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The Lost Ranger: A Soldier's Story

Page 25

by Mehlo, Noel

  The 1st and 29th Divisions, 5th and 6th Engineering Special Brigades, and the 2nd and 5th Ranger Infantry Battalions that made up Force “O” were assigned to the XVIII District. These aforementioned units were thus assigned to the D Camps in this District. These units encompassed a total of 29,714 men and 3,241 vehicles. During the movements during marshalling some difficulties were encountered, “owing principally to the complicated movement schedule. Some units were misdirected; a few could not be located immediately; and the dissemination of information and instructions was faulty, in some cases as a result of an overemphasis on security.”2 This did not appear to affect the Rangers too badly based on accounts remaining silent regarding the Rangers on this account.

  A bit of information gleaned from various sources opened the door to understanding where the Provisional Ranger Group was regarding their “D” Camp. Various sources regarding the Rangers indicate that they were at Dorchester including the Company Morning Reports. Authors covering the 2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion indicated that the Rangers were housed at Camp D5. Other details included that the Rangers were very close to an airfield. In interviewing Ranger Copeland, he positively identified that P-38 Lightning aircraft were stationed at the airbase in question. This enabled me to do a detailed search of U.S. Army Air Corps unit assignments. In doing so, I discovered that the 474th Fighter Group was stationed at a British Airbase called RAF Warmwell. The P-38 fighters located there were the only P-38s located anywhere in the vicinity of Dorchester, thus solidifying the Rangers marshalling location to Camp D5.3

  The Royal Air Force operated RAF Warmwell near the town of Warmwell in Dorset England.4 They first began construction in 1936 and began operating there in 1937, and operated it through 1946. The British first called it RAF Woodsford. They changed the name in 1938 to RAF Warmwell to avoid confusion with another facility in Woodsford. For certain periods of World War II, the British allowed the United States to run the facility, including in the months before D-Day. The U.S. operated it as part of the United States Army Air Force Ninth Air Force as USAAF Station 454. The U.S. forces often referred to the airbase as Moreton Station after a nearby railway station. The airfield had three grass landing runways oriented north-east to southwest, southeast to northwest and westnortheast to east southeast. There were two larger hangers, eight blister hangers, six double pen, twelve single pens and 18 small pan aircraft standings at the base. The runway was soft and not conducive for bomber aircraft, although bombers could make risky emergency landings there. The sandy soil at Warmwell was considered suitable to support the 80 aircraft of a fighter group without metal tracking support. During the Battle of Britain, the airfield served as a key defensive facility enabling the British to meet the German challenge. Throughout the war many fighter aircraft called the airbase home including: Supermarine Spitfires but Hawker Hurricanes, Hawker Typhoons, Westland Whirlwinds and North American P-51 Mustangs, P-47 Thunderbolts, and P-38 Lightnings (Figure 173).

  Figure 173: P-38 Lightning fighter aircraft (NARA) The Village of Crossways developed as a result of the proximity of RAF Warmwell. Crossways is located approximately 8 kilometers east of Dorchester. Much of the airfield has now been lost to sand and gravel quarrying and construction. The village of Crossways now exists on the site of the airfield facilities, and the old cinema now serves as the village hall. Little physical evidence of the war years remains. The control tower is now a private residence on the Dorchester road where two dispersal areas are gradually being taken back by nature.

  The 474th was a group of Ninth Air Force's 70th Fighter Wing, IX Tactical Air Command. The 474th Fighter Group had the following Operational squadrons of the group: 428th Fighter Squadron (F5)

  429th Fighter Squadron (7Y)

  430th Fighter Squadron (K6)

  In April and May 1944, the 474th Fighter Group began bombing and attacking ground targets in France in preparation for the invasion. This included attacking strategic targets like railroads and bridges. The P-38's ability to carry two 1,000 lb (450 kg) bombs with ease, and its heavy nose-mounted armament, made it an excellent ground attack aircraft. All or part of the 474th flew cover over the invasion fleet as part of the D-Day invasion.5 During the 15 weeks of operations from USAAF Station 454, 27 P-38s were missing in action, with all but five known or suspected lost due to enemy ground fire. Ranger JR Copeland was interviewed by the author as part of the research for this work. Mr. Copeland was asked if he recalled P-38 aircraft using the airfield located near the Ranger

  Figure 174: Tactical Disposition of Ninth Air Force (Craven, USAF)6

  Figure 175: 1943 Aerial photograph of Warmwell Airfield, England (Royal Ordinance Survey, public domain) marshalling area. He responded that the aircraft were P-38s. He also added that one of the things the Rangers in his group did was to count the number of aircraft departing on sorties, and then to recount the returning aircraft. He told me that the men knew how many aircraft were lost on a given mission that way, and it helped solidify the seriousness of what they (the airmen) were doing. Figure 174 shows the location of the 474th Fighter Group along the southern coast of England. Figure 175 is an aerial photo of the base, and Figure 176 is a rough diagram of the layout.

  Figure 176: Map showing layout of RAF Warmwell The Army assigned a D camp area to a particular unit based upon several factors. These included the types and numbers of vehicles assigned to the unit, the routes and distances to the embarkation area and embarkation time schedule for the unit. When a unit arrived at the D camp, they were met by a representative of the camp commander who provided instructions to the unit. The unit was told where to top off their tanks with gasoline or diesel fuel, and then the vehicles were parked in designated areas and camouflaged. The troops themselves were often marched to their quarter area. Upon arrival the units were checked against the overall movement forecast and the men were shown to their assigned tents. At a given point, the men in the unit would be given their BIGOT briefing. After this, they were sequestered to the camp and all they could do was await the final embarkation order. Security patrols were posted with orders to shoot any person trying to exit or enter the camp unlawfully.

  Broadmayne Park & West Knighton (D5) was one of the WWII D-Day Marshalling Area Camps for US Army Soldiers. It reportedly had capacity for 3,000 personnel. One unconfirmed report indicated it was partially used for African American soldiers. Another article written by Mr. George Forty indicated that the Broadmayne area hosted some 1,200 American troops awaiting embarkation in May 1944. The work of Mr. Forty indicated that some units of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Battalion and Canon Company forming part of 18 Infantry Regiment were located at Camp D5. Marshalling Camp D5 was located off of Main Street, Route A352, on a drive leading to Fryer Mayne Wood in what has been described as the grounds of a large house, now burnt down. It was reported that a place known as “The Old Barn” on Main Street, now a private dwelling was used during the war as a vehicle repair shop for jeeps and other vehicles.7 Villagers made note how a week or so before D-Day, the American soldiers were no longer in and about the town as they were confined to their camps making the small surrounding villages quiet. They referred to it as “the lull before the storm.” On the eve of the embarkation it was recalled how all of the sudden, all of the soldiers and their equipment, tanks and other vehicles all the sudden began a march to the sea ports to board their waiting vessels. The movement took nearly two days, and locals recalled how the Americans threw money and candy to the villagers. After this the streets were again quiet.

  The English Heritage Project National Mapping Programme South Dorset Ridgeway Mapping Project has researched the Dorset area and its importance to the war effort. The result of their research has identified twenty two Second World War military sites. These were identified as camps, depots, buildings and unassigned ‘military sites’. The majority of these sites are located along the southern coastal strip, with an additional six sites within 5 kilometers of Dorchester.8 Analysis revealed a number of s
mall clusters of military buildings visible on aerial photographs taken soon after the war. Details of what had been Camp D5 are in the fields surrounding the adjacent villages of West Kingston and Broadmayne. Some sites surrounding Broadmayne were fairly well hidden from the air being situated amongst pre-existing farm buildings and adjacent to hedge lines. Those of the Camp D5 at West Kington were easily distinguishable (Figure 176). The camp was made up of square pyramidal tents and a few huts. Figures 177-180 provide additional information on the Camp.

  Figure 177: A 1947 air photo of Brodmayne and the marshalling camps. Camp D5 was located in the area of the right square in the fields northwest of the Tin hut. (17th January 1947. English Heritage (NMR) RAF Photography) PFC Prince of the 2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion described the marshalling area as a “pleasant country site just outside the city limits of Dorchester, county of Dorset”. He described the prim-roses, shady trees, and running streams. He explained the position of the camp in an open field, with the tents being positioned among the trees. He explained that the 2nd Rangers had not been set up in tents since being stateside and that this was an enjoyable time. He stated “The first couple of days we stayed there, we didn't have much to do. So we relaxed, refreshed and soothed our nerves by absorbing the beauty of the land.”9

  PFC Prince explained how they were bivouacked in the same vicinity as the 29th Infantry Division. He indicated that in the days the units were there, many friendships were struck with the men of the Blue and Grey Division. Through discussions the men surmised that they were to be a part of the training exercise together. The men guessed that they were going to do the same sort of things that they had done at the USATC where the Rangers protected a flank of the Division. He also noted the realization of the Rangers that they would no longer be protecting simulated formations on their flanks. I found this to be interesting considering what happened on D-Day in Vierville Sur Mer when the 29th Infantry Division impressed several companies of the 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion to provide support in defense of the tenuous Omaha beachhead.

  “This gives one a fair idea on the workings and planning of the entire Army, as it starts progressing from the lone individual up to the division and then still farther till corps and armies are reached. For example, first the individual soldier is given basic training. Then he completes that, he is put into a squad, then this squad takes its place in the section, then, the section into the platoon, etc., until the end of the line is reached where divisions become an integral part of the Corps and a complete picture of the Army is painted.” (Prince)

  Figure 178: Present day photos of location of Camp D5 (Courtesy of Mr. Richard Drew, historian, United Kingdom)

  Figure 179: Present day photos of Tin hut noted in above photo (Courtesy of Mr. Richard Drew, historian, United Kingdom) Figure 180: Mapping of Broadmayne near Dorchester, England. Ordinance Survey of England Popular Edition

  Figure 181: Wartime photo of marshalling camp showing 16 foot by 16 foot pyramidal tents Some literature refers to the Marshalling Areas as "Sausage Camps" due to their sausage shaped appearance on aerial photography.10 These camps were intended to provide necessary installations, equipment and supplies to units as the moved through the mounting process. One major problem with the full-scale exercises offered by the British military authorities was the possibility of damage to infrastructure and facilities along the coast of England. In order to overcome this objection, Colonel Wyman developed the concept of marshalling camps being organized in the "sausage camp" style. With this plan, assembly areas were built around paved roads. The regions utilized for the build-up were cleared of civilians and roads were blocked off to all civilian traffic that were needed for military purpose. The tents and other camp structures were located on the edge of the roads and in wooded areas for camouflage. Good camouflage practices were not always followed, however, leading to allowing the Germans to gather data from aerial reconnaissance. The placement of camps near to the embarkation points was likewise figured into the logistics of the operations. Camps were put in areas with adequate rail and railhead facilities fir efficient movement of men and supplies.

  According to Ronald Lane in his book Rudder’s Rangers, the 2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion departed on April 27 for Camp D5 just outside the village of Dorchester. He wrote the Rangers were located in an open field surrounded by tall trees. He wrote that the English countryside was in bloom with prim roses and shade trees with ample nearby running brooks. The first time the Rangers were in the camp, the men were given little to do in terms of organized training. The men were allowed to unwind, play cards and rest. They did do physical training including some cliff climbing and shooting exercises. On April 28, two men from the 2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion were sent to London to the firm of Merryweathers, Ltd. This company outfitted the London fire brigades with 100 foot extension ladders for fire trucks. The company had teamed with the Rangers to experiment installing the fire ladders on the General Motors amphibious trucks known as DUKW vehicles. The Rangers then worked with British commandos to test the vehicles with the mounted ladders. The Commandos and Rangers installed twin .30 caliber machine guns on the end of the ladder. On May 3rd, according to Lane, the two Rangers reported to Colonel Rudder about the capabilities of the ladder-fitted DUKW (designed in 1942, utility, all wheel drive, two powered rear axles) vehicles. Colonel Rudder apparently liked the concept and moved to obtain the new hardware.11

  The Allies put together at least thirty-seven amphibious exercises to ready the units and men for D-Day. These ranged in size and often were multi-part affairs. Exercise FABIUS had six parts that jointly formed the greatest amphibious exercise in history. The exercise conducted just prior to FABIUS was called TIGER. The TIGER Exercise involved Force “U” that was to assault Utah Beach. The Germans attacked the allies with naval forces during the operation, and many allied forces were killed. FABIUS was developed for the four other allied assault invasion forces and two major buildup forces that would invade Normandy. Exercise FABIUS had only two parts that largely involved the American and the overall exercise was broken into six parts, FABIUS I through FABIUS VI. FABIUS I was the primary rehearsal for Assault Force “O” scheduled to assault Omaha Beach. This exercise included elements of the 1st U.S. Infantry Division, 29th Infantry Division, the Provisional Engineer Special Brigade Group, what became the Provisional Ranger Group and all other attached units under the command of V Corps. Assault Force O marshaled in Area D, and embarked from Portland-Weymouth and landed at Slapton Sands. FABIUS II was for Assault Force “G”, British forces landing on Gold Beach. FABIUS III was the rehearsal for Assault Force “J” made up of Canadians who would land at Juno Beach. FABIUS IV was for Assault Force “S” consisting of British forces destined for Sword Beach. FABIUS V was for British forces to train buildup forces for Gold, Juno and Sword Beaches. Finally, FABUIS VI was a marshalling exercise for Force “B”.

  The Allies carried out FABIUS I, II, III and IV simultaneously at the direction of the 21st Army Group. “They began on 23 April and ended 7 May. During the period 23-26 April, residues were detached and briefing was carried out. Marshalling began 27 April and craft were loaded 29 April and 1 May. The D-Day rehearsal exercise was originally scheduled for 2 May, but was postponed one day after the marshalling began due to poor weather and surf conditions.12 FABIUS V and VI were scheduled to be held 4-6 May, but due to the postponement of the other exercises, did not actually end until 7 May. Coordination between the six exercises was on a high level, and planning for them was carried on separately by the various commands concerned.”13 (Lt. Clifford L. Jones, March 1946)

  For exercise FABIUS, the exercise was planned in two phases, the marshalling and embarkation phase and the execution of the exercise. The 11th Amphibious Force moved the troops from the point of embarkation with British naval forces providing the convoys from German naval attack. The Ninth Air Force provided air cover and tactical assistance. With a German assault against the Allied forces at sea participating in th
e TIGER exercises, this was important for the FABIUS exercises.

  Exercise FABIUS was described in a 1946 postwar report by the U.S. Army Historical Division called The Administrative and Logistical History of the ETO; Part VI; NEPTUNE: Training, Mounting, The Artificial Ports. It indicated that while VII Corps was engaged in its rehearsal exercise, the British forces and U.S. V Corps participated in the FABIUS exercises I through VI. These exercises were carried out simultaneously and were coordinated by 21 Army Group J, and involved all of the Assault Force O assault units. The schedule for FABIUS was to be from April 23 through May 7. These exercises were purposefully pattered after OVERLORD. The only exercises of the overall exercise that involved American forces were FABIUS I and FABIUS VI. FABIUS I included the primary elements of the 1st and 29th Infantry Divisions and attached units, including two Ranger battalions, two tank battalions, and three engineer combat battalions as assigned from the Provisional Engineer Special Brigade Group. This totaled more than 25,000 troops as part of Force O. FABIUS VI was a marshalling exercise for certain of the build-up units assigned to the Southern Base Section. Planners attempted to create the expected conditions in Normandy as closely as possible. The primary purpose of the FABIUS exercises was to give the entire invasion force a chance to function as a whole before the real invasion.


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