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Page 14

by J. C. Hannigan

  “Oh Kelsey, it’s stunning too,” Mom said, her eyes misting as she took in the sight of my sister in the gown.

  “So, which one is it going to be, Kels?” I asked, giving her my full focus and trying to make up for having zoned out on her grand entrance.

  “What do you think?” she questioned, turning to look at me, her slender fingers running over the Swarovski crystal belt.

  “You look amazing in both,” I told her, speaking the honest truth. She turned back to the mirror, studying it with her lips pursed.

  “The tulle isn’t too much?” she asked, looking from Mom to me with concern.

  “Kelsey, your wedding day is basically the only time you’ll have an excuse to wear a super gaudy dress,” I pointed out with a mischievous smile.

  “I really think the ball gown looks best on you,” Janice added. She’d sent me an offended look when I called the dress gaudy, but I hadn’t cared. Shrugging, I faced Kelsey again, giving her a pointed look to remind her it was her wedding.

  “I love them both.” Mom stepped forward, her eyes watery as she gazed at Kelsey. She shook her head back and forth, overcome with emotion.

  “Why don’t we try some veils and tiaras?” the saleswoman suggested, coming forward with a veil and a tiara in her hands. Kelsey nodded, and the saleswoman carefully put the tiara on her, arranging the veil so that it covered the back of my sister’s head and shoulders, leaving her face free.

  “Oh, you look like a princess,” Mom choked out, the tears flowing freely now.

  I sighed dreamily, my smile growing. I’d almost wanted Kelsey to go back to the other dress, just to spite Janice. I couldn’t imagine how unbearable she would get for being right about this, but she was—the second dress was perfect. She looked like a fairytale character in it.

  Kelsey turned to face the mirror, her eyes bright with emotion as she studied herself. “I think this is the one,” she said softly, tilting her head a little bit.

  “Turn around,” I told her, and when she did, I snapped a couple of photos of her with my phone.

  “What are you doing?” Janice frowned angrily as if snapping some pictures was the equivalent of doing naked summersaults all over the pristine white furniture in the bridal boutique.

  “Relax, Janice. I’m taking photos so that she’ll know what to show the hairstylist and makeup artist,” I said, somehow placidly, despite the overwhelming urge I had to roll my eyes at her. She backed off—with nary an apology—and I resumed my task.

  Moving closer to the stage, I snapped more pictures, relieved to put some distance between Janice and myself. I could only hold my tongue for so long, and I really didn’t want to inadvertently spoil Kelsey’s moment by telling her future mother-in-law to shut her pie hole, permanently.

  “Will you be paying by cash or credit?” the saleswoman asked, her tone jovial.

  “Credit,” Kelsey replied, her eyes still on her reflection. I squeezed her shoulders, jumping a little bit with excitement.

  “It’s really happening, Kels. You’re getting married!” I said, animated with excitement for this stage of her life.

  “I know,” she squealed back, her eyes flashing with excitement.

  I smiled. “Well, I guess we should go have that celebratory champagne now!”

  I walked into my apartment, dropping my purse down on the floor in front of the shelf. Sliding the deadbolt home, I let out a tired sigh and hung my head.

  The day had its highs; its truly exciting moments—like Kelsey finding the dress, and celebratory champagne followed by a quick bistro lunch.

  But the day also had its unbearable, painful moments. Most of those unbearably painful moments were due to Janice, but a few had been my own personal hang-ups.

  On the drive home from Toronto, I’d stared out the window, thinking about the photo of Alaric, Kelsey’s wedding, and of Erik.

  I hated that I was thinking about Erik, but weddings brought up weird feelings for everyone. Or at least, that’s what movies and books led me to believe. I’d actually never been to a wedding before, so I was new to all of this turmoil, but I couldn’t deny its existence.

  Kelsey and Elliott were soulmates, and this was the next chapter in their lives together. I was excited for them both, and I knew my sister had dreamed about this day for her entire life. What little girl hadn’t played wedding growing up? Dressed in their mother’s heels and pearls?

  I would be lying to myself if I said I hadn’t thought about marriage when I was with Erik. I had, a lot.

  I always knew that I wanted to get married one day, so naturally, I thought I’d marry him. I thought I loved him—and I guess I did. Or at least, I loved the person I thought he was, the person I wrote him as in my head.

  But he wasn’t that person, and when Erik left me, I felt stupid for having hoped for those things with him. For having thought about meshing my life so completely to someone that hadn’t even had the common decency to break up with me before sleeping with someone new.

  I didn’t know if I could ever put that kind of blind trust in someone again, and that made me a little sad. Sad that I let someone break me beyond what I recognized, and angry I’d let it happen, too.

  Sensing my mood, Dahmer sashayed down the hall and weaved around my feet, rubbing his head against my legs and purring loudly. I picked him up and carried him to the couch, sitting down on it.

  My thoughts went back to the night before, and I sighed heavily. Casual sex. By definition, I didn’t do casual. My mother said I was too passionate and empathetic. I wore my heart on my sleeve and was over-sensitive.

  I had only known Alaric for three weeks, and he was already getting to me. I craved the way he made me feel, but I was scared of it too—scared because I couldn’t turn off my emotions.

  But emotions had no place in this thing we were doing, and I couldn’t change it now…but I also couldn’t stop. I was too selfish for that, and I dreaded returning to the numb, disconnected state I’d lived in for the last several months.

  The likelihood that I’d end up hurt again was very, very high, and a smarter girl would walk away before that happened, but when it came to self-preservation…I wasn’t always the brightest.


  I pulled into the shop parking lot just after Gwen and parked two spaces away from her. She watched me for a moment, a sultry smile on her red painted lips before she dropped her gaze and exited her car.

  Desire coursed through my bloodstream at the sight of her standing. She tugged on her black skirt. My gaze perused across her creamy legs up to the white-and-black printed bodice and the sliver of skin exposed at her neckline. Her long, dark hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and I couldn’t help but grin at how pretty she looked.

  She smiled as if she felt my gaze on her, but didn’t look at me again as she strolled up to the office and opened the door, disappearing inside.

  Clearing my throat, I grabbed my gear and walked into the shop through the open metal door. I nodded at Paul and Wes as I passed them, heading to my workstation for the day.

  I had a lot of mistakes to fix. Not mine, some other bonehead employee had cut the parts for the Creek project wrong. The engineers were coming by tomorrow, and Russell needed the job done right—and quick.

  I’d be putting in overtime tonight. After seeing how incredibly sexy Gwen looked this morning, I was a bit irritated about that fact. I’d wanted to ask her to meet me after, but I hadn’t—aware of the boundaries we’d both set in place. Work was work, play was play.

  Still, it had been three days since I’d last been inside her, and I was already craving another round.

  Subconsciously, I was aware of how dangerous that was—to need something from someone as badly as I yearned for the feel of her. It wasn’t just about her body; I coveted her time, too. The burden of everything seemed lighter in her company, and that was highly addictive and unstoppable.

  Rolling my shoulders, I set to work. Watching the way the metal would fuse s
eamlessly, taking pride in each perfect weld, I let the sounds of my gun sauntering drown out all of my ruminating thoughts, emptying my head of everything but the job at hand.

  It was ten o’clock when I finally turned off my machine and pulled off my helmet. My limbs were exhausted and aching, but I still took time to clean up my workspace before leaving the shop, leaving it in pristine condition for tomorrow.

  Someone—Russell, I’m assuming—had lingered in the office. There always had to be someone else present in the shop if an employee was working after hours, as it was a liability to work alone.

  Russell was likely catching up on some paperwork, as the shop door was propped open with a door stopper. I walked through the open door and into the office to let him know the job was completed before I headed out.

  I stopped short when I saw Gwen sitting behind her desk, typing away on her laptop. She looked up, her fingers never ceasing, and gave me a tentative smile. “Hey.”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, my tone a little gruff and distant. I cleared my throat, looking around for Russell. But, Russell wasn’t in the office. His door was open, the room dark, as empty as the meeting room beside it.

  Gwen saved whatever she was working on and shut her laptop, slipping it into her black leather satchel as she stood, her gray eyes never leaving mine. “He had dinner reservations with my mom, so I told him I’d stick around until you finished.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because I know how unbearable my mother can get when she’s disappointed, and she would have been very disappointed,” she said, blinking at me and shouldering her bag.

  “Right,” I said, feeling awkward. She’d done it for her parents, not for me, but the knowledge that we were completely alone in the office wasn’t lost on either of us, and the air was thick.

  I saw the fervor in her eyes as her gaze slid down my body, pausing between my legs, where my dick was pushing against my zipper, proudly declaring how turned on I was.

  She licked her lips slowly, her eyes darkening with need. Then she shook her head as though she wanted to shake free of the tension stiff between the two of us, and looked away. “Well, if you’re done, I guess we should lock up.”

  “The shop’s already locked up,” I said thickly, more affected by her than I cared to admit. She nodded, flicking off the lamp on her desk before she made her way over to me. She passed by, flicking off the hallway light. When she walked by me again, I grabbed her hand, drawing her against me, an involuntary action.

  She came willingly, her eyes igniting with the same desire I felt. The scent of her drove me delirious with need, and when she moved against my hard-on, I pushed it against her stomach. “Come back to my place.”

  “What?” she asked, her eyes widening with surprise.

  “I’ve been gone since six. I have to get home to feed the dog and let him out, but I need to bury myself in you—the sooner, the better.” I didn’t want to have to wait until I’d driven home, dealt with the dog, showered, and returned to town. I wanted to have her spread out beneath me as soon as possible.

  “But…” She frowned, working over my request.

  “It doesn’t have to mean anything,” I assured her, fearing that’s where her thoughts had gone. I’d never done this—invited someone back to my place post-Cheryl and Sawyer—but I also had never done a casual, semi-regular hookup, either.

  Before Cheryl, I’d played the field a little, too focused on welding to really make a connection with anyone. My connection with Cheryl had been fleeting and had only lasted long enough to conceive a baby, but I’d attempted to build the foundation of a relationship from it, anyway. For Sawyer.

  This thing with Gwen, though, it was easy. She knew where I stood, and I knew where she stood. Besides, it wasn’t like I was inviting her back with my daughter there.

  Right now, my house was just an empty house—with multiple surfaces I could spread her out on. The thought of her on my counter had my cock throbbing against her stomach.

  Her eyes flared, and she bit her lip, considering me. “All right, fine. I wouldn’t mind seeing Tig again, anyway.”

  “So you’re coming for the dog?”

  “No, I’ll be coming for you,” she corrected, a devious smile gracing her lips.

  I chuckled lowly, my eyes narrowing slightly. “You can count on that,” I said, my voice husky with meaning.

  “Let’s go then,” she said as her fingers squeezed mine gently. I looked down with surprise at the way our bodies had entwined.

  She stepped back, pulling her hand free, using it to push the loose strands of hair that had fallen from her ponytail behind her ear, leaving a smear of grime on her cheek. I grinned, the sight of it made my dick throb almost painfully. I wanted to muss her up some more. “Follow me.”

  Walking past her, I held the door open for her while she turned out the rest of the lights and punched in the security code.

  I waited while she locked up, shamelessly checking out her ass. She turned, catching me, and grinned wickedly. “Lead the way.”

  Heading to my truck, I glanced at her over my shoulder, subconsciously making sure she got to her car safely. Once she was inside, I climbed into my cab and started the engine.

  I left the parking lot first, with Gwen’s lights in my rear view mirror. My heart pounded in my chest as I drove the familiar route home. I tried not to think too much about what we were about to do, instead focusing on how badly I wanted her.

  That was easy. The need to bury myself to the hilt was still the driving force behind my actions. I could admit it; I was thinking strictly with my dick, convinced it’d be okay because we both knew this was casual.

  I parked in front of the garage and Gwen pulled up, parking beside me. She stepped from her car, her eyes locked on me as I approached.

  Words were unnecessary; I cupped her face in my hands and brought my lips to hers. I backed her up against her car door, pressing my pelvis to hers. When I finally pulled away a moment later, she was breathless.

  “Now we both need a shower.” I chuckled, taking in the grayish marks my fingers had made on her perfect skin.

  “You did that on purpose,” she accused, smiling slowly.

  “Sure did.” I grinned, releasing her. We walked up the front porch, and I unlocked the door, holding it open, letting Gwen walk through first and pulling it closed behind me.

  “Oh, hello there, handsome,” she purred, bending forward to scratch Tig behind the ears. His tail thumped against the ground, and her perfect ass was just begging for my attention.

  I ran my hands along the apex of her thighs, running them up her smooth skin, gripping the firm mounds of her ass. I applied the slightest amount of pressure, and she pushed back on me, grinding her ass against my erection.

  Straightening quickly, she pivoted, her eyes finding mine in the darkened hallway. “Don’t get jealous,” she teased, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I’ll scratch behind your ears, too, if you’d like.”

  “I can think of a few other things I’d like more.” Before she could reply, I kissed her, greedily running my hands all over her body, marking her. She didn’t seem to care that I was messing up her outfit, and she tugged frantically at my belt.

  Tig let out a deep sigh from the floor.

  “Hang on,” I said, pressing my lips to hers quickly. I took her hand, drawing her deeper into the house.

  Gwen’s head moved from side to side as she took in her surroundings. “You’ve got a beautiful home, Alaric.” She remarked, her eyes returning to me and a small smile gracing her lips.

  There was something about having her here, something that felt innate. I was struck by the depth of it.

  “Thanks,” I managed, releasing my hold on her and crossing over to open the back door. Tig raced outside, and I closed it, turning around just in time to see Gwen’s dress slip from her body. It fell to the ground, pooling around her feet, and she stepped from it, her eyes on me the entire time she st
ripped, baring herself to me.

  She wore a black lace push-up bra and matching thong.

  My reservations went with her dress; slipping away, just out of reach, replaced by the driving force to claim her again.

  Thankfully, Tig hurried back, and I rushed through feeding him to get Gwen in the shower, not even feeling guilty for it.

  I hopped in before her, scrubbing the grime off me as quickly as I could. Five minutes later, the shower curtain opened just wide enough for her to slip inside. My eyes locked on her—her soft curves, her smooth skin, decorated with her hidden, feminine tattoos.

  Gwen had rearranged her hair so that it sat atop her head in a messy bun. She stepped toward me, her hand wrapping around the base of my dick. She squeezed lightly, pumping her arm, jerking me as the hot water flowed down my back.

  I rinsed the rest of the soap off quickly and wasted no time touching her back, my fingers seeking her sweet heat as my lips grazed against hers. Softly at first, then deepening when the pads of my fingers danced across her slick slit. I let out a heavy moan, tortured by her immediate response to me.

  “I think we’re clean enough,” she breathed, her eyes bright with urgency.

  Shutting the water off, I stepped from the tub and held my hand out for her. She took it, her breasts swaying as she stepped out onto the mat, standing before me.

  Her hands roamed up my chest, leaving a fiery sensation in the wake of her touch.

  I picked her up, my lips seeking out the sensitive flesh of her delicate throat. Her thighs locked around my hips, and she shifted, her core brushing against the tip of my swollen cock.

  Her heat was so inviting, it took everything I had to resist the urge to jerk my hips forward and bury myself deep inside of her. It’d be so easy, and the fact that I even wanted to was a warning sign, but I selfishly ignored it, carrying her down the hall into my bedroom.

  I dropped her onto the mattress, relishing in the way her breasts bounced. Reaching in the nightstand, I grabbed a condom and ripped it open, sliding it on.


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