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The Eternal War Series Box Set

Page 16

by Holly Vane

  She reached an arm out and slapped around the bed-side table till she found her target, lovely silence reigned.

  Her hand patted the sheets next to her, only to find air. She turned her face and saw a white piece of card propped up on the pillow where only hours before Caleb's gorgeous head had been.

  Letting out a sigh of disappointment. She flipped on her back before reading the card.

  Save the last dance at you're birthday party for me.

  I am forever yours.


  A broad smile spread across her lips.

  “Holly?” Her mother's voice yelled from downstairs.

  “I'm up mum!” She yelled back. She dragged herself out of bed with a groan.

  She showered, dressed then hurried to meet Jo and Ricky.

  “No Caleb?” Ricky asked as they reached the school's entrance.

  Holly's heart physically hurt. Her birthday wasn't for another three weeks. Surely Caleb would come back before then. Right?

  “That's Caleb for you. Never around when you need him.” Holly froze at the sound of Dominic's voice. She looked up and a flash of pleasure rippled through her.

  “Hello princess.” He grinned at her. She practically threw herself in his arms. It felt so good to see him. He felt like home.

  “How did you're date go?” She mused.

  His grin grew. “South.” He winked at her.

  She caught Jo give Ricky a quick glance over her shoulder.

  “Hey Dominic.” Jo said coming around Holly.

  He sighed. “Really Jo I know you can't keep yourself away, but will you show some self-control. I don't like being mentally undressed.” He joked.

  “Play you're cards right.” She winked. “And I might undress you for real.”

  Holly saw his eyes linger on Jo as she walked past, “can't believe I turned that down.” He muttered watching her leave.

  A stab of jealously hit Holly, she must have showed because a wicked grin played on his lips for a second. “Regretting you're decision?”

  She was tired of being played like a fiddle by him. He knew exactly how to press her buttons. She thought she would return the favour.

  She grabbed his black, belt buckle pulling him closer to her. She saw the surprise in his eyes as her lips brushed his seductively, his body stiffened.

  “Nope.” She said suddenly, pushing him away.

  She glanced back at him before she joined the crowd, marching through the entrance, giving him a -that's-what-it-feels-like-to-have-your-feelings-played-with look.

  The days dragged into weeks. Time ticked by so painfully slow.

  Holly filled in her spare time with anything she could. Hanging out with Jo, Ricky and Dominic. Studying. Sketching.

  Doing anything to take her mind off the fact Caleb that wasn't here. She didn't want to think about what he was doing.

  “God I can't believe her.” Jo barked.

  “What?” Holly looked up from her sketch of the Oaks, the one she'd started the first day of school.

  “Miss-my-skirt's-a-belt over there.” Jo nodded in the direction of Heather. Who was whispering something into Dominic's ear, as he leaned lazily across the stair rail.

  Holly stared at them longer than necessarily, before taking up sketching again.

  School had let out for Christmas break, but no one was in a hurry to go home. The weather was sizzling for December.

  “I don't know what he finds so attractive about her.” Jo continued. “I mean she must be a cesspool of S.T.D.'s. She's had half the guys in town. You know I even heard that she charges for certain...positions.”

  “That's just a rumour Jo.”

  “Yeah but do you think Dominic has heard it, in fact it's my civic duty to go over there and tell him right now.”

  Holly held her in place by her foot. “Don't you start anything.” She warned her.

  Jo kicked off her hand. “Hey, I'm not the one that broke her nose. Remember?”

  Holly glared at her as she made a break for it. Shaking her head she collected her stuff and headed home. Holly didn't want any more trouble. She had seen enough to last her a life time.

  “How dare you? You hairy ape!” Holly heard Heather bellow a few feet away.

  “What? Everyone knows you gave Adam the crabs last year.” Jo replied.

  As she past them on the stairs she caught Dominic's gaze. He rolled his eyes at her.

  She tried not to smile.

  She stopped a street down. Waiting.

  A few minutes later Dominic appeared carrying Jo over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.

  He pushed her at Holly. “Will you please take this potty mouthed, ball of bitchiness home before she starts world war three.”

  “Everything I said was true.” Jo threw back at him. Yanking down her tank top, where it had ridden up. “Even the cucumber.”

  “Ugh. Jo let's go.” Holly said not wanting to hear any-more.

  Dominic strolled away around the corner.

  “Well that worked.” Jo said happily.

  “What did?”

  “Did you see where he had his hands?”

  Holly had to laugh at her friend's cunning. “Jo Dominic's a player. Even if you two got together it's not like it would be a meaningful relationship. He's only after one thing.”

  “That makes two of us.” Jo grinned. “And besides I don't think that's true.” Jo said, coming to a stop.

  “I think his merely enjoying himself until you ditch Caleb.”

  “What?” Holly said, mouth open.

  “Oh come on. You two have this...weird sexual tension thing going on. The only girl who can possible tame that wild stallion Holly is you. Dominic is 100% head over heels in love with you, and you know it.”

  Holly swallowed hard. “I love Caleb.”

  “Don't tell me you don't feel anything for Dominic.”

  “It's complicated Jo. I chose Caleb.”

  “Fine. But mark my words one day it's going to happen with Dominic whether you want it to or not.”

  “It already has.” Holly muttered walking away.

  “What?” Jo asked following her.

  “We kind of got a little heavy...” Holly said slowly.

  Jo gaped at her. “Jeez you've been keeping a lot to yourself. Come on I need details.”

  Jo poured them some home-made lemonade and they threw off their sandals and lay across her backyard's turf. Soaking up the sun.

  “Was he has good as I imagine him to be?” Jo asked her suddenly.

  “We didn't have sex...exactly.” She told her. “It was a bit of...touching.”

  “But he made you orgasm, didn't he?”

  “Jo!” Holly gave in as Jo gave her a puppy dog face. “The most action I've seen lately is with my...”

  “Yes.” Holly interrupted not wanting to know the rest of the sentence.

  Jo let out a wistful sigh.

  “Then what happened? Why are you with Caleb?”

  “I've already told you Jo...”

  “Yes you love him blah, blah.”

  “Caleb just does something to me that no-one else can.” Holly tried to explain, but without coming out and saying that Caleb's my Guardian Angel and knows me inside out. How could she?

  “Have you and Caleb got to that stage yet?”

  Holly's blush gave her away.

  “You have two hot guys wanting to be you're sex slave? God I wish I was you.”

  You really don't Holly thought bitterly.

  “When is Caleb back from his vacation anyway?” Jo asked. Holly had told her that he was off sunning himself on the French coast.

  “He'll be back for my birthday.”

  I hope she added to herself.

  Holly spent Christmas Eve leaning out her window. She had called for Caleb till her throat was raw. But still he didn't come. Must be enjoying his new charge, she thought miserably.

  But she wasn't giving up. She would sit here as long as it took.

felt strong arms hold her.

  Her lids fluttered open. Caleb's face was inches from her own.

  “Caleb?” She whispered not quite believing he was here. Her fingers traced his features. He was real!

  He lowered her down on the bed. Holly reached up and pulled him close, her lips kissing him in a frenzy.

  She felt him pull away for a second then seemingly thought twice about it. When he finally did break away they were both breathing hard.

  He was wearing a white polo shirt and Levi's. His muscles rippling underneath his tanned skin.

  His hair had grown a few inches and he kept shoving out of his eyes. He looked simply fantastic.

  “I've been calling you for hours. Why didn't you answer.”

  He kicked off his boots and lay down on the bed beside her. “I was busy.” He said casually.

  A Shiver ran down her back. Was it just her, or did he seem distant. The warmth familiar glow his presence always filled her with was missing.

  Holly lay next to him, but made sure their bodies didn't touch. “How’s work going?” She said through gritted teeth.

  He let out a heavy breath. “I knew I shouldn't have come.”

  “Then why did you?” She asked him coldly.

  “Because I wanted to see you.”

  “Do you? Because you don't seem very enthusiastic.” She got up crossing to the window, pulling a red fleece blanket around her. An icy dread had welled up inside and she knew it had nothing to do with the weather. She was losing him.

  His arms wrapped around her and she found her resistance crumbling. Her anger fading. “I got you something.” He whispered in her ear. He pulled out a white small box tied with a red ribbon.

  “What is it?” She asked him.

  He gave her it. “Open it and see.”

  She stared at him then opened it. Inside was a ring. It's band was sliver, a bright sapphire glowed from its centre casing. She gasped. It was the same colour as his eyes.

  He slipped the ring on her wedding ring finger. “It's my energy. All Angels are presented with one upon creation. It's made out of my very being. It's a token to remind us who we serve. But I serve no one...but you.”

  Again Caleb took her breath away with just words...and a ring. It was beautiful.

  “Thank you I'm never taking it off.”

  He smiled. “Never doubt that everything I'm doing now, is for our future Holly.”

  His lips locked on hers.

  “Wait.” She said breathlessly.”

  She walked over to her closet and dug around until she found what she was looking for.

  “Merry Christmas.” She said handing him a sliver thin box.

  She watched his smile reach his eyes as he opened it. He carefully took out a glass figure. He studied it in his hands laughing.

  “I didn't know what to get an Angel. So... I got you this. It reminded me of you.”

  It was a glass statue of an Angel, it's wings curled around it's body. Guardian Angel was written on the front of a sliver plaque at its base. “It even lights up.” She mused pressing a red button at the bottom of its base. Blue light erupted from the a single LED.

  “I love it, thank you.” He kissed her forehead.

  She felt his body tense. “I have to go. She's in trouble. I'm sorry...” He bolted out the window and disappeared into the dark sky.

  She? Holly thought watching him go.


  Her birthday/ New Year Eve party was in full swing.

  Had been for hours. But all Holly could do was pace up and down Jo's lawn. Wearing out her grass.

  “She still at it?” Dominic asked Jo. Who was sitting on top of the decking with Ricky.

  “Yep.” She yawned. They had tried to put her at ease. Planes get delayed all the time. But she refused to budge until Caleb showed.

  “I got you another beer.” Heather said. Coming up behind him. Her arms stroking his chest.

  “Why thank you sexy.” He said. Patting her backside.

  “Get a room.” Ricky muttered.

  Heather tossed him a hateful glance. “You know.” She whispered in Dominic's ear. “I could have you down on the ground and begging for mercy in a second.” Her hands moved to his lap.

  Jo gave her a killer glare over her shoulder.

  Dominic broke away. “Sweetie.” He said to Heather calmly. “Give it up, you ain't ever going there.”

  Ricky and Jo shared a smile.

  “You're a little too desperate for my taste. Oh and I've never begged for mercy in my life.” He told a humiliated Heather, while walking backwards towards Holly. He gave Jo a quick wink before turning round.

  “Now that was hot.” Jo said stunned.


  “You do realize that this party is for you princess right?”

  Holly glanced at Dominic.

  “Where is he Dom? He said he'd be here.” She said anxiously. She had a horrible feeling that she couldn't shake. Caleb had never broken his promise to her. Something had gone wrong.

  “Jo's right Holly. Angels get delayed.” His body was cool and relaxed but his eyes was a different story. They showed he was worried too.

  “Look nothing in Heaven or Hell could stop Caleb from seeing you. He's probably been counting down the seconds ever since he first left.”

  “Then where is he?” She yelled.

  “Okay, take a sip of this.”

  Holly dodged the bottle he shoved in her face. “I don't want a drink Dominic! I want Caleb!”

  He sighed. “Well can't say I didn't try. I'm going to go get laid, and you won't make Caleb arrive any quicker by staring up at the sky, so I suggest you go get a drink and loosen up.”

  She threw him an annoyed glance. “Are you drunk?”

  “Not as much as I'd like to be. Are you coming or what?”


  He rolled his eyes. “Women.” He said under his breath before walking back to the party.


  Dominic grabbed Jo's hand. “You better not disappoint woman.” He said to her, guiding her upstairs. “I turned down horny Heather for you.”

  Ricky watched them take the stairs two at a time. This party was so not happening tonight.


  Midnight had come and gone.

  She had heard everyone counting down then cheering a while ago.

  She sat on the lawn close to tears. Mud stuck to her new, red dress. But she didn't care she had bought it only for Caleb and he wasn't here.

  Was this his way of dumping her? No of course not, Caleb loved her. He wouldn't have given her his ring if he was planning on that.

  Time trickled by, one by one the guests left.

  Holly was trying to stay awake when a whoosh of wings and a bright light caught her eye.

  She jumped up expecting to see the love of her life. But instead a dark skinned man wearing a pin striped suit stood there.

  Holly's heart thundered. Angel. Run!

  She made for the house but the Angel was faster, he grabbed her arm.

  “Dom!” Holly screamed. “Angel attack. Quick!”

  The Angel spun her around, “I’m not trying to kill you.”

  “Yeah, right.” She clawed at his face. His grip momentary loosened. She ripped free of it, then slipped in the mud.

  “Holly!” Dominic ran down the decking towards them. “Get your hands off her!”

  “I'm not here to hurt her!” The Angel roared.

  “Castillo?” Holly heard Dominic's voice asked perplexed.

  Holly heaved herself up. “Who?” She looked at Dominic for the first time. “Dom what are you wearing?”

  He was naked except from a pink, short bath robe that just say covered his unmentionables. His boots were on but unlaced and...on the wrong feet. Like they'd been shoved on in the dark in a hurry.

  Castillo gave him a glance too.

  “Is that Jo's?” Holly asked distracted.

  He sighed. “I was kind of in the middle of something whe
n I heard you screaming Angels was attacking.”

  Holly glared at him in confusion. “Huh?”

  Dominic rolled his eyes. “By George...We can talk about this later. What are you doing here?” He asked Castillo.

  Castillo sighed. “I'll never understand you Demons.” He said still looking at Dominic.

  “What's going on?” Holly screamed at them. She felt like she was losing her mind.

  “Holly. My name is Castillo.” The name rang a bell but she couldn't place it.

  “Caleb's boss.” Dominic helped her.

  “Caleb's...Where is he? Is he okay?” Holly fired the questions at Castillo.

  He gave her a friendly smile. “Caleb is fine.” He told her.

  “Then where is he?” Holly snapped. She was going out of her mind. Why would Caleb's boss be here?

  Castillo darted a glance at Dominic, who instantly stiffened. Silent knowledge passed between them. Dominic sighed, he looked at Holly with pity.

  “Holly.” Castillo said. “Caleb is not coming back.” He spoke slowly, never taking his gaze off hers.

  “What?” Her shrill voice cried. She looked to Dominic to see if he understood. But he refused to meet her eyes.

  “This thing between you and him cannot be allowed to go any further.” Castillo said. “I have warned him plenty, but it seems my words fell on deaf ears. Holly, Heaven isn’t as...stable.” He chose his words carefully. “As it once was. Caleb is an extremely gifted Guardian. He is the best in fact. Think of all the innocent lives he will go on to save. We can't lose him.”

  “But he wants to be with me!” Holly screamed. Her heart was racing at the thought she would never see Caleb again.

  Castillo's tone hardened. “You have both gave us no choice. You're open dis-regard for our rules cannot go on any longer. Miss Wilson will take up Guardianship of you.”

  “Miss Wilson? Castillo's tone was firm he wasn't asking. He was telling her matter of factly. Holly felt violently ill.

  “She was once a Guardian. She has agreed to come out of retirement in these special circumstances. You will follow her orders to the latter.”

  Defiance shot through Holly. They couldn't do this to her. “And if I don't?”

  “Then we will remove this shield and let every single monster clawing at its boundary at you.” His voice was merciless.


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