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Babylon 5 17 - Techno-Mages 02 - Summoning Light (Cavelos, Jeanne)

Page 22

by Summoning Light (Cavelos, Jeanne)

  We know they didnt send a message from the planet, Tilar said. If Galenthe other oneis still here, then the mages still dont know. Whether or not Galen is here, well find out soon. Bunnys going to ask Blaylock a few questions. As soon as Elizar comes.

  A warm rush of well-being flooded Galens body. It carried with it the promise of relief from everything hed held inside, from the crushing anger and self-hate, from the grief, from the driving need to act. And perhaps, finally, an end to it.

  He felt exhilarated, energized. Elizar was there. He had another chance. Another chance to kill Elizar. To crush him to nothingness.

  If you can wake him up, Bunny said.

  Galen realized GLeel had spoken. Im sorry? he said.

  I said, Im sorry.

  For what?

  I criticized you for not fighting the Shadows. I see that youre doing all you can.

  Galen dried his face. The Shadows have targeted my order. We could do much more in the fight against them. But the mages are afraid.

  Apparently the Narns are targeted as well. If they knew, I dont think many of them would worry about helping your kind.

  Their eyes met for a moment, and Galen nodded. She stepped aside to let him pass, followed as he limped toward the front door.

  The warehouse, he said, is three blocks north of here. It is called Kledah. The best time to strike would be at dawn.

  Thank you, she said.

  He opened the door. I hope I haunt your dreams no longer. You have done more than could possibly have been expected. He started out, pulling the door closed behind him.

  She grabbed it. Im coming with you, she said, as if she had decided at that very moment.

  No. You must not.

  Yes, GLeel said, I must.

  Galen limped back inside, closed the door. I cannot be responsible for your safety.

  Im not asking you to be.

  Already Blaylock is overcome, despite his great powers.

  She tapped the black case strapped to her waist. He didnt have a gun.

  Galen fixed her with his gaze. Do you know where Im going? Beneath the City Center is a vast complex of tunnels carved out of the rock. They are filled with your worst nightmares.

  Actually, my worst nightmares have involved you.

  Then perhaps you should not anger me.

  Im the one with the ship that can take you both out of here.

  Galen bowed his head. He didnt have time to argue, and he was already growing tired. I do not expect Blaylock or I shall return from that place.

  Then Ill just have to help you. GLeel opened the door and stepped out into the hall.

  Galen followed, lowering his voice. You will very likely die.

  Her mouth tightened, and she drew in a quick breath. Thats my choice, isnt it? Just as its yours?

  That he could not argue. He walked down the hall, GLeel at his side.

  At the City Center, deep below ground, a door opened, and Tilar turned quickly, an overly enthusiastic smile forming on his face. Elizar. At last youre here.

  Londo peered down the dimly lit corridor that marked the boundary of the mages territory in Down Below. Vir had shown him the way, with Feds hidden assistance, and then had quickly withdrawn. Vir had learned his lesson, which was more than Elric could say for his master.

  From the observation room Elric watched Londo, as he watched many things, attempting to ignore the constant throbbing in his head. Time was growing short. The Crystal Cabin was scheduled to depart in four hours, and those who would leave here alive must be on it.

  In one of the customs areas, Purple Drazi gathered, looking toward the bay that held the Zekhite , and whispering of the Green Drazi that rumor said were inside. Commander Susan Ivanova, second-in-command of Babylon 5, had thus far frustrated their attempts to fight until a clear-cut winner emerged. According to Beels report, Susan had seized the scarf of the Green leader in frustration, and so had unintentionally become the Green leader. She had promptly ordered all Green Drazi to dye their scarves purple, effectively ending their division.

  Yet now, Elric knew, they sensed the thrill of conflict returning. Fresh enemies had arrived on the station. The Purples didnt know what had happened to the two comrades theyd met in the brig who had originally told them of the Zekhite and its Green crew. Perhaps they believed the two were casualties of the conflict. In that case, their deaths would be avenged.

  In the captains office, Security Officer Lou Welch sat across the desk from John Sheridan, making his report. Since they arent registered in any way, we cant know every techno-mage who arrived. But we estimate now there are hundreds of them on the station. Maybe as many as five hundred. The arrivals seemed to stop a few days ago, which could mean that theyre all hereall that are coming, anyway. Theyve ordered lots of supplies from various vendors, and each time they specified the goods had to be ready by this morning. Which suggests that theyre leaving very soon now. Lou paused to scratch his balding head, looking rather anxious and overworked. We still havent been able to figure out how theyre leaving, though. Theyre not registered as passengers on any outgoing ships. Were watching all departures, as you ordered.

  The probe on Johns neck revealed that the captain was twirling the orange blossom absently between thumb and forefinger. It remained as fresh as when Elric had given it to him. They said they were leaving. I think youre right; I think its soon, whether theres a record of it or not. I need you to get word to their leader, Elric. Have him meet me here in an hour.

  Yes, sir.

  Thank you, Mr. Welch. Good work.

  In Down Below, Londo at last gathered the nerve to step into the corridor where runes glowed on the walls. Hello? Hello?

  Fed was handling all the conjuries this time. Elric had told him it was because hed proven himself with Virs visit. Although that was true, Elric would still have preferred to do the work himself, but he was simply too tired. He had to save what energy remained to him.

  A dim red glow spread from the cross-hallway ahead of Londo, and the ambassador looked anxiously toward it.

  Londo had come to apologize. Elric had accurately deduced at least that much of the plan that had been hatched within the stations hedge maze. This was Mordens misdirection: lead the mages to believe that Londo had been beaten, so they would be unprepared for him to strike back. The hypocrite Londo would have no trouble going along, while revenge remained his final goal.

  Londo spoke nervously into the silence, extending his hands. I admit perhaps my enthusiasm forfor a personal meeting was excessive.

  The red light grew brighter, and a low growl echoed down the corridor. Beneath it rumbled the sound of massive movement. Though Elric was not there to smell it, he imagined the stench of rotten meat on the air.

  Londos hands rose, as if trying to ward off whatever might come. And certainlycertainly the incident with the concealed camera was regrettable.

  A thunderous roar blasted down at Londo.

  He cowered, his hands up around his head. As the roaring swelled, he yelled out, barely audible. And I would just like to say that for any misunderstanding that might have grown out of all of this I His hands rose over his head now, in complete surrender. I apologize.

  The roaring stopped; the red light faded away.

  Londo looked around in disbelief, then, deciding the worst was over, hesitantly lowered his hands. With an uncertain smile he attempted to regain his dignity. Well, Im pleased to see that you are a sympathetic and understanding group. I will go now. If you ever come this way again, though, perhaps we can dodo business after all, yes? Londo paused, looking hopefully down the corridor. Then he seemed to realize that the greatest wisdom lay in a rapid retreat. He held his hands to either side of his mouth, yelled out his parting as if to stress the fact that their business was now concluded. Good-bye. He turned and walked quickly down the hall.

  On his back hung three holodemons, conjured by Fed with a spell that combined elements of illusion with elements of the flying platform, so that the images
of the holodemons could be given substance, and even the ability to move objects. Fed would follow Londo, torment him with the demons. They would distract him and further fuel his anger against the mages. He would believe the mages focus was on this petty revenge, and would not realize the true object of their machinations: the Centauri freighter Ondavi owned by Refa, docked at Babylon 5. It was the final shell in Elrics shell game.

  Elric found he had received a message. It was from Galen.

  Galen was still alive.

  He held that truth close to him for a moment, savoring its comfort.

  But all too quickly, the worries returned. If Galen had sent a message, then Blaylock must be unable. Galen would be on his own. Even if Alwyn was taking extreme risks to reach Thenothk quickly, he could not have arrived there yet. And by sending this message, Galen could well have betrayed his location to the Shadows, putting himself in even greater danger.

  The throbbing in Elrics head grew stronger, carrying the pain of absence, of everything that had been lost. He had determined not to lose Galen. Yet the cavity of darkness within him threatened to swallow all hope.

  He took a deep breath, banishing his worry. It would serve nothing. He opened the message and forced himself through it, word by word, sentence by sentence.

  The Shadows know you are on Babylon 5. They know you plan to leave on the Zekhite. The Zekhite will be destroyed once you are aboard. Morden is in charge of it .

  If the Shadows could intercept their messages, Galens warning would work to Elrics advantage. That, however, provided little comfort. Galens message was unnecessary. And he had risked his life to send it.

  I was able to translate Isabelles spell. Im sending you all of her files, and my translation, and the information weve gathered about this place and the Shadows .

  Galen had learned how to listen to the Shadows. If others could translate the work, this would be an invaluable asset. It would take time, though.

  Only three sentences remained.

  Blaylock has been captured and is being held in the City Center. Im going after him.

  Elizar is there.

  Blaylock had been overcome, just as Kell had been. Of the powers Elizar and the Shadows might have used to subdue them, Elric had only his fears. Against those powers, Galen would have no preparation, no defense.

  Galen had written the message in haste, no doubt, which explained its sudden end. Elric skimmed through the attached information. Galen had given over all of Isabelles files, his private link to her. He did not believe he would return.

  The message was awash with Galens emotions: fear for himself, fear for Elric and the mages, fear for Blaylock, and, at the end, a hint of eagerness. At last Galen would get what he most wanted, and what Elric most feared: a confrontation with Elizar.

  Elric pressed the heel of his hand to his temple, hoping to hold back the pain. It was building, and he had no time to rest.

  He composed a brief, cryptic message to Alwyn, from which Alwyn would understand that he must seek out this City Center. Elric should have sent him sooner. Elric should have gone himself. He should never have allowed Galen to part from him.

  If the Shadows had Blaylock, then they likely knew of Galens presence on Thenothk. Morden could have known his location all along. His threat need not have been idle.

  Elric lowered his hand from his head, but the emptiness remained, pushing outward, pressing at the backs of his eyes, his forehead. How could he have allowed Galens life to be endangered? How could he have let Galen go to the Shadows? Would Galen be sent back to them, flayed? Or would they hold him and tempt him with what he most wanted? And when he listened to the Shadows, what poison would he hear?

  * * *

  chapter 13

  It was near dawn when Galen and GLeel approached the demolition site behind the City Center. The streets were quiet now. The not-darkness of night was being replaced by the not-light of day. Columns of black smoke rose to obscure the sky.

  They slipped into an alley, unobserved. His breathing rapid and shallow, Galen unwrapped from around his head the scarf, which he had used as a crude disguise. He pushed it into his pocket.

  Dark spots danced before his eyes, and he rested for a moment against the side of a building. His leg had turned into a mass of pain. He hadnt dared use a platform to reach the City Center, and as theyd hurried through the maze of streets, it had swollen until he could no longer bend his knee. The skin was hot and tight, and with each step the grating in his shin set off a brilliant detonation of sensation.

  He was racing with energyburning with it. He had felt that way ever since hed heard Tilar speak Elizars name. The tech was ready for his command. Yet what good was it if the Shadows would detect him the moment he used it? He must make do with his broken body a little while longer.

  He started down the long alley after GLeel. They must hurry. Even now it could be too late.

  It had been forty-five minutes since hed awoken in GLeels hotel room. In his minds eye, Galen watched the bright white room deep underground through the probe on Rabelna. Blaylock remained lying on the floor, unconscious. Elizar and Tilar had spent the time first arguing over who was to blame for Blaylocks condition, then debating what should be done about it. Bunny had tried to stimulate Blaylocks mind to consciousness, but had failed.

  Now she stood over him in her pink dress, hands on her hips. If I didnt know better, Id say he was brain-dead. Obviously the functions to keep his body alive are still working. But the higher functions are shut down. Hes not asleep. Hes not unconscious. Hes justshe snapped her fingersturned off. You mages are very fragile.

  Thats not possible, Elizar said. A brain cant just be turned off. Galen tried not to focus on Elizar. When he looked at that angular, arrogant face, his hatred threatened to overwhelm him.

  Well, I dont sense a thing from him, Bunny said. Not a memory, not a worry, not a wet dreamnothing.

  To one side, Tilar studied Blaylock with an intensity that worried Galen. Thats not the way its supposed to work.

  Bunny shrugged. Well, I cant get anything out of him like this.

  As the discussion continued, Galen tried to understand what had happened. Elizar and Tilar had done something to Blaylock. He had no idea what theyd done, but obviously they hadnt expected this result. He feared theyd caused Blaylock some irreparable damage. It was strange, though, that they were so puzzled by his condition.

  Galen had considered the possibility that Blaylock was pretending an injury to avoid a scan by Bunny. Yet he didnt believe Blaylock had the ability to simply turn off the higher functions of his brain. Elizar was right; it wasnt possible. And in the unlikely event Blaylock did have the ability, how would he ever judge when it was safe to turn his brain back on? Galen didnt think Blaylock would have returned to this place just to play dead.

  A more likely possibility, which cycled endlessly through Galens mind, was that Blaylock had purposely injured himself. Blaylock had said Kell induced a heart attack to avoid revealing information. Had Blaylock, perhaps, induced a stroke? The locations of the gathering place and the hiding place were in his keeping. And Blaylock might have felt some need to protect Galen, to give him the chance to pass along the information theyd gained.

  That would mean Blaylock had sacrificed himself for Galen, just as she had done. Galen could not accept that. He could not live with that. No more would die for him, unless he wanted them to.

  As he approached the mouth of the alley, he pressed himself against the wall. Then, at last, he could rest another moment. He wrapped a hand around his side, struggling to catch his breath.

  From across the alley, GLeel appraised him. You look like death.

  Galen gazed out on the demolition site. It was a great open area of brown rock, surrounded on all sides by high buildings, the tallest the City Center. The Joncorp factory had once stood here, and soon would again, if GLeels information was accurate.

  The ground was flat, except for a vast, irregularly shaped hole that had been ex
cavated out of the rock. The excavation began just a short distance from the alley where they stood and covered about half of the empty lot. Galen couldnt see how deep the hole was, but he remembered that the Shadow ship had been carving some sort of trench in the ground. Anna must have blasted out this entire area.

  A large group worked at the far end of the lot, where Anna had crashed. Pieces of wreckage were being hauled up on cranes and cleared away. The near end of the lot was unoccupied.

  Galen couldnt tell whether the large hole contained an entrance to the complex of underground tunnels where Blaylock was held, but his guess was it did. That could be the easiest way in.

  What are they doing over there? GLeel asked.

  It was time to risk detection, Galen decided. Theyd probably be spotted as soon as they entered the tunnels anyway. Want to take a ride? he asked.

  On what?

  Galen visualized the equation for a flying platform, and the tech echoed it, eager, at last, to act. The platform pushed against his feet. He conjured an equation of motion, glided over to her.

  How the hell are you doing that?

  He extended the platform beneath her feet, and she grabbed at him for balance. Hold on, he said. Were going to move quickly.

  She took hold of his belt.

  Equation of motion, equation of motion. They shot out from the alley across twenty feet of open space, dropped straight down into the excavation. She grabbed him with both arms and spat a curse in Narn.

  Perhaps a hundred feet below them was a smooth, dull black surface. It ran in gentle, graceful contours. It had been buried here, in the ground. Anna had unearthed it. Galen slowed their descent and turned the platform so he could observe the strange, spiky object that had been revealed.

  What the GLeel said.

  You remember the ship you described to me once? As black as space, and bristling with arms. It moved as if alive.

  Thats it, GLeel said. Whats it doing in the ground?


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