmed the soft flesh bulging over the lacy black bra cups, and he nuzzled, then kissed between her breasts. When he did, she clutched his erection tighter and he nearly saw stars.

  “What do you say we take these off?” she said, tugging at his jeans.

  “I want to get that off.” He reached for the clasp on her bra and she let him.

  Looking sexier than ever, with her hair messed up, her skin pink and warm, she stopped, casting a thoughtful glance over her shoulder. “Maybe we should go in there?”

  He’d had a straight-line view into her bedroom all afternoon, thanks to her leaving the door open—and more than once that exact same thought had crossed his mind. “Maybe we should.”

  A half hour later, naked, sweaty and completely satisfied, Daniel lay spread-eagle on Keela’s sheets, her soft, warm body crumpled on top of him. She’d nearly driven him nuts. In a good way. A completely amazing and mind-blowing kind of way. One hand traced the curve of her back and hips, until he found her smooth bottom and held on. Give him a few minutes and he’d be good to go again.

  “You’ve restored my faith in men,” she mumbled against his chest, just before lifting her head and smiling at him.

  “I was that good, huh?”

  She laughed and cuffed him. “That, too, but I’m talking about your showing up here and literally saving the day.”

  “Is that what turned you on so much? Man, I’ll have to do that more often.”

  She cuffed him playfully again and he slipped out of her as she rolled to cuddle beside him. Skin to skin, he held her near and decided he hadn’t felt this great or alive in ages. Everything about Keela turned him on, especially her eagerness to make love with him. He rolled toward her, his leg lying over her hip. He played with her hair, remembering the oh-so-sexy sounds she’d made when he’d brought her all the way there. Man, he was getting turned on again just thinking about it. Of course, having her naked and beside him probably had a lot to do with that growing feeling.

  But he couldn’t dance away from what she’d just said about him restoring her faith in men, and the responsibility it dropped in his currently sexually satiated lap. Near panic set in. Was he ready for this? Getting involved with Keela and taking on the role of—of what, a father for Anna?

  He tried not to let on what he was going through, but Keela must have picked up on how he’d inadvertently tensed.

  She lifted her head. “You okay?”

  Building panic licked at him. He fought it off but couldn’t. Was getting close to another woman a setup for more pain? “I just remembered I’ve got to get up early to be at the Sunday morning practice.” He disengaged from her beautiful body, fighting two minds, one that wanted more than anything to spend the night, and the other, the one currently driving the show, wanting to protect him and get the hell out of there. He tried to compromise. “I’d really like to stick around, but I’m afraid I’ve got to go.” Afraid being the key word.

  She looked disappointed, and maybe hurt? “I understand.” So unconvincing.

  Disengaging more, he sat up and patted her hip, then lightly kissed her forehead. “This was great, by the way. I never expected anything. I want to make sure you understand that.”

  “Of course I do. And besides, it was my idea.”

  He gave a faint smile. “No regrets from me.” Lying through his teeth. He’d had no business getting mixed up with a lady who’d only been let down by men, because he was bound to do the same, beginning right now. Could he still blame Kathryn, or was it time to own the fear of getting close?

  Whatever the reasons, giving one last pat to her perfectly curved hip, he got off the bed, dressed and left.

  Chapter Seven

  Keela grabbed her head and rolled around on her bed. What had she done? She didn’t do casual sex, didn’t even understand what it was. Yet here she was, lying naked in bed, her body still buzzing from Daniel’s touch, after watching him leave. He’d been an incredible and attentive lover, but what did that matter if jumping in the sack was all wrong in the first place?

  The front door closed. She went back to cringing, suffering the consequences from her self-inflicted wound—jumping his bones on impulse. Her boss, no less!

  When would she ever learn she didn’t have a clue when it came to picking men? She’d obviously scared him away. By being too forward? He’d been just as enthusiastic as she had, and man, he knew what he was doing, too. And then she’d told him he’d restored her faith in men. Of course she’d scared him away. No clue how to take things slowly. Talk about a turnoff.

  She’d been so glad to see him when he’d shown up at her door. He’d done the sweetest, kindest and most amazing thing by bringing a birthday party to Anna. What woman wouldn’t fall for a guy like that? In that instant he’d become true hero material. And after a wonderful afternoon and evening, with all kinds of sexy looks zipping between them, she’d lost sight of her judgment to the point of seducing him. What had she been thinking?


  No! She didn’t do grateful sex any more than she did casual sex. She’d come on to him because she’d wanted to for four months. Because, as well as being sexy in his own way, he was also a responsible and caring adult. She’d seen how he treated his patients at the clinic. He respected people. Through his actions, he’d always made her feel worthy and valued. The guy regularly sent tingles up her arms while she watched him interact with patients. Of course, she’d suppressed the attraction at work and figured she’d never have the nerve to come on to him. Until tonight. After his efforts for her daughter reinforced what an utterly great guy he was.

  A guy who’d single-handedly saved her little girl’s birthday. Superheroes didn’t come any bigger than that.

  As she continued to roll around and groan on her bed, she couldn’t even blame her actions on alcohol, since the only thing they’d drunk all afternoon had been soda. Yet she’d literally jumped on him and unzipped his pants, feeling wanted by him and freer than at any other time in her life. And he’d obviously liked it, too. Then she’d ruined everything by saying those words. Ugh!

  What had she done?

  Too much, obviously. Now the ball was in Daniel’s court, and like the fool she was, she’d set herself up to wait for him to take the next step.

  “Ahh!” She sat up as she let out her frustration, quickly grabbing a pillow and covering her face, hoping she wouldn’t wake Anna. Then she tiptoed to the bathroom with the perfectly working faucets, thanks to the clever Daniel Delaney.

  What had she done?

  * * *

  Monday morning Daniel was surprised and disappointed to find Keela had called in sick. He’d totally screwed up Saturday, not spending the night. But the thought of staying, and the implications of getting close to a woman again, had sent him running.
Plus it would’ve been so awkward seeing Anna the next morning. What would the squirt think?

  He should’ve called on Sunday. Bad form. But he wasn’t sure what to say. Now he’d obviously hurt Keela’s feelings, and she was avoiding him.

  Another reason to never get involved with an employee!

  He sucked in the doubt, picked up the phone and dialed her number. “You okay?”

  She sounded subdued when she answered, “Got a horrible headache. Sorry to leave you in the lurch.”

  She wouldn’t lie—he knew her work ethic. “I had Abby call Phil back for today.”

  “Good. Thanks,” she said, after a long pause. “I’m allowed sick days working for you.”

  “Of course. Hey, we talked about this already. Whatever we do outside of work won’t affect anything here. Please understand that.” I’m not a sleazy scoundrel.

  “Thank you. I need my job.”

  “I know it. Things happened kind of fast Saturday. We obviously didn’t think it through.”

  “Was it a mistake?”

  “No.” He answered instantaneously.

  “Okay. Good.” She sounded relieved.

  “But I don’t ever want you to feel you have to, you know, be with me to keep your job.”

  “What I did wasn’t about job security.”

  She’d made her point loud and clear—she’d wanted to be with him as much as he’d wanted her. Instead of relief, the realization shivered through him.

  “Who’s watching Anna?” he asked after another long silence. As if being confused over their situation wasn’t enough, now he was worrying about Anna, too. He palmed his forehead, realizing how he was thinking like a parent. Was that normal when dating a woman with a kid? Talk about being in over his head!

  “Mrs. Jenkins took her today like always.”

  Oh, right. If Keela wasn’t home, Anna would’ve been there. He couldn’t think straight. Though, oddly, he felt better knowing Anna was in good hands.

  He palmed his head again. Was that what he wanted in life, to be a step-in father? Because falling for Keela wasn’t something he could separate from that fact. And if he wasn’t ready to step up, it wouldn’t be right to get involved with Keela and keep her dangling while he figured things out. Especially if his answer turned out to be no.

  Now that he’d already stepped over the line and slept with her, the least he could do was be considerate. “Anything I can do? Bring you something to eat?”

  “I’ll be okay.” The words were clipped, so unlike her usual melodic style.

  Was it because he hadn’t made a “morning after” call? Was she thinking he’d used her and was done? Because that definitely wasn’t true. “Uh, hey. I’m sorry if I did anything to upset you Saturday night.”

  She inhaled and lightly swallowed. “We did get carried away, mostly my fault.”

  Remembering, he couldn’t stop the smile stretching across his face. “That part was great, in my opinion, anyway. What I mean is, my leaving so soon. I was just thinking it might confuse Anna if I was there in the morning.” And the thought of spending the night with Keela had felt overwhelming.

  The way things had ended with Kathryn—her walking away and never contacting him again—of sensing and eventually knowing he’d wanted and loved her more than she’d ever wanted or loved him, still sent dread through him. He rubbed his temple, where a sharp pain stabbed. Keela wasn’t the only one with a headache. His was probably from clenching his jaw so tight.

  “It would have been nice if you’d told me that, then.”

  “Uh. Right. Sorry.” She wasn’t a mind reader. Truth was he’d learned with Kathryn to keep his thoughts and feelings close to his heart. Now he’d forgotten how to be honest and straightforward, and Keela deserved nothing less.

  He listened as she took in another long—exasperated?—breath. “It’s okay.”

  She was ticked off and he was making a bigger mess of things. “No, it’s not.”

  Abby appeared at his door. Horrible timing! “Dr. Delaney, I’ve got a walk-in from the 4Cs. He says the coach sent him over.”

  Daniel lifted his finger, asking for a moment. “Ah, Keela, I’ve got an add-on, so I’m going to have to go.” He felt like a total douche bag using the I’ve-got-to-run card, even though it was true.

  “I understand.”

  No, she didn’t. He should’ve told her he’d call her later. But he didn’t, disappointing himself further, and probably her, for a second time. Why had he thought having sex—amazing sex—with Keela was a good idea?

  Because she obviously wanted him, and he’d wanted her for a long time, felt great to be desired. She felt great. They were phenomenal together.

  After he hung up and gave Abby instructions to double book the patient, he wondered if Keela had been used to saying “It’s okay” and “I understand” with her ex. The thought that he’d just done the same thing put a nasty taste in his mouth, and he left his office feeling as if a brick sat on his chest.

  He hadn’t saved her faith in men—he’d just hammered another nail in its coffin.

  * * *

  Keela returned to work on Tuesday with renewed fortitude. She’d hold her head high, because she hadn’t done anything wrong by being honest, and if Daniel Delaney couldn’t see what was in front of him—a good woman like her—she couldn’t help him. She’d learned her lesson with Ron.

  There he was, looking moony-eyed. “Hey. Welcome back. You feeling better today?”

  She couldn’t control the sudden flutter in her pulse at seeing him for the first time since having sex with him. “I’m fine, thanks, Daniel. Busy day?”

  He gave an exaggerated nod and handed her the schedule. They’d been reduced to small talk, safe and businesslike. She glanced at the list of appointments. Wow, talk about job security. That was, if she didn’t blow it by seducing her boss again. Though he had promised what they did outside of work wouldn’t affect her job.

  “Well, before we start, I promised to give you this.” She handed him the specially created thank-you card Anna had made.

  He looked genuinely touched as he opened it. Keela scanned her schedule, giving him a chance to study the huge picture Anna had drawn for him at Mrs. Jenkins’s yesterday. In crayon and markers, stick figures held hands and walked by a building-sized birthday cake in a field of huge floppy flowers.

  He grinned. “This is great. Tell her thank you.”

  “Tell her yourself,” Keela said, heading for her office.

  On her sick day, she’d spent a lot of time thinking. Besides her litany of reasons to be attracted to Daniel—considerate, kind, sweet, intuitive, clever with fixing things, a good lover and having the heart of a hero—she couldn’t deny what a good father he would be. Maybe if she took a step back, he’d come around and notice what a prize she was, too. Because ready or not, she’d opened up to the man she’d had a secret crush on since day one at the clinic. Anna’s surprise birthday had sealed the deal.

  When she’d jumped him on her couch, she’d already made her snap decision. That wonderful guy was worth taking a chance on.

  She didn’t have a clue if she was ready to fall for anyone just yet. At least they had that in common. Both hurt by love. Both hesitant to try it again. But did anyone really know if or when they were ready for the next relationship? She was pretty sure the act of falling for someone new was never convenient. The thought of wanting to should be a big enough hint.

  “Dr. Delaney,” Abby said, sticking her head through the reception door. “A coach at the 4Cs is sending over a football player with a dislocated shoulder.”

  From the hallway, he tossed Keela a wry glance before answering Abby. “He should be going to the local ER, not coming here.” Daniel turned to Keela. “Can you get the portable X-ray machine set up in the procedure room in case we need it?”

sp; She jumped into action. “Sure.”

  “They said the guy got tackled, and now his left shoulder looks out of place and he’s in excruciating pain,” Abby continued.

  “Sounds right,” he said, gathering some items from the supply cupboard.

  Ten minutes later the assistant coach and the patient showed up, the young, dark-haired athlete grimacing.

  “Come in. Nick, we meet again.”

  “Hey, Doc,” Nick said in a guarded manner.

  Obviously Daniel knew who he was. Maybe the guy was accident prone?

  “How’d this happen?”

  “Got hit from behind.” The assistant coach spoke up. “He went down and immediately started rolling around.”

  “Thanks for icing the shoulder and putting his arm in a sling. That’s a big help,” Daniel said, escorting the teen into the procedure room. Keela was ready to take a couple X-rays but waited for Daniel to examine the patient first.

  “Keela, can you bring a chair here, please?”

  She brought a straight-backed chair and stepped away.

  “Have a seat.” He gestured for Nick to sit, and the youth did so gingerly. Then Daniel knelt on one knee in front of him. “Let’s take a look at that shoulder,” he said, removing the ice pack and undoing the sling.

  The left shoulder showed signs of being out of joint, obviously hanging lower than the right.

  “This ever happen to you before?”

  The kid shook his head vehemently, then groaned and tensed from the movement.

  Keela had never watched a closed reduction of the shoulder before but had heard horror stories in her PT tech study courses about how awful and painful they were. Her pulse sped up for the poor unsuspecting patient as she stood behind him, facing Daniel, ready to help out in any way he might need her to—such as preventing the patient from writhing around.

  But Daniel didn’t look tense; in fact, he looked relaxed and confident. “The sooner we fix this, the less permanent the damage.” Daniel had Nick bend his elbow, with the arm close to Nick’s body, and put his hand on Daniel’s nearby shoulder. Then Daniel rested his wrist on the jock’s forearm and began massaging the muscles around the shoulder and upper arm with his other hand.


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