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The Eternal War Series Box Set

Page 14

by Holly Vane

  Caleb touched down on the bedroom balcony. Retracting his wings. Not concealing them like he normally did but narrowed them along his spine.

  He carried her inside, smothering her in a thousand kisses.

  Caleb dropped Holly lightly onto the four poster bed. She kicked off her pumps.

  He kissed her fingers as he unbuttoned her jacket. She slipped out of it, her heart beating so fast she thought it would burst.

  He lifted her up on to him, her legs fastened around his waist. Holly's arms locked around his neck kissing his chest, his collarbone, his jawline that looked so perfect it could have been chiselled out of rock.

  “What about the glory thing?” She asked breathlessly.

  He held her hips and lowered her back onto the bed in response. He kissed her neck, she shivered with delight as she felt his tongue against her skin. His fingers slid down the straps of her tank top making her skin come alive with electricity.

  Her finger tips dug into his skin, breaking the surface, he let out a pleasured groan.

  His wings that was the only source of light in the room spanned out and covered their writhing bodies.

  Holly moaned in expectation when his hands went south. He undid her buttons slowly watching her face.

  Caleb's hands slid them down her legs until she could kick out of them.

  “Caleb...please.” She begged him. Her skin felt on fire, her chest moved rapidly, her breath shallow.

  Her glistening eyes pleaded with his own. She knew he understood what she was asking of him. They had never made it this far before.

  She let out a high pitched moan and threw her head back as his fingers brushed aside her damp panties.

  Her voice called out his name as passion overcame him. His fingertips roamed inside her.

  She gripped the sheets in her fists, her moans becoming furious high pitched screams as he worked her body.

  Their tongues met as she orgasmed.


  Caleb lay in the dark.

  Holly's body was curled around his own; her head on his chest, her arm spread across his torso, her legs intertwined with his own.

  He let out a breath. He had managed to contain his glory from spilling out. He had took her further than he ever had. He seemed to have satisfied her, but his own passion was far from slaked.

  He wanted her to have more than just his touch, his lips. He wanted to give himself completely. But the second he allowed it to happen, he would lose his wings. He would be mortal. And that was the last thing Holly needed right now. She needed protecting. She needed him to be strong.

  But he knew that he couldn't do it much longer. His resolve was failing.

  His desire for her was the one thing he couldn't control.


  Holly's cell ringing out woke them.

  “Argh!” Holly murmured, tossing on her back. Her arm scrabbling about for her phone.


  “Are you okay? You didn't call!”

  “Mum...” Holly checked the time on the cell. “It's three in the morning.”

  “But you didn't call!” Her mother's voice shrilled louder.

  Holly held the phone away from her ear.

  “I'm sorry. I must have forgot.” She said.

  “Forgot! What are you getting up to there?”

  Holly's whole body flushed. She glanced at Caleb, who was still half naked and in her bed. She forced herself to breathe.

  “Oh just...hanging out.” Holly grimaced at the bad lie.

  “Well you're coming home this morning. I've just been told. We'll expect you for breakfast.” Her mother hung up.

  “I'm going home?” She asked Caleb a bit disappointed.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “First I've heard of it.”

  “Well that's because you've been locked away in here, banging Holly.” Dominic appeared in the armchair, moonlight lighting up his face.

  “Jeez Dom!” Holly cried out. Wrapping the covers around her. Apart from her flimsy tank top she was naked. “Have you heard of knocking.”

  He grinned. “I didn't know you would be in such...a compromising position. Did I?” Dominic darted a dark glance Caleb's way. Who was staring up at the ceiling, his jaw tight.

  “Can you give us a minute Dom.” Caleb said quietly.

  Dominic headed towards the balcony. “We need to talk.” He shot at Caleb before leaving.

  Caleb sighed. He pulled Holly to him and they snuggled close. Their bodies touching. His hand rested on her thigh. “I wish we could stay here like this forever.” She said.

  He looked into her eyes. “Really?”

  She studied him close. After a few seconds she straddled his lap. Their mouths inches away. “Unless you haven't noticed Caleb Williams I'm Jones-ing for you bad.”

  He grabbed her hair lightly and brought her lips down on his. His hand rested on her bottom, squeezing it. A contented sigh escaped her lips. Underneath her she felt him stiffen. “Ready to go again?” She whispered in his ear.

  Dominic knocked on the glass. “Sorry princess. Time's up.” He called.

  “Damn him and his supernatural hearing.” Holly yelled.

  Caleb rolled her onto her back. “You should get some rest.” He gave her a peck on the lips, then walked to the French doors. Before he slipped through them, Holly glimpsed his face. His eyes were burning sapphires.


  “What the hell are you thinking Caleb?” Dominic hissed trying to keep his tone low so Holly wouldn't overhear.

  Caleb's chest was heaving. He closed his eyes and willed his breathing to slow. “I still have my wings Dom.” He said quietly.

  “But if I haven't interrupted you, you would be mortal right now.”

  Caleb glared at him. His temper rising. “Is it concern you're feeling or jealously?”

  Dominic's eyes darkened. “Don't play that with me Angel.” He spat. “You're no good to any-one without you're wings. Not that I couldn't run this show by myself of course, but having you here makes it more entertaining.”

  Caleb looked away. Forcing himself not to raise to the bait. “Why are you here? We agreed you take over at sunrise.”

  “I killed two Angels not a million miles away, less than ten seconds ago. They know Holly's here.”

  “Seems you're trick didn't work as well as you thought.” Caleb said tightly.

  “So it seems.” Dominic replied.

  “I have to meet with Castillo in an hour. The shield maybe ready. I need you to take Holly somewhere safe. I'll find you when I'm done.”

  Dominic nodded. “Wait here till she's decent.” Caleb added.

  He watched Caleb enter the bedroom. “Fun killer.” He muttered.


  The bed was empty.

  Caleb heard water erupt from the shower head in the bathroom. He paused to knock but thought better of it.

  Steam fogged up the little room. From behind the tinted glass Caleb could trace the outline of Holly's naked body with his hungry eyes.

  He tapped on the glass. He saw the pleasant surprise on her face. She slid back the door and grabbed his hand, catching him off guard Caleb stumbled into the hot water cascading from above.

  “Holly, I have to...”

  Her lips killed off his words.

  Involuntary his body reacted.

  Her skin was slippery and glistening with water under his touch. It ran down her face and neck.

  He should leave now.

  Dominic was right. He was of no use to her without his wings. So why wouldn't his body obey him?

  Before he had regained his senses she had lowered his soggy slacks. They fell down into the puddle of water swirling around on the floor of the shower.

  She slid both of her hands into his white fronts. She fondled him gently then more hurriedly. He felt sweet tension building up inside of him.

  Showing more control then he possessed, he backed her up against the wall of the shower, he held her hands above her head with only one of
his own.

  “Was I doing it wrong?” She asked him.

  God no. He wanted to tell her. Instead he slipped his tongue in her mouth. A moan escaped her throat.

  His other hand groped its way down her body, he parted her legs with his own. His fingers slipped again inside of her.

  This time he was urgent, more forceful, he could hear her screams muffled by his mouth on top of hers.

  Pleasure racked her body, making her tremble against him.

  “Oh god...harder.” She told him.

  He obeyed.

  She was screaming out his name repeatedly.

  He felt her body shake then relax. He released her hands and she drooped against him, gasping for air.

  “You good for now?” He joked quietly.

  She laughed. “You are...amazing.” She said panting.

  “You do realize you say that out-loud right?”

  “I really shouldn't, should I?” She asked him amused.

  “I love you Holly Adams.” He whispered. “But I really have to go.”

  She leaned her head back on the shower wall. “But not for long right?”

  “An hour if that. Get dressed and Dominic will blink you somewhere safe ,until I come get you.”


  He made to leave but she called his name.

  “Be careful.” She told him soberingly.


  By the time her bare feet padded the carpet looking for her clothes, Caleb had gone.

  She wished she had asked him where he was going, but her mind had been focused on...other things at the time.

  She sat down on the bed while pulling on her jeans. She glowed at the memory of Caleb taking them off. This night had been the best of her life.

  He didn't make her body feel what Dominic had. Caleb was more...restrained. But that romp in the shower had been hot.

  “Looking for these?” Dominic's voice penetrated the gloom of the room. The chandelier above her head burst into light. She averted her eyes. When they had adjusted she saw Dominic holding her pumps.

  She shrugged on her jacket and went to retrieve them. “Where are we going?”

  “Germany. Come on Holly hand! We don't have much time.”

  She retrieved her cell then clasped his hand. Holding it tightly so that she didn't lose her grip.

  The scene shimmered like it had done in Scotland. The darkness came followed by the ripping pain. Then she was standing in a dense forest full of pine trees.

  Her stomach lurched and she stumbled to the nearest tree truck, vomiting violently. Dominic held her still wet hair out of her face.

  “Better out than in.” He mused.

  She sank to the ground holding her twisting stomach. “I'll take flying any-day of the week.”

  “Wings are safer but slower.” Dominic said flashing her a wicked grin. She knew what it implied.

  He sat down opposite her on a felled stump. He took a silver flask out of his leather jackets inside pocket. “So how's it going with Caleb? How longs it been four days?” There was a mocking tone to his voice.

  “Cut it out Dominic.” She told him.

  He unscrewed the top and took a gulp then offered it to her. “No thanks.”

  “Come on Holly. We have an hour to kill, we have to talk about something. Unless you'd rather roll around in the mud with me?”

  She gave him a sharp glare. “What did I ever see in you?” She asked. Knowing full well the answer.

  “My sparkling personality.” He joked. “Or just my big...”

  “Dom!” Holly didn't want him to finish the sentence.

  “Smile.” He mused. “Jeez get your mind out the gutter Holly.” He teased. She couldn't help but smile.

  “So I guess, judging by the amount of noise you two were making in the shower, things are going well.”

  “You were listening?” Holly asked him, mouth wide open.

  He laughed. “It's not like I was peeping. You were pretty loud.”


  He stopped laughing. “That's not an answer.”

  “Fine. Yes things are good.” Holly said flushing. Good was an understatement. Then her mind crept back to the shower, where Caleb had stopped her from...pleasuring him. He seemed to be holding back, and she wanted to know why.



  She hesitated. Should she tell him? It was kind of private. But she felt too abashed to bring it up with Caleb, and who else could she ask? Her mother would freak, and Jo would want details. Holly was seriously lacking in bedroom experience to answer it herself. Was Caleb nervous? Or was it something else? Dominic had a millennia of knowledge under his belt...literally. He would know if she was doing something wrong.

  “That night we...” She trailed off. This was embarrassing.

  A grin spread on his face. “You mean when you let me finger-fuck you.” He mused.

  “Do you have to be so crude.” She glared at him. “Just forget it...”

  “Oh okay, I apologize. That was...rude of me. Carry on.” He took another swing of his flask while he waited for her to continue.

  “Was I not good?” She blushed violently. “I mean I know it was my first time but still...”

  He seemed surprised by the question.

  He thought about it for a second.

  “I've had worse.” He finally said. “I mean it was you're first...encounter.” He quickly added when he saw the dismay on her face. “You made the right moves, but it would have been so much hotter if you hadn't stopped me...both times. You can't drive a guy crazy then put on the brakes Holly.”

  “Caleb...” She looked around, searching for the right words.

  “Let me guess.” Dominic grinned. “He won't go all the way.”

  Holly nodded. “Maybe I don't turn him on enough...”

  “Holly you're not the problem. You're body was made to please men. It’s Caleb.”

  She was ready to slap him, but when she looked at him his dark eyes were serious. Not mocking.

  “There's places where Angels just...can't go. And that's one of them.”

  “What do you mean?”

  A twig snapped some distance off in the forest. Dominic tensed, then relaxed.

  He downed the rest of his flask. “Finally. I've been aching for a good brawl.”

  He tossed the empty flask to Holly. “I hope you're ready to rumble princess.”

  “Huh?” Holly said, getting to her feet.

  “Whatever you do don't lose that flask. It's my lucky charm.”

  He faced in the direction of the snapped twig. Flexing his muscles. Preparing.

  Holly felt fear swell up inside her. Fear that gave way to pure terror.

  Figures appeared through the thin mist. She counted a dozen, walking towards them.

  “Shouldn't we be hiding?” She asked Dominic.

  “Where's the fun in that?” He replied. She looked at him like he'd gone crazy.

  A man had broken away from the rest. He looked tall and slender, his wings were a deep sliver and much bigger than Caleb's. They drew out from his body cutting through the stale air.

  He stopped a few yards from Dominic. Holly gasped they were surrounded by a dozen Angels. All who looked intent on ripping them to pieces.

  “Hello Michael.” Caleb's voice echoed through the forest. He brushed her shoulder as he came from behind her looking calm and collected.

  “Hello brother.” Michael answered. He watched Caleb stand beside Dominic.

  “Let's make this quick. Hand over the girl and I'll let you two walk. I promise I'll give her a clean death. Quick and painless. Refuse and you will all die here today.” His voice was flat, dead. A shiver ran through Holly.

  Caleb looked at Dominic a moment, who flinched then nodded in silent reply to a question that hadn't been spoken.

  Caleb actually walked closer to Michael. Holly ran to tug him back but Dominic held her to him.

  “What are you doing?” She threw at hi

  Why were they all so calm? They were greatly outnumbered, and Holly had a dreaded feeling that Michael out-gunned Caleb and Dominic.

  “Leave now.” Caleb told Michael quietly. “Or it will be you who dies today.”

  Michael laughed. His echo booming around the forest. “You think you can challenge me? You're just a guardian. You're beneath me.” He spat at him.

  Caleb nodded. “Yes I am.” he admitted. “You're right if we fight today, me and Dominic will most likely die by your hand. But there's something even you fail to see Michael.

  There's one thing more powerful then you here today.”

  For the first time Holly saw doubt flash in Michael's grey eyes. He glanced around, then crossed his arms. “And what's that? Castillo?” He said unafraid.

  “No. Holly.” Caleb said.

  She gasped. What was he doing? Holly couldn't hurt Michael she was human. Michael was an Archangel! What was he saying? The earth started to spin.

  For the first time all attention was on Holly. She could feel their eyes on her. She heard Michael laugh again.

  “Stay with me Holly.” Dominic whispered to her. As she swayed unsteadily in his arms.

  Michael looked past Caleb. “She is little more than an ant without her powers. And she has not yet received them.”

  Now it was Caleb who laughed. “Pride comes before a fall brother. That's you're one weakness; you think your so much cleverer than the rest of us.”

  Michael's wings branched at the insult. “How dare you...”

  “Dominic now.” Caleb shouted.

  He turned to her. For the first time he looked genuinely frightened. “Please don't fight me.” He said to her pleadingly. “I promise this isn’t me getting cheap thrills.”

  Before she could say a word his lips came down on hers hard. Holly tried to push him off but her strength abandoned her.

  Now wasn't really the time for this! Why wasn't Caleb dragging him off her?

  His lips traced kisses to her ear. “Give in Holly please!” He whispered urgently.

  She heard a commotion break out but it sounded so far away. Her head swam as Dominic kept kissing her.

  She couldn't breathe.

  His hands were on her body feeling every bit of her.

  “Stop.” She whispered.

  But his lips only pressed harder. His hands moved underneath her clothes, touching very intimate places. She felt the old familiar tug of her insides as her desire for him flickered, like a candle in the wind.


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