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Page 52

by K. T. Tomb

  Before the parlor clock chimed four times, Nora knew the answer she would give the Duke... and soon she was sleeping soundly.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I’m confused, and a bit skeptical, about a couple of things,” Nora announced to Alfred as the two of them were seated on the train to Hamworthy. “More than a couple, really.”

  “It really doesn’t matter how many, Miss Kelly,” Alfred chuckled. “I’m here to answer any questions you might have and help you to fully understand your commitment before you make your final decision. Even after we visit the coven, you can still back out, you understand?”

  “I understand,” she replied. “Since you brought up the coven, we’ll begin there.”

  “As you wish.”

  “All of these… people… in the coven are vampires?”

  “They are.”

  “And we two mortals are walking right into their den, so to speak?”

  “You’ve nothing to worry about. They stay satiated.”

  “Which means?”

  “For lack of a better word, tame.”

  “So, they won’t harm us?”

  “They have a tendency to be a bit deprecating toward mortals, but they won’t harm either of us.”

  Nora considered his answer for a moment. Being disapproved of hadn’t bothered her since she’d arrived in Limehouse, so that was of little concern to her. The irony of Alfred ’s vocation and position suddenly hit her.

  “Don’t you have something of a conflict of interest?”

  “You mean, because I’m a vampire hunter?” he grinned. “I am respected and generally avoided, but Branksea is, for all practical purposes, a neutral zone. I am not to act aggressively toward them and they are to remain passive and satiated. The rules are very strict.”

  “But if they make the rules, couldn’t they change them?”

  “The mortal/immortal are not without honor, Miss Kelly,” Alfred responded. “Those who fail to follow the rules are quickly exiled from the coven and have a mark upon them. Being a marked vampire is not a pleasant thing.”

  Nora was still very nervous about what she was considering. In her bed the night before, as she’d considered how it would feel to have her greatest burden lifted from her and to have a purpose for her life, it had been an easy decision to make. Now, riding a train that would ultimately take her into a coven of vampires, was another thing entirely. And then, there was the part about having to give up her life.

  “What if…” She hesitated, not sure how to phrase her next question and not sure if she really wanted to ask it; worse yet, to know the answer.

  “What if your sacrifice doesn’t work and you simply stay dead?” Alfred asked.

  “How did you know I was thinking that?”

  “How could you not be thinking that?”

  “I suppose you’re right. And you’ve done this before, escorted a mortal to Branksea to be transformed?”



  “It went smoothly. You’ll meet him when we arrive. Perhaps he’ll help set your mind at ease.”

  There was silence for several minutes. Nora wasn’t out of questions; there were dozens crowding her mind, but she wasn’t able to give voice to them. There was one, however, that had nagged her more than all the others. It forced itself through.

  “Which method did he choose?”

  “Which method of transformation?”


  “He leapt from the castle and into the churning sea. There are many other ways of taking your own life, of course, but that is one of the simpler ones.”

  “I’d rather eat the sheep,” she responded dryly.

  “Wouldn’t we all,” Alfred responded.

  Her mind jumped to the Duke. He had made quite an impression on her. In spite of his position, there was something peaceful about him. It was a feeling she hadn’t experienced since before her grandmother died, which was several years before her parents. In many ways, the Duke reminded her of her grandmother.

  “Was what the Duke said true?”

  “I’m fairly certain all of it was.”

  “How did he know so much?”

  “He lived a life similar to your own before he ascended to his present state.”

  “Ascended? You mean married into the royal family?”

  “No, I mean, before he was transformed.”

  “The Duke is a vampire?” Her eyes widened and her jaw fell. She studied Alfred’s face, expecting him to admit that he was having a bit of fun at her expense. Alfred Covington didn’t flinch. “But... he seems so normal.”

  “Precisely. That is why he is perfect for the position for which he’s been entrusted.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me?”

  “He didn’t want to influence your decision.”

  “But you have no problems with influencing it?”

  “My duty to you is to ease you into your transformation, meet you after your ascension, and help get you started with your training.”

  “What sort of training?”

  “Mostly training in how to make use of certain powers you’ll have as a vampire, but there will also be some training in how to blend in, just as the Duke does. After all, the main focus of your job will be dealing with mortals, gaining their trust and working with them to gain access to secrets. It simply wouldn’t do if they thought you were a vampire. It is very likely that you’ve already known some vampires and never recognized them to be such.”

  Nora considered all of the people she knew and had known. Had any of them been vampires? If they had been, they’d hid their identity very well. Another question sprung into her mind.

  “Will you and I become rivals after I’m transformed? Well, if I’m transformed.”

  “Of course not,” he laughed.

  “But you’re a vampire hunter, doesn’t that make you an enemy of vampires?”

  “Vampire hunter is really an off-putting description. It would be better of you to think of me like a constable. As long as those among the mortal/immortals behave themselves, I leave them alone. I only step in and do what’s necessary whenever their behavior becomes disruptive or dangerous toward mortals.”

  Nora was out of questions for the time being. She simply sat in the seat beside Alfred and watched the dark shadows of the Southern English countryside pass by. There was a mixture of anxiety and anticipation tangled into a tight ball inside of her. Sorting it out wasn’t going to be an easy thing. She considered Alfred. He’d seen something in her from the first moment he’d laid eyes upon her. What had he seen? Was there unrealized potential in her? Did she have some special gift? After giving her a ride to her home, why had he returned later? Why had he given her the cream, made promises to her, rescued her, and helped start her on a path with purpose? For whatever reasons he’d done what he’d done, she was glad that he had stuck with her and helped her rise up out of the life which had held her prisoner. Well, for now. Indeed, she still wasn’t sure what she would do. How could she know? All of this was so new to her!

  “Hamworthy!” the conductor called out as he passed through the car and the train began to slow to a stop.

  “Well,” Alfred smiled. “It seems that we have arrived. We’ll rent a carriage to take us to the docks and then complete the last leg of our journey in a boat. I would imagine that someone will be waiting for us at the docks.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lost in thought and trying to keep her nerves intact, Nora watched a moth as it danced between the lanterns on the rented carriage. The moth had caught her attention because, at one point, it had alighted on her gloved hand, exercised its wings a bit and then flew back to the lanterns again. It had repeated the same actions several times.

  “What a unique moth,” she commented.

  “Unique indeed,” Alfred chuckled. “He seems to have taken an interest in you.”

  “I’ve never seen one act this way before. They’re usually drawn to the light when it’s dark
. Have you ever seen such?”

  “A few times.”

  Hamworthy Station wasn’t far from the docks, so their ride was a short one. When they arrived, Alfred helped her down from the carriage. Without knowing why, she glanced back toward the lanterns in search of the moth. He was no longer there. He’s only a moth, she reminded herself.

  “This way,” Alfred said, guiding her with his hand on the small of her back as they stepped upon the boards of the dock. “Watch your step.”

  Just as she stepped onto the dock, a small, red fox dashed out from behind a shed and hurried out in front of them.

  “Did you see that fox, Mister Covington?” she asked.

  “I did,” he laughed. “He was a little hard to miss.”

  “We’ve got foxes, rats, owls and all sorts of critters runnin’ about here,” a dockworker, who had overheard her, commented. “Don’t mind them. They won’t bother ye.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Where ye headed?” he asked.

  “We need a boat to Branksea,” Alfred responded.

  “There’s one kept at the end of the pier there, just for that purpose. The oarsmen are here abouts somewhere. You jus’ head on out and make yourselves comfortable and I’ll go hunt ‘em down.”

  Alfred led her forward in the dim light that the reflection of the lanterns on the water made. It was peaceful and still, and reminded her of the lights at Christmas time. She was enjoying the moment, when her eye caught movement out ahead of them.

  “It’s that little fox again. He’s acting like he’s waiting for us,” she giggled.

  “Perhaps he was,” Alfred laughed.

  The creature repeated the same pattern of turning to look back at them, starting ahead in a trot for a few paces and turning to look back again.

  “What odd behavior? Have you ever seen such?”

  “A few times,” Alfred responded.

  As they came to the end of the pier, the fox leapt into the boat.

  “Is that our boat?” she asked, aghast.

  “I believe so.”

  “Is it safe for us to board it with the fox? Perhaps he is rabid or wild.”

  “Doubtful, my lady,” a voice answered from the boat as a man lit a lantern and held it over his head. Dark disheveled hair, pale skin and eyes so green they seemed to cut through the darkness, took her in as the man spoke. He had a silky baritone voice. Nora felt a flutter in her stomach, perhaps the first time in a long, long time.

  “Do watch your step. I am Andrik,” he said, introducing himself as soon as Nora and Alfred were in the boat. He reached for her hand, bowed, and brushed his lips against the back of her glove.

  “Nora Kelly,” she replied. She fought down a blush that was already making her face feel warm.

  “Alfred,” he said, turning away from her. “It is a pleasure to see you again.”

  “Likewise, Andrik. You look well.”

  “Never been better,” he beamed.

  “You know him?” asked Alfred.

  “Of course,” said Alfred, chuckling. “This is the recruit I was telling you about.”

  Nora was unsure about the proper etiquette involving the meeting of a vampire.

  “I see the curiosity in your eyes, my lady. Indeed, I am a mortal/immortal,” Andrik said, winking. “If it’s easier for you, just refer to us as MIs. And yes, it wasn’t long ago that I was a mortal like yourself.”

  “Your skills have advanced quite nicely,” Alfred laughed. “You seem to have perfected the fox, but the moth is a nice addition.”

  “I’ve only just experimented with the little bugger,” Andrik responded. “Convincing?”

  “Very,” said Alfred.

  “You were the moth in the carriage?” Nora asked, and now she was certain she was losing her mind.

  “I was,” he beamed. The way his eyes danced as he looked at her made her forget the madness she was certain had gripped her. Perhaps she was still in the opium room, high and hungover. This was a real possibility.

  “And the fox?” she asked, pushing through her thoughts.

  “Guilty as charged.” He turned away from her and cast off the line.

  “Don’t we need to wait for the oarsmen?” she asked.

  “Here they come now.”

  Nora screeched and scrambled to stand upon one of the seats in the boat as four plump rats scurried down the dock toward them and then jumped into the boat.

  “Take it easy, Miss Kelly,” Andrik laughed. He had no sooner spoken the words before the four rats transformed into men. “Our oarsmen.”

  “Oh, wow,” she said, marveling at the transmutation, which included clothing and all. This only further fed her conclusion that she was in the opium house, perhaps as high as she had ever been, and hallucinating to no end.

  “Your eyes are not deceiving you, miss,” said Andrik. “And you are not lost in your mind either, or high in an opium den.”

  She snapped her eyes around at him, and he smiled warmly. She said, “This is going to take some getting used to.”

  “I imagine so. But before long, you’ll be transforming from one form into another.”

  “I’ll never be a rat,” she hissed.

  “Never say never, Miss Kelly,” Andrik responded.

  The MI oarsmen wasted little time in moving the boat across the open water toward the dark outline on the horizon. Nora took a deep breath and tried to swallow the thick lump in her throat as the boat left the docks where the lanterns glimmered and cast their light to hold back the darkness. After some minutes, they became little more than small glowing dots on the horizon. At the same time, she could feel the sinister façade of Branksea looming over her.

  What have I gotten myself into?


  “It is a distinct pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Kelly.”

  The phrase had been repeated numerous times as each of the members of the coven greeted her. To her surprise, there was no recognizable difference between them and anyone else she’d ever known.

  Andrik, to her delight, had helped her from the boat and taken charge of escorting her into the castle at Branksea. She had glanced back at Alfred, feeling a bit guilty to be leaving him behind. He smiled and nodded his encouragement to her.

  Andrik introduced her to each of the dozen coven members in turn as they circled the ornate drawing room. Her mind was in such a whirl, that she wasn’t sure she would ever recall a single one of them. They had been cordial, without a hint of snobbishness like Alfred had alluded to earlier. In fact, for the most part, they seemed to be quite accommodating and interested in her.

  “Miss Kelly,” a voice boomed as she and Andrik approached the last of the members. “It is my distinct pleasure to make your acquaintance and to welcome you to Branksea.”

  “I am happy to be here,” she responded with a nervous giggle.

  “This is Sir Augustus John Foster, the Coven Master and owner of Branksea,” Andrik announced.

  Nora bowed slightly. “You have a beautiful home, Sir Foster.”

  “Call me August,” he replied with a broad smile.

  “Very well then,” she smiled. “Call me Nora.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “There will be a festival tonight in your honor, Miss Kelly,” Alfred told her, clearly not following the Coven Master’s protocol by using her surname. They had seen little of each other over the two days that she’d been at Branksea. Nora was certain she could already divine the festival’s purpose.

  “You will need my decision at that time?” she asked.

  “Yes. Depending on what you choose, it will either be a party to wish you farewell or to welcome you into the coven. Should you choose to stay, your transformation and ascension ceremony will be carried out at midnight. Should you choose to depart, the boat will be waiting to take us back to the docks at Hamworthy.”

  “I understand.” The words barely came out of her mouth. They were in a side sitting room. It was after sundown and those w
ithin the coven were particularly lively tonight. She could hear voices and the clanking of glass and silverware from the great hall.

  “It is a very difficult decision to make,” Alfred continued in a low tone. “But I am certain that you will choose the right thing for you.”

  “What do you think I should do?”

  “I’m not in any position to give you that advice.” He paused a moment and searched Nora’s face before continuing. “From what I have seen, I believe that you will be an extraordinary asset to MI-6, but I will be equally proud of you if you turn us away. You’ve come a very long way, already. Whatever you choose to do, I have no doubt you will be highly successful at it.”


  “That is what we call the agency,” he chuckled, realizing that no one had told her the name earlier. “Her Majesty came up with it actually. We were commissioned to have six agents and the MI stands for mortal/immortal.”

  Nora took in the information. She was astonished that Queen Victoria knew so much about vampires and what, in fact, goes on within Her Majesty’s Realm. Perhaps the Queen is an MI too? A giggle started up from her throat, but it was interrupted by Alfred.

  “Allow me to explain the ceremony and the transformation and ascension themselves. This is not to pressure or affect your decision in any way, but I do want you to know what you will go through. I assume you’ve asked some questions of the others about the methods of transformation?”

  “I have.”

  “When the moment arrives, the Coven Master will call for you to join him at the stone table. The other members of the coven will form a circle around the two of you. He will ask if you will be transformed or bid them farewell. If you respond that you will be transformed, then he will ask by what means. If you are to take your own life, then you will need to have a method prepared to do so. If you will be transformed by another, then the Coven Master will ask you to name your guide. Your guide will assist in performing the transformation. You are aware of that process as well?”


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