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Yes, Master (D'Amato Brothers/S&M Crossover Book 2)

Page 10

by Vera Roberts

  She would be greatly rewarded later.

  He would worry about how to reward her at a different time. He removed the straps and clothespins from her body and turned Krista over on her stomach. He strapped her wrists once again to the headboard, but left her ankles free. He placed a wedge pillow underneath her torso, so her ass was at a perfect angle with his cock. He slipped a condom on and entered her.

  Her tight and wet heat embraced his cock like a long-lost friend. He moved slowly inside her before picking up the pace and burying himself to the hilt. He looked down at her ass and loved how it jiggled against his flesh with every movement. Normally, he would slap it but thought against it given Krista’s revelation over dinner. He grabbed it instead, loving how soft and supple it felt in his hand.

  He listened to her moans and paid close attention to how attentive she was to his every stroke and movement. If her moans quieted, she didn’t enjoy it as much. If they were loud and voracious, she did. If she squeaked and squealed, he knew he got her where he wanted her.

  He sped up the pace and rode her, leaning over and grabbing the headboard for support as her folds tickled his balls yet again. He felt her body tense up beneath him; she was about to climax again and a quick smile splayed across his lips.

  “Sir, can I please come?” She begged.

  “You may,” He granted.

  Krista clenched the headboard and came again, collapsing onto the bed as he continued to fuck her. He thrust a few more times inside before he emptied inside the condom. He sat back on his heels and caressed Krista’s body, admiring the shine from the combination of sweat and oil.

  She looked so beautiful.

  He disposed of the condom and undid the straps that held Krista together. He then moved her to a different bedroom and laid her down on the bed, which he joined her. She snuggled against him and soon fell asleep.

  Scott stared up at the ceiling and stroked Krista’s hair as he replayed the night’s events back in his mind. With a proud smile on his face, he was happy to see she complied with everything, even when she was unsure.

  Tomorrow was going to be the hard part.


  Soft streams of sunlight awakened Krista and she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around at her surroundings and shot up in bed.

  Where am I?

  She realized she was naked and quickly wrapped a sheet around her. She soon recognized she was in Sir’s guest bedroom. Events from the prior evening flashed across her mind and it didn’t take long for her to realize where she was and what had transpired.


  A broad smile formed across her lips as she remembered every detail from the night before. From the exquisite dinner to the orgasm denial play to being sexed so hard and so much, she would be amazed if she would be able to walk later.

  She’d never had a lover like Sir before and Krista honestly wondered if she ever will. He was so demanding yet giving. He could’ve been very selfish like previous lovers and only sought to get off first before even concentrating on what she could’ve wanted. Sir was different. He wanted to explore her body, and get to know every crevice and angle of it.

  “Your body is a masterpiece,” He murmured to her.

  She felt tingles all over her body again and instantly desired Sir. She was alone in the bedroom and Krista got the feeling, she was alone in the home.

  She got up and walked over to the master bedroom, where her luggage was. In night and day fashion, Sir’s bedroom was converted back to its original state. Any signs of play or BDSM activity from the night before had long disappeared. It was as if it never occurred at all.

  She rummaged through her clothing and found a pair of yoga pants and a tank top to put on. She then walked throughout the house, calling for Sir and trying to find where He was. He was gone. She tried to remember if He’d mentioned any errands but He didn’t say anything. Krista just hoped He would be back soon.

  She sat down on the sofa and began flipping through channels when Sir’s house phone rang. Krista knew better to answer His phone and just let it went to voicemail. “Krista?” A familiar voice spoke over the phone. “Krista, I know you’re there and you’re listening to Me speak. Pick up phone, sweetheart.”

  Krista rushed over to the phone and picked it up. “Saint Nick?”

  “Yes, it is. Good Morning.” He spoke over the phone. “Master Scott told me you had an eventful night and that you needed your rest today. He spoke very highly of you being a gracious and obedient submissive.”

  Krista smiled. It did please her to please Master. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome. However, just because you’re getting your rest it doesn’t mean you’re not going to be doing anything. In fact, I have a list of tasks for you.”

  “Oh?” Krista inquired. “What is it, Sir?”

  “In the kitchen, you’ll see a menu for tonight. You’re going to go to the grocery store and gather everything you need and you will make Sir a home cooked meal.”

  It was clear Master Scott was feeling a bit homesick. The menu consisted of fried chicken, fried okra, macaroni and cheese, and cornbread. She knew it wasn’t a typical meal He’d often and didn’t think it was anything other than Southern cuisine. After all, Sir was a Southern boy at heart. “I see it, Sir. Was there anything else?”

  “You’re going to write down a few things. Get a pen and paper because you’re not going to remember them. They’re located at the kitchen island.”

  Krista walked over to the kitchen and saw the pen and paper ready for her. She had to admit she was quite impressed by the coordination Saint Nick and Master Scott had between them. “I’m ready, Sir.”

  “You’re going to write down your short-term and long-term goals and what you’re doing to achieve them. You’re going to write down your experience of being a submissive and what you like and don’t like about it. Finally, you’re going to write down how you view BDSM after you leave L.A. and return to New York.”

  “Got it, Sir.” Krista quickly wrote everything down. “Was there anything else?”

  “Yes, there’s one last thing,” Nick began, “Master Scott has very exquisite taste in everything He owns but He’s also pretty frugal. After you have completed your tasks, you are to find one item of an expensive nature for Him and another item of a reasonable price.”

  “How would I be able to purchase this, Sir?” She asked. “I wouldn’t be able to afford anything for Master Scott’s expensive taste.”

  “That is why you will use the envelope located at the end of the sink for your purchases.” Saint Nick advised.

  Krista looked towards the end of the sink. She walked over to it and saw an open envelope with ten crisp hundred-dollar bills in it. “What am I supposed to purchase for Him, Master?”

  “Use your imagination and be creative. One item should be something He would wear, while the other should be something He would keep at home. You can determine how much money to spend on which. Have fun now and don’t disappoint.” He hung up the phone.

  Krista stared down at the money and whistled. She never thought she would have a man leave her a lot of money to purchase items for Him. She forgot to ask Saint Nick how was she supposed to go shopping for Master Scott when He was clearly her only ride and she didn’t know L.A. very well. Something told her that part of the plan was already figured out.

  She quickly showered and enjoyed a small breakfast of a bagel and coffee. She heard the doorbell rang and cautiously opened the door. It was a driver waiting for her. “Ms. Allen? I’m here to take you to your errands today.”

  Krista smiled and gathered the money and the shopping list. “We’re going to go shopping first, then to the grocery store.”

  “I already have the instructions for you, Ms. Allen.” The driver insisted. “I know where to take you.”

  “Oh?” Krista was surprised. “Where are we going?”

  “Beverly Hills.”


  “How’s school?” Tony aske
d his brother as he prepared him for a shave.

  “School’s great,” Nick commented, “new crop of freshmen and I have a small window to impress them with knowledge until they get so drunk and high that they drop out their first year.”

  “You are so confident in your classes,” Tony laughed.

  “I’m realistic about my students,” Nick shrugged, “they’re not all going to graduate and some will figure out that college is just an expensive waste of time. I just hope to make it fun for them until they make that decision.”

  “I hear that,” Tony turned around when the door opened, “Hey Faye. What’s going on, girl?”

  “Nothing, just wanted to say hi.” Faith took a spot next to Nick and smiled down at him.

  Nick glanced up at Faith. While they had a friendly relationship with each other, they never went out of their way to talk to each other. If Faith was extra friendly to Nick, she wanted to get some information out of him. “I know that smile and you want something, Faith.”

  “You know my best friend, Krista?” She asked. “I saw a car drop her off at your building sometime last week. I was wondering if you knew anything. Is she seeing anyone? Is there something going on?”

  “A car dropped her off at his building?” Tony inquired. While Tony proudly still lived at home with their mother, his brothers chose to live in nicer apartment buildings whose tenants consisted of Wall Street bankers, socialites, athletes, and celebrities. “Do you know anything, Nick?”

  Nick was caught in a predicament. He hated lying but he also felt Faith and Tony were overstepping their boundaries about inquiring so much about Krista and what she was doing. Nick was particularly annoyed that Faith followed Krista to his apartment building. He was very glad he decided against meeting her downstairs like he’d originally planned.

  It was then Nick decided it was better to ask for forgiveness than to beg for permission. “No, I don’t.”


  Beverly Hills, 90210 was everything like the TV shows and reality dramas.

  Beverly Hills, 90210 was absolutely nothing like the TV shows and reality dramas.

  Krista was expecting everyone to drive a BMW, Mercedes, Rolls Royce, and some other sort of a luxury vehicle. She was expecting to see celebrities and other stars strolling down the street with the bright flash from the paparazzi at every corner. She was expecting some rich snobby socialites and old ladies with their toy dogs with ridiculous nicknames such as Lamb Chop and Butternut being carried in high-end dog carriers as they navigated their way in and out of the stores.

  Krista saw nothing of the sort.

  She saw regular tourists just like her and some just eagerly excited about being on Rodeo Drive and window browsing in a store. She saw people wear the same blue jeans and shirts she was currently wearing and nothing designer about them at all. She saw Toyotas, Hondas, and Fords parked along the street.

  Beverly Hills, 90210 was just like Sugar Hill, Manhattan, 10031.

  Well, maybe that was an exaggeration. But Krista felt better about her lifestyle and income in comparison to what she’d seen with her very own eyes. She wasn’t broke or struggling, but she didn’t spend more than she had to.

  Master Scott was in an entirely different world.

  Krista estimated his home was well into the million-dollar range and probably worth more with all of the fancy toys and trinkets inside. He was sophisticated and intelligent and honestly, Krista would admit, they probably wouldn’t work out as a couple even if they didn’t have the BDSM connection. She was Timberlands and hip-hop. He was Wall Street and Prada loafers.

  She was impressed, however, he knew many old-school R&B acts. She wondered where He could’ve picked that up.

  She decided to choose Sir’s expensive gift from Tiffany and His cheap gift from Target. She just hoped He would like both. She would worry about His reaction later when He arrived home. She needed to go grocery shopping for His dinner.

  She had a feeling she was going to be in the kitchen for a while.


  He loved that smell.

  The smell of his mother’s home.

  So it wasn’t quite exact but it was pretty close. Scott entered his home and was blessed by the smell of fried chicken and macaroni and cheese. He was on a very strict diet and was particularly choosy about what he consumed. But with Krista being his temporary guest, Scott considered himself to be on vacation.

  It occurred to him how lonely he truly was. He had the nice house and the nice things but he didn’t have someone to share it all with. Maybe Jeff was on to something when he asked Scott if his dick was getting tired. Scott laughed it off at the time but he wondered if there was some truth to what Jeff said.

  I wonder if Mariana knows how to cook?

  It wasn’t fair. Scott shouldn’t have been thinking about another woman when he was entertaining one at home. For all he knew, Mistress could’ve been off the mark about Mariana, though he didn’t quite find that to be true. Mistress was usually right about things – about everything, really – and She wouldn’t have picked out Mariana for him unless She saw some potential.

  For now, he was going to focus all of his energy on Krista. For someone who was unsure about the Lifestyle, she was an obedient sub and followed all of her tasks and assignments with no questions asked. When He’d arrived home from the gym, she offered to bathe Him and massaged His feet.

  It was something He could get used to.

  Nick was going to arrive sometime within the next day and he would help give Krista her fantasy before they both left on separate flights back to New York. Scott was actually looking forward to the scene the following night and hoped Nick would enjoy it as well.

  He just hoped it wasn’t a repeat from His last foray into a threesome.

  “Saint Nick tells me you had quite a busy day,” Scott began over dinner, “did you have fun today?”

  The truth was Krista had a little fun until she had to start cooking. She wished she was as talented as some of her friends and family who saw a chicken and immediately created six dishes out of the bird. Krista had Google fried chicken recipes and after burning the first two dishes, she finally mastered the third one.

  She was thankful she was smart enough to buy several chicken pieces. “Yes, I did, Sir.” She answered with a smile.

  “That’s great to hear,” Scott smiled, “the dinner is excellent, by the way. You’ve really outdid yourself.”

  “I’m glad you’re happy, Sir. It pleases the girl.” She replied.

  “You make Me very happy.” Scott smiled. “You’re probably wondering why I’m taking it so easy on you as oppose to what Saint Nick has done.”

  Krista did wonder. She thought Sir was purposely going easy on her until He was going to really put her through the ringer later. “Yes, Sir?”

  “I’m sure Saint Nick has told you about how He feels about you becoming a submissive and I agree. Not that you’re not a good submissive but we’re pretty sure you’re not going to be a full-time one and we respect that. But we also don’t want to put too much effort and dedication into someone who is unsure about the Lifestyle.” He explained, slowly drawing out the words in His Southern accent. “So I decided there’s no point in dragging out tasks and assignments when that’s not your end goal.”

  “What do You plan to do with me, Sir?” Krista asked. She had one day left and Saint Nick was set to arrive the next day. She was excited about the evening’s event but she wondered what she was going to do during the daytime.

  “We’ll think of something,” Scott replied with a smile. “You’ll probably use the time to work on your assignment and reflect on your past month as a submissive to two men.”

  “That will only take a little bit of time, Sir.” Krista replied. “What else will I do with the rest of the time?”

  “I’ll keep you busy,” He promised. He said it sensually but Scott meant it another way. He forgot to cancel Mariana’s cleaning session the next day so she would be comin
g over. That meant Krista needed to stay hidden until Mariana was finished. He would have to figure out how to keep her occupied for a couple of hours that didn’t involve sex.

  Scott wondered if he was a masochist in disguise.


  He was extra friendly, she noticed. Maybe a little too friendly.

  When Mariana arrived to clean Scott’s home, he surprised her by being there. Normally, he wasn’t. Sometimes he would see her on his way back to work from gym time. Other times, she would catch him as he left in the mornings.

  At noontime, he was there and very cognizant that she was there as well.

  He didn’t necessarily follow her from room to room, but she did notice he would spend a lot of time in the back rooms. He was particularly careful of the infamous top drawer that she was not allowed to even open. She couldn’t understand it. The man had no problem with her touching his underwear and empty his trash can filled with used condoms and wrappers, but he had an issue with her opening his top drawer.

  What a weirdo.

  “Are you having a good week, Sir?” Mariana asked.

  “Scott.” He corrected.

  “Scott,” she smiled. “Are you having a good week?”

  It was a good week so far. The time he’d spent with Krista was very pleasant and he treated her to a spa day. She thought he was being generous and he was to a fault. He also needed a reason to get Krista out of the home. “So far, so good. How is your week?”

  “It’s…good.” She replied.

  “You hesitated there,” Scott noticed.

  “Meh.” Mariana shrugged. “It’s nothing really.”

  “Oh, come on now. It’s something if you’re being all quiet about it.” He urged. “I’m sure whatever it is it’s not that bad.”

  Mariana stopped wiping the windows and sighed. “I hate men.”

  This wasn’t news Scott was expecting to hear. He hoped it was just frustration and not Mariana about to swing for the other team. “Oh?”


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