My Baby Is A West Coast King 3
Page 11
“Come in!” Chaz called out groggily.
“Oh, Mr. Benjamin, you’re awake. Great. Your brothers are here with some food for you.” Turning to me she said, “Also, the young lady that you advised me not to let in, Mrs. Benjamin, she’s adamant—”
“Let her in, please,” he cut the nurse off, who darted her eyes from me to Chaz for a little bit before nodding and leaving.
“Fuck you! I hate you!” I screamed once the door closed, as I grabbed my purse and jacket. “You never loved—”
“No, you never loved me!” he shouted, lowering at me like he wanted to whoop my ass.
At a loss for words, and not in the mood to cry, I left out, seeing his brothers along with Erynne in the hallway.
As I stormed by them, Kordell yelled, “Scissor me timbers!”
Erynne and Mischief roared with laughter, as I swung my heavy ass purse and hit him. I couldn’t believe Chaz told them about Adrian and me. And we weren’t even scissoring when he caught us! I fucking hated Kordell!
Once I made it out of Long Beach Memorial Hospital, and to my car, I got in and floored it home. I just wanted to take a hot bath and watch movies that proved just how much men weren’t shit. Yeah, Waiting to Exhale and A Thin Line Between Love and Hate were gonna be in rotation tonight.
I tied my hair up into a bun as I approached my front door, and upon entering, I saw Adrian was sitting on my couch watching TV.
She had her hair down, wearing tights and a regular t-shirt that wasn’t too tight. Adrian wasn’t what you would call a tomboy because she did rock dresses every now and again, mainly for work, but she wasn’t super girly like me. She kept her nails painted but natural, and usually wore nice sneakers instead of sandals. I liked when she dressed up though because she was more attractive to me when she looked like… well me.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I quizzed, slowly closing the door and removing my high heels. I’d left work this morning when I got a call about Chaz being knocked out last night, so I’d been in these shoes way too damn long.
“Oh, I remember you saying a spare key was taped under the mailbox, and I thought I’d be here when you got back to… you know, console you.”
“What? The spare key is for when Chaz and I get locked out, not so you can break in and be sitting here waiting for me like some weirdo, Adrian!”
“Whoa! Chill the fuck out, Jade. I’m just trying to be here for you, something that nigga never did!”
“You don’t know what he did! Stop always bringing him up when you don’t know shit about our marriage!”
“I know what you told me.”
“Yeah, which wasn’t much! I only told you what I wanted to tell you, just to get you to shut the fuck up and put your mouth to better use!”
I walked to the back briskly, hearing her follow me. I loved Adrian, but only when I felt comfortable enough to be myself. It’s like sometimes I would feel strong and like I could come out to the world and live happily with her, but then other days our relationship disgusted me and I didn’t want to be around her. I didn’t like treating her the way that I did, but I was going through it. And the only way to make myself feel better about having romantic feelings for her, was to be rude and make her believe otherwise.
“Jade, I don’t get it.” Adrian stood in the doorway, long beautiful locks hanging down with a part in the middle. Her light brown skin was blemish free, and even though she didn’t wear makeup, her skin was so supple and clear that it looked like she did. “This past week we were great, and now you’re acting like I’m bothering you.”
Laughing and throwing my arms out because I felt like a basket case, I said, “Well, look, I don’t know what the fuck you want from me, Adrian. I have a lot going on, like getting a divorce, and I can’t be worried about what you want.”
“I’m not asking you to. All I want is to know if you really want to be together, or would you rather me leave you alone.”
“So it’s that easy? If I tell you to go, you’ll just leave?”
“Well I don’t fucking need you then! I’m tired of people who can just walk out easily. Maybe you’re a female Chaz.”
“I’m not! You sound fucking crazy! I’m not saying I wouldn’t fight for you, but I want to know if I should even be trying!”
“Yes, okay, yes! But you have to understand that I’m dealing with some shit and I can’t always just be ready to be a girlfriend. I may need time alone, like right now. I-I want you to leave so I can relax.”
“I understand. But can you at least tell me how the hospital visit went? Is he okay?”
“Yeah, that asshole is fine.”
“Good, good.” She looked over her shoulder into the living room, and then back at me, watching me undress for my bath. “So the divorce, what’s the status on that? I know you had the mediator.”
“We can talk about that another time, Adrian. But right now, I need you gone.”
Gazing into my eyes for a moment, she nodded. She then moved closer to me for a kiss, but I turned away and backed up some.
“Don’t touch me right now, just go. I’m begging you.”
“I can’t even get a hu—”
“Just go got damnit! Shit!” I was so frustrated with her that I was ready to slap the shit out of her.
Turning on her heels, she left my apartment and I locked the door behind her. I was getting that key back from her ass at work tomorrow morning.
Chapter Five: Cassie
Melody and I walked into my mother’s condo, and some good ass smell hit my nose. She invited us two over for dinner because she said she wanted to talk to me about my custody situation.
Speaking of custody, Miles hadn’t seen Melody or me since he slapped me in front of her. He hadn’t called in order to see her either which scared me. It had me going crazy wondering what the hell he was up to. And Ned didn’t try to contact me either, even though I missed our follow-up appointment. I mean, could he be any more suspicious? The least he could have done was pretend to be concerned about why I hadn’t come back. But him not calling or even sending a message through my mother let me know he was guilty like I knew he was.
“Cassandra come in the kitchen!” my mom called out.
“Go greet grandma.” I placed Melody to her feet and tapped her back. She ran off like she had a motor, and I could hear her screech when she hugged my mom’s leg.
“Now, who are you?” my mother played dumb.
“Melody? I don’t think I know a Melody.”
“Yeah huh!”
“Oh, now I remember.” She picked her up and kissed her cheek.
Someone was happy. My mom was a Libra so some days she was nice and chipper, and other days she acted like me breathing annoyed the fuck out of her. I knew she loved me though, and that was all that mattered.
“Hey, mama.” I walked in, hands shoved in the pockets of my jean shorts.
“Hey, honey. Go ahead and sit at the table and we can talk once the food is on the table and we say grace.”
“Come on, Mel.”
I sat Melody in the chair next to me, and then watched my mother as she set out the feast. There were garlic mashed potatoes, spicy Parmesan breaded chicken, salad, and she’d made a lemon butter cake; my favorite as a child. After setting the pitcher of homemade pink lemonade down, she gave us glasses and silverware, and the kiddie silverware for Melody, before sitting across from us.
We held hands as she prayed over the food, and once she was finished, we made our plates, and I immediately dug into the mashed potatoes, which had smoke coming from them because they were so hot. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the taste.
“Wait to eat these okay, Mel?” I gestured towards the potatoes as I cut up her chicken into small pieces. She nodded. “So mama, talk.”
“I found you a lawyer.”
“What, really? Where?”
“Back when I went to San Diego
with Ned, we attended a work convention of his, and one of the lawyers from Bel Air introduced himself.”
“Wow, fancy. He must be expensive.”
“Yeah, but he’s willing to do me a favor. He was a little sweet on me which is why he gave me his card when Ned was doing a speech, but I, of course, thought Ned was about something so I didn’t call.”
“Hmm, and you don’t think he’d like run to Ned and tell him anything.”
“No, honey. They don’t even know one another. All kinds of lawyers were at that convention, and this one just saw me alone while watching the speech so he approached. His name is Johnathan Henri. His father was born in France.”
“So I’m assuming you two have conversed already?” I chuckled.
“Yeah, I kind of wanted to feel him out before I brought your situation to him.”
I nodded, chewing the chicken that was so seasoned and tender.
“So umm, speaking of Ned, have you guys talked recently? I missed my appointment with him and he didn’t even bother to check on me. I found that odd, mainly because I’m your daughter and I would think he’d be a bit more invested than usual.”
“Yes, we just talked yesterday. He mentioned you not showing up, and I told him you were just having a hard time since you and Miles fought. I want to keep him in my pocket for now, so I can watch him. I want him to believe I trust him. I followed him the other day and the two met up. Miles seemed to be very frantic, like he knew he’d messed up by hitting you. Did you take pictures?”
“Yeah, I did, and video.”
“Great, honey. Well, I told Johnathan you’d be meeting with him, but this time I’m gonna go with you if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks, mom.”
Smiling, she said, “Anything for you.”
That night…
I wound my hips slowly while gliding up and down Kordell’s thick pole. My body was weak already from having cum three times while in the doggy-style position. His hands moved up my stomach, grabbing my breasts as he moaned very subtly and lowly. He was so handsome, looking like Mufasa with his dreads everywhere.
Flipping me onto my back, he placed my left leg onto his shoulder, and began to pound into me, while sucking my nipples.
“Mmm, shit,” I cried out as he rammed into me quickly, but pulled out slowly.
He knew that move always made me cum hard and in under five damn seconds. My body shuddered, as Kordell ran his tongue up my neck, and sucked on my chin. This nigga put his mouth everywhere and I loved it. Raising his body up a little bit, he gripped my neck, not too tightly, and started to thrust into me forcefully.
“Ahh ahhh!” we both called out together, with me about one hundred octaves higher than him of course. Feeling his body slap against mine, as his abs flexed and his biceps showed out, I released for the thousandth time it seemed.
Falling down onto me, he growled as he came inside of the condom, grasping the back of my thigh tightly as hell as he panted against my neck. I inhaled the masculine scent of the cologne on his shoulder, as my chest rose and fell rapidly, seemingly trying to get in sync with his heartbeat.
“Damn, baby,” he finally spoke, rolling off of me.
“What did you take, a Viagra?” I quizzed, legs shaking like I was James Brown in the middle of a performance.
“Nah, I just got stamina.” He kissed me gently.
He carefully removed the condom, and took it to the bathroom to flush. Returning to the bedroom, he scooped me up, and carried me to the bathroom. I peed, and then we got into the shower together, sharing kisses every now and again. I was so used to showering with him that it felt weird when I did it alone.
Once we were done, I dried off and oiled my body down, while he only spread lotion on his elbows, hands, and knees. He went to the bedroom while I checked on Melody who was in the guest room, to make sure her little butt was still asleep.
“I forgot to ask you how your day went,” Kordell said as soon as I climbed under his warm bedspread and laid my head on his chest, which was covered with tattoos and smelling delicious.
“Pretty great I think. I had dinner with my mother and she told me she found me a new lawyer.”
“You trust her?”
“Yeah, she’s never given me a reason not to before. Initially I thought she was working with Miles and Ned against me, but then again, wouldn’t she have given me up sooner?”
“Like when y’all first fled to Oakland?”
“Yeah. Why would she wait until now to sabotage me? And my mom just isn’t that type. Not to mention she’s hated Miles’ guts since she first found out he was fucking her underage daughter.”
“You should have known his ass had some issues then. What kind of nigga in his forties fucks on a seventeen-year-old female?” Kordell shook his head and grabbed the blunt and lighter sitting on his dresser.
“One with issues.”
We chuckled in unison as my hand caressed his abs, while enjoying the warmth of his comforter and sheets over our bodies.
“He ain’t been bothering you, right?”
“No, strangely he hasn’t even tried to contact me since Melody and I ran out of there. That scares me though.”
“Don’t be scared. You’re not gonna lose her to his predator ass. The judge will make sure of it, and if not, I will.”
Kordell Benjamin… so damn violent; violent, sexy, ignorant, and talented. I loved every single attribute for some reason.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to Melody about calling you her father. I swear I don’t know where she got that from. She just came out of nowhere with it.”
“You don’t have to make her stop.”
“I’m serious, you don’t. But if you do stop her, do it because you want to, not because you think the shit bothers me. You and her are a packaged deal. I can’t choose to only be with you and have her not see me as a father figure. I mean I could but what kind of muthafucka would I be?” he looked down at me, caressing my arm with his strong hands.
“I won’t stop her but I guess I will just ask her what changed.”
It was just strange to me that Melody went from being all about Miles, to now calling Kordell her father and not wanting Miles to touch her. I knew he couldn’t have done something to her because she was never alone with him; I made sure of it.
Kordell lowered the blunt to me but I shook my head ‘no’.
“How was your day? Have you confronted your father and Brooke?”
“Can’t find Brooke. Shaina said after I dropped her back off from getting the DNA, she dipped. As far as my father, I’m not sure what I want to do with his ass yet.”
“I’m just happy it’s not Mischief’s; for your sake and for Laine’s.”
“Yeah, I’m mad at myself for even thinking he would do some shit like that. I just didn’t see a reason for Brooke to lie, when she knew it would make me break up with her, which was the last damn thing she wanted. But it makes sense now; my father was forcing her hand.”
“That situation still blows my mind. But at least you have your brother back and your music is doing great. You got me like fifteen thousand followers in one day from tagging me in that picture,” I chuckled.
I was getting more recognition from my modeling, so much so that one morning I woke up to fifty thousand new followers on Instagram. My email stayed full with inquiries from companies, and from Jude who was passing some along with his pimp ass. Then when people started putting two and two together, seeing that I was also Kordell from the Hunnit Boyz’s girlfriend, it really got crazy. Same for Laine I witnessed.
“Nosey muthafuckas.”
He ashed the blunt and then got up to go brush his teeth. When he returned, he cut the lamp off and cuddled behind me.
“You really love me, Kordell?” I whispered.
“I do.” He hugged my body tighter, forcing my back into his chest as he kissed my shoulder.
“I love you too.
“You better.”
The next evening… Around 6:48pm…
Nuzi was coming to the studio today because he wanted to listen to the mixed and mastered versions of the tracks we’d worked on. The single I’d produced for him did numbers, as far as sales and radio play. The sales from it had Static cutting me a fat ass check.
The first thing I was gonna do, was take my girl somewhere out of the country that bitches liked to go. I didn’t care what place she chose, as long as I could smoke and drink, I’d be cool.
As I listened to one of the tracks, making sure it was perfect, my phone buzzed, and I saw Aspen had texted me. She’d left town for a small tour, but had come back last night. Her going away did nothing to slow her pursuit of me though. Bitch had texted me so many times I lost count, sending naked flicks and everything. Woke up to that shit one morning while Laine was lying next to me, and I almost had a heart attack trying to hurry up and delete that shit. Only reason I hadn’t blocked her ass was because I had to work with her. But she was getting on my got damn nerves.
Aspen: Busy?
Me: Yeah.
Aspen: What about later tonight? I miss seeing you.
Me: You’ll see me next week when we record. And stop sending me shit that ain’t about work.
Aspen: Fucking me on my couch had nothing to do with work. Lol
Me: I’m not fucking around Aspen. Sending me naked pictures ain’t gon’ do shit for you. Ya pussy was okay at BEST, so you ain’t enticing me with them photos. And don’t get me started on that dry ass head you give.
Aspen: Fuck you! Your dick was weak!
Me: But I bet if I pulled it out on you right now you’d strip and be on ya knees. Stay off my bumper bitch and focus on your job.
Placing my phone back in my pocket, I stood up because I heard someone knocking at the studio door. I patted my waist to be sure my gun was there, and then opened it to see Nuzi and Rico, my favorite person right now, standing behind him with his bitch ass. Smiling widely as fuck, I stepped back to allow them both in, dapping Nuzi up and ignoring Rico’s bitch ass.