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Yes, Master (D'Amato Brothers/S&M Crossover Book 2)

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by Vera Roberts

  “Are we good here?” Nick asked.

  Krista nodded. “We’re good, Master.”

  “Good,” Nick opened the door for her and followed her out of the lecture hall. “I’ll be sending you a document tonight outlining what you’re going to do with Master Scott and Myself while you visit Him in California. It is imperative that you read the document and ask any and all questions to either one of Us before you leave. Once the contract is to your liking, you will sign it and send it both of Us. Is that clear?”

  Things were becoming a bit too serious for Krista. First was the spanking. Now there was this talk about some contract? It was something she needed to get used to – the prospect of being punished by disappointing her Masters. She would have to be obedient and willing.

  It already sounded like she was way in over her head.

  “Do I need to consult a lawyer?” She asked.

  “No, no lawyer. Just your common sense.” Nick replied.

  The tone in which He replied to her made Krista feel stupid for even suggesting a lawyer. “Okay.” She meekly replied.

  Nick stopped walking and pulled Krista aside. He let out a small breath, which Krista couldn’t tell if it was out of frustration or just exasperation by dealing with her. It was pretty clear, however, she did unintentionally annoy Him. “Krista, it is My job to see if you want to be a submissive. Some women find out rather quickly that the Lifestyle isn’t for them and they go on with their lives. How I’m treating you is the exact same way I treat all of the other submissives I’ve come in contact with. Just because you have a personal relationship with My brother, I will not go easy or use kid gloves in dealing with you. You want the submissive experience? You want to be sexually dominated by two men in return? Buck up.”

  Yeah, my brother, Nicky…yeah, he takes no shit from anyone. He don’t care who you are or where you’re from. He’ll tell you to fuck off in the most polite way. But hey, that’s my big bro. He was the father to all of us. He had to be the big brother and father figure at the same time growing up. Can you blame him?

  Krista recalled Tony once speaking of Nick. She definitely understood his attitude and swallowed her pride. He didn’t like to waste time nor did he care for anyone wasting His. Every moment, no matter how small, counted with Him.

  Krista decided to get over herself. She was about to throw away the experience of a lifetime because she didn’t want to get right. “I understand, Master.” She replied. “Please send this girl the contract.”


  “I know she’s hiding something!” Faith commented over dinner. “I just feel it.”

  Eli D’Amato rolled his eyes at his wife’s umpteenth attempt at Sherlock Holmes. If one of his boys didn’t want to tell him something, he shrugged it off and went about his business. But if one of Faith’s friends didn’t want to tell her something, it was a mystery-drama with Faith leading the charge.

  He simply just didn’t understand women. Not even a single clue. “Who cares?” He asked.

  “Who cares? Who cares?” Faith repeated incredulously and Eli immediately regretted even saying that much. “For all I know she could be dating a serial murderer?”

  Eli focused on getting their toddler son fed as he listened to his wife’s dramatics. “I’m pretty sure whoever he is, he’s not a serial murderer.” Eli spoke.

  “And how would you know?” Faith asked and Eli casually shrugged. “Exactly! The person didn’t even give a name! Just some corporation!”

  “What do you want me to do, Faye?” Eli asked. He normally didn’t give out client information to anyone but he also knew he wasn’t going to escape his wife’s questioning, no matter how much it was none of her business. When he did present the information to her, however, she wasn’t satisfied and demanded to know more.

  He was convinced Faith should’ve been a private investigator instead of a hairstylist. “I’ve already given you the info.”

  “I went on their company’s website,” Faith twirled a fork at her husband. “It could be anyone at that company.”

  “So Kris has a secret admirer,” Eli still didn’t see the big deal, “what’s wrong with that?”

  “From California, babe?” Faith asked. “Who does she know in L.A.? The girl’s never left Harlem.”

  “Maybe someone came out and saw her,” Eli reasoned, “it’s not a far-fetched idea. You said she was meeting new people recently and maybe that was someone.”

  “Still…it’s not like her to keep secrets from me,” she shook her head, “she never keeps secrets from me. Not like this.”

  “Why does it bother you so much?” He asked. “Why do you care that some mysterious person sent her so many roses?”

  “It’s just not like her to keep this secret from me! I’m just being a concerned friend.”

  “You’re being a nosey friend,” he corrected, “she’s not being harmed, she’s not in danger, and she’s not in trouble. Just admit that you’re jealous.”

  “Jealous?” Faith played with her two-carat princess-cut diamond ring. “Jealous of what?”

  Eli felt he hopped, skipped, and jumped into an argument. “Kris has a man showing her a little extra attention right now and you miss that.”

  “How can I miss that? We’re married.” She argued.

  “Alright,” he got up and headed to the kitchen to clean off his plate.

  Faith waited a few moments before she spoke again. “It would be nice if you gave me six-dozen roses for once!”

  “I knew it!”


  Krista determined there wasn’t enough wine in the world for what she just had to decipher.

  Saint Nick’s contract – if she could call it that – read like How to Scare People The Hell Away. There was nothing romantic about the contract nor was it a bunch of legalese. The contents, however, made her question anyone’s sanity in participating in BDSM:

  Submissive agrees to obey to the best of her ability and to devote herself entirely to the pleasure and desires of Master Scott and Saint Nick. Submissive also renounces all rights to her pleasure, comfort, and gratification except when permitted by Master Scott and Saint Nick.

  Master Scott and Saint Nick accept full responsibility of sugar. This includes but not limited to sugar’s survival, health, physical and mental well-being. Submissive accepts full responsibility for informing Master Scott and Saint Nick of any real or perceived dangers or safety concerns.

  Submissive agrees at all times to make her body available to Master Scott and Saint Nick for Their use. Submissive agrees to have the proper hair and body care.

  Submissive agrees to wear her hair and clothing in whatever manner both Master Scot and Saint Nick advise her to.

  Submissive agrees to use the safe word only when necessary.

  Submissive agrees that Master Scott and Saint Nick will furnish any and all implements for her training.

  Submissive agrees to vocalize her soft and hard limits.

  Those were simply the easier rules. There were about six pages full of rules, protocol, duties, and tasks. At the end of every paragraph, there was an option to amend any part she didn’t agree with.

  She was getting dizzy again.

  Truth told, Krista didn’t know what she expected when Nick mentioned a contract and told her to carefully read it with a glass of wine. She mistakenly thought he was just being facetious and exaggerated. She quickly realized that Nick didn’t have time to mess around.

  Oh dear.

  She rubbed her forehead and yawned. She looked over at the clock in her bedroom and it was well past ten o’clock. She’d been up for the past couple of hours reading the contract and deciphering it all. It was too much for her to say yes to, though she wasn’t scared off. A part of her was intrigued. A big part and the kinky bad girl inside her wanted to explore more.

  She briefly wondered if she was allowed to make amendments to the contract.

  She got up and got ready for bed. She’d just finished tying up her
hair when her phone rang. “Who is calling me at this time of night?” She wondered aloud and her heart briefly stopped when she saw the number.

  It was Sir.

  It was a 213 area code number from Los Angeles. She swallowed her nerves and cleared her throat before she answered. The last thing she needed was to sound like was some love-struck teenager waiting on her boyfriend’s call. “Hello?” She answered.

  “Sugar?” The Southern drawl replied on the other end. “I hope I didn’t wake you up.”

  For Sir, Krista found herself wanting to stay up all night to hear His sexy voice in her ear. Memories flooded her brain on how He would say her name over and over as He pounded into her. His fingers were magical, His tongue was out of this world, and His cock was just… “Oh no, I’m awake,” she cleared her throat again, hoping it would somehow relieve the tension she suddenly felt between her thighs, “I was getting ready to go to bed.”

  “Well, this won’t take long. I just wanted to see how your day was and if my flowers made it better?”

  “I appreciated your flowers, Sir. It was a very nice gesture, though it did raise a few eyebrows at my work,” Krista mentioned.

  “And what did you tell them?”

  “I told them that a good friend sent them. Was I wrong in saying that, Sir?”

  “No, that’s accurate. I figured after the night we spent with each other, we’re pretty good friends,” He chuckled.

  He was right. They went above and beyond what a typical one-night stand would do. Krista later found out Sir preferred coffee while Saint Nick loved tea. “That’s true, too.”

  “I was also calling you regarding what occurred between you and Saint Nick this afternoon,” Sir began, “I heard you two had quite the conversation.”

  Krista should’ve been surprised to hear Nick told Scott about what happened. If she had to submit to them both, it made sense they were in regular contact with one another. The insecurities inside her wondered exactly what Saint Nick said to Master Scott and how He really felt about her? “Yeah, my butt is still a little sore, Sir.”

  “Saint Nick may seem like a hard-ass but He does mean well. He only wants the very best for you. It would behoove you to listen to Him and pay close attention to what He advises. He doesn’t speak to hear Himself talk and He chooses His words very carefully.” Scott advised.

  “I understand that, Sir. I won’t disobey Him again.” Krista replied back. “Saint Nick also sent me a contract.”

  “Do you have any questions? Now’s the time to ask.”

  Oh, Krista had too many questions to ask. It was already late and she simply didn’t have the energy to go into full detail about everything. “Can I ask these questions tomorrow? Or even via e-mail?”

  “That works,” Scott quickly gave Krista his e-mail address, “I’m looking forward in discussing the contract with you.”

  “I do have one question, however, Sir.” Krista began. “Can I amend the weeklong stay to just a few days?”

  “How many days do you want, sugar? This is your fantasy.”

  “I think a week might be too long but two days is too short. So maybe I was thinking three? Three days, Sir?” She asked.

  “Sure, I think we can swing that,” Scott agreed, “may I ask why the sudden change?”

  “I want to know BDSM and everything that entails, but I’m pretty sure I’ll know after a day or two if it’s for me. There’s no point in me being there for a week on Your time if I don’t want to be in the Lifestyle. I’ll be wasting both of our times, plus Saint Nick’s and I just don’t want to do that.”

  “Very smart and very fair.” Scott replied. “I think that’s a great idea. I’ll run it by Saint Nick and see what He thinks, though I’m pretty sure He’ll agree. Is there anything else?”

  “No, not yet. That was the only pressing issue, Sir.” Krista replied.

  “Good. Get some sleep, sugar. I can’t wait to read your e-mail tomorrow. Sweet dreams.”

  “Sweet dreams, Sir.” She hung up her phone. Krista put her phone aside and stretched out in bed. A mini-vacation to Los Angeles where she would be trained to be a submissive and even if she didn’t like the Lifestyle, she would still fulfill her fantasy of two men at once.

  What a story she was going to tell at the retirement home when she was old and grey.


  What do I want to accomplish by doing all of this?

  Krista re-read the text sent by Sir and wondered that herself. He presented His first task to her – to write down what she’d hoped to achieve in the short timeframe she would be under His and Saint Nick’s leadership. Truthfully told, Krista only thought of orgasms and kinky sex. Now she fully saw that BDSM was much more than that.

  Did she want fulfillment? Did she want to become more aware? Krista slouched back in her chair as she sipped her vanilla latte. The warm liquid quickly filled her and she instantly started thinking about her first task. She never had a man test her mentally and sexually before. Now she was in the process of figuring out who she was. The scary part was she didn’t know who she was.

  She played many roles - the lifelong best friend who always told a dirty joke or two; the sista gal who didn’t put up with anyone’s nonsense; the loving daughter who looked out for her mother; the single woman who was happy and didn’t need a man.

  Well, maybe the last one wasn’t entirely true but she was proud to be independent. All of her life, she was dependent on people who couldn’t guarantee a roof over her head or lights turned on. Now the only person Krista was dependent on was herself.

  So, what did she want to accomplish by submitting to Saint Nick and Master Scott? Such a simple question yet with heavy implications.

  She took another sip of her vanilla latte and sighed at the sweetness of cinnamon and almond milk. It was amazing how good a fresh cup of coffee was in the morning. She received another text and it was from Faith. Did you have a late night with Mystery Boo Thang?

  Krista shook her head and replied back. Don’t you have a Mommy and Me date you need to get to?

  She smiled at her best friend’s nosiness she was passing off as concern but Krista’s dalliances with her Masters were going to be a delicious secret she was keeping to herself. Faith couldn’t and wouldn’t understand the Lifestyle, nor did Krista want to spend a lot of time trying to explain BDSM to her. Besides, with Saint Nick’s connection to Tony, there was no way in hell Krista was going to tell Faith. The chance Faith might let something slip was too great and Krista could already imagine how Sunday night dinners at the D’Amato matriarch’s home was going to become if there was a revelation that one of the women had been with two of the brothers.

  The thought hit her like a hard dodge ball in the face; she finally figured out what she hoped to accomplish. With a newfound confidence, she texted Sir back.

  I want to become empowered, Sir.

  “Small world.”

  Krista looked up and saw Saint Nick smiling back down at her. Damn, did the man ever not look gorgeous? She could tell He was on His way to the university by his attire of a dress shirt, blazer, and matching slacks. He carried an expensive-looking leather messenger bag that complemented His attire and aura.

  She’d never really noticed Nick before other than in passing and never tried to spend more time than she had to at Tony’s shop. Ever since the fateful demonstration, Krista had seen Nick more often and definitely in a new light.

  “Good Morning, Sir.” She greeted Him. She motioned to the other chair at the table. “Would You like to sit down?”

  “I would love to. Thank you.” Nick sat across from her. His blue eyes sparkled like small pools of blue when the sunlight hit His face just right. “How are you doing today?”

  “I’m doing well, Sir. How are you?”

  “I’m doing wonderful.” Nick replied. “I wanted to speak with you with what happened yesterday if you have a moment?”

  “Sure,” Krista adjusted her position and gave Nick her full attentio
n. “What did you want to speak about?”

  “I don’t like to inflict punishment on anyone and yesterday was just as uncomfortable for Me as it was for you. But I want you to understand that I’m not a Sadist. When I give you punishment, it is to correct a behavior so you know the consequences if it were to happen again.” He stated. “The goal is for you to become a better submissive and overall, a better person. It is not to fulfill some twisted fantasy of Mine to get off on your weaknesses.”

  Krista was silently impressed. Saint Nick didn’t talk down to her like a child, nor was He condescending or threatening towards her. Instead, He treated her with the utmost respect. He spoke to her as if they were talking about the weather or about politics. Other than His movie star good looks, she saw why He had such a following among submissives.

  He really was a Saint. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”

  “Good. Now that’s out of the way, did you have any questions about the contract? I’m sure you have a lot.”

  “I do,” Krista happened to have a copy of said contract on her and pulled it out to review. “Is this binding in a court of law?”

  “Of course not,” Nick replied, “this is just for fun and only for fun.”

  “You Both mentioned I would have to get a physical examination,” Krista shook her head, “I don’t understand. I need to see a doctor?”

  “No, My submissives will examine you.”

  Krista almost dropped her coffee cup. Nick had more than one? Were they permanent? What time of examination were they going to do? “Submissives?”

  “It’s a standard examination. It’s not a pap smear if that’s what you’re wondering.” He clarified.

  Krista’s eyes widened as big as the ocean. “When is this to take place, Sir?”


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