The Lost Ranger: A Soldier's Story
Page 58
320. Figure 320: P-47 Thunderbolt night-firing machine guns (USAF)
321. Figure 321: Aerial view of the heavy battery Toulbroc'h II, No. 93, Pinczon report Sel.Book IV, circa 1947, Service Historique de la Marine, Brest, French Ministry of DefenseAerial photo showing southern portion of the fort just after the war. (
322. Figure 322: Composite map over aerial photo of Fort de Toulbroc’h with attention paid to certain Ranger positions and actions on September 2, 1944. The orange oval denotes the area where the landmine was tripped wounding S/Sgt Hull as reported by Randall Ching. (Image courtesy of Geoportail, France)(Overlay from L’enfer De Brest) 323. Figure 323: After Action Map prepared by 29th Infantry Division of Ranger Action on September 2-3, 1944 324. Figure 324: 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion, B Company Sick Log Book, September 1944, NARA, NPRC, St. Louis, MO, Sick Books Army, 5 RN BN 2128, Microfilm reel number 04296, September 1944
325. Figure 325: Circle showing possible location of 108th Evacuation Hospital in Lannilis France, Sep 44 326. Figure 326: Patients are brought to the 108th Evacuation Hospital by WC54 Ambulances. (NARA) 327. Figure 327: Wounded being loaded for transport for evacuation to England (NARA photo)
328. Figure 328: Flowchart of U.S. medical establishment, War Department, (courtesy of WW2 U.S. Medical Research Centre and Olive-Drab World War II Research websites)
329. Figure 329: Location of 94th General Hospital located at Tortworth Court, UK. (A Vision of Britain Through Time – Public Domain)5
330. Figure 330: Unit Crest of 94th General Hospital (USACMH)
331. Figure 331: The 94th GH took over the facilities of the 120th GH, located at Tortworth Courts, Falfield, Somerset, England, showing castle in distance. August 5, 1943 photo. (NARA photo)
332. Figure 332: Example of S/Sgt Hull medical records provided by Department of Veterans Affairs. 333. Figure 333: 74th General Hospital, Falfield, England 1944 (NARA photo)
334. Figure 334: The British liner RMS Queen Mary arrives in New York harbour, 20 June 1945, with thousands of U.S. troops from Europe. The Queen Mary still wears her light grey war paint. Seen from near Hamilton Avenue, Weehawken. June 20, 1945, Source U.S. Navy photo 80-GK-5645; U.S. Defense Visual Information Photo HD-SN-99-03026 [1], (USN) 335. Figure 335: Halloran General Hospital postcard (public domain – New York Public Library)
336. Figure 336: Halloran General Hospital aerial photo (public domain – National Institute of Health) 337. Figure 337: O’Reilly General Hospital postcard (public domain – Missouri Digital Heritage, Collections, O'Reilly General Hospital of Springfield, Missouri)
338. Figure 338: O’Reilly General Hospital postcard (public domain - Springfield-Greene County Library, Springfield, Missouri) 339. Figure 339: Medical Train arriving at Battle Creek Michigan to deliver patients to Percy Jones General Hospital (NARA Photo) -
340. Figure 340: Hart Dole Inouye Federal Center, Battle Creek, Michigan (Federal Government Photo) 341. Figure 341: Postcard of Percy Jones General Hospital, Battle Creek, Michigan (Public domain)
342. Figure 342: Herb Hull Bus ticket stub home upon discharge from Army (Author’s collection)
343. Figure 343: Herb Hull and three of his kids, taken early 1950’s (Author’s collection)
344. Figure 344: Great-Grandson Christian Mehlo on January 30, 2012. (Author’s collection)
345. Figure 345: Grave of Herbert Hull being honored by Great-Grandson Christian Mehlo in September 2004. 346. Figure 346: The picture above is Herb Parks holding revolutionary wheel used on the record setting “Swamp Rat 30” dragster (left) and Herb with his sister and Mehlo family in Youngstown, Ohio during the late 1970s. My mom and dad are to his right, I am on his lap, and my sister is to his left.
347. Figure 347: Herbert Hull, Jr “Herb Parks” standing with his boss, racing legend Don Garlits (photo courtesy of Don Garlits)
348. Figure 348: S/Sgt Hull’s uniform showing the medals he had at the time of his death including the Bronze Star Medal 349. Figure 349: East Palestine Morning Journal Newspaper accounts of Herbert Hull in fall of 1944
350. Figure 350: Leroy Anderson receiving haircut from Randall Ching in France in 1944.(courtesy of Randall Ching)
1stst 55, 60, 63, 67, 179, 206, 216, 218
1st Infantry Division…..182, 209, 213-215, 218, 229-230, 260, 267, 271
2nd Fallschirmjäger (Parachute) Division (German)…..341
2nd Infantry Division…..326, 334, 342, 348, 350, 353
2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion…..1, 2, 54, 60, 63, 67, 69, 72, 113-114, 123, 174, 179, 193, 196, 199-201, 123, 174, 179, 193, 196, 199-201, 123, 174, 179, 193, 196, 199-201, 123, 174, 179, 193, 196, 199-201, 317, 323-326, 334- 335, 337-339, 342-343, 394-396, 398
A Company…..268, 316
B Company…..305
C Company…..231, 277
D Company…..229, 231-232 E Company…..229, 231-232 F Company…..229, 231-232, 310
HQ Company…..231-232
3rd Ranger Infantry Battalion…..54, 60, 67
4th Cavalry Reconnaissance
Squadron (Mechanized)…..326, 330, 334
4th Ranger Infantry Battalion…..54, 60, 67, 179
5th Ranger Infantry Battalion:
A Company…..101, 120, 179, 196, 216, 268, 284, 293, 299, 311, 316, 320
B Company…..i, 1, 72, 73, 101, 114, 120, 196, 216, 257
C Company…..120, 216, 256, 268-269, 287, 354
D Company…..i, 1, 2,70, 120, 179, 216, 274, 287, 291, 292, 312, 350, 353-355, 361-362, 364, 394
E Company…..51, 120, 174, 216, 283-284, 315
F Company…..i, 69, 72, 114, 120, 216, 268, 286-287, 311, 350, 353-354, 361-362, 364 HQ Company…..i, 74, 120, 123, 216, 284, 287, 290, 324, 353, 355
6th Armored Division…..338, 348
6th Ranger Infantry Battalion…..55,
8th Infantry Division…..348, 350, 369
10th Armored Division…..63
10th U.S. Army Replacement
Depot…..176-178, 200, 221, 331 18th Field Artillery Battalion (105 H)…..326, 337-338
24th Cavalry Reconnaissance
Squadron (Mechanized)…..326, 330
29th Infantry Division…..iii, 54, 129, 182, 193, 199, 202, 210, 213-214, 217, 231, 260, 267, 269, 271, 277, 283, 299, 307, 309, 311, 314, 317, 334, 343, 348, 350-351, 353, 354, 364, 366-369, 371, 391, 398 116th Infantry Regiment…..199, 271, 277, 283, 285, 287, 293, 295, 299, 301, 303, 306, 311, 312, 313, 314, 317, 350, 351, 353, 369
116th Regimental Combat
Team…..214, 231, 271, 277, 298, 302, 318
29th Ranger Infantry Battalion…..54, 193
35th Infantry Division…..iii, 2, 17, 23-32, 34, 37, 51, 63, 64, 121, 163, 395
50th General Hospital…..175, 176 54th Replacement Battalion…..146, 147, 149, 153
74th General Hospital (GH)…..373, 378, 379, 398
80th Infantry Division…..60
84th Troop Carrier
Squadron……146, 147
94th General Hospital (GH)…..373, 375, 376, 378, 383, 391, 397 99th Infantry Battalion
(Separate)…..323, 324, 326, 328, 330, 331, 333, 335- 338, 398 108th Evacuation Hospital
(EH)…..361, 371-373, 383, 391 134th Infantry Regiment…..i, 27, 32, 34-51, 64, 202, 395
34-51, 64, 202, 395
50, 64
196th Field Artillery Battalion (105 H)…..326, 328, 337, 338
234th Engineer Battalion…..232 305th Combat Engineer
Battalion…..60, 69
320th Infantry Regiment…..iii, 17, 23-32, 34, 38-39, 48, 395, 397 352nd Infantry (German
Wehrmact)….. 260, 262, 264, 273, 292, 295, 299, 304
436th MPEG…..323
454th MPEG…..323
474th Fighter Group…..206, 207, 209
552nd Military Police Escort Guard (MPEG)…..322
716th Infantry (German)…..260, 261
726th Infantry (German)…..260, 264, 266
741st Tank Battalion…..214, 215 743rd Tank Battalion…..214, 215, 283, 285, 292, 307, 311, 313 759th Light Tank Battalion…..326, 327, 330, 333-338
V Corps…..129, 200, 204, 213, 214, 258, 315, 317, 318, 334, 338,
VIII Corps…..36, 161, 175, 200, 339, 348, 351, 368, 371,
IX Tactical Air Command…..207 XIX Corps…..205, 337, 362
LXXXVIII Corps (German)…..260
Akers, Bernard C. Pfc…..73, 293, 296, 307, 339
Alum Bay, England…..219, 221, 228-229
Amphibious Forces Patch…..2, 112, 177
Anderson, Leroy, Pvt…..73, 293, 298, 301, 319, 395
Anvil Point cliff, England…..219, 225
Armed Forces Induction Station, Akron, Ohio…..7-8
Army Group B (German)…..260
Askin, Stanley “Stan” L, 1st
Lt……339, 353-355, 361
Assault Flotilla 504 (British)…..274
Assault Section…..120, 182, 184, 187, 190, 197, 202,
Atlantikwall…..iii, 182, 260, 312, 340, 346
Baker, Pfc Hubert A. …..331, 339 Banks, Louis, Pfc…..73, 293 Banning, Elmo, Tec 5 …..73, 270,
Banning, Elmo, Tec 5 …..73, 270,
308, 394, 396, 399
Barfield, Pvt Joseph B ….. 334 Banks, Louis ….73, 293
Barber, Alexander (HQ, Medic Detachment)….321
Bartlett, Pvt William B. ….320, 339 Bass, Richard T. ….i, 180, 181, 183,
185, 187-197, 199, 200
Bat’s Head, England…..223-4 Battle of Britain…..207, 220
Beccue, Cpl Gale (5B)…..291, 305 Belgian Gates…..96, 261
Belmont, S/Sgt Gail Hamilton (2A)…..268, 273
Berger, 2nd Lt George G…..320 BIGOT…..204-205, 209, 247-251, 272, 306
Bixler, Johnnie E, Pvt…..73, 293 Black, Robert W., Col…..i, 3, 51, 53, Black, Robert W., Col…..i, 3, 51, 53, 232, 257, 316-317, 323, 343, 356, 394-395, 397
Black, Pvt William L…..320
Blitzkreig Bar…..115-116
Bois du Molay, France…..317-318, 320
Boudreaux, Sgt Dalton L…. 307, 334
Boulder Ruckle cliff,
England…..219, 221, 225, 226 Boutilier, Pvt Howard L……320 Bradley, General Omar…..179, 204, 231, 284, 342
Braunton Camp, England…..176, 178-204
Brest, France…..iii, 257, 339- 343, Brest, France…..iii, 257, 339- 343, 366, 368-369, 371-372, 383, 386, 391, 396
Brittany, France…..54, 257, 264, 338, 340, 343, 346- 348, 351, 369, 372
210, 212
Bronze Star Medal…..2, 365, 386, 392, 399
Browning Automatic Rifle
(BAR)…..43-45, 67, 183, 198-199, 232, 235, 284, 296, 300, 305, 307, 314, 315, 361
Browning M1917 heavy machine gun…..43-48, 70, 72, 120, 231 Brunelle, Rene R., Pfc…..73, 293, 325
Buais, France…..319, 335- 337 Burke-Wadsworth Bill…..6
Burke-Wadsworth Bill…..6
222, 237-242, 244
Burton cliff, England…..221-222, 233
Canham, Charles D.W.,
Colonel…..231, 267, 277, 293, 295, 297-298, 300, 302, 304- 306, 311, 369
Cardinali, Peter, L., S/Sgt…..73, 164, 293, 307, 356, 364-365, 369 Carpenter, Pvt Roy E…..320, 339 Carter, Owen, Lt. Col…..61, 101, 113, 174-175
113, 174-175
Continental Central Enclosure No.19…..321-324
Channel Islands, United
Kingdom…..257, 330, 332
Chateaux de Vaumicel….. (See Ormel Farm)…..300, 302
)…..300, 302
326, 328, 330-334, 340
Ching, Randall Pfc…..66-67, 73, 114-120, 124, 268, 270, 276, 277, 283, 284, 291, 293, 305, 307, 326, 328, 333-334, 338, 351, 354, 356, 328, 333-334, 338, 351, 354, 356, 395, 399
Coleman, Max D, Pfc (5C)…..256 Colleville, France…..267
Colombières, France…..318, 320, 323
Commando(s), British…..53-54, 167, 170-174, 179, 212, 230, 231 Combat Infantrymans Badge…..2, 3, 386
Combe Point, England…..217 Combined Operations
Command…..167, 170-171, 180, 193, 231, 233-237
Constable, First Sergeant Grant E…..101
Cordes, Pfc Henry J…..320, 334 Copeland, James Robert (JR)
S/Sgt…..63, 114, 163, 172, 173, 175, 185, 202, 207, 221, 232, 244, 251
Cota, Sr., Norman D.,
General…..269, 277-278, 283, 290-291, 293, 301-302, 304, 311 Craig, Pfc Henry…..331
Czech Hedgehogs…..261
Forrest, TN…..55-72
Forrest, TN…..55-72
137, 142,
Peay, TN…..54-55-57
Ritchie, MD…..123
Rucker, AL…..27, 34, 39-49 San Luis Obispo, CA…..i, 17, 23-33, 39
Darby’s Rangers
Darby, William O, Col…..54, 60, 67 Davis, Ralph E. (2F)…..279, 310 Dawson, 2nd Lt. Francis
(5D)…..274, 321 D-Day…..1, 54, 73, 179-180, 201,
203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210,
212, 213, 214, 215, 234, 235, 236,
244, 246, 256-310
DD Tank……218
Dees, Pvt Dewey C……320
Department of Veterans
Affairs…..21-22, 176, 370, 396 Descendents of World War II Rangers, Inc….2, 394
Detlefsen, Sgt Vern L……114-115, 163, 317
Devlin, Thomas G. Pfc…..73, 293, 307
Dickman, S/Sgt Edward W. 319, 331
Dielette, France…..319
DiMarsico, Pfc Frank F….331, 339 Dinah Shore…..118, 338
Dinan, France…..319, 339
Dog Red Sector…..260
Dog White Sector…..260
Dog White Sector…..260
219, 221, 245-246
Dorset, England…..206, 209-210, 219, 221-223
Drew, Richard…..211, 398
DUKW…..193, 196, 213, 232, 235, 242
Durdle Door cliff, England…..221, 223-224
East Palestine, Ohio…..2, 5-7, 20-21, 386, 392
Eichnor, John T, Cpt…..174, 179 Eisenhower, Dwight D.,
Eisenhower, Dwight D.,
259, 309, 325, 348, 396
Enlistment Oath…..9
ETOUSA…..113, 161, 174, 204, 318 European Theater of Operations (ETO)…..28, 60, 128-129, 180, 204, 214, 270, 342
Exercise FABIUS I…..203, 205, 213- 215, 217, 245, 247
Exercise FABIUS II…..213-214, 218 Exercise FABIUS III…..213-214 Exercise FABIUS IV…..213-214 Exercise FABIUS V…..213-214 Exercise FABIUS VI…..213-214 Exercise HARLEQUIN…..204 Exercise TIGER…..205, 212, 214 Exit D-1…..258, 260, 267, 277-278, 283, 301
Exit D-3…..258, 287
Feagan, Pvt Raymond D…..339 Felix, Richard “Doc”,….3, 158, 371, 394, 396
Fifteenth Army (German)…..260 First Army…..113, 128, 204, 206, 318, 321, 323, 330, 335, 337-338 Fishman, Pvt Edward…..320 Flammanville, France…..319 For Whom the Bell Tolls…..116-117 Force “O”…..205, 206, 213, 251 Fort
de Dellac…..343, 369
de Pointe du Petit
de Pointe du Petit
de Mengant…...343, 353, 369 de Portzic…..343, 368-369 de Toulbroc’h, France…..iii, 69, 340-369
124, 141
Hamilton, NY…..123
Hayes, OH…..3, 7, 10-16, 18, 23,
Pierce, FL…..66, 74, 93-112
Foucarville, France (POW
Camp)…..318, 320-324
Fourth Army…..2, 26, 37
Gardner, Clayton E…..307
German 20 mm Flak V, antiaircraft weapon…..304, 325, 343, 345
German 75 mm gun…..264, 344, 357
sp; German 88 mm gun…..264, 280, 285, 287-288, 296
German 105 mm gun…..262, 264, 279, 326, 328, 344, 362
German 150 mm gun…..262, 264, 279
272, 276, 279, 295
German 240 mm guns…..344
German 280 mm guns…..343
German Nebelwerfer (rocket
German S-mine…..357-359
Gilmore, Pvt Richard J…..320 Gipson, Jr., Albert P, Pfc…..73, 293, 331
Glassman, Henry S, Sgt…. 3, 53, Glassman, Henry S, Sgt…. 3, 53, 331, 356, 361, 393, 395, 397
Glen Caladh Castle…..167-171 Goldberg, Howard M., Sgt …..73, 293, 334
Gombosi, Louis J, 1st Lt…..iii, 320, 351, 354-356, 359-361, 363-364 Goodwin, Robert S. Pfc…..73, 293, 339
Goranson, Capt Ralph…..231
Gorzynski, Pfc Robert W…..339 Graf Spee Battery (German)…..343, 349
Grandcamp les Baines,
France…..271-273, 311-319
Grand Hotel Swanage…..229-230 Gray, Pvt Roland D…..331
Gregory, Matthew, 1st Lt…..175, 231, 275, 284, 292, 294, 301-302, 320 Grenadier Regiment (GR) 726th …..260, 263, 264, 266, 267, 295, 299, 300, 301
Grenadier Regiment (GR) 914th …..307
Grenadier Regiment (GR)
916th…..264, 292, 295, 300-301 Gréville-Hague (Greville),
Grünschloss, Captain
(German)…..260, 266, 302,
Gunnoe, S/Sgt Pierre D,…..163, 331,
Hamel au Prêtre…..295,
Hamilton, S/Sgt Ozley K…..331 Harbin, 1st Lt Darwin D…..320, 324 Harward, Pvt Alton L…..320
Harward, Pvt Alton L…..320
200, 216, 218, 229-230, 246
Healey, Francis J, Pfc…..73, 293, 307
heavy weapons company…..43-47 Hefflefinger, Hugo W, Cpt…..174, 179
Herring, Thomas E…..68-69
HMS Amsterdam…..215, 232, 233 HMS Ben Machree…..215
HMS Glasgow (British
cruiser)…..313- 314
HMS James Cook…..170-171
HMS James Cook…..170-171