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Changed Wolf

Page 8

by Chloe Peterson

  "Yes, but also because you lied and stole from me. Twice over now. First, by literally taking from me, but even worse, by lying to me about Chase. You told me he couldn't fight or handle himself. I believed you and ignored him.

  "I could have been training my replacement. And Chase could already have given me yet another heir for me to train. I would have secured our future, but you robbed me of that. That's worse than all the heists you've been pulling. You're nothing but a snake."

  Zoe couldn't believe her father. He didn't care about her or her stealing. To him, she was nothing but a woman that had gotten in the way of his plans. From the way things sounded, he had no intention of killing her. That was how worthless she was to him.

  Zoe swallowed thickly. She certainly didn't want to die, but having someone treat her like something of such little consequence hurt.

  How twisted was my upbringing for me to be upset that he doesn't consider my stealing a big deal?

  "You'll never turn Chase into what you want him to be. I may have lied about certain things, but he's good. I've had decades to keep him that way. You won't undo it so fast."

  Zoe's father smiled. "You forget that I'll have decades with him too, Zoe. And if I can't break him, then I'll get rid of him once he gives me an heir. That's one thing you both keep forgetting. Everyone is a means to an end. Once their purpose ends, I discard them. I did the same with my brother, and I'll do the same with you."

  Zoe took a step back as her father approached. She'd been wrong about him not wanting to punish her. The glint in his eyes told her that he'd thought long and hard about what he wanted to say.

  "The way I killed my brother was predictable and unsatisfactory. With you, I'm going to take a different approach. First, I'm going to turn Chase into the perfect Darksong male. Weekly trips to the scrap yard should help him toughen up. Maybe I'll even throw him into the ring a few times. Something about facing death head-on wakes a person up."

  Zoe's breath hitched, and her face crumpled. Her father understood her perfectly. He knew damn well that hurting Chase would hurt her, and he was more than ready to capitalize on it.

  Why did I have to tell him that he'd never change Chase?

  "Oh, don't panic, sweetheart," her father said, almost reading her mind. "I've always known how special Chase is to you. I also know how special the legitimate businesses are to you, so I'm going to shut them all down. Then, we're going to expand into a lot more trafficking. Every time you hear of a kidnapped group of girls, you'll know that you were directly responsible for it."

  "You're sick in the fucking head," Zoe spat.

  Zoe's father laughed. "I am, and it's my biggest asset. I don't think as other people do. That's why I'm always a step ahead. I've always been transparent about who I am. I thought you were too, but now that I know better, I'll be sure to treat you like the cunt that you are."

  Zoe took a further step back as her father approached and found her foot in the water. She clenched her jaw. She knew her chances of beating her father in a fight on a good day were slim. In these conditions, her chances were even worse. Her limbs were shaking, and one of her feet was wet.

  "I'm going to let you suffer for a while, Zoe. Then, I'll sick the dogs on you. You won't be able to run, and if by any chance you do, then Maddox will find you. He's good at that, you know.

  "You made me look stupid in front of all my lieutenants and wasted years of my life with your lies. I'm going to destroy everything you love, then laugh when I hear news of your death. Don't bother trying to get ready, Zoe. You won't know when, where or how. And that's the best part."

  With those words, Reirder Dagiel walked away from his first-born child with a manic grin on his face. With the sanctity of the stream destroyed, Zoe drove back to the Whiteheart property with shaky hands.

  She wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come. She felt nothing but guilt and self-hate. If she had kept her head down and done what little she could, none of this would have happened. But no. She had to push for more change, faster than ever.

  Zoe's life with the Darksong was far from perfect, but now her father had just turned up the volume on everything that broke her heart. He was going to sink his teeth deeper into Chase and start taking on a lot more trafficking jobs all because of Zoe.

  That sick fuck knows precisely how to get to me. And now, he's going to have me looking over my shoulder for years searching for Maddox, if I know anything about how cruel he is.

  Zoe got out of her truck and ran straight into her room. Seconds after the door was shut, Giselle walked in, her brows furrowed.

  "Did everything with your brother go okay?"

  Zoe didn't register a word of what Giselle said. All she could focus on were the younger woman's pouty lips, and how hot she looked standing there with her towel wrapped around her.

  The other night, when Giselle had been naked after her shift, Zoe had caught glimpses of perfection. Namely a shapely bottom, washboard abs, and high, proud breasts.

  Zoe was spiraling. She couldn't cry, and she felt too wired to sleep. She needed a distraction.

  The older woman got up and slid a hand behind Giselle's head, and lowered her mouth to hers. Giselle's mouth immediately softened under hers, and the younger woman unconsciously pressed her lithe, but curvy body against Zoe, returning the kiss.

  Mere seconds later, Giselle pulled back and stared at Zoe. "What are you doing?"

  "Kissing you. I thought that was pretty clear."

  Giselle chuckled hesitantly. "Why?"

  Zoe shrugged. "I need a distraction."

  For a second, she thought she saw a bit of hurt flash through Giselle's face. But then it was gone in an instant.

  I'm imagining things.

  There was a massive ball of energy and emotion hovering above Zoe, and she needed a way to shift it.

  "A lot just happened, and I need to forget about it for a little bit." Zoe took a step forward and wrapped an arm around Giselle's waist. The feel of the slightly shorter woman's body pressed against her made her nipples harden.

  Zoe had done the right thing for so long, and it got her nowhere. She deserved a moment of pure, reckless fun, and who better to provide that than Falhurst's own Casanova?

  "What are you saying, Zoe? Do you want to have sex with me?"

  "Yes," Zoe said, lowering her head to nibble on Giselle earlobe, before peppering kisses down the younger woman's neck. Zoe had minimal experience with women, but she had a feeling that wouldn't be a problem with Giselle.

  "So," Giselle said breathless, "you want nothing more than a meaningless fuck from me?"

  Zoe froze as Giselle's words cut through the lust-filled haze that had settled over her. Did she only want sex from Giselle? If so, would it make Giselle feel like a piece of meat?

  Stop thinking so much. Just live for once.


  Zoe pulled back and watched Giselle's serious face melt into a sexy grin. "Good, because I haven't gotten laid in a while, and I've been dying to get my hands on this sexy body."

  Zoe's heart stuttered when Giselle dropped her towel and backed her onto the bed. The older woman fell onto it and lay diagonally, while Giselle pounced her and winked.

  "I'm going to make you cum more than you ever have in your life."

  A gush of arousal drenched Zoe's underwear at those words, and her nipples hardened painfully once Giselle's hands slipped under the hem of her shirt. Zoe swallowed thickly.

  Giselle meant business and the fluidity with which she stripped Zoe bare told her that she had the skills to deliver on her promise. Zoe had wanted a quick distraction, but the way Giselle sucked, lapped and nipped at her body, told her that she was in for hours and hours of pleasure.

  "Oh god." Zoe moaned as she felt Giselle pepper kisses on the insides of her thighs. She had a feeling that sex with Giselle would ruin her for everyone else.

  I think it might be worth it.


  The following morning, Giselle lay on her
side and watched Zoe sleep. After the life-changing sex they’d had the day before, she couldn't stay away from the older woman. So, after everyone had gone to bed, Giselle had sneaked into Zoe's room and spent the night.

  Everything feels so different. I feel different.

  After a typical tryst, Giselle was quick to get dressed and leave. She understood better than most that sex often heightened feelings between two people. That's why couples that had makeup sex could barely remember any of the emotions that led them to the point of rage.

  After Giselle had finally fulfilled her promise to make Zoe cum more than she ever had, the older woman had pulled her into an embrace and held her for a good twenty minutes. No one had ever done that to Giselle.

  Sure, there'd been kissing and cuddling as they cooled off, but the way Zoe held her made her feel safe, cared for, and wanted, and the last thing Zoe wanted was to burst the little bubble they'd created.

  Giselle sighed. She'd known it yesterday right after she snuck back into Zoe's room. All her hard work, keeping women at arm's length had been ruined. With one sensual, emotional round of intimacy, Zoe had shattered the walls that Giselle had kept up for seven good years.

  I'm falling for her. Falling harder than I've ever fallen for anyone.

  Now the only question on Giselle's mind was whether Zoe felt anything. The day before, their bodies had moved as one. Then, when Giselle snuck into Zoe's room later, they'd stared at each other, and fallen asleep after sharing goofy stories.

  Surely that was the kind of thing couples did? Zoe must have had feelings for Giselle too. The way they'd spent the last day went beyond mere distraction.

  Zoe groaned as she came to wakefulness and batted her long eyelashes as she focused on Giselle.

  The younger woman smiled. "Morning."

  "Morning," Zoe croaked.

  Giselle chuckled. "It sounds like you slept well."

  Zoe sighed. "I wish that was the case. I had nightmare after nightmare where my father came after me, and I couldn't run."

  Giselle instinctively placed a hand on Zoe's arm and squeezed it. "You know, you never told me what happened after your meeting with Chase."

  Zoe grinned. "I'd say we both had other things on our minds."

  Giselle could see Zoe's deflection a mile away. Whatever had happened with Chase had been bad enough for the ordinarily conservative woman to jump right into bed with Giselle. Giselle wasn't stupid. She knew that Zoe meant it when she said that she just wanted sex.

  I hope there was more to it than that. The way she touched me was so damn loving.

  Giselle shook her head. "No beating about the bush. What happened to your brother? What got you so upset that you got into my bed?"

  Zoe rolled away, swung her feet over the bed and faced the wall. "My father showed up."

  Giselle's eyes flew open. "He what?" The younger woman scrambled off her side of the bed and sat next to Zoe. "How the hell did he find you? You told me you guys were going to meet in a secret spot."

  "And we did. It just so happens my father had a tracker on Chase's car." Zoe shook her head. "I should have insisted he walk or borrow Jax's car, but I've been so out of it lately."

  "Hey, you just lost a lot." Giselle wrapped an arm around Zoe's waist. "I'd be worried if you weren't affected. That would mean I just had sex with a robot."

  Zoe snorted. "Some robot."

  "Mmh." Giselle placed a kiss behind Zoe's ear. "I'd like to purchase the robot."

  Zoe slapped Giselle's thing. "Sorry, hun. I'm not for sale. Never will be."

  "Of course not." Giselle smiled as Zoe threaded her fingers through hers. The gesture was unconscious, which gave Giselle hope that when she finally gathered the courage to tell Zoe how she felt, a matching confession would meet hers.

  "Tell me what your father said." Giselle pulled her hand away and folded her arms. She didn't need a distraction. The fact that Zoe's father had tracked her meant that she and the clan were in danger.

  A small part of Giselle was tempted to get upset over the fact that Zoe hadn't brought this news up yesterday. But she more than anyone understood just how far away danger was in Zoe's mind.

  The sex was pretty great, and all the stolen glances throughout the rest of the day just made it harder to think about anything else.

  "He told me that he wasn't going to come for me right away. He wants to destroy everything I love first. My father said he's going to break Chase, then mold him into the perfect Darksong male. He's also going to shut down all the legitimate businesses I started and focus on trafficking. After all that, he'll sick the dogs on me."

  Giselle's stomach dropped. What kind of man had Zoe been living with? It sounded like he wanted to destroy Zoe's soul, rather than get revenge.

  "I won't let him," Giselle growled.

  Zoe sighed. "There's nothing you can do. Knowing that he wants to hurt me like this is fucking with my mind. And the worst part is that he knows I'm here with you guys. He tracked Chase to this place. Although he didn't directly mention destroying the Whitehearts, I wouldn't put it past him. He's crazy. And I feel so sorry for bringing all of his madness down on everything and everyone I care about."

  Zoe audibly gulped. "The worst part is that something inside me is broken. I can't cry, and I can't even get angry. I feel numb. Yesterday with you was great, but then all night my father haunted me. I never thought I'd miss my old life, but now I can't help but think that way of living is better than the mess I've created."

  Giselle's heart ached for Zoe. The older woman had done the right thing all her life. Over the last few months, she'd been brave and taken things a step further by putting stronger action behind her beliefs.

  Most people didn't know it, but Zoe had saved lives. And this was how her father repaid her. Giselle's sadness turned into molten lava that threatened to erupt. She wanted nothing more than to pick up her favorite gun and march to Darksong territory and blow Reirder Dagiel's head off.

  You're no good to Zoe angry. Get a grip.

  Giselle took a deep breath and thought of Mara. The bear shifter always knew the right thing to say. Right now, Giselle was tongue-tied with frustration. Here the woman she was falling for had just poured her heart out, and Giselle hadn't said one word.

  Giselle parted her lips to speak, but Zoe shot to her feet. "I've been putting it off, but it's time I leave."

  "What?" Giselle squeaked. "You can't mean that. We already talked about this Zoe. You can't go out there on your own. Especially when your father told you in no uncertain terms that he will hunt you down."

  "Don't you see? That's why I have to leave!" Zoe threw her hands up in the air. "I know my father. At any point, he could snap and decide to come for me first. He's not exactly a patient man. Do you honestly think he's going to let me keep living here, enjoying the best that Falhurst has to offer?"

  Giselle groaned. "I doubt he'll come for you right away. He wants to see you suffer first. That gives us plenty of time to come up with a plan of defense. Don't forget; we're in this too."

  "Which is why I have to leave. My father doesn't so much as care about the things I love, as much as he wants to hurt me. It's me he's after. If I leave, he won't be interested in you guys." Zoe walked to the wardrobe and pulled out her hoodie from days before. "I'm grateful for all that you and your friends have done for me, but my mind is finally clear. I need to leave. Go somewhere where he won't think to look for me."

  Giselle felt her eyes begin to water. "Don't go. I couldn't stand it. The thought of you out there by yourself will drive me crazy. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you."

  Zoe's eyes softened, and she stood before Giselle. She cupped the younger woman's cheek. "Giselle, you've been such a good friend to me. Right from the beginning, you've gone above and beyond to be there for me. No matter what I've needed, you've given it to me."

  Zoe dropped her hand, and her cheeks colored.

  She's thinking of yesterday. Now's your chance.
/>   "Would it be that easy for you to leave me? Especially after what we shared yesterday?"

  Zoe's head snapped up. "You said it yourself; it was meaningless sex."

  "Is that why you’re blushing? Because it meant nothing?" Giselle took a step forward. "What if it meant something to me? What if I want more from you?"

  Zoe's jaw fell open, and she stuttered as she searched for words. Giselle's heart thudded in her chest. She hadn't explicitly said she had feelings for Zoe, but she'd put it out there. From the way Zoe was reacting, it had come as a shock. Hopefully a good one.

  "What are you saying, Giselle?"

  "That I think I want more from you," she whispered.

  Zoe straightened her shoulders and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be with anyone. I hate to say it, but you're not exactly the kind of person I'd choose even if I were ready. You've told me time and time again that relationships aren't your thing. How am I supposed to believe that all of a sudden, you've changed your mind? We had earth-shattering sex, Giselle, but it wasn't good enough to break a person's years-long pattern."

  Giselle took a step forward, her chest aching with the surety of Zoe's voice. She had to fight. If Zoe took off, then not only would she put herself in danger, but she'd break Giselle's heart worse than her last girlfriend ever had.

  "Isn't it for me to decide what I do and don't want?"

  Zoe shook her head. "You said it yourself, Giselle. You think you want more from me. You're not sure. But I am. You're a great person, but I don't want a relationship with you. I care about you, which is why I'm being brutally honest. It's also why I have to leave."

  Giselle stared at Zoe for a good long minute. Every word the older woman had said rang true. Not once did she stutter or look away.

  It seemed unfathomable, but Zoe Dagiel honestly felt nothing for Giselle. All the subtle touches, glances and the mind-blowing sex they'd had couldn't change that. Giselle had had her heart broken to pieces before, but she'd found a way to get back up.

  This time, she didn't know that she could. For a short while, she'd let her guard down and let herself dream of a future with the ideal woman. But it turned out that Giselle wasn't deserving in the eyes of her perfect woman.


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