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My Baby Is A West Coast King 3

Page 19

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Nah, I think it’s more than that, and something neither you or him wanna tell anybody.”

  “Kordell, come sit down and—”

  “Nah, I have to go see pops.”

  I left the den and hit the stairs until I made it to the top. I entered my parents’ bedroom, to see my dad knocked out across the bed, with his arm hanging off, holding a bottle of brown liquor.

  “Aye, wake yo’ ass up!” I hit the bottle and it jolted him from his sleep.

  “What the fu—Kordell, nigga, what are you doing here?” He frowned, groaning as he sat up, wiping his mouth.

  “Why you ain’t tell me I was having a little brother?”

  “Huh? What the fuck are you talking about? Knowing me, you have brothers all over town.” He laughed, taking a sip from the bottle that was still clutched in his hand, as he threw his legs off the side of the bed. “Maybe some sisters too.”

  “I’m talking about the baby you made with my ex bitch and tried to have her pin it on me and then Shai. That’s what brother I’m talking about.”

  His happy ass facial expression dropped as he rose to his feet.

  “Hey, I don’t know what that bitch told you—”

  “She told me the truth.” I got in his face, stopping him from trying to move around me. “I got a DNA test, found out I was related to the father. And don’t even try to say it’s Shai’s because it ain’t. I don’t know why I believed yo’ snake ass anyway.”

  “‘Cause you’s a bitch and you do whatever the fuck I tell you.” He laughed in his baritone voice.


  I sent one across his face so quickly, that he fell back onto the bed, getting blood on the sheets. He tapped his nose, looked at the blood, and shook his head.

  “You and your brother won’t make it to the end of the month. Chaz will be all I have left,” he chuckled. “No, I’m gonna have him murked too.”


  I hit him across the face again, and this time I noticed his nose had shifted on his face. I contemplated just killing his ass, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted that on my conscience. Killing a muthafucka wasn’t some shit you did without thinking it through.

  “Ah!” he yelped when I stomped his nuts.

  “From here on out, act like you don’t fucking know me.”

  I left out of the bedroom, and ran right into the housekeeper, Ira, aka my father’s bitch. Shit was funny how she thought no one knew about it.

  “Nah, take yo’ ass on somewhere.” I blocked her from going into the bedroom.

  “I-I thought I heard a commotion so—”

  “Back yo’ ass up! Walking yo’ hoe ass around in my parents’ house, smiling in my mom’s face while you’re fucking her husband. Matter fact, get the fuck out!” I towered over her, making her cower under me.


  “Get the fuck out!” I pulled my gun from my waist and removed the safety.

  Following her slutty ass down the stairs, I kept poking her with my gun in case she forgot it was there. I led her all the way outside, locking the door behind myself.

  “Please, my things are in there! I live there!”

  “Not no more! I’ll be back soon and if I catch yo’ ass up in there I’m dropping you.” I got in my car, and she watched me as I pulled out.

  Disrespectful ass bitch. If I came back and she was here, most likely I was murking her and my pops.

  Chapter Eight: Laine

  “The baby is doing great, Laine. Just keep your stress levels down, get plenty of rest, and remember to eat what you crave. Don’t starve yourself because you’re starving the baby,” my doctor explained to me and I nodded.

  “Yes, I’ve learned. I lasted about two days trying to keep up my normal diet. Now I eat whatever I want.”

  “Good.” She smiled.

  “Excuse me, what sex positions do you recommend we do once my kid starts getting bigger and shit? I just like to fuck, so any position is cool with me.”

  “Shai, really?”

  Laughing, she replied, “Well, usually whatever position she’s comfortable with. But usually as the belly grows, the best positions are when she can lie down.”

  Mischief nodded, and then leaned down to kiss me on my neck while rubbing my thigh. I had to nudge him off.

  My stomach didn’t have too much of a bulge yet, and I was almost four months, but I could see that it wasn’t flat anymore. I could still wear short tops, but if you put a side by side of the old me, you’d definitely see that I’d lost my toned look. I didn’t care though, as long as my baby was fine, I would sacrifice my body, even though it was sometimes my moneymaker. My face was the real breadwinner, and other than my lips plumping a bit, I looked the same.

  “Why can’t we see what it is already?” Mischief asked as we walked towards the car.

  “Because I’m not ready yet.” I shrugged as he opened the passenger door of his car for me.

  “I want to know so next time we gon’ find out. I’m tired of this shit. A nigga is ready to brag. I need to know if I have to have the homies set aside a spot on Tree Top.” He got in on the driver’s side.

  “Hell no!” I laughed. “My son will not be shooting at the sky because it’s blue, okay? He’s gonna be a nerd, glasses and all, and attending Yale; virgin ‘til marriage”

  “Nooo! Fuck out of here! If it’s a girl, then cool. But any son of mine is gon’ be a real nigga. He ain’t gotta be a banger though. Shit, honestly, I don’t think I’d want him to. I love my set and wouldn’t change that shit, but it can get crazy.”

  “Trust me, I know, and I haven’t even been here to witness even half of it.”

  “Want some Pop’s?” he quizzed, as he pulled out the parking lot and onto the street.

  “Yes, pleaaassse.” I clutched his hand, and brought it to my lips, kissing his Piru tattoo.

  After we stopped by Pop’s Chicken, we just went back to his apartment since it was literally about five minutes away, a little past Compton Boulevard. For the rest of the night we just chilled, and talked about the life we’d have together, which my grandmother said was always a good sign.

  I prayed he lived long enough for us to do all that we talked about.


  Two days later…

  Tonight, The Models had been booked to attend this NFL player’s party at this mansion in Bel Air, and since I couldn’t drink, I was mainly looking forward to eating and having fun with Kady, Cassie, and Erynne. I was able to get an invite for Erynne by going out on a limb and emailing Ron, the NFL player’s manager. He asked me what she looked like, and after he got a good look at how bomb she was, he of course agreed.

  Tonight I was wearing black because even though I didn’t look fat, I felt fat. I’d spent the night with Mischief, and woke up to a big huge breakfast that he’d cooked for me. I smiled in the mirror thinking about it.

  People could say what they wanted about him, but I wouldn’t change a thing. He was an asshole when he wanted to be, but when he was sweet, he was really sweet, and I loved both sides of him. I enjoyed the fact that I knew my nigga was rude as fuck to other girls; it was every woman’s dream. Yeah, he had a slip up, but I looked at it like trying to make a smoker just stop smoking one day. People needed time to change, and I was happy that he’d finally done so.

  “You look pretty, but why so dark?” Cassie smiled, standing there looking cute in a yellow tube top and matching shorts. The material looked expensive as hell.

  I had on a black dress that was a thin material, and long in the back but short in the front. I wore matching black sandal stilettos, and gold jewelry since that was my favorite. The straps on my dress were very thin, so I of course couldn’t wear a bra. I did have on pasties though, because it seemed like lately my nipples stayed hard. That along with my piercings, brought attention to them even though they weren’t big.

  “I know but black is slimming.”

  “Girl, be quiet. You look good.”

  “So do you. W
hen did you get that outfit?” I asked as she threw her Chanel bag onto her shoulder. “And the Chanel bag!”

  “Well Kordell can be very generous sometimes.”

  “I see.”

  “Okay, time for the ritual champagne. Laine, I have a small one personal bottle of nonalcoholic for you, but this one here is for us,” Kady beamed, walking into my bedroom with Erynne following her.

  Kady was wearing a red tube dress that stopped mid-thigh, with matching red pumps, and Erynne had on a royal blue halter dress with openings on the side. I felt like a grandma compared to the three of them, but at least my dress was short in the front.

  “Hurry because we have to meet the girls at The Model mansion,” Cassie said as Kady filled her flute.

  We stood in my room talking and drinking, and once they finished the bottle and I finished my nonalcoholic but tasty champagne, we were out the door. We met the girls at the mansion, and after Jude looked us over, he had us get into the stretch Escalade limo while he drove his BMW. I’d noticed his eye looked like it had been punched, and I prayed like hell that it wasn’t a Benjamin who’d done it.

  I felt a separation between the girls, and Kady, Cassie, and I. It was like weren’t on the same team anymore. They spoke to us, but it was kind of dry, and even Rita was acting a little funny. Maybe it was because Mischief had refused to produce Cardio’s album, which was something his record deal was contingent upon so he lost it. Oh well, I wasn’t gonna trip. It could have been because we moved out, or because the only real bitches making money were Kady, Cassie, and I. Rita too, but she probably was off us for other reasons as I stated before.

  “This shit better be popping.” Rita put some gum into her mouth.

  “How’ve you been?” Kady quizzed, nudging me so I’d look.

  “Perfect. Been getting my coins and living life with my nigga. You? Heard you been backstage at the Hunnit Boyz shows, which could only mean one thing.”

  “Don’t mean nothing, and don’t go spreading rumors about shit that you know nothing about,” Kady snapped.

  “Right.” Rita laughed, flashing her pretty smile.

  For the rest of the ride, everyone had conversation amongst themselves while listening to music. Mischief’s brothers and a couple other artists that Mischief produced came on, which made me smile as I listened, singing all the words along with everyone else. I noticed Donna watching me, and by now I’d realized she had a thing for Mischief that she had no plans on letting go of. I should have whooped her ass when I was fake pregnant, because now I didn’t want to. I’d just have to be content with having smashed her face into her food.

  The mansion where the party was located, was surrounded by a big black gate, which the security guard had to press a button to open after talking to the limo driver. As the driver pulled in, the girls and I were silent, admiring the big ass house that appeared to be three stories. Niggas made so much money just to run a damn ball up and down a fucking field.

  The driver opened the door for us, and after Jude gave us the two drink minimum speech, he told Rita, Kady, Cassie, Erynne, and I to go inside, while Farrah, Amelia, Donna, and Tara stayed behind.

  As the five of us walked up the incline, I looked back over my shoulder to see Jude talking to them. When he and I made eye contact, he stopped speaking, so I quickly turned my head and continued up the hill along with the bodyguard and the girls.

  “Why do you think he held them outside?” I asked Cassie and Kady.

  “Because they must have some clients here and he’s giving them the rundown,” Kady answered, mouthing ‘thank you’ to the guy carrying a tray of champagne as she took a glass. Rita took one as well, before heading towards a group of guys.

  “Damn, this nigga doesn’t play,” Erynne chuckled along with Cassie as I just stood there, thinking about it all.

  “We should go and introduce ourselves to Bing, you know that’s protocol.” Kady led the way, until we reached Bing Carlos, the NFL player whose party this was. He was surrounded by other women and a few guys.

  “Well who do we have here?” he grinned, just as I glanced over my shoulder to look at the door.

  It suddenly opened, and the extra bodyguard, along with Jude, Tara, Donna, Amelia, and Farrah entered. I tried to read their expressions, but they looked fine.

  “Laine!” I heard Erynne call my name.

  Turning my attention back to them and Bing, I smiled. “Sorry, nice to meet you Bing.” He simply nodded and then turned to look at Erynne.

  “I don’t recognize you, does that mean you’re a special gift for me?” he cheesed.

  “No, I’m sorry,” she smiled.

  “Well, ladies, enjoy the party. Feel free to mingle and have as much champagne and food as you’d like. I appreciate you for coming.” He gave a closed mouth smile. “Oh and Erynne, if you change your mind, you know how to find me.”

  “Thanks,” she replied as I pulled her with me.

  I was hungry so we stopped to have food first, and I could barely concentrate as I constantly looked for the other girls. I tried to watch them for as long as I could, and still keep up the conversation with guests and my friends. After a while I stopped tripping, and we all went to the dance floor to have some fun. I didn’t feel right dancing with guys because I had a man and his baby growing in my belly, so it just seemed trashy.

  “Going to the bathroom,” I told the girls because my bladder was screaming.

  “I have to go badly too.” Cassie followed me as Kady and Erynne went to sit down on one of the big plush couches.

  Cassie and I navigated through the party, which was filled with people, loud music, and plenty of drinks and food. We followed the sign that said the bathroom upstairs was not to be used, and to go to the one behind the staircase. However, when we saw someone was in there, we decided to bend the rules. Being pregnant, holding my pee wasn’t an option anymore.

  “Oh shit,” Cassie and I giggled as we hurried up the stairs, adrenaline pumping at the thought of getting caught.

  We went into the bathroom together, and Cassie let me go first since I was worse off. I washed my hands as she peed, and then waited for her to do the same. When we came out, it sounded like a couple was arguing in the bedroom across the hall. Turning to Cassie, I put my finger to my lips and she nodded. We moved closer to the door, and both put our ears to it, being nosey and wanting entertainment.

  “I told you I need a minute,” the girl sniffled.

  “I don’t have all fucking night,” the guy hissed. “This shit is unacceptable.”

  I guess he tried to touch her because she shouted, “No! Just give me a minute!”

  It sounded like they were tussling, and when she screamed again, I realized it sounded a lot like Amelia. I looked at Cassie whose eyes were bucked, and I was sure she was thinking the same thing as me.

  “That’s Amelia,” I whispered harshly.

  “I know. We can’t just let him rape her.”

  “Shit, okay.”

  I took a deep breath, and then twisted the knob slowly. The door wasn’t locked thankfully, so Cassie and I entered the room. Sure enough, some big guy was on top of Amelia, holding her legs open while unbuckling himself as she cried.

  “Get off her!” I yelled.

  He looked over his shoulder and replied, “Get the fuck out of here! Jude!” I realized he was an NFL player as well, but I just couldn’t remember his name.


  Cassie whacked him across the back of the head with one of the lamps, and when he clutched his head, I punched him in the face. Rolling off of Amelia who quickly hopped up, he grabbed his bloody nose.

  “You broke my fucking nose! You bitch!” he roared. “What the fuck!”

  Jude and one of the bodyguards came running in, and the look Jude gave me was like he wanted to murder me.

  “What in the hell is going on here?” Jude screamed. I didn’t know such a small man could get so loud. He actually scared me a little.

  “Jude, i
t’s fine, I can—”

  “Amelia, shut up.” He cut her off, closing the bedroom door so no one could see in.

  “Those two bitches hit me!” the NFL player barked, pointing to Cassie and I with his free hand, since his other was still holding his nose. “And she broke my fucking nose!!!!”

  “Call me a bitch again!” I yelled.

  “He was trying to rape her!” Cassie shouted.

  “He shouldn’t have to!” Jude growled at us, before turning to Amelia. “You were supposed to come up here, lie on your got damn back, and get paid! What the fuck!” He ran his hands down his face after yelling at Amelia. He took a deep breath and turned to Cassie and me. “I can’t with you two anymore. Leave the party now. I will make sure you get this check, but after that your contract is done.”

  “Good! Fuck you! And you better hope I don’t tell—”

  I covered Cassie’s mouth so she’d stop talking. I didn’t want Jude trying to blacklist us. I needed to find a new manager first; we both did.

  “Amelia, you’re better than this.” That was all I said as I left out, yanking Cassie with me.

  I went down to get Erynne, and after explaining to Kady what happened, she decided to leave as well. It was late anyway.

  We called an Uber to come pick us up and take us back to the apartment in West Hollywood. When we got there, the four of us just kind of sat in the living room, still slightly in disbelief. Well everyone except Kady since this was nothing new to her.

  Hopefully I could find a new manager before Jude tried to fuck with me.


  “She said what?” Chaz frowned up at me.

  I had my cousins over my apartment, because I wanted to finally tell them what I’d overheard our moms saying. I was gonna keep the shit to myself since I had no plans on treating Uncle Mel as my father, but I didn’t think it was right for them not to know this shit.


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