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Playboy Ever After

Page 63

by Chance Carter

  It was suddenly all so suffocating, and he had no doubt it would smother him to death if he stayed. He couldn’t eat, sleep, or focus on work. He even turned down a booty text from Lindsay the night before. The thought of meaningless sex with a woman who didn’t care about him just seemed pointless, and truthfully, turned him off.

  “William,” James chirped, snapping his fingers.

  “Yes, I heard you,” William answered, shaking his head.

  “What the hell, William. You have been walking around here like a zombie ever since you came back. I’m starting to think letting you go away was a mistake. You’ve been completely useless this week,” James offered, half joking.

  William found his tone less than humorous.

  “First of all, you didn’t let me do anything. I don’t take orders from you, in case you’ve forgotten. This whole fucking thing has been a mistake. A misguided, deluded, irresponsible, unethical mistake. What the fuck were we thinking?” William blurted, emotion surging in his chest like a tsunami.

  “We were thinking about business, Will. Nothing more. Supply and demand. Let’s not complicate it with righteous indignation,” James scolded.

  William shook his head, unable to hide his resentment. Was it business or goddamn greed? Take what you want! Every man for himself! Winning is all that matters! This corporate culture he had cultivated all these years was nothing short of meaningless sex. It was fucking soulless and ultimately lonely. Very, very lonely.

  “You’re right. Let’s not complicate it,” William agreed flatly.

  James nodded, grateful he had come to his senses.

  “You are going to buy me out,” William said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  James looked at him like he was insane, brows raised. William didn’t flinch.

  “What?” James asked suspiciously.

  He sat forward, folding his hands in front of him.

  “You are going to buy me out. I’m done. I can’t work in this bullshit industry anymore,” William explained calmly, his sudden clarity driving his confidence.

  “Don’t be ludicrous. I’ll do no such thing.” James said, shaking his head as though he thought William were ridiculous.

  “Remember what the company was assessed at last year? I’ll settle for one third of that, the rest is yours. It is either that or we sell the whole damn thing and split the profit down the middle, but I’m sure you don’t want that hassle, or that kind of upheaval for the staff. Either way, James, I’m finished.”

  William pushed his chair back and stood up, adding credence to his words.

  “William, sit down, let’s talk about this, please,” James said, gesturing for him to sit.

  “There is nothing else to talk about,” William stated, walking toward the door.

  “So what’s this then? Are you going back to the girl? You’re crazy if you think she’s going to welcome you back with open arms, William. Just give it a few more days, I promise you she will sell to us and we can put all this behind us,” James pleaded, following his partner to the door.

  “You don’t get it, do you?” William said softly. “I don’t want her to sell the ranch. I am going back to finish the job for her, help get her one step closer to her dream. I’m going to make sure she gets everything she needs, even if she doesn’t want me. For once in my life I’m going to do something good, even if there is nothing in it for me.”

  “After all this, you are going to sabotage our condo development?” James asked incredulously, his eyes gleaming with anger. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”

  William just smiled at him and shrugged his shoulders.

  “You will not be able to finish the job, there have been developments you are not aware of,” James said smugly.

  William stopped smiling, regarding James suspiciously.

  “What developments?” he asked, his brows raised.

  James grinned at him wickedly.

  “Well, it was dumb luck really. Couldn’t have happened at a better time,” he jeered.

  William felt his stomach flip.

  “What happened?” he pressed cautiously.

  “The Equine Center, it burned to the ground last Friday night. There’s nothing left,” James stated, grinning lightly as though he were describing the weather.

  William grabbed James by the collar and pulled him closer, wishing he could wipe the satisfied look off his face.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? What did you do?” William growled through clenched teeth and tightening his grip.

  James pulled himself back, prying William’s hands away.

  “Relax, I didn’t do anything. The fire was an accident, apparently started by one of her ranch hands. Tragic for him, a stroke of good fortune for us,” James explained grimly.

  Tragic? William felt sick to his stomach. Poor Alice, she must be devastated.

  “How do you know this?” he asked, his suspicion not ebbing.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t keep tabs on Alice? I’ve had eyes on the place since you left. We have way too much invested in her to get complacent now,” James admitted.

  He looked at William, gauging his anger, perhaps afraid he would be manhandled again.

  “You knew about the fire and didn’t tell me? What the fuck, James. You didn’t think this would be something I would want to know?” William spat, his patience running dangerously thin.

  “Of course I thought you would want to know, which is exactly why I didn’t tell you! I thought you might go running back to rescue your little cowgirl and I couldn’t let that happen.”

  James laughed, shaking his head slowly.

  William had heard enough. If he had any doubts about his decision to walk away from this snake and this shady business, he had none now.

  “I have to go,” he said, skirting around James, knocking his shoulder as he passed.

  “Go where, William?” James demanded in a condescending tone.

  “Get the papers drawn up dissolving our partnership. My lawyer will be in touch,” William said firmly, not bothering to turn back.

  “William!” James pleaded.

  “It’s Billy,” he insisted, under his breath.

  Chapter 25


  Alice couldn’t believe she was back in that elevator again. She had sworn she would never return, and yet there she was, trying to find the fastest way possible to dig herself out of the hole she was buried in. If Hunter-Johnson still wanted her ranch, they could have it. There was nothing left for her there but painful memories, reminders of how reckless she had been. Her dream of building a world class equine center and resort were buried in the ashes of the gutted arena.

  The elevator slowed to a stop and the mirrored doors opened, inviting her back into purgatory. This was the last place she wanted to be, but she had to swallow her pride and do her best to stay calm. She needed to keep it together to negotiate with that slimy shark, James Johnson. If he got a sniff of blood in the water, he would eat her alive.

  Alice stepped off the elevator and pushed through the familiar glass doors, cautiously looking around. Just as before, she had not called ahead, and after her last visit it was possible J.J. wouldn’t even see her.

  The receptionist, Katie if she recalled, wasn’t at her desk. Alice waited for a moment or two, then slowly walked around the corner, hoping Katie was on the other side. She was nearly knocked to the ground by a man who seemed to be in quite a hurry. She reached out to the wall to steady herself, looking up to see who bumped into her.

  “Alice?” Billy blurted, his eyes wide with surprise.

  Alice had to look twice, in disbelief over what she saw, or rather who. What was Billy doing here, and why was he dressed in a business suit? She stared at him with her mouth agape, maybe a moment too long, before Katie came out of a nearby office, her hands juggling files.

  “Sorry, Mr. Hunter, I just had to use the copier. Can I help you?” she asked, turning to face Alice.

  Mr. Hunter? As in William

  Alice looked from one to the other, her brain desperately trying to make the connection that needed to be made. Suddenly the fog lifted and everything became crystal clear. The missing puzzle piece.

  “Oh,” was all Alice managed to squeak out.

  Billy looked at her blankly, shaking his head, shocked that she was there, standing in front of him. Then, as if realizing how bad things were about to get, his expression shifted from surprise to despair.

  “Alice, please let me explain. I know this looks really, really bad,” he sputtered, reaching for her hand.

  Alice jerked her hand away, staring at him with contempt, all the feelings she had been suppressing quickly bubbling to the surface. This deplorable man, who betrayed her in the worst way possible, was standing right in front of her.

  She hated him, no she despised him, and yet for one spilt second, she had been overjoyed to see him, her heart pounding in her chest, her body aching to touch him. She felt dizzy, confused by her mixed emotions. She knew she had to get the hell away from him, but couldn’t compel her feet to move.

  “I was just on my way to Mendocino. I swear it’s true. I was coming to explain everything to you, to make things right. I have been in hell this week, trying to live with the guilt of what I did to you. Oh god, Alice, I love you,” Billy stammered, as if trying to fit in everything he needed to say before she shut him down.

  Alice couldn’t move her feet, but she had no problem raising her hand to slap him violently across the face. His head swung sharply to the side, but he did not lose his balance. Alice knew that his face was stinging, yet didn’t he reach for his cheek. Instead he dropped his hands to his side, as though accepting his penance.

  Katie, feeling extremely uncomfortable, took the opportunity to slink away, her face pinched with embarrassment for her boss.

  “You love me?” Alice hissed as soon as Katie disappeared. “How dare you fucking say that to me. You planned this out from the beginning, you and that snake of a business partner. I thought maybe you were just a small time grifter, but something didn’t add up. It all makes perfect sense now. This was never about stealing the petty cash. You needed to break me so you could get your hands on the entire ranch!”

  Billy shook his head, as if wishing none of it were true. His eyes were heavy with regret.

  “I know that’s how it looks, Alice, and it did start out that way.”

  He tried to speak, but Alice held up her hand, gesturing for him to stop.

  “Don’t say another word. I can’t take one more second of your bullshit. I thought you were one of the good guys. I was so wrong. I can’t believe I fell in love with you. That is the part I’m most ashamed of,” she admitted angrily, her voice shaking with emotion.

  Finally, her body released her from the shock. Able to move her feet again, she turned her back on him and left the offices of Hunter-Johnson, certain she would never speak to William Hunter again.

  * * *

  More than a week had passed since Alice had fled Sacramento in a fury. It took her several days to wrap her head around what transpired that afternoon. Initially she had been in complete shock to find Billy there. It never even crossed her mind that he was connected to the Hunter-Johnson Property Group, let alone one of it’s founders.

  He seemed such a natural, perfectly comfortable in his role on the ranch. He even seemed to enjoy it, a far cry from being a suit in a high-rise office building.

  Although she walked out of that building with more clarity than she walked in with, she was still disconcerted. How could she hate someone so vehemently, yet yearn for them at the same time?

  She spent the week trying to find a solution to her problems. She still had a burned down arena, a sixty grand loan to pay back, and no hands to help her manage her ranch, aside from Sam and his teenage son Grant. They had both been extremely generous with their time.

  As much as Alice hated the thought of uprooting Amy, her problems would only escalate as each month went by. She spoke to a few realtors and was waiting patiently for the property evaluations to come back, but no one seemed in a hurry to return her calls.

  She hadn’t heard from Billy either, not that she was waiting by her phone. Part of her thought that he might try to contact her, and even though she hated him, the thought of seeing him again made her heart beat a little faster. She constantly chided herself, burying her feelings for him as deep as they would go.

  Amy mentioned Billy a few days earlier, completely catching Alice off guard. It was a beautiful and warm Saturday morning, rare for September, and Amy asked to go swimming down at the pond. As they were standing on the dock getting ready to jump in, she asked if Alice remembered when Billy rescued her from drowning. Then she asked if he was coming home soon. Alice quickly changed the subject, not ready to break her little girl’s heart.

  Amy’s memory of Billy caused Alice’s own memories to come flooding back, one in particular of a hot July night, skinny dipping in that pond. Despite how upset she was, her thoughts of him still made her wet. She couldn’t deny the attraction or her lingering fondness for the bastard.

  Alice was down at the end of the road waiting for Amy and randomly scrolling through her phone. She heard a large vehicle driving up the road and looked up expecting to see the school bus. It was a delivery truck instead. She expected it would drive past and turned her attention back to her phone, but it slowed down in front of her driveway, signaling to turn in. Confused, Alice stepped out of the way but flagged down the driver so she could speak to him. He rolled down the window and smiled at her.

  “Hi there,” Alice said. “Can I help you?”

  “We have some building materials here,” he answered, holding up a pink delivery slip.

  He read a few lines on it, ensuring he was in the right place.

  “The instructions say to unload it by the arena?”

  Alice shook her head, but offered a smile to both the driver and his passenger. She crossed her arms and approached the truck.

  “I’m afraid there must be a mistake. We stopped construction weeks ago. When was the order placed?” she asked, still confused.

  Could this be an order Billy placed before he left, she wondered. The driver looked down at the delivery information once more.

  “Looks like it was placed yesterday, rush delivery? This is the Oceanside Equine Arena, ain’t it?” he asked, handing her the delivery slip.

  “Used to be,” Alice answered grimly.

  She took the slip from him, trying to make sense of things. She hadn’t authorized any delivery. What the hell was going on?

  “Sorry, but I can’t accept delivery. There must be some mistake. I didn’t order anything and I’m certainly not paying for it,” she said assertively waving her hand, dismissing them.

  The driver shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

  “Ma’am, this order has already been paid for. Just let us drop it off so we can get on with our day,” he scolded gently, holding his hand out for the delivery slip.

  She handed it back to him, ready to chew him out, when a pickup truck pulled in the driveway behind them. Alice pulled in her breath sharply. She recognized that truck. She stood frozen to the spot, unable to move toward him, unable to run. Billy ambled out of his truck and walked over to her, a cautious smile on his face, as though he were afraid she would make a scene. She might have too, if she hadn’t been speechless. She glared at him as he approached.

  As soon as he reached the delivery truck, he banged his palm on the driver side door and gestured for them to carry on. The driver continued up her driveway. Alice didn’t take her eyes off Billy, wondering where he found the nerve to show his face at the ranch.

  “Hi, Alice,” he greeted her sheepishly.

  Alice acknowledged him, with one short nod. Suddenly emotional, she tried in vain to control her tears. She was welling up.

  “What do you want Billy? What’s this all about?” she asked flatly, crossing her arms in front of her.
r />   Billy saw her tears and frowned. He hated that he was the cause of them.

  “I know that this is unexpected, but please promise me that you will just hear me out. I am here to make things right, Alice. I’m not going to insult you by sugar coating what I did. It was fucked up,” he began.

  Alice sighed bitterly, in total agreement, but said nothing. Billy continued.

  “I can’t even tell you how sorry I am. I have been sick about it. You were nothing but kind, and sweet, and generous with me in every way, and I didn’t deserve any of it.”

  Alice nodded, her lips pursed with suspicion. Billy tentatively approached her. Alice gave him a mistrustful look, warning him to stay back. He stopped in front of her.

  “I know it will take a lot for you to forgive me, if you ever do. I want to make amends for what I did. I’m sick about what happened. The arena, the fire, Joe,” he said, struggling for words.

  Alice put her head down at the mention of Joe’s name. As difficult as things had been with him in the end, he didn’t deserve that fate. Alice’s tears spilled down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them away. Billy cleared his throat.

  “I transferred your money back to your account this morning. All of it. Everything you gave me since the first installment,” he offered quietly.

  Alice raised her head, meeting his eyes. He nodded at her.

  Unable to contain her relief, she let out a grateful sob. Billy smiled at her and placed his hand briefly on her shoulder, not wanting to push his luck. Alice felt her adrenaline surge and inhaled deeply. She tore her eyes away from him, not ready to forgive him, but her body betraying her once more.

  “There has been so much loss in your life, Alice, so much disappointment, and I know that I contributed to that. I can’t take back what I did, but if you will allow me, I want to put your vision back on track. I want to rebuild that arena,” he offered kindly, his voice firm with conviction.

  Alice shook her head in disbelief. How could she trust him? Why would he do this? What was the catch?

  “I know you have no reason to trust me, Alice, but I don’t want you to let your dream die. If you never want to see me again, after all is said and done, we will go our separate ways, I promise. All I ask in return is that you try to forgive me,” he pleaded, his emotion finally cracking.


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