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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

Page 18

by Alexandra North

  Kissing me on the cheek, I’m surrounded by a cloud of expensive scents and I smile fondly as I watch her carry the now heaving platters out towards the patio, weaving between the throng of early guests, her amazing legs watched all the way by male admirers. I loved her to bits!

  I’m left pondering what she has astutely perceived about Sebastian but I’m also very aware that I have arrived with another man and with that reminder I go in search of Leo. I’d left him with Nathan and Abby who’d arrived at the same time as us, whilst I checked some final details for the party. Last night must have gone well for them as Abby was lit up like a Christmas tree.

  Dumping my handbag, under the sink so I can locate it later with ease, I grab a chilled glass of Sancerre and headed out to where the cool dance tune, Little Bad Girl, blasts out, from what seems to be every corner of the garden. The men have worked their magic again with the PA system and Lighting, calling in a favour from a Sound Engineer mate. Suzie had even got a well-known Lords DJ mate of hers from her clubbing days to do a stint for us and he was busy setting up, huge ear defenders at the ready. The vibe was already hot.

  I take a moment to look around and people watch. The beat of the music is summer in a bottle, intense and exciting - the night full of promise. The majority of S and G’s friends I know, as they are mutual - ditzy Jess being one of them, grinning naughtily at me. However I can see several new faces in the mix. Perhaps they are G’s colleagues from work? Either way it is a great turnout and I am pleased for them.

  I laugh as I see Gino, mouthing the words of the song to Suzie, as she boogies on the spot. They are such exhibitionists but just fab together. Gino steps towards her and begins to throw some shapes, continuing to mime.

  “They tell me I’m a bad boy - all the ladies look at me and act coy. I just like to put my hands up in the uuurr…” He dances around her, his arms waving madly in the air, encouraged by her mirrored dancing and continues, “…I want that girl dancing over thuuurr.”

  He points at her, undulates his hips and grabs her close to him for a rewarding smooch. They’re an inspiration and from the raucous applause many of the guests agree.

  I look away smiling, and focus my attention on the garden, which has been cleverly segregated, if I say so myself, into zones. The raging bull has pride of place in the centre of the manicured lawn. To the left of it is a chill-out area with huge cream floor cushions, which are joined to create one giant mattress. Low rattan tables, housing hurricane lamps, separate sections every so often to create several intimate compartments. Further along, the immense water feature has been completely made over, into an exotic fairy woodland, with pinks, blue and greens diluting the water, to form a rainbow fountain, which tinkles elegantly, and continues the neon theme.

  Along the large fences, which wrap around the garden, I’d hung bright coloured paper lanterns and every so often staked long sticks with mosquito repellent candles, in the same pinks, yellows, blue and limes. The food area is housed under the offending gazebo, which now stands proud and secure. I want to say erect but it instantly makes me think of Sebastian and his hard-on last night.

  Get your dirty mind out of the gutter Lulu. My inner voice conflicts with reality; that desire had been for you - you did that to him.

  Blushing I guiltily turn in search of Leo and see him chatting amiably with Nathan, Abby and a few others near the Drinks table.

  “Hey you.” Abby wraps her arms around me, hugging me happily. “All sorted?”

  “Yeah all good Hun.” She is such a good friend and I can tell that she’s totally into Nathan. “You look lovely Babe.” I rub her arm affectionately and wink back.

  “What this old thing?” batting her eyelashes brazenly at me. “Courtesy of the catalogue and will probably cost me three times its value, over the next year but it really is worth it, isn’t it?” She does a little spin with her hands jutting out at the sides, and struts her stuff proudly. Her bright pink dress will definitely get admired tonight, even if it’s only when screwed up in a pile, on Nathan’s bedroom floor.

  “Anyway snap!” she exclaims standing back and looking me up and down, with a nod of approval.

  I look down at my short white figure hugging bandage dress and have to agree, its one of my favourites and looks great with my olive skin and turquoise suede peep-toes and the large acid torque collar necklace completes the look. It is a perfect choice for the neon theme.

  We are chattering contentedly about Finn, shoes, catching up on EastEnders soap gossip, work and as quietly as we can about men, but with Nathan and Leo in deep conversation about shares, next to us, it is difficult to talk freely. Then I hear Abby, “Ahem” loudly, and with her hand over her mouth she grunts “Sebastian,” mid cough, to camouflage the warning. The hairs on my arms go up and I shiver. I’m itching to disappear back inside and hide.

  “Stop fiddling,” Abby hisses into my ear as she moves on to top up her drink.

  I drop the strand of hair I’ve unknowingly been toying with and glance sideways.

  Don’t look to your right. Don’t look to your right. You are not here with Sebastian.

  I glance up at Leo and recognising my interest in him, he places a palm in the dip of my lower back, drawing me into his body, his attention still entirely focused on solving Nathan’s ISA issues. As I watch him talking animatedly, my shoulders relax and feeling sorry for him, I realise he’s trying really hard to fit in. I need to cut him some slack, forget Mr. Silver and try something new for tonight’s date. I just wish I could manufacture some attraction to him.

  I place my hand teasingly onto Leo’s arm and look at him as intently as I can, whispering, “Sorry I left you to just fend for yourself. Party all sorted.” I smile coyly up at him, flirting openly, to boost my mood and show willing. It works and I take the opportunity to sneak a look over my shoulder. The coast is clear. My shoulders drop and I step away from Leo’s fold. If he notices, he doesn’t flinch but I don’t need to play the doting date at all times.

  I’m about to go mingle when I halt at the sound of my name on his lips. I’d know his voice anywhere but now it’s rippling over every sensitive nerve ending, doing silly things to my skin.


  The seductive tone enough to make me take a deep breath before turning to face him.

  “You look beautiful.”

  Black pools appraise me from my long GHD blown wavy hair, sensuously over my breasts, hips, legs and down to my painted coral toenail, peeking through my heels. “Nice shoes.” He knew I had a shoe fetish.

  God he oozed sex appeal.

  “Thanks Seb. You don’t scrub up bad yourself.”

  The comment couldn’t be less underplayed … he looked hot! Sizzling in fact! Trademark roughed up jeans, bright pink and pale blue striped Ralph Lauren shirt, sleeves rolled up and worn dealer boots. My eyes are drawn to his hands, his fingers - not that long since they were working their magic on my bits with such immense skill.

  After a few seconds of silence, I tear my eyes away from his intense gaze. He didn’t look mischievous or playful tonight. He was agitated. I rub my hands over my arms to fend off the goosebumps rising there but I’m not cold. His eyes are focused on my mouth, where I’m chewing hard on my bottom lip.

  “What are you doing Lu?”

  “What do you mean?” I can’t meet his eyes. I know exactly what he’s inferring.

  All calm demeanours go out the window as Seb grabs me at the elbow tightly, twisting me to face him and look up at him. My skin burns at his touch.

  “Oh come on. You know exactly what I mean,” thrusting his head in the direction of Leo and rolling his eyes. “Mr. Interesting in the corner.” He looks furious; his face is stern and tense, the muscle in his jaw twitching as he tries to maintain control.

  “Excuse me?” I’m suddenly exceedingly irritated. I came here with the full intention of making tonight’s date with Leo a success and he is fucking ruining it. You keep telli
ng yourself that love.

  “I’m on a date Seb. I told you I was dating again; last week. You just didn’t get the chance to meet him in Lords.” I step backwards a little and pull my arm free, taking a large gulp of my wine.

  He looks shocked at his own behaviour. “I know. I know. I just didn’t know you were bringing him here tonight. I told you last night. Rule no.5!” Raking his hand over his head, I can see that he is anguished but at the same time annoyed with himself for giving a damn.

  “Sebastian I realise that I should deem myself exceedingly fortunate that you have agreed that I should be the latest in a long line of lucky ladies, waiting with baited breath to be tumbled by the almighty Mr. Silver.” My sarcastic tone does not go unnoticed by him and fuelled I continue. “But - it doesn’t mean I should just roll over and spread my legs at the click of your fingers. Although last night was pleasant enough you may remember you manoeuvred me into that position last weekend and then couldn’t even finish the deed.” I practically spit the last word out, vehement in my statement.

  My eyes are bright and glassy; my body so fraught with unspoken feelings, tension and in need of immediate release. I look up slowly at him - everything I feel is reflected there – in his deep pools. The music thrums around us and guests laugh and roar at the latest victim of the bull. It’s as though the world is going on around us and we are invisible from them all. Leo included. I’ve definitely pushed him too far, his chest is heaving and his beautiful mouth is tight with frustration.

  He looks drop dead gorgeous and all I want to do is reach out and place my palm on his chest - to tell him it wasn’t just pleasant - that was the understatement of the year - it had been earth shatteringly, mind-blowingly good.

  To give him his due, he replies with such steely calm I’m impressed at his control.

  “I’m not even going to justify that with an answer Lucia. You and I both know that you are bull-shitting to stop yourself from truly feeling and getting hurt. With regards to not finishing the deed, we have already discussed this, but believe me I can perform. I can cross the fucking finish line so many times that that line becomes blurred after a while. You’ll be so wet and wanton, you’ll be begging me to fuck you then and there, again and again until I’m buried so deep inside you, we won’t know where you begin and I end.”

  With a slow, arrogant smile on his lips, he rubs his chin roughly with his hand, smug with his parting comment. Then turning at the last minute he throws over his shoulder. “Close your mouth Lu or I’ll be tempted to put something in it!”

  The gall of the arrogant… sexy, mother fucking bastard!

  I clamp my gawping mouth shut immediately and nervously disappear inside to freshen up and refill my drink. I cannot get my head around the different side to my friend Sebastian. There was nothing friendly about his suggestions.

  Rule no.3: We must become strangers to become lovers and I have to say he’s definitely a stranger to me right now. I’m not sure which one I prefer but I do know I miss the funny Sebastian who makes me laugh uncontrollably and is easy to be around. I’d only fleetingly seen that side of him, since the night he’d returned from Dubai. I’m mulling over my thoughts and thinking that I better go and find Leo, when I spin at the sound of my name.

  “Lucia. There you are – I’ve been searching for you.” It’s Chris Booth and his self-assured smile, which makes me feel like I deserve his attention. It’s extremely irritating. God I wish they’d all just piss off and leave me to have some fun.

  I politely nod. “Chris. How’s things?”

  “All good at my end. Great news about that Ashton job! That place is very swish.”

  “Yeah I’m really happy to be working on it and have Silver Con involved. Sebastian said that you were going to be project managing the lads with the knocking about?” I politely enquire.

  “I begged him to work on this one, to be honest,” he says leaning in close, as though to tell me a secret. “I think you and I could work really well together.” His voice is laced with promise, “Besides its small fish for Sebastian – he likes the travelling – the big projects! His feet are too itchy to stay in one place for too long. That’s why he and thing-ummy-jiggy worked well together.”

  Thing-ummy-jiggy who?

  I choose to ignore both this and his flirting, although I have to say he looks very smooth tonight. His lightly tanned skin and pale blue shirt show his icy eyes off strikingly and his dimpled cheeks soften what is a relatively harsh face. He was attractive but did nothing for me. I could see why Meg was keen. Shame she’d not been able to come tonight. Something about her eldest having a dance show.

  I grab my glass and refill it with the nearest bottle of white wine and decide to try and make more of an effort with Sebastian’s best mate, for nothing other than the fact that it looked like we were going to be working together a considerable amount.

  “I’m looking forward to it Chris – but I warn you I’m a hard task master!”

  “I do like a strong woman, who knows what she wants.” Oh dear he really does like to sex it up. “Plus, Seb is pretty busy with work and the ladies of course,” he adds winking at me cheekily. “So it’d be nice to meet some new people.”

  I’m instantly irritated by his topic of conversation and it isn’t really his fault. It was the truth. But unknowingly Chris continues oblivious.

  “He’s such a lucky bastard. You know it was only this week just gone, we’d driven to Manchester to quote for some Restaurant Chain remodel and all the way through the pitch, some bird had made her intentions pretty clear to Seb.”

  My ears prick up at this tit-bit of gossip and I feel the unwelcome growl of jealously low in my belly. “Oh yes?”

  Enjoying the sound of his own voice Chris continues on a roll. “Oh yeah, we stayed the night. This blonde was gagging for it and Sebastian took full advantage. Never one to refuse a lady or a piece of the action,” he says seedily and I cringe.

  “We went out that night for drinks to seal the deal and she was all over him like a rash. Stacey, I think it was?” he stops to think.

  The more I get to know Chris, the more I wonder about the level of his intelligence. He’s definitely a bit of a jack-the-lad.

  “Yeah, Stacey that was her name! Anyway he left us lot early with the hottie and I didn’t see him again until breakfast. Like I say he’s a lucky bastard.”

  He swigs his beer and shakes his head. “He’ll never settle down that one. Thought he might for a mo with his latest in Dubai, bout as serious as I’ve seen him but nahh!” He raises his bottle again and chuckles openly, “Anyway it gives us thirsty lads some rather amusing tales of his adventures - more than enough to wet our sexual appetites.”

  Oh my God, I can feel the ball of nausea rising up my oesophagus, burning a track inside me. I’m pretty sure that soon I’m going to disgrace myself. I take a deep breath and exhale. I smile through the conversation not willing to show Chris my true disappointment at Seb’s indiscretion and faking a laugh to encourage Chris’ loose tongue I ask.

  “When was this then? Last week you say?”

  “Hmm, it was Wednesday. Was a good night,” he nods, smiling to himself, inwardly reliving the memories. Suddenly, as though he’s remembered some snippet he quizzes, “Hey, didn’t you and he recently have a dabble? He’s been on about trying to take it to the next level since you were at University and we never thought he’d have the balls or the opportunity - what with you being with…?” He clicks his fingers continuously, grasping for a name.

  “Niall.” I fill in for him weakly. Oh my, I really do feel sick.

  Chris is still oblivious to my discomfort. “Niall, that’s it. Bit of a dick from what Seb has told me? Anyway obviously now you’re single the chance was there, and Sebastian must have grabbed it. Said you had an amazing pair of…,” he uses his hands to cup imaginary breasts on his chest.

  What the fuck? Did I just hear him correctly?

  I have
no right to be so completely devastated and feel such disloyalty. We are not together. Made no promises to one another. Why do I feel like he’s cheated on me with this bloody Stacey? I really need to go home and cry this one out.

  “Do excuse me Chris, I need to go find my date.” I smile overly brightly at him, not willing to show him any weakness or suggestion of my turmoil.

  He seems surprised at my quick exit but just shrugs and says smoothly, flickering his eyes over my body appreciatively.

  “No probs Lucia. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. I think we have a lot in common and Sebastian and I have very similar taste in women.”

  He rubs his fingers up the outside of my arm, sending a shiver of distaste around my body. I literally want to go and jump into the fountain to wash the feelings I’ve had in his vicinity away; I shake it off, turn and not responding, disappear outside.

  “There you are Babe. I was ready to send out a search party.” Abby grabs my arm and leads me towards the food table. “Are you OK? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” She disappears into her clutch, fumbles around and locating her Clinique compact, shoves it at me. “Blush and lippy - now!”

  I shrug at her bossiness and holding my hands up in resignation I complete her instructions.

  Suzie joins us, nibbling on a cheese and cracker. “You alright Sis?”

  “Oh I’m fine. Chris just took great pleasure in telling me that Sebastian had given him the lo-down on mine and his shenanigans last week,” I declare, blotting my lips on a tissue. “Oh and that’s not the best of it - Chris happily regaled how apparently according to Seb I had a nice pair of boobs!”

  “What?” Suzie and Abby say in unison, their faces horrified.

  “I know. He wouldn’t do that would he?”

  “I don’t know love. Men can be pricks, especially if the booze is flowing,” Abby acknowledges sympathetically. Giving me a cuddle, which Suzie mirrors, leaving me squished, laughing between them.


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